IMB Postgraduate Roadmap

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Version 09

Institute for Molecular Bioscience POSTGRADUATE roadmap

Table of Contents

IMB Postgraduate Program


Milestone 1: Confirmation


Milestone 2: Mid-Candidature


Milestone 3: Thesis Review


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Appendix Defined Terms


Pro-Forma: IMB Confirmation Assessment


Pro-Forma: IMB Mid-Candidature Assessment


Pro-Forma: IMB Thesis Review Assessment



IMB Postgraduate Program The IMB administers an MPhil and a PhD postgraduate program. IMB will provide all IMB Research Higher Degree (RHD) Candidates with: •

sole use of a desk, filing cabinet, bookshelf and computer, with appropriate software, as well as access to internet, phone and fax communication, and photocopying and printing resources,

laboratory infrastructure, including equipment and consumables, necessary for the prosecution of their research project,

Candidature support in the form of an Advisory Team, Candidature Committee, IMB Postgraduate Committee, IMB Postgraduate Administrator and IMB Postgraduate Coordinator,

travel support to attend a domestic and/or international scientific conference (subject to candidature performance),

access to career development workshops on topics such as statistics, scientific writing, media and communication, etc.,

the opportunity to participate in the IMB Science Ambassador Program, and associated training,

a Students of the Institute for Molecular Bioscience Association (SIMBA),

an Early Career Researcher Association (IMB ECR).

All IMB RHD Candidates are required to:


complete an IMB Induction prior to commencement,

attend IMB Monday Midday Meetings, scheduled for 12 noon Monday,

attend IMB Friday Seminars, scheduled for 12 noon Friday,

attend IMB Divisional Seminar Forums, for their Division,

attend such other IMB and UQ seminars/meetings as relevant and appropriate,

attend and be an active participant in the IMBcom Biobusiness Retreat,

attain Milestone 1: Confirmation,

attain Milestone 2: Mid-Candidature,

attain Milestone 3: Thesis Review,

submit a Thesis that is passed by external Thesis Assessors,

present a Completion Seminar (in a MMM or IMB Divisional Seminar Forum).

This document provides an account of Milestones 1-3, Defined terms, and copies of the three IMB Milestone Assessment forms.

Milestone 1: Confirmation RHD Candidates (PhD and MPhil) are enrolled provisionally and will (or will not) have their candidature confirmed at Milestone 1. For PhD Candidates this occurs at 12 months post commencement and for MPhil students at 6 months post commencement. This is the time when the Candidature Committee assesses the Candidate’s ability to complete Milestone 1. Milestone 1 assesses the: • Project

Is it of suitable scope for an RHD degree?

• Resources Is suitable funding, infrastructure and supervision in place? • Candidate Does the Candidate show evidence of appropriate research skills/potential? • Progress

Has a suitable quantity of quality research been completed?

The Candidature Committee makes its assessment based on a: • Confirmation Report

provided by the Candidate,

• Confirmation Oral Presentation

delivered by the Candidate,

• Confirmation Interview

conducted with the Candidate.

The Candidature Committee delivers its assessment based on a/an: • Confirmation Assessment, • Attainment of Milestone Form or, • Extension for Attainment of Milestone Form. Confirmation Report: This is a written report that should be of 30-50 pages for the PhD, and 20-30 pages for the MPhil, with the preferred page length determined during consultation with the Advisory Team. The report should cover: Aims and Significance Literature Review Providing sufficient background information on the field to appreciate why the Candidate’s research question is novel and significant. Summary of Work To Date Presented in the format of a “Results” section of a paper, including a brief description of techniques/ methods being used with some commentary on the relative success or difficulties experienced. Skills And Resources An account of what skills and resources the Candidate has already obtained and may yet need to acquire, noting which resources are available and which (if any) are not. A Research Plan and Timeline Providing a clear picture of the intended schedule until time of submission – noting key experimental objectives, analysis approaches, writing up, travel and presentations, etc. Current and Planned Publications Including research articles/reviews and conference presentations/posters (both completed and in draft form). The Confirmation Report should be written in a scientific style, presenting information and concepts in a logical and cohesive manner. It is anticipated that it may take the Candidate up to 3 weeks to complete a full draft. Typically, the Advisory Team will review and provide constructive feedback on one substantive draft. The completed Confirmation Report must be circulated, in hard copy, to the Candidature Committee at least 1 week prior to the scheduled Confirmation Oral Presentation. The IMB Postgraduate Administrator must be provided with a pdf of the Confirmation Report at the time of distribution.


