The Future Of Digital Marketing For Business
Brian Solis once said: “Each business is a victim of Digital Darwinism, the evolution of consumer behavior when society and technology evolve faster than the ability to exploit it. Digital Darwinism does not discriminate. Every business is threatened.” He is not farther from the truth. One a different note, social media is fast becoming a global tribe – and social media marketing is unarguably one of the most reliable ways of announcing your brand to the world. A time will come, data-driven marketing, Voice Search Engine Optimization were concepts that once seemed ridiculous – but not anymore. Now, these digital marketing trends are fast becoming the topmost priority for over 80% of business owners. And why wouldn’t that be the case, the world is quickly evolving – and more importantly, the technological world is fast synchronizing with the digital world – and one industry that stands to gain from this is the digital marketing industry. Without a doubt, this year, ad spending is projected to surpass the usual ad spending. It is expected to reach more than 130 billion dollars.
It goes without saying; the marketing world is experiencing exponential growth – this and its strategies are currently on the rise. Many marketers are relatively curious about what lies ahead for the digital world. To fully understand what we are talking about, we’ve put together a complete piece that’s aimed at guiding you through everything you need to know about the current digital marketing trend.
Some Digital Marketing Trends to Incorporate in Your Online Business.
1. Prioritize customers – World Class CX. A lot of customers are impatient. However, they also want those sneakers delivered quickly. You should expect a smooth experience when the interest level is triggered after the sale. From making a sales decision to a customer-focused culture to personalized messaging that help them solve problem throughout their customer’s journey – an experience known to deliver quality across all path is more likely to earn their business.
2. Programmatic Advertising.
Doing a little 101 on what Programmatic Advertising is, it is the art of using AI to automate the process of Ad buying, which ultimately helps you target specific and prospective buyers. For example, you could refer to real-time bidding as a form of programmatic buying. This automation is not only effective but swift too.
3. By Targeting Local Searchers. Asides traditional voice search widgets, lots of online users work with some popular mobile phone features such as ‘Siri.’ As many people continue to use mobile voice search to locate nearby businesses, its vital to incorporate local keywords into your marketing strategy. It is the ideal way of connecting to all voice searchers. Since lots of online surfers visit different stores in a day to conduct local searches, it will boost traffic to your website.
4. Chatbots.
Without a doubt, The Chatbot is an AI-based technology whose role is to chat in real-time, every day, with your customers and potential customers as well as simple visitors. A whole lot of customers prefer chatting with chatbots as they are usually responsive every time and every day of the week. Chatbots also give answers fast. They also correctly recall your entire buying and surfing history. Why do we think it’s an essential component in the entire evolution of the digital marketing world – remember, the little pieces matters. A study recently showed that chatbots would power 85% of customer service this year. Recent research also showed that in the next two years (by 2022), chatbots will help businesses save more than 8 billion dollars annually.
Conclusion. Even if you don’t know how to take advantage of the digital marketing world, there is a reliable company you can trust. Bytegrow Technologies is more than just a website redesign company.
Source: Click here.