oportf贸liodele Ant贸nio Pedro Magalh茫es
oporto landsca u n i v e r s i t y
arquitectura apearchitecture paisag -ista
antónio Z. pedro personal magalhães information
C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e Name Address Telephone Mobile E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender Dates of study
António Pedro Magalhães Travessa da Cedofeita, nº22B, 2º andar, 4050-183, Porto, Portugal (00351) 255312539 (00351) 918162269 ocorreiodopedro@gmail.com Portuguese 10/10/86 Male September 2004 – Present
Principal subjects/ occupational skills covered
Public Space Design, Garden design, Spatial Planning, Environmental Restoration, Urbanism, Cultural Garden Restoration & Biology and Ecology background knowledge.
Name and type of organisation providing education and training
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto; Departamento de Botânica; Rua do Campo Alegre, 4169-007 Porto (Portugal).
Level in (inter)national classification
Master’s Degree in Landscape Architecture.
Mother tongue
Other languages
English and Castilian.
Organisational skills and competences
Member of the Association of Students of Landscape Architecture & Young Landscape Architects - PLANEAR.
Technical skills and competences
Technical draw of project implementation plans.
Computer skills and competences
Computer-Aided Design (Auto-CAD); Image Editing and Graphics Software (Adobe Photoshop); Geographic Information System (ArcGIS); 3D Modelling Program (SketchUp) and Rendering Software (Maxwell Render).
Artistic skills and competences
Draw & Photography.
Driving licence
Category B
P-1455678 9.
contents * Small-Scale Project Projectos a Pequena Escala urban atmospheres
ind ex i
A neighbourhood gardens B historical & cultural gardens C
06 12 16
D E urbanism F
18 24 32
atmosferas urbanas
jardins de proximidade
jardins culturais e históricos
* Large-Scale Project Projectos a Grande Escala ecological restoration & reclamation recuperação ecológica spatial planning
ordenamento do território
* Tecnical Skills Competências Técnicas ability to draw technical plans
capacidade de execução de plantas técnicas
* Artistic Skills Competências Artísticas fotography & draws fotografia e desenho land art
land art
40 50
pocket park garden currentsituation
jun06 cedofeita, porto
The goal of this project was to find a small open space in Porto city to transform it into a pocket park, in the style of Vest Pocket Park, New York City. The choice was an unusual open space close to one of the city’s main commercial and pedestrian areas, Cedofeita, which had its origins in a demolished housing lot. At the time the space was used as an improvised parking lot. So the challenge was to assure at the same time the park-
ing possibility (considering the city’s parking problem) and the design of a new space in a very densely urbanized area. The solution was to put the parking underground. To reestablish the visual continuance of the consolidated building front, the façade would be rebuilt in traditional style. Just typical for Porto, a big height difference is present in this small lot, originating different leveled areas, turning the wheelchair access difficult. A still existing
tower-like structure, the buildings old toilets, would be adapted into a lift to solve this accessibility problem, and at the same time access the parking. A wooden deck would cover the parking access and serve as a terrace for a coffee-shop. On the upper level would be located the playground and a ramped lawn.
m a s t e r p l a n
c o n t r i b u t o r s
A n d r ĂŠ S a n t o s MargaridaCarrĂŁo N u n o C o s t a StefanHutschenreuter
a n a l o g m o d e l
m o d e l p h o t o s
university birch square
campo alegre, porto
m a s t e r p l a n
When the building of the Faculty of Psychology was adapted to become a new department of the Faculty of Sciences the small courtyard in its center was proposed to be redesigned too. The main idea was to create an open space capable of supporting a large number of students, and to keep the main axis between the two accesses of the courtyard. Once the space could be used for small events, and considering the size of the yard, it was decided not to fraction it into smaller parts although there were created a
few number of withdrawn places close to the lake and cafeteria. The trees are aligned parallel to the axis formed by the accesses, and the bamboo gives the green wall effect , while the low density keeps it translucent.
a n a l o g m o d e l
C o n t r i b u t o r s
A n d r ĂŠ S a n t o s , M a r g a r i d a C a r r ĂŁ o , N u n o C o s t a , S t e f a n H u t s c h e n r e u t e r
3 d + r e n d e r
bom sucesso square
bom sucesso, porto
This work was elaborated as a visual integration, reducing the infra-structures impact in the townscape. The subject was an important business center, where high office buildings and shopping malls started to emerge at the beginning of the nineties. A midcentury market, and icon of modern Porto architecture, located in the middle of the complex, has lost its importance as centralizing element, suffering nowadays the risk of being deactivated, and demolished. The outer space of the complex isn’t appellative, serving mainly for transition of people and vehicles, and attracting the people to the inside the shopping malls. The attempt was to revitalize the exterior, and recentralize the market, by giving it partial new use and outer treatment, while at the same time the higher buildings would be occulted by horizontal and vertical barriers. The road structure had to be modified to give more importance to the pedestrian, and outer space had to be designed to attract people to the exterior again. Accesses to underground parking had to be considered, and a central bus station, had to be readapted as well.