Confirmation Oral Presentation: The Candidate must give a Confirmation Oral Presentation in the relevant IMB Divisional Seminar Forum. At the start of each year, the Divisional Seminar Forum schedule is prepared and PhD Candidates are assigned a presentation date that falls within 12-15 months of the one-year anniversary of their commencement of candidature. MPhil Candidates are assigned a date that falls within 6-8 months of commencement. RHD presentations (PhD and MPhil) should be of 30 mins duration and must include 5-10 mins for questions from the audience. It is expected that the Candidate will deliver a well-rehearsed, high-quality oral presentation, supported by slides (e.g., PowerPoint), that provides a clear, concise and logical argument for the overall research project, the work achieved to date, and the research planned. The Candidate should demonstrate knowledge and confidence in the proposed research project, the related literature and associated technologies, and be responsive and articulate when dealing with questions. Each IMB Divisional Seminar Forum will be attended by researchers within that Division, plus other interested UQ staff. The Candidature Committee will be in attendance and will assess the presentation. Confirmation Interview: Each Candidate must undertake a Confirmation Interview with their Candidature Committee of ~ 1 hour duration, which is scheduled to occur, as soon as practically possible, after the delivery of the Confirmation Oral Presentation (usually the same day). At interview, the Candidate fields questions arising from the oral and written presentations, technical questions, publication strategies and any other questions relevant to the project. There is a point in the interview when the Candidate leaves the room and the Advisory Team discusses, with the rest of the Committee, their perceptions of the Candidate’s performance. The Candidate returns and the Advisory Team leaves so that the Candidate can discuss issues associated with both supervision and resources. In both situations, if requested, the discussions are considered confidential. At the conclusion of the interview, the Committee reconvenes with the Candidate, and the Chair of the Candidature Committee gives a brief verbal summary of the Committee’s recommendations. If the recommendation is that Milestone 1 has been attained then the due date for Milestone 2, and the necessity of this milestone for MPhil Candidates, is determined and a proposed thesis submission date is suggested. If the recommendation is that the Milestone 1 has not yet been reached, then a date for the next interview is set (usually 3 months from the current interview date). The Candidate is then excused. Confirmation Assessment: The Chair of the Candidature Committee must draft a Confirmation Assessment using the IMB Confirmation Assessment Pro-Forma (pg 14-15). This Assessment is circulated to the Committee for approval before being forwarded to the Candidate. If the recommendation is for confirmation of candidature (i.e., attainment of Milestone 1), the drafting and distribution of the Confirmation Assessment (to the Candidature Committee and the Candidate) should take no longer than 3 weeks. The completed Confirmation Assessment will be forwarded to the IMB Postgraduate Administrator for submission to the Graduate School. If the recommendation is NOT for confirmation of candidature (i.e., failure to attain Milestone 1), the drafting and distribution of the Confirmation Assessment (to the Candidature Committee and the Candidate) should take no longer than 1 week. The completed Confirmation Assessment will be forwarded to the IMB Postgraduate Administrator for submission to the Graduate School. Attainment of Milestone Form: If the recommendation is for Confirmation of Candidature (i.e., attainment of Milestone 1), the CanCommittee will collectively complete Section 4 of the Attainment of Milestone Form at the conclusion of the interview. The form will then be forwarded to the IMB Postgraduate Administrator for completion. didature

Extension for Attainment of Milestone Form:


If the recommendation is NOT for Confirmation of Candidature (i.e., failure to attain Milestone 1), the Candidature Committee will direct the IMB Postgraduate Administrator to complete and submit an Extension for Attainment of Milestone Form as soon as is practical after the interview.

Milestone 2: Mid-Candidature Milestone 2 falls mid-way between Confirmation and Thesis Review. For PhD students this occurs 12 months post confirmation and for MPhil students, it is due 6 months post confirmation. However, because the duration of MPhil candidature is relatively brief (12 to 24 months) and because IMB MPhil Candidates receive day-to-day contact with members of their Advisory Team and attend weekly meetings and seminar programmes, they may not be required to formally complete Milestone 2. At Milestone 1 the Candidature Committee will make a determination on whether the MPhil Candidate will complete Milestone 2. This decision can be reviewed by the Principal Advisor, in consultation with the Candidate, at any time prior to the Milestone 2 due date. In the event that the Principal Advisor and the Candidate elect to reverse the Committee determination, the Committee will be notified in writing at least 4 weeks prior to that date. If the MPhil Candidate is required to complete Milestone 2, the format followed will be as outlined below. Although it will vary for each project, by Mid-Candidature it is expected that the PhD Candidate has at least a draft for a research publication, and sufficient data for 1-2 research chapters, within the thesis. For MPhil Candidates, it is expected that they have sufficient data for at least 1 research chapter by this Milestone. All Candidates should have a clear thesis plan which should provide a focus for the remainder of the degree. Milestone 2 assesses the: • Project

Is it proceeding on plan, and still of suitable scope for an RHD degree? • Resources Are funding, infrastructure and supervision still in place and adequate? • Candidate Do they show evidence of skills/knowledge, and ownership of project? • Progress Are they advancing and on track for the completion of a high-quality project? The Candidature Committee makes its assessment based on a: • Mid-candidature Report • Mid-candidature Oral Presentation(s) • Mid-candidature Interview

provided by the Candidate, delivered by the Candidate, conducted with the Candidate.

