Portfolio Christian Mayer - Selected Works 2022-2024
Art & Architecture
selected works 2022-2024
Christian Mayer is a 26 years old spatial designer and visual artist from Germany. He graduated from the Master‘s program in spatial design at the Royal Danish Academy in Copenhagen in 2024. His recent projects lie at the intersection of design and art and have a strong social focus.
09/2022 - 07/2024
10/2018 - 06/2022
Royal Danish Academy of fine Arts, Copenhagen Studies: Spatial Design (M.A.)
Technical University Stuttgart Studies: Architecture & Urban Planning
Inter.public - KADK M.A. runway show (CPHW - SS24) set design assistant
01/2024 - ongoing tactual.rec visual identity and creative direction
12/2023 Serena Coelho x Superji Jordan - Capsule Collection Photography
06/2023 K41 - “Impossible objects“ exhibition exhibition of “more than decoration“
This portfolio displays academic and non-academic projects of mine finalized between 2022 and 2024.
Through this porftolio I intend to showcase my understanding of the architectural design process together with its technical intricacies as well as my ability for critical artistic reflection.
The art-projects are integreated into the spatial design method and serve for site investigations and site activation, theoretical exploration and material research.
4. Semester Ma. (thesis project)
spatial design
Prof. Peter Thule Kristensen
Royal danish academy of arts
Site: Hedehusene (DK)
Hedehusene is being extended with a newly constructed district called Naerheden to attract new, “affluent” residnets. It was built next to a socially vulnerable district named Charlotte Kvartier.
As part of Naerheden‘s masterplan a community center is planned to be built. It is supposed to be used by residents of the Charlotte Kvarteret and Naerheden alike.
This thesis project makes a design proposal for this facility. WIt builds upon the Charlotte community’s strong interest in urban gardening by proposing a greenhouse at the heart of the community center. The project taps into Naerhedens masterplan subversively and anchors the community center’s program directly in the needs and efforts of the Charlotte community. Doing so, the proposal gives agency to the Charlotte Kavrtier in the ongoing development process of Hedehusene.
The resulting structure seeks to protect Charlotte Kvartier’s integrity from profit driven gentrification, fosters civic engagement and opens a space that promotes the exchange between members of both of the two socially contrasting communities.
The project is built the conceptual understanding of architecture as a materialization and reinforcement of sociopolitical power structures. It seeks to frame power through space If buildings hold political power, the opening of spaces dedicated to marginalized communities gives agency to people who are generally excluded from the civic and political discourse.
An insulated greenhouse/ community-space sits at the center of the structure. Its users are invited to gather around a shared practice. The space promotes social engagement without enforcing social interaction.
The forum allows for local stakeholders to hold workshops and gatherings in accordance with the structures program. The wood-workshop provides the buildings users with the tools to modify the structure and therefore promotes its appropriation. It fosters a culture of urban co-creation.
The greenhouse enables the cultivation of vegetable of a longer timespan throughout the year. The direct connection to the communal area, which is equipped with a kitchen allows for the collective processing and consumption of the harvested vegetables. The space is supposed to foster the exchange of knowledge around the practice of gardening and can be used by local schools for educative purposes.
The wooden structure is designed to be extendable. It is based on a simple constructive method that allows for the collective erection and extension of the structure.
They depict the place as it was in the beginning of the observations, the people and the process of getting to know them, the actual days of the eviction and the days after that, when the building was already abandoned.
the place as it was in the bethe observations, the people and of getting to know them, the of the eviction and the days when the building was already
As a response to the ever changing architectural and social landscape of Urban planen we settled on a modular wooden structure for our design. The structure can be installed deinstalled and extended according to the changing demands. We propose an errection of the structure in phases.
The 90 pages are structured in 4 chapters. They depict the place as it was in the beginning of the observations, the people and the process of getting to know them, the actual days of the eviction and the days after that, when the building was already abandoned.
At the heart of the structure sits an interior space intended to be used by the social workers and active community members for their practices. The interior can accommodate to various situations of interaction, ranging from counselling to lectures and workshops.
The 90 pages are structured in 4 chapters. They depict the place as it was in the beginning of the observations, the people and the process of getting to know them, the actual days of the eviction and the days after that, when the building was already abandoned.
The 90 pages are structured in 4 chapters. They depict the place as it was in the beginning of the observations, the people and the process of getting to know them, the actual days of the eviction and the days after that, when the building was already abandoned.
The 90 pages are structured in 4 chapters. They depict the place as it was in the beginning of the observations, the people and the process of getting to know them, the actual days of the eviction and the days after that, when the building was already abandoned.
The 90 pages are structured in 4 chapters. They depict the place as it was in the beginning of the observations, the people and the process of getting to know them, the actual days of the eviction and the days after that, when the building was already abandoned.
The individual module of the structure can be creatively modified in various ways. We wanted to design a system that is elastic enough to be appropriated by its users.
The 90 pages are structured in 4 chapters. They depict the place as it was in the beginning of the observations, the people and the process of getting to know them, the actual days of the eviction and the days after that, when the building was already abandoned.