b o m s u c e s s o s q u a r e
comercialgallery p e n í n s u l a
c o n t r i b u t o r s
MargaridaCarrão Pe d r o Pa u p é r i o StefanHutschenreuter
s h o p p i n g c i d a d e d o p o r t o
b o m s u c e s s o m a r k e t
b o m s u c e s s o
NOTE: There are plants of this technical work available in the relevant chapter below.
sunset douro garden
largo do ouro, porto
f i n a l s k e t c h
neighborhood jardins de The existing square on the riverside is a good local example of unsuccessful open space planning, a monotone lawn without use surrounded by car parking, and an unpopular playground. The idea was to reunify the square with the surrounding houses, mainly by removing the parking, and at the same time turning the place more interesting by sub dividing it into smaller and more diverse spaces.
The upper area gives the chance to existing cafes to expand to the outside bringing some life do the site. The lower level would be turned more dynamic by strengthening the relation with the river esplanade.
A n d r ĂŠ S a n t o s MargaridaCarrĂŁo N u n o C o s t a StefanHutschenreuter
gardens proximidade
a n l p r e t a s
c o n t r i b u t o r s
pinewood garden of pasteleira This work comes up with a new civil town project, at Pasteleira in Porto, which provides for the passage of a new road. This area features a pine forest at north side, of relevant dimensions and extends longitudinally along the new road between the wall of the Serralves Foundation and a housing zone at the opposite side. The main constraints inherent in the proposed new design for space relate mainly to the passage of the road that divides the space in two and also the sharp slope between the upper (north) and lower zone (the South). Analyzing the space I realized that it would be used primarily as a place of passage and mainly residents’ll use it. However, my intention was to overcome these constraints by trying to unify the two “semi-spaces� in one garden and try to win the sharp slope of the terrain through modeling of land, making it easy to
jun08 pasteleira, porto
cross a garden for walkers in a hurry but at the same time to invite people to stay and forget the road. The proposal maintains the existing pine forest trying to make it more permeable and inviting to go inside. The new space gives variety of atmospheres, places to stay for pleasure or leisure: small squares on different height levels, herbs corner, a pergola in the lower zone, urban furniture molded to each place in the garden, a surmounts glade for picnics, silence and easygoing talks, readings and so on. The vegetation is mostly native. However I used some exotic species for their aesthetic value and the variety of ambiences intended to be rise in this garden.
There are plants of this technical work available in the relevant chapter below.
neighborhood jardins de
2 1
r g
e d
d e
h s
s t
p s
r g p
o o
a t
i n d i v i d u a l
gardens proximidade
i n d i v i d u a l
2 exampleofusedvegetation
marques da silva house
jun09 marquês, porto
cultural & jardins
B m a r q u e s d a s i l v a s k e t c h historicaldocuments&cartographyfrom1892and1940 Integrated in the subject Restoration of Historical Gardens, this projected focused on the former private garden of José Marques da Silva, a well known Portuguese architect, of the beginning of 20th century. Abandoned for over half a century, the property was acquired by the University, which established the foundation Marques da Silva in 2008. The methodology included research in the city’s archive for cartography as well as building licenses requested for the property, to synthesize it ́s evolution and evaluate the value of the existing remains. The approach was to find a balanced solution consisting at one point in readapt the garden to current time and vision, and second the change of character of a private garden with a good part of horticultural use, to a more public use of the foundation, which would integrate an archive with constant access for general public, and occasionally organized events.
The organization of the spaces continues its compartmented nature, like rooms that are discovered walking from one to another with an own character. The effort was made to integrated the hor-
ticultural use of its past, by planting fruit trees and compositions of aromatics. Diversity is introduced by varying between open light spaces offering view axes and smaller shady and refreshing places.
histรณricos & culturais
c o n t r i b u t o r s
historical gardens
MargaridaCarrรฃo MariaLuisGonรงalves StefanHutschenreuter
B1 proposedmasterplan
ecological corridor of foz e x i s t i n g t y p o l o g i e s
jun08 foz, porto
w a t e r l i n e s & h e r i t a g e
ecological requalificação
e x i s t i n g v e g e t a t i o n
f i r s t f a s e o f p r o p o s a l
a o o o l v rr茫 o s l h H M M R
e l d e r S i argaridaCa a u r o C a r d u i C a r v a
c o n t r i b u t o r s
s e c o n d f a s e o f p r o p o s a l
RIPARIAN VEGETATION Function: reduce the risk of flooding, aesthetic value of these seasonal plants, enhancing biodiversity, promoting sustainability and enhance the identity of the space. Proposed species: Alnus glutinosa, Fraxinus angustifolia, Ulmus minor, Populus spp. Salix spp. Betula spp..