The Candidature Committee delivers its assessment based on a/an: • Mid-candidature Assessment, • Attainment of Milestone Form or, • Extension for Attainment of Milestone Form. Mid-Candidature Report: This is a written report of no more than 10 pages in length that should cover: Summary of Work to Date Results obtained since the last Milestone, indicating significance relative to project aims, presented in the format of a “Results” section of a paper, inclusive of relevant publication-quality figures and tables. Research Plan, Thesis Outline & Timelines A detailed research plan for the remainder of candidature, prepared in consultation with the Advisory Team, sufficiently detailed, and with a timeline, to provide a schedule of activity and outcomes to submission – noting key experimental, data analysis and written objectives. A thesis outline detailing the proposed and available content for each chapter, and the work remaining to realistically complete the research underpinning each chapter. Skills And Resources An account of what skills and resources the Candidate has already obtained and may yet need to acquire, noting which resources are available and which (if any) are not. This analysis should include a realistic assessment of any constraints or limitations imposed by restricted access to suitable skills (training) and/or resources. Current and Planned Publications Including research articles/reviews and conference presentations/posters (both completed and in draft form).


The Mid-Candidature Report should be written in a scientific style that presents information and concepts in a logical and cohesive manner. Unlike the Confirmation Report, which may take several weeks to prepare, the Mid-Candidature Report should be completed, by the Candidate, within several days. It is expected that at this stage the Candidate will have well-established research objectives, is collecting and processing data in a suitable format to produce high-quality figures and tabulated data, and has developed a clear thesis plan, which should be driving data collection. Typically, the Advisory Team will review and provide constructive feedback on one substantive draft. The completed Mid-Candidature Report must be circulated, in hard copy, to the Candidature Committee at least 1 week prior to the scheduled interview (determined at Milestone 1). The IMB Postgraduate Administrator must be provided with a pdf of the Mid-Candidature Report at the time of distribution. Mid-Candidature Oral Presentations: PhD Candidates must deliver 2 oral presentations as part of Milestone 2: Mid-Candidature. MPhil Candidates (should they be required to complete Milestone 2) are only required to complete the MidCandidature Oral Presentation. The formats for these presentations are given below: Three Minute Thesis Presentation (PhD Candidates only) To be delivered at a scheduled IMB Monday Midday Meeting (MMM), following the ethos and guidelines of the Graduate School’s “3 Minute Thesis” competition. In the 3 minutes, the Candidate must summarise the objectives of their project, the outcomes so far and the impact/significance to the community. The presentation should be engaging, using language suitable for an intelligent lay audience. The Candidate may have a maximum of one visual slide (no animations). The Candidature Committee will assess the Three Minute Thesis Presentation. Mid-Candidature Oral Presentation Following discussion and pre-agreement with the Candidature Committee, the Mid-Candidature Oral Presentation can take one of the following formats: •

a scientific conference oral presentation,

an IMB Divisional Seminar Forum presentation,

an extended Research Group Meeting presentation (attended by 2+ IMB Research Groups),

such other oral presentation formats as agreed by the Candidature Committee.

The Mid-Candidature Oral Presentation must be of at least 15 mins duration, and be accompanied by 5-10 mins question time. Delivery should be strong and professional, and content should provide a clear, concise and logical argument for the work undertaken. If the Candidature Committee is not present (e.g. conference), assessment can take the form of a written report from an attending nominated Assessor acceptable to, and agreed in advance by, the Candidature Committee. The Mid-Candidature Oral Presentation must be delivered no earlier than 6 months prior to the MidCandidature Interview. Mid-Candidature Interview: Each Candidate must undertake a Mid-Candidature Interview with their Candidature Committee, of ~ 1 hour duration, which is scheduled to occur at a date determined at Milestone 1. At interview, the Candidate fields questions arising from the oral and written presentations, technical questions, publication strategies and any other questions relevant to the project. There is a point in the interview when the Candidate leaves the room and the Advisory Team discusses, with the rest of the Committee, their perceptions of the Candidate’s performance. The Candidate returns and the Advisory Team leaves so that the Candidate can discuss issues associated with both supervision and resources. In both situations, if requested, the discussions are considered confidential. At the conclusion of the interview, the Committee reconvenes with the Candidate, and the Chair of the Candidature Committee gives a brief verbal summary of the Committee’s recommendations. If the recommendation is that Milestone 2 has been attained, then the due date for Milestone 3 is determined and a proposed thesis submission date is suggested. If the recommendation is that Milestone 2 has not yet been reached then a date for the next interview is set (usually 3 months from the current interview date). The Candidate is then excused.


Mid-Candidature Assessment: The Chair of the Candidature Committee must draft a Mid-Candidature Assessment using the IMB Mid-Candidature Assessment Pro-Forma (page 16-17). This Assessment is circulated to the Committee for approval before being forwarded to the Candidate. If the recommendation is for attainment of Milestone 2, the drafting and distribution of the Mid-CanAssessment (to the Candidature Committee and the Candidate) should take no longer than 3 weeks. The completed Mid-Candidature Assessment will be forwarded to the IMB Postgraduate Administrator for submission to the Graduate School. didature

If the recommendation is NOT for attainment of Milestone 2, the drafting and distribution of the Mid-Candidature Assessment (to the Candidature Committee and the Candidate) should take no longer than 1 week. The completed Mid-Candidature Assessment will be forwarded to the IMB Postgraduate Administrator for submission to the Graduate School. Attainment of Milestone Form: If the recommendation is for attainment of Milestone 2, the Candidature Committee will collectively complete Section 4 of the Attainment of Milestone Form at the conclusion of the interview. The form will then be forwarded to the IMB Postgraduate Administrator for completion. Extension for Attainment of Milestone Form: If the recommendation is NOT for attainment of Milestone 2, the Candidature Committee will direct the IMB Postgraduate Administrator to complete and submit an Extension for Attainment of Milestone Form as soon as is practical after the interview.


Milestone 3: Thesis Review This Milestone is designed to fall in the last year of candidature and at least 3 months prior to Thesis submission, as agreed at the previous Milestone. Milestone 3 is an opportunity to focus (or re-focus) attention on the end-game - the submission of a thesis - and on the Candidate’s preparedness to undertake the planning and writing of a thesis. Consideration is also given to the possible need for training in: scientific writing, the use of bibliographic software, and the mechanics of desktop publishing. This is also a suitable time to review/recommend suitable Thesis Assessors and to decide whether the thesis should be treated as commercial-in-confidence. Milestone 3 assesses the: • Candidate

Are they committed to and capable of a timely submission and completion?

• Progress

Is the scope, quantity and quality of completed original research satisfactory?

• Thesis

Are the content and plan clear?

• Submission Has a realistic and timely date been agreed, and is it justified? • Assessors

Has consideration been given to the choice of Thesis Assessors?

• Confidential Is the research commercial-in-confidence? The Candidature Committee makes its assessment based on a: • Thesis Review Report

provided by the Candidate,

• Thesis Review Oral Presentation

delivered by the Candidate,

• Thesis Review Interview

conducted with the Candidate.

The Candidature Committee delivers its assessment based on a/an: • Thesis Review Assessment, • Attainment of Milestone Form or, • Extension for Attainment of Milestone Form. Thesis Review Report: This is a written report of no set length that should cover: Thesis Title, Abstract & Plan Detailed outline of thesis chapters, including subheadings etc., indicating scope and content of both the introduction and research chapters. An accurate, concise and informative abstract should be prepared, capable of clearly articulating the aims and outcomes of the research presented in the thesis. Thesis Chapter Draft(s): A refined draft of at least one thesis chapter. This may take the form of a submitted/accepted peerreviewed scientific publication in which the Candidate is a senior author. Timetable of Submission: Complete the form found on the UQ Graduate School wesbite. Assessors: Comment from the Candidate, indicating their views on the mix of disciplinary knowledge required among the Thesis Assessors, noting any reservations or concerns about possible individual Assessors, indicating reasons for exclusion such as conflict of interest, etc. Current and Planned Publications List of research articles/reviews and conference presentations/posters (completed or in draft form).


An advanced draft of the Thesis Review Report should be sighted, reviewed and discussed with the Advisory Team prior to distribution to the Candidature Committee. Typically, the Advisory Team will review and provide constructive feedback on one substantive draft. The Thesis Review Report

should be distributed to the Candidature Committee at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled Thesis Review Interview. The IMB Postgraduate Administrator must be provided with a pdf of the Thesis Review Report at the time of distribution. Thesis Review Oral Presentation: Following discussion and pre-agreement with the Candidature Committee, the Thesis Review Oral Presentation can take one of the following formats: •

a scientific conference oral presentation,

an IMB Divisional Seminar Forum presentation,

an extended Research Group Meeting presentation (see previous Milestone),

such other oral presentation formats as agreed by the Candidature Committee.

The Thesis Review Oral Presentation must be of at least 15 mins duration, and be accompanied by 5-10 mins question time. Delivery should be strong and professional, and content should provide a clear, concise and logical argument for the work undertaken. If the Candidature Committee is not present (e.g. conference), assessment can take the form of a written report from an attending nominated Assessor acceptable to, and agreed in advance by, the Candidature Committee. For PhD Candidates the Thesis Review Oral Presentation must be delivered no earlier than 6 months prior to, and for MPhil Candidates no earlier than 3 months prior to, the Thesis Review Interview. Thesis Review Interview: Each Candidate must undertake a Thesis Review Interview with their Candidature Committee, of ~ 1 hour duration, the date of which is determined at the previous Milestone. At interview, the Candidate fields questions arising from the oral and written presentations, technical questions, publication strategies and any other questions relevant to the project. Then, the Candidate leaves the room and the Advisory Team discusses, with the rest of the Committee, their perceptions of the Candidate’s performance. The Candidate returns and the Advisory Team leaves so that the Candidate can discuss issues associated with both supervision and resources. In both situations, if requested, the discussions are considered confidential. At the end of the interview, the Committee reconvenes with the Candidate, and the Chair of the Candidature Committee gives a brief verbal summary of the Committee’s recommendations. If the recommendation is that Milestone 3 has been attained, then a thesis submission date is agreed. If the recommendation is that the Milestone 3 has not yet been reached then a date for the next interview is set (usually 3 months from the current interview date). The Candidate is then excused. Thesis Review Assessment: The Chair of the Candidature Committee must draft a Thesis Review Assessment using the IMB Thesis Review Assessment Pro-Forma (page 18-19). This Assessment is circulated to the Committee for approval before being forwarded to the Candidate. If the recommendation is for attainment of Milestone 3, the drafting and distribution of the Thesis Review Assessment (to the Candidature Committee and the Candidate) should take no longer than 3 weeks. The completed Thesis Review Assessment will be forwarded to the IMB Postgraduate Administrator for submission to the Graduate School. If the recommendation is NOT for attainment of Milestone 3, the drafting and distribution of the Thesis Review Assessment (to the Candidature Committee and the Candidate) should take no longer than 1 week. The completed Thesis Review Assessment will be forwarded to the IMB Postgraduate Administrator for submission to the Graduate School. Attainment of Milestone Form: If the recommendation is for attainment of Milestone 3, the Candidature Committee will collectively complete Section 4 of the Attainment of Milestone Form at the conclusion of the interview. The form will then be forwarded to the IMB Postgraduate Administrator for completion. Extension for Attainment of Milestone Form: If the recommendation is NOT for attainment of Milestone 3, the Candidature Committee will direct the IMB Postgraduate Administrator to complete and submit an Extension for Attainment of Milestone Form as soon as is practical after the interview.


APPENDIX Defined Terms Advisory Team The Advisory Team consists of the Principal Advisor AND all Associate Advisors. Associate Advisor(s) The Candidate, in consultation with the Principal Advisor, will identify suitable Associate Advisors. The Principal Advisor will contact and confirm that nominated Associate Advisors are willing and able to accept such a role, and will notify the IMB Postgraduate Administrator of any changes to the Advisory Team. The Candidate must select at least one UQ-based Associate Advisor, in consultation with the Principal Advisor, no later than 3 months post commencement. If such an appointment is delayed beyond 3 months, the Candidate should consult with the IMB Postgraduate Coordinator. Associate Advisors can include any IMB researcher, as well as other suitable persons across UQ, from outside UQ, interstate and even overseas, although care should be taken to assess the practical limitations of external appointments. At least one Associate Advisor must be from UQ. Associate Advisors will, typically, include a senior researcher in the candidate laboratory (i.e., a Postdoctoral Fellow), with highly relevant technical and methodological expertise and knowledge, and the ability to offer day-to-day assistance. There is no limit on the number of Associate Advisor(s), other than the practical limitations of contact and organising meetings. Associate Advisors can be changed as required, across the duration of the candidature. Associate Advisors will assume a FTE responsibility for the Candidate that will collectively not exceed 50%. The IMB Postgraduate Coordinator will review and endorse (or not) all recommended changes to the Advisory Team, and will forward these recommendations to the Graduate School for approval. Candidate Any MPhil or PhD Candidate enrolled in the IMB Postgraduate Program. Candidature Committee The Candidature Committee consists of the Advisory Team AND at least two non-advisory members, one of which must be from IMB. The Candidate, in consultation with the Principal Advisor, will identify suitable non-advisory members of the Candidature Committee. The Principal Advisor will contact and confirm that nominated non-advisory members of the Candidature Committee are willing and able to accept such a role, and will notify the IMB Postgraduate Administrator of any changes to the Candidature Committee. A minimum of two non-advisory members of the Candidature Committee, including at least one from IMB, must be appointed no later than 3 months post commencement. The IMB member(s) of the Candidature Committee may be a Group Leader(s) or a Senior Researcher(s) (i.e., Postdoctoral Fellow). The Candidature Committee may include individuals from outside UQ, interstate and even overseas, although care should be taken to assess the practical limitations of such appointments. There is no limit on the number of members of the Candidature Committee, other than the practical limitations of contact and organising meetings. Membership of the Candidature Committee can be changed as required, across the duration of the candidature.


Each IMB Division Head has ex officio membership of the Candidature Committees for all RHD Candidates where the Principal Advisor is a member of their Division, and may attend and participate in Milestone Interviews at their discretion.

APPENDIX The IMB Postgraduate Coordinator and Administrator are ex officio members of all IMB Postgraduate Candidature Committees, and may attend and participate in Milestone Interviews at their discretion. The quorum for a Candidature Committee is the FULL Advisory Team, PLUS two non-advisory members including the Chair of the Candidature Committee. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that at least three non-advisory members be appointed to all Candidature Committees, to accommodate scheduling conflicts. IMB Group Leaders are expected to hold concurrent membership on at least ten IMB Candidature Committees (whether in an advisory or non-advisory capacity). Selected IMB postdoctoral researchers (those approved by relevant IMB Group Leaders) are encouraged to hold concurrent membership on up to 5 IMB Candidature Committees (whether in an advisory or non-advisory capacity). The IMB Postgraduate Coordinator will review and endorse (or not) all recommended changes to the Candidature Committee. The IMB Postgraduate Administrator will, periodically, notify the relevant IMB Division Head of membership of all Candidature Committees within the Division. Chair of Assessors The default Chair of Assessors for a Candidate will be the IMB Division Head for the Principal Advisor. The Candidature Committee can propose an alternative IMB Group Leader as Chair of Assessors. The IMB Postgraduate Coordinator will review and endorse (or not) recommendations for a Chair of Assessors other than the IMB Division Head. Chair of the Candidature Committee The Chair of the Candidature Committee is a non-advisory IMB member of the Candidature Committee, who will chair Milestone Interviews, and draft Milestone Assessments. Where the Candidature Committee has more than one non-advisory IMB researcher (Group Leader or otherwise), the committee may elect the Chair from these individuals. The Principal Advisor will notify the IMB Postgraduate Administrator of any changes to the Chair of the Candidature Committee. The IMB Postgraduate Coordinator will accept the Candidature Committee recommendation for a Chair of the Candidature Committee. Completion Seminar Candidates nearing (or post) thesis submission must present a seminar, either in the MMM or Divisional Seminar Forum format, detailing the scope and outcomes of their postgraduate research. IMB Divisional Seminar Forums These are the seminar programs run by each IMB Division (typically weekly or fortnightly). At the start of each calendar year, the co-ordinators of each IMB Divisional Seminar Forum will be provided (by the IMB PG Administrator) with a list of IMB Divisional RHD Candidates, their stage of candidature, and the optimal dates for meeting Milestone Oral Presentation obligations. A tentative schedule is then generated, with Milestone Oral Presentation dates per Candidate listed, and circulated to all members of the Division for comment. It is the responsibility of the Candidate to check that a Candidature Committee quorum can attend the scheduled oral presentation. If this is not the case, an alternative date must be found (within the appropriate timeframe) or conversely the composition of the Candidature Committee must be altered to ensure that the requirements can be met. Once the Forum schedule has been finalised, Milestone Oral Presentations should not normally be rescheduled, except under exceptional circumstances, and even then with the specific approval of the Principal Advisor, and the assistance of the Divisional Seminar Forum co-ordinator.


APPENDIX IMB Friday Seminars This is an IMB-specific seminar program, in which highly regarded senior researchers, with strong international reputations, are invited to IMB to present their latest research. Topics covered in IMB Friday Seminars span all the research interests and activities of the IMB. IMB Induction Prior to commencing laboratory work, all Candidates must attend an IMB Induction presentation, and complete such paperwork as requested, consulting with and obtaining written endorsement from their Principal Advisor as needed. See the Handbook of Institute Policy and Procedures (HIPP) online. IMB Monday Midday Meeting (MMM) This is an IMB-specific seminar program, which will be the sole venue for meeting the PhD Milestone 2: Three Minute Thesis Presentations. At the start of each calendar year, the co-ordinators of MMM will be provided (by the IMB PG Administrator) with a list of IMB PhD Candidates, their stage of candidature, and the optimal dates for meeting their Milestone 2: Three-Minute Thesis Presentation obligations. Once the IMB MMM schedule has been finalised, Three Minute Thesis Presentations should not normally be rescheduled, except under exceptional circumstances, and even then with the specific approval of the Principal Advisor, and the assistance of the MMM coordinator. IMB Postgraduate Administrator The IMB Postgraduate Administrator is responsible for coordinating all administrative aspects of the IMB RHD Program, from applications for candidature, stipends, fee scholarships and fee relief, to thesis submission, assessment and completion. The IMB Postgraduate Administrator is a member of, and acts as secretary to, the IMB Postgraduate Committee. The IMB Postgraduate Administrator attends ALL IMB Confirmation Interviews. The IMB Postgraduate Administrator manages the IMB Postgraduate Database (IMB PG DB). The IMB Postgraduate Administrator is an alternate member, to the IMB Postgraduate Coordinator, on the UQ Research Higher Degrees Committee. The IMB Postgraduate Administrator works in close consultation with the IMB Postgraduate Coordinator. IMB Postgraduate Committee The IMB Postgraduate Committee is chaired by the IMB Postgraduate Coordinator, has secretarial support from the IMB Postgraduate Administrator, and has one representative member from each of the IMB Divisions. Each IMB Divisional representative is supported by an alternate, also from their Division, able to stand in at meetings as needed. The IMB Postgraduate Committee deliberates on the ranking and allocation of IMB Postgraduate Awards. The IMB Postgraduate Committee deliberates on the ranking and recommendation, to the Graduate School, of RHD applicants (and commenced Candidates), for such postgraduate stipend and fee scholarships as are available (UQ, State, Commonwealth and others). The IMB Postgraduate Committee deliberates on such other matters, relating to individual Candidates, as well as policy and procedures, as may arise. IMB Postgraduate Coordinator The IMB Postgraduate Coordinator is an IMB Group Leader, appointed by the IMB Director, to oversee the development and implementation of IMB Postgraduate policy and procedures.


The IMB Postgraduate Coordinator approves (and signs) on behalf of the IMB Director on matters relating to the IMB Postgraduate Program.

The IMB Postgraduate Coordinator chairs the IMB Postgraduate Committee. The IMB Postgraduate Coordinator is a member of the UQ Research Higher Degrees Committee. The IMB Postgraduate Coordinator works in close consultation with the IMB Postgraduate Administrator. IMBcom Biobusiness Retreat Each year IMBcom conducts a three-day retreat known as the Biobusiness Retreat targeted to IMB PhD Candidates entering their third year. The program encompasses roundtable discussions, mentoring sessions, networking sessions, trivia competitions, social activities and team building events; all of which support Candidate career choices and offer a better understanding of how commercialisation relates to their research. The program challenges Candidates to create a hypothetical biotechnology company. Each company is tasked with developing a funding pitch with the aim of successfully sourcing venture capital funding from a panel of experts. The retreat is always well received by Candidates, who, in addition to learning skills associated with commercialisation, also have their communication skills (including people management and negotiation skills) reinforced. Principal Advisor The Principal Advisor is an IMB Group Leader, or approved senior IMB researcher (i.e., SRO), selected by the Candidate, and approved by the IMB Postgraduate Coordinator and Graduate School, prior to commencement of candidature. Where the Principal Advisor is an approved senior IMB researcher other than an IMB Group Leader, an IMB Group Leader must be appointed (at commencement) as an Associate Advisor, and must be prepared to assume the role of Principal Advisor if required. The Principal Advisor is expected to maintain this role throughout the candidature. The Principal Advisor will maintain a minimum 50% FTE responsibility for the Candidate. Thesis Assessors Two Thesis Assessors must be nominated for each Candidate. Thesis Assessors are independent experts in the field of research that defines the PhD project, well capable of reviewing and assessing the quality and quantity of research, as well as its analysis and presentation. While the Candidate does not nominate Assessors, they can present a case for exclusion of individuals for which there is a clear and justifiable case of conflict of interest – based on either personal or scientific grounds. The Candidature Committee will adjudicate such requests. Thesis Assessors may not hold UQ appointments, and should ideally be from different organisations. Following recommendation of Assessors (by the Principal Advisor), the IMB Postgraduate Administrator will contact each Assessor and inform them of the UQ rules pertaining to conflict of interest and the roles of Assessors, and confirm that they are willing and able to perform the assessment within the timelines defined by the Graduate School. The IMB Postgraduate Coordinator will review, endorse (or not) and forward all Assessor recommendations to the Graduate School for approval.


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Candidate Principal Advisor Associate Advisor(s) Committee Chair Committee Member(s) Ex Officio(s) CONFIRMATION REPORT Comment on presentation, aims, knowledge of field, skills & resources, research plan & timelines, written expression, and current and planned publications.




Comment on presentation style, quality of delivery, content and ability to field questions.




Comment on CANDIDATE, including communication skills, knowledge of field and project.

Comment on ADVISORY TEAM, including frequency and effectiveness of contact.

Comment on the PROJECT, including aims, objectives, methodologies, resources and suitability.

Comment on FUTURE DIRECTIONS, including limitations, challenges, problems and/or difficulties.



Page 2 of 2

CONFIRMATION CONCLUSION The Candidate has/has not attained MILESTONE 1: CONFIRMATION If the Candidate has attained Milestone 1, please complete Section 1, 3 and 4. If the Candidate has not attained Milestone 1, please complete Section 2, 3 and 4.

(1) ATTAINMENT OF MILESTONE FORM Section 4 of the ATTAINMENT OF MILESTONE FORM, requires that the CANDIDATURE COMMITTEE rate the CANDIDATE with respect TO UQ GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES. In addition to completing Section 4 of the ATTAINMENT OF MILESTONE FORM please detail any recommendations, with regard to training programs etc‌, which should be undertaken by the CANDIDATE prior to Milestone 2.

Milestone 2: Mid-Candidature

Interview Date

Forward Attainment of Milestone Form to IMB PG Admin Officer, for completion and submission.

(2) EXTENSION FOR ATTAINMENT OF MILESTONE FORM Clearly state why the Candidate failed to achieve Milestone 1, and how to rectify this.

Milestone 1: Confirmation

2nd Interview Date

Forward Extension for Attainment of Milestone Form to IMB PG Admin Officer, for completion and submission.

(3) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Elaborate on any specific issues not adequately addressed above.

(4) SIGNATURES The MILESTONE 1: CONFIRMATION ASSESSMENT detailed above is an accurate account of Candidature Committee deliberations.

--------------------------------------Chair of Candidature Committee


--------------------------------------Principal Advisor



MILESTONE 2 Page 1 of 2


Candidate Principal Advisor Associate Advisor(s) Committee Chair Committee Member(s) Ex Officio(s) MID-CANDIDATURE REPORT Comment on presentation, aims, knowledge of field, skills & resources, research plan & timelines, written expression, and current and planned publications.



Comment on presentation style, quality of delivery, content and lay appeal.




Comment on presentation style, quality of delivery, content and ability to field questions.




Comment on CANDIDATE, including communication skills, knowledge of field and project.

Comment on ADVISORY TEAM, including frequency and effectiveness of contact.

Comment on the PROJECT, including progress to date, and capacity to deliver a thesis.

Comment on FUTURE DIRECTIONS, including limitations, challenges, problems and/or difficulties.



Page 2 of 2

MID-CANDIDATURE CONCLUSION The Candidate has/has not attained MILESTONE 2: MID-CANDIDATURE If the Candidate has attained Milestone 2, please complete Sections 1, 3 and 4. If the Candidate has not attained Milestone 2, please complete Sections 2, 3 and 4.

(1) ATTAINMENT OF MILESTONE FORM Section 4 of the ATTAINMENT OF MILESTONE FORM, requires that the CANDIDATURE COMMITTEE rate the CANDIDATE with respect TO UQ GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES. In addition to completing Section 4 of the ATTAINMENT OF MILESTONE FORM please detail any recommendations, with regard to training programs etc‌, which should be undertaken by the CANDIDATE prior to Milestone 2.

Milestone 3: Thesis Review

Interview Date

Forward Attainment of Milestone Form to IMB PG Admin Officer, for completion and submission.

(2) EXTENSION FOR ATTAINMENT OF MILESTONE FORM Clearly state why the Candidate failed to achieve Milestone 2, and how to rectify this.

Milestone 2: Mid-Candidature

2nd Interview Date

Forward Extension for Attainment of Milestone Form to IMB PG Admin Officer, for completion and submission.

(3) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Elaborate on any specific issues not adequately addressed above.

(4) SIGNATURES The MILESTONE 2: MID-CANDIDATURE ASSESSMENT detailed above is an accurate account of Candidature Committee deliberations.

--------------------------------------Chair of Candidature Committee


--------------------------------------Principal Advisor



MILESTONE 3 Page 1 of 2

IMB THESIS REVIEW ASSESSMENT Candidate Principal Advisor Associate Advisor(s) Committee Chair Committee Member(s) Ex Officio(s) THESIS REVIEW REPORT

Comment on title and abstract, quantity and quality of draft chapters, the thesis plan, and whether the submission date is realistic. Review commentary on assessors, current & planned publications, and commercial-in-confidence (if relevant).




Comment on presentation style, quality of delivery, content and ability to field questions.




Comment on CANDIDATE, including communication skills, knowledge of field and project.

Comment on ADVISORY TEAM, including frequency and effectiveness of contact.

Comment on the PROJECT, including quality/quantity of outcomes, and capacity to deliver a thesis within 3 months.

Comment on FUTURE DIRECTIONS, including limitations, challenges, problems and/or difficulties.


MILESTONE 3 Page 2 of 2

IMB THESIS REVIEW ASSESSMENT THESIS REVIEW CONCLUSION The Candidate has/has not attained MILESTONE 3: THESIS REVIEW If the Candidate has attained Milestone 3, please complete Sections 1, 3 and 4. If the Candidate has not attained Milestone 3, please complete Sections 2, 3 and 4.

(1) ATTAINMENT OF MILESTONE FORM Section 4 of the ATTAINMENT OF MILESTONE FORM, requires that the CANDIDATURE COMMITTEE rate the CANDIDATE with respect TO UQ GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES. In addition to completing Section 4 of the ATTAINMENT OF MILESTONE FORM please detail any recommendations, with regard to training programs etc‌, which should be undertaken by the CANDIDATE prior to submission.

Thesis Submission


Completion Seminar


Forward Attainment of Milestone Form to IMB PG Admin Officer, for completion and submission.

(2) EXTENSION FOR ATTAINMENT OF MILESTONE FORM Clearly state why the Candidate failed to achieve Milestone 3, and how to rectify this.

Milestone 3: Thesis Review

2nd Interview Date

Forward Extension for Attainment of Milestone Form to IMB PG Admin Officer, for completion and submission.

(3) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Elaborate on any specific issues not adequately addressed above.

(4) SIGNATURES The MILESTONE 3: THESIS REVIEW ASSESSMENT detailed above is an accurate account of Candidature Committee deliberations.

--------------------------------------Chair of Candidature Committee


--------------------------------------Principal Advisor



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