The 90 pages are structured in 4 chapters. They depict the place as it was in the beginning of the observations, the people and the process of getting to know them, the actual days of the eviction and the days after that, when the building was already abandoned.
A wooden model in the scale of 1:20 was used to explore the configuration of the structural system we were proposing. It became an integral tool for the mediation of the project.
1. Semester Ma.
spatial design
Prof. Peter Thule Kristensen
Royal danish academy of arts
Site: Urban Planen, Copenhagen (DK)
A banner designed to remind of the vibrant community of people who lived in Amagerbro’s Lykke tower before the building was forcefully evicted. The banner (2m x 12m) is made of old clothing, that the prior inhabitants contributed to the creation of this project. It was hung from the building facade facing the inner city.
As a statement of communal identity and territorial appropriation, the flag became the chosen typology for the development of this project. It was intended to make use of the flag’s connotations of strength.
signs of life I.
signs of life II.
banner viz I. composition test - aquarell on paper
The shape of the individual pieces of clothing was preserved, to create a visible contrast in between the human scale and the buildings size.
The pieces of clothing were connected using an industrial stapler. Heavy textile (jeans etc.) was used where the banner would be under the strongest pressure. The banner was hung from the building facade facing the inner city.
installation view I.
3. Semester Ma.
spatial design
Prof. Peter Thule Kristensen
Royal danish academy of arts
Site: Hedehusene (DK)
This project attempts to mediate between the contrasting social & cultural realities in Hedehusene’s Charlotte Kvarteret. An experimental performance art group moved into the socially vulnerable, and culturally diverse area. The world of the fine arts collides with the various realities on site. Through artistic interventions “Objects of Mediation” intents to foster exchange between the parties, while raising questions about the exclusiveness of the cultural sector, the necessity for grass roots interventionism and the application of arts & design in social changemaking.
Throughout the process of this semester, I followed my increasing interest in fieldwork, which lead me to sincerely explore the diverse social and cultural context of the site I was working on. I had to build solid relationships with all stakeholders and collaborators, which took a major part of this project’s effort.
View of Roskilde Vej Kvarteret I Byen - Office interior Farouk - interview
youth center - prayer room eco-workshop I.
mosque interior I, mosque interior II.
Interviews (partly held with groups of people and partly with singular individuals) provided valuable insights into the reasons behind the the local‘s mistrust towards the performance group. The general inaccessibility of their artistic practice became evident once more.
The interviews were transcribed word by word, and the resulting text was used as the foundation for the creation of two art-pieces that underline the necessity of facilitated communication between socially contrasting groups as a practice of overcoming conflict towards fruitful coexistence.
video stills from group interview
Object of mediation I.
8. Semester Ma.
Architecture & Urban Planning
Prof. Sybil Kohl
University of Stuttgart
This project explored the theme of the parasitic and its potential in the realm of architecture through a series of steel sculptures. The discoveries made through the artistic reflection were later applied in the design process of the architectural projects of my master studies.
Throughout this project, I required practical skills around the various ways processing of steel.
The critical reflection inherent to the artistic practice allowed me to strengthen my understanding of material qualities,the intricacy of form finding and the principles of deconstruction.
the parasite - potential of aprorpiation II.
prodduction view
objects of mediation
3. Semester Ma.
non academic
spatial design
Collaborations with:
Architval Studies, Artiel Københaven, BB-Designs
Prof. Peter Thule Kristensen
Serena Coelho, Pamp 3000
Royal danish academy of arts
This project attempts to mediate between the contrasting social & culture realities in Hedehusene’s Charlotte Kvarteret. An experimental performance art group moved into the socially vulnerable, and culturally diverse area. The elitist
I pursue projects in various fields besides my studies. Photography serves as a key tool for me in the communication of my projects. Throughout the last two years I started to professionalize my ambition as a photographer resulting in a series of collaborations with befriended designers and established Studios in the field of spatial design and
Through artistic interventions “objects of mediation” intents foster exchange between the parties, while raising questions about the exclusiveness of the cultural sector, the necessity for grass roots interventionism and the application of arts & design in social changemaking.
As a statement of communal identity and territorial apthe chosen typology for the development of this project. It was intended to make use strength.
In 2023 I worked for Archival Studies as a freelance photographer, shooting the interior of their office located in Valby and a custom kitchen plus overall interior makeover for a client in Aarhus
archival studies - studio view
archival studies kitchen unit - installation view
The 90 pages are structured in 4 chapters. They depict the place as it was in the beginning of the observations, the people and the process of getting to know them, the actual days of the eviction and the days after that, when the building was already abandoned.
The 90 pages are structured in 4 chapters. They depict the place as it was in the beginning of the observations, the people and the process of getting to know them, the actual days of the eviction and the days after that, when the building was already abandoned. 2023 allowed me to gain some experience in shooting in the context of fashion as part of collaborations with Artikel Københaven and the launch of Serena Coelhos and Superchijordans capsule collection.
Serena - Superji x Serena capsule collection
BB-Designs - embroided belt
Serena Coelhos - Penumbra Artikel CPH. II.
non academic visual identity for tactual.rec
I blend analogue and digital techniques to provide the design with tangibility and to avoid the clinical appearance a fully digital working method can lead to.