t h i r d f a s e o f p r o p o s a l
OBJECTIVES & FUNCTIONS - Create a network of quality, multifunctional and well connected with surrounding areas; - Strengthen the identity of place preserving the rural character of agricultural areas; - Create a pedestrian and bicycle routes as an alternative to motor vehicles; - Implement a healthier lifestyle, leisure and recreation; - Unify the existing landscape; - Sustainable management of water resources and flood risk; - Supporting mental health and a healthy lifestyle, biodiversity, social diversity and economic recovery.
BUFFER ZONE Function: protection from salt spray winds, visual and noise buffer of the city, creating a favorable microclimate for the development of native vegetation, create unity and the idea of proximity to the sea and the City Park. Predominant species: Pinus pinaster, Pinus pinea; Tamarix Galicia; Pittosporum tobira; Metrosideros excelsa.
NATIVE VEGETATION Functions: enhancing biodiversity, promoting sustainability and enhance the identity of the space. Proposed species: Quercus robur, Prunus lusitanica ssp. Lusitanica; Piraster pyrus, Acer pseudoplatanus, Arbutus unedo, Pinus sylvestris, Corylus avellana, Prunus spinosa, Crataegus monogyna, Ilex aquifolium, Viburnum tinus.
GLADE Recreation: sports, recreational, social, in rain-fed seasonal meadows and free flowering meadows. Production: continuing the existing agricultural activities on site, enhancing the identity and tradition of the area through the use of punctuation trees in agricultural areas (Castanea sativa and Populus spp.).
asprela waterline restoration
jun09 asprela, porto
The aim of this project was to intervene in an area between two major poles university (Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Economics), which was spoiled by excessive car parking by careless use of adjacent space as well as the gradual deterioration of the buildings located between the two colleges, where was a small village, almost uninhabited and a kind of manorial big house already uninhabited. Restore an existing waterline that was buried (due to the passage of a road) was a main goal of our proposal. For this it was necessary to rethink the entire road network and offer viable alternatives.As city of Porto has many buried water lines, this area had a clear recovery potential, cause it has permeable areas with no use and they are well situated in city - the campus of Asprela.
b u r i e d w a t e r l i n e
ecological requalificação
Modeling the land was an important exercise cause it had been totally rethought for the new flow of the waterline.
With this proposal we tried to combine the opportunity for ecological restoration of the stream to the recovery of historic buildings for use semi-public with the opportunity to create a naturalized campus while providing public green space to this area of the city, which was missing.
b u f f e r z o n e f o r e s t
c o m m o n f o o d p r o d u c t i o n
c o n t r i b u t o r s
m a s t e r p l a n
MargaridaCarrão MariliaConceição N u n o C o s t a R i c a r d o S i l v a
n e wa m p h i t h e a t e r & l a k e v i s t a s p l a y g r o u n d
b i c y c l e p a t h
universityof engineering o f p o r t o
universityof economics o f p o r t o
c o n c e p t u a l p l a n
Antes da fase de proposta foram elaborados vários planos conceptuais, que nos permitiram perceber de que forma a área a intervir se comporta, e que nos permitiram definir os objectivos para as áreas envolventes à pedreira. Em relação à pedreira, assinalado a vermelho na imagem seguinte, espaço por excelência, a intervenção será muito mais pormenorizada, bem como nas áreas B, C, D, E e H.
Proposta de Recuperação da Pedreira da Madalena Memória Descritiva e Justificativa
There are plants of this technical work available in the relevant chapter below.
contourlinesdesign PLANO CONCEPTUAL
The concept developed for this space has the intention of operating with a dynamic multifunctional permanent. The metamorphosis of the old quarry into an eco-urban retreat - a complex with multiple social and cultural disciplines - educational, biological, ecological - managed by a foundation of stimulation of the environmental sensitivity and social welfare. The aim was to transform a non-place, a heavily industrialized area, environmentally worn and visually impressive in a space with quality atmospheres, intrinsics on it, with a smooth integration into the future urban area of Vila Nova de Gaia, where they are held varied activities related to practice a healthy lifestyle, active and conscious in the space of all, for everyone. PROJECTO RECUPERAÇÃO DA PAISAGEM The bicycle is most suitable and convenient vehicle transport, because the existing pathJUNHO 2009 ways were designed to make this option feasible and very efficient. For this, all roads have a slope not exceeding 6%, which allows even people with reduced mobility are able to descend to the deeper place of the quarry and have a free ride by all the opportunities offered by space.
madalena, gaia
gaia quarry ecopark
a s t e r p
c o n t r i b u t o r s
l a n
MargaridaCarrão Pe d r o Pa u p é r i o
Proposta de Recuperação da Pedreira da Madalena Memória Descritiva e Justificativa
Ao longo do tempo poderão desenrolar-‐se no espaço, esporádicas instalações para actividades desportivas radicais, como escalada, rappel e slide nas escarpas mais inclinadas, aproveitando os afloramentos rochosos, para esse efeito. Existirá um caminho e uma zona de pasto, protegido por cercas que unirá a quinta pedagógica à pedreira, de forma que os animais possam pastar em prados da pedreira constituindo assim um processo mutualista bastante positivo onde se pode alimentar os animais e manter os prados cortados para que regenerem mais naturalmente sem o auxílio de máquinas e possam ao mesmo tempo, ser percorridos. A zona de pasto no interior da pedreira poderá criar um interesse acrescido no diálogo dos visitantes com a vida animal, reforçando ainda mais desta forma o conceito de regeneração que pretendemos para este espaço. A A
N q u a r r y c r o s s - s e c t i o n
Corte AB
r e f o r e s t a t i o n
r o c k y s l o p e
l a k e
m a i n building reception
m a r k e t ateliers workshops
orchard s u r mounts
pathways with6%of s l o p e
strategies to vila do conde
vila do conde
analysis s t r a t e g i e s t o v i l a d o c o n d e
This work covered territorial and ecology planning of a coastal municipality of the Área Metropolitana do Porto, Vila do Conde. It was structured in the three main phase of planning: analysis, synthesis and proposal. The main tool used was GIS, through ArcView. During analysis all kind of bio-physic components, as well as socio-economics, of the territory were studied and interpreted. Overlapping and crossing the results of the first phase it was synthesized into new geographical information, like physical risks through erosion or flood; soil aptitude and vocation for agriculture, forestry and edification; biological susceptible areas; and the definition of bio-physical units. Using the products of the synthesis, the final goal was to propose an ecological structure for the municipality, ecological conflict areas, and find solution for urban and industrial expansion, as well as defining landscape units to give them their own planning strategies, considering each reality.
h y p s o m e t r i c m a p
Carta Hipsométrica
h y d r o g r a p h i c m a p
l u
a e
n m
d p
Carta de Usos de Solos
Carta Hidrográfica
Legenda Cota (m) 0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 70 70 - 80 80 - 90 90 - 100 100 - 110 110 - 120 120 - 130 130 - 140 140 - 150 150 - 160 160 - 170 170 - 180 180 - 190 190 - 200 200 - 210 210 - 220 220 - 230
Hídrografia Linhas de Festo Príncipais Secundárias
Legenda Áreas Impermeáveis Uso Florestal Uso Agrícola Outras Areas Permeáveis
Curvas de Nível
Escala - 1:75 000
5000 m
Escala - 1:75 000
5000 m
Escala - 1:75 000
5000 m
do território
Carta de Unidades de Paisagem
synthesis l a n d s c a p e u n i t s
c o l l a b o r a t i o n
planning f r
i i
r s
e k
Carta de Risco de Incêndio
e r
o i
i s
n k
Carta de Risco de Erosão
f r
d k
Carta de Risco de Cheia
Unidades A Zona Costeira A1 ROM A2 Zona Costeira Aberta A3 Praias A4 Áreas Sociais Pouco consolidadas A5 Áreas Sociais Consolidadas B Sistemas Agrícolas Campo Bouça B1 Área Agrícola B2 Área com Predominância de Floresta C Cabeceiras C1 Cabeceira do Marão e Santa Eufémia C2 Cabeceira de Bagunte e Junqueira C3 Alto dos Xistos C4 Cabeceira do Picoto C5 Cabeceira da Serra de Rates D Bacia Hidrográfica do Ave D1 Margens do Vale do Ave D2 Zona de Aluviões D3 Vale do Ave Agrícola D4 Vale do Este Agrícola E Bacia hidrográfica do Onda F Cidade de Vila do Conde F1 Núcleo Urbano Consolidado F2 Área Urbana Pouco Consolidada
Muito Elevado Elevado Curvas de Nível
Escala - 1:75 000
Escala - 1:75 000
5000 m
5000 m
Risco de Erosão Risco Muito Elevado Risco Elevado Risco Moderado Risco de Erosão Costeira Risco Elevado Risco Moderado Curvas de Nível
Hidrografia Risco de Cheia Curvas Nível
Escala - 1:75 000
5000 m
Escala - 1:75 000
5000 m
strategies to vila do conde
vila do conde
synthesis a g r i c u l t u r a l c a p a b i l i t y Carta de Aptidão Agrícola
s u i t a b i l i t y f o r b u i l d i n g Carta de Vocação para Edificação
s u i t a b i l i t y f o r f o r e s t Carta de Vocação Florestal
sensitiveandvaluable l a n d s c a p e s Carta de Áreas Sensíveis e de Valor
Legenda Flora
Muito Elevado Elevado Moderado Terraceamento
Vocação Elevada Vocação Moderada Áreas Impermeaveís
Vocação Florestal Floresta de Protecção Floresta de Protecção Dunar
Escala - 1:75 000
5000 m
Escala - 1:75 000
5000 m
Escala - 1:75 000
5000 m
Praias com Vegetação Rasteira
Depressão dunar Duna embrionária Duna primária Duna secundária Folhosas Matos Climatófilos Matos higrófilos Outra vegetação dunar Pinhal com mato higrófilo Vegetação de Estuário Vegetação halo-casmofítica Vegetação helofítica Vegetação Helofítica Vegetação ripícola e palustre Fauna Lagoas de Mindelo Praias e Rochas - Praia de Vila Chã Praias e Rochas - Praia Labruge/Angeiras Vale do Ave Fluvissolos Risco de Cheia Risco de Erosão Risco Muito Elevado Risco Elevado Risco Moderado Riscode Erosao Costeira Risco Elevado Risco Moderado Risco de Incêndio Muito Elevado Elevado Hídrologia Areias Dunares
Escala - 1:75 000
5000 m
c o n t r i b u t o r s
planning do território
Carta de Componentes da Estrutura Ecológica
proposal e l e m e n t s o f t h e ecologicalstructure
e c o l o g i c a l s t r u c t u r e Carta da Estrutura Ecológica
e x p a n s i o n o f t h e b u i l t
c o n f l i t s a n d areastorequalify Carta de Conflitos e Áreas a Requalificar
Carta de Expansão do Edificado
Legenda Flora
Praias c/Vegetação Rasteira
Depressão dunar Duna embrionária Duna primária Duna secundária Folhosas Matos Climatófilos Matos higrófilos Outra vegetação dunar Pinhal com mato higrófilo Vegetação de Estuário Vegetação halo-casmofítica Vegetação helofítica Vegetação Helofítica Vegetação ripícola e palustre Fauna Lagoas de Mindelo Praias e Rochas - Praia de Vila Chã Praias e Rochas - Praia Labruge Vale do Ave Fluvissolos Risco de Cheia Risco de Erosão Risco Muito Elevado Risco Elevado Risco Moderado Riscode Erosao Costeira Risco Elevado Risco Moderado Sistemas Húmidos Cabeceiras Areias Dunares
Rede Viária Auto-estrada Estrada Nacional Estrada Municipal Metro Expansão do Edificado Vila do Conde Azuara - Árvore Mindelo Modivas Fajozes Vilar do Pinheiro Indústria Existente Expansão Indústria Áreas Industrias a Reconverter
Hidografia Estrutura Ecológica
Escala - 1:75 000
5000 m
Escala - 1:75 000
5000 m
Construção em Aptidão Agricola Elevada Construção em Estrutura Ecológica Construção em Leito de Cheia Núcleos Urbanos em Estrutura Ecológica Zonas Industriais a Reconverter
Areas Impermeáveis Estrutura Ecológica
Escala - 1:75 000
5000 m
Estrutura Ecológica Risco de Cheia
Escala - 1:75 000
5000 m
futurecities & global warming
started assignment making We We started the the assignment withwith making a a masterplan for the area between Arnhem masterplan for the area between Arnhem Nijmegen. paragraph will show andand Nijmegen. ThisThis paragraph will show the the most important aspects of the analysis most important aspects of the analysis and and explain ideas of master the master willwill explain the the ideas of the plan.plan. We started the assignment with making a masterplan for the betweenwith Arnhem Analysis We started thearea assignment making a Analysis and Nijmegen. paragraph will show the masterplanThis for the area between Arnhem mostand important of the analysis and This paragraph will show the a WeNijmegen. startedaspects the assignment with making will explain the ideas of the master plan. most important ofwith the analysis and We started the process abetween thorough We started the process a thorough masterplan foraspects the with area Arnhem will explain ideas ofparagraph the master plan. inventory andthe analysis used treewill scale inventory and analysis and used tree scalethe and Nijmegen. Thisand show We started the assignment with making a Analysis levels. The fi rst is the scale level Netherlands, levels. The fi rst is the scale level Netherlands, most important aspects of the analysis and masterplan for the area between Arnhem theAnalysis second is the city region andmaster the last islast is the second isthe theideas city region and theplan. will explain of the and Nijmegen. This paragraph will show the the the areaarea between Arnhem en Nijmegen. The The between Arnhem en Nijmegen. most important aspects of the analysis and Wemost started the process with aisthorough important outcome concluded in in most important outcome is concluded Analysis inventory and and used tree scale plan. will explain ideas of the master theWe text andanalysis diagrams below. started thethe process with a thorough the text and diagrams below. levels. The firstand is the scale level inventory analysis and Netherlands, used tree scale the second is the city region and theNetherlands, last is levels. The fi rst is the scale level Geomorphology Analysis Geomorphology We started the process with a thorough the area between Arnhem en Nijmegen. The the second is the city region and the last Ground water level The map of the geomorphology (Figure 1)is The map of the geomorphology (Figure 1) most important outcome is concluded in inventory and analysis and used tree scale the area between Arnhem en Nijmegen. The The map of the water levels (Figure 4) shows displays that the whole area is created by displays that the whole area is created by the text and diagrams levels. The firstoutcome isbelow. the level Netherlands, the height of the groundwater. Thescale parts important is concluded in themost river except theprocess urban area. But the river We started the with aand thorough the river except the urban area. But the river the second is the city region the last is which arethe dark blue are the floodplains text and diagrams below. created a stabile soil for the buildings. inventory and analysis and used tree scale created a stabile soil for the buildings. and the parts river effects directly. thethe area between Arnhem en Nijmegen. The Geomorphology levels. Theis fimore rst iswet thethan scale Netherlands, The old course the most important outcome islevel concluded in Thewater map of the geomorphology (Figure 1) Geomorphology the second is the city region and the last is Soil the text and diagrams below. displays that the whole area is created by surrounding area. Soil The map ofbetween the geomorphology (Figure 1) The the Arnhem en Nijmegen. maparea of the soil (Figure 2)But shows that theThe river the urban area. the riverby Theexcept map of the soil (Figure 2) shows that displays that the whole area is created most important is concluded almost the whole area has a clay soil. There in created ariver stabile foroutcome the the except the urban area. But the almost thesoil whole areabuildings. has a clay soil.river There Geomorphology Ecology the text diagrams below. are two typesand of clay and the sabulous clay. a stabile soil for the buildings. types of clay and the sabulous clay. The map created ofare thetwo ecology displays the The map of the geomorphology (Figure The sabulous clay occurs besides the river 1) protected nature areas in the The sabulous clayregion. occursThere besides the river Soil displays that the whole area is created andGeomorphology among the old the riverlight course. The normalby are two of protection, green Theranks map ofriver the except soilthe (Figure 2) shows thatThe and among old river course. normal the the urban area. But the river Soil clay isecological located in thestructure, old river bowls. refersalmost to the main and The map of the geomorphology (Figure 1) the whole area has a clay soil. There clay is located in the old bowls. The map ofa the soil (Figure 2) that created stabile soil for river theshows buildings. the dark green refers to the natura 2000 displays that the whole area is created by are two types of clay and the sabulous clay. almost the whole area has a clay soil. There network, which is ofclay the mostthe ecological Height The sabulous occurs besides river the river except urban area. Butclay. the river are two types of clay and the the sabulous Height value. The water is also important for the Soil The map of the height (Figure 3) displays and among the old river course. The normal created a stabile soil for the buildings. The clay occurs besides thedisplays river ecology, and issabulous protected in the same rank2) shows The map the height (Figure 3) The map of the soil (Figure that that the eastinof side is higher than the clay is located the old river bowls. and among the old river course. The normal as the land. that the east side is higher than the almost the whole area has a clay soil. There westside of the area. rst buildings clay is located in thethe oldfiriver bowls. were Soil westside of theofarea. the fithe rst buildings were are two types clay and sabulous clay. build on the highest parts and later they Height Ecology is an important aparts climate The map ofonaspect the soilin (Figure 2) shows that build on the highest and later they The sabulous clay occurs besides the river were building lower parts. Also is the debate, needs to bewhole taken under Theand map of the height (Figure 3) displays Height almost the area has a clay soil. There were building onold lower parts. Also is the transition steeper in the lower parts. and among the river course. The normal consideration in a project like this. Flora that the east side is higher than the The map of the height (Figure 3) displays are two types of clay and the sabulous transition steeper in the lower parts. clay. clay located in river bowls. and fauna is being affected bythe the global westside ofisthe area. the firstold buildings that the east sideclay is higher than thewere The sabulous occurs besides the river warming, and leads to changes inand their buildwestside on the highest partsthe later they were of thethe area. first buildings and among old river course. The normal behavior. Southern plants andparts. animals werebuild building on highest lower Also islater the they on the parts and Height clay is located in the old river bowls. migrates furthersteeper to the north, which will put transition in lower parts. onthe lower parts. is displays the Thebuilding map of the height (Figure the originwere area under stress, and leads to Also3) transition steeper in the lower parts. thatdynamic. the east(After side issome higher an disturbance timethan the Height westside of theand area. the fiinto rst buildings were there will move new plants animals Figure 7, Landscape(Figure structure map3) displays The of the height the area and themap biodiversity will once again build on the highest parts and later they Figure 4, Map wateris levels that the eastofside higher than theis the 6 flourish.) For these migration there were building onareas lower parts. Also of the area. the fi rst buildings should be awestside connection in between, or at transition steeper in the lower parts. were least patches so that the fauna andparts parts and of later they build on the highest the flora can move around easier. were building on lower parts. Also is the transition steeper in the lower parts.
arnhem&nijmegen holland
analysis Figure 1, Map of geomorfology Figure 1, Map of geomorfology
Figure 1, Map of geomorfology Figure 1, Map of geomorfology
Figure 1, Map of geomorfology
Figure 1, Map of geomorfology
Figure 2, Map of soil
Figure 2, Map of soil Ground water level
The map of the water levels (Figure 4) shows the height of the groundwater. The parts which are dark blue are the floodplains Figure 2, Map of soil and the parts the river effects directly. Figure 2, Map of soil The old water course is more wet than the surrounding area. Figure 2, Map of soil
The map of the ecology displays the protected nature Figure 2, Mapareas of soil in the region. There are two ranks of protection, the light green refers to the ecological main structure, and the dark green refers to the natura 2000 network, which is of the most ecological value. The water is also important for the Figure 3, Map of height ecology, and is protected in the same rank Figure 3, Map of height as the land. Ecology is an important aspect in a climate Figure 3, Map of height debate, and needs to be taken under Figure 3,inMap of heightlike this. Flora consideration a project and fauna is being affected by the global warming, and leads to changes in their behavior. Southern plants and animals migrates further to the north, which will put Figure 3, Map of height the origin area under stress, and leads to an disturbance dynamic. (After some time there will move new plants and animals into Figure of water levels Figure 3, Map4,ofMap height the area and the biodiversity will once again flourish.) For these migration areas Figure 4, Map of water levels there should be a connection in between, or at least patches so that the fauna and parts of
Figure 4, Map of water levels
Figure 5, Ecological Headstructure
4 6 shows the most important policy of Figure the area. 4 The light red part is a economical developing area. This means that that this area has much potency to be a economical 4node. This can mean more business areas but also a better connection between two 4 areas. The dark red area is a urbanization zone, In this area there need to be more room for housing. The green area at the right is part of the national landscape. This means that the landscape is special and needs4 to be maintained, or strengthened.
l a n d s c a p e s t r u c t u r e m a p
Figure 5, Ecological Headstructure
Figure 6, map of policy
2020 2020
Living on high parts
The new urban areas are on the higest parts of the area. This two reasons, the sandy soil is more Living onhas high parts useable than the clay soilon because it is more The new urban areas are the higest parts stabile. of the This happend also in the past and the masterplan Living onhas high parts area. This two reasons, the sandy soil is more continues this.the Reason two isthe that when the dike The newthan urban areas on higest parts of the useable clay are soil because it is more stabile. breaks the houses are more save. area. This has two theand sandy is more This happend alsoreasons, in the past thesoil masterplan
Living high parts useableon than the clay soil it is more stabile. continues this. Reason twobecause is that when the dike Cooling city The new urban areas are on the higest parts of the This happend also in the past and the masterplan breaks the houses are more save. The heat island eff ectthe asandy big problem in area.urban This has two reasons, soilthe is more continues this. Reason two isisthat when dike cities. Therefore we want to cool the city with useable than the clay soil because it is more stabile. breaks the houses are more save. Cooling city the andalso waterstructures. the existingin This happend in the pastisand the masterplan The greenurban heat island effect a In big problem urban areas is much green and water available, continues this. Reason two is that when Cooling city we want to cool the citythe cities. Therefore withdike nowadays. But these structures can be improved breaks the houses are more save. The greenurban heat island effect is a In bigthe problem the and waterstructures. existingin with example more parks and lakes. This cities. Therefore we want toand cool the city withcan urbanfor areas is much green water available, go combined with the increase of the rainwater Cooling city the greenand waterstructures. In the nowadays. But these structures can beexisting improved infi areas. Theltration urban heat island eff ectand isand awater big problem in urban areas is much green available, with for example more parks lakes. This can cities. Therefore wethe want to coolof the city with nowadays. Butwith these structures can be improved go combined increase the rainwater theltration greenand waterstructures. the existing with for example more parks andInlakes. This can infi areas. Cooling green urban areas isare much green and water go combined with the increase of theavailable, rainwater In our design the trees integrated into the city nowadays. But theseco2 structures candoing be improved infi ltration areas. these trees convert into o2 by this they Cooling green more parks and lakes. This can with for example also store co2 in their trunks, they purifi cate and Figure 9, principal small scaled landscape In our design are the trees integrated into the city go combined with the increase of the rainwater cool their surrounding Cooling green these trees convert co2air. into o2 by doing this they infiltration areas. In our design the trees integrated into the city also store co2are in their trunks, they purifi cate and thesetheir treessurrounding convert co2air. into o2 by doing this they cool Cooling also storegreen co2 in their trunks, they purificate and In ourtheir design are the trees cool surrounding air. integrated into the city these trees convert co2 into o2 by doing this they also store co2 in their trunks, they purificate and cool their surrounding air.
Figure 30, City borders
Within the city core, a lot of rainwater will accumulate as a result of all the concrete. This water will be led to pools outside the city, which will have a function of cooling down the urban areas, and it can also be used for recreation. In Arnhem Zuid the Linge will be expanded into the city, this will also have an cooling effect on the urban areas. The infrastructure within the cities will be covered in green, 31, Urban farming this Figure to provide shade, prevent noise, air pollution and also to lead the wind into the city.
Within the city core, a lot of rainwater will accumulate as a result of all the concrete. This water will be led to pools outside the city, which will have a function of cooling down the urban areas, and it can also be used for recreation. In Arnhem Zuid the Linge will be expanded into the city, this will also have an cooling effect on the urban areas. The infrastructure within the cities will be covered in green, Figure 31, Urban farming this to provide shade, prevent noise, air pollution and also to lead the wind into the city.
Figure 30, City borders
Food Production
There are three levels of food production
In the agricultural areas in the west, the agriculture is going to extensify, this bring back more edges and room for small wooded banks. This is good for recreation and nature.
Intensification argiculture
To keepFigure the 14, production of vegetables and fruit on principal cooling city a high level in certain area’s the agriculture will intensify, this causes the landscape to changes into Figure 14, principal cooling city a more open landscape. By producing as much food asFigure possible in thecooling immediate surroundings 14, principal city we try to decrease the ecological footprint of the wind heat future citizens.
There are three levels of food production within the area. This has a sustainable effect on the area, as well as it cools down the city. Room for urban farming within the cities, where the inhabitants can grow their own food. Expansion of the glasshouses to open for more local food production, and also to produce renewable energy. Keep some of the existing agriculture, to keep the landscape as it is, and also to provide local food production.
New green river
The gully that is created in the middle of the city region is a multifunctional corridor. This corridor is for people to recreate, animals to migrate along and it functions as a retention area for
Arnhem - Nijmegen
food Figure 19, principal urban farming
food Figure 19, principal urban farming
The gully that is created in the middle of the city
along and it functions as a retention area for water. wind heat Trough timecool thisair corridor changes its character. It Figure 15, principal cooling green changes from a small multifunctional area in an increasinglycool bigger air area. Until when necessary Figure principal there can be15, put dikescooling alonggreen the sides and water can pass trough in the winter season.
cool air cooling green O2 Figure 15, principal
Intensification greenhouses
2 Greenhouses food green and O are good for the Figure 15,produce principal cooling economics that’s why we want to expand them O2 and make them blend2 into the landscape as CO much as possible. Greenhouses are no longer the energy engulfing monsters that they used to be in 2 O2 We present time they even can started this project by looking at the widCO produce energy that be usedFigure for warming houses. A negative eff ect of er city region with the main objective to look 16, principal green infrastructure 2 CO pollution that theyat greenhouses is the light cause water retention and the urban heat island during the night. effect. We did this through visits to the sur-
Arnhem - Nijmegen
Arnhem - Nijmegen
Arnhem - Nijmegen
Arnhem - Nijmegen
Figure 16, principal green infrastructure 2 CO Figure 16, principal green infrastructure
Figure 16, principal green infrastructure
Figure 32, River linge
Multifunctional Corridors
Figure 18, principal rainwater infiltration 2
wind heat region is a multifunctional corridor. This corridor air is for peoplecool to recreate, for animals to migrate
There are three levels of food production within the area. This has a sustainable ecology recreation effect on the area, as well as it cools down the city. Room for urban farming within the cities, where the inhabitants can grow their own food. Expansion of the glasshouses to open for more local food production, and also to produce renewable energy. Keep some of the existing agriculture, to keep the landscape as it is, and also to provide local food production.
The gully that is created in the middle of the city region is a multifunctional corridor. This corridor is for people to recreate, animals to migrate along Figure 11, principal and it functions as a retention area for new green water. Trough time this corridor changes its character. It changes from a small multifunctional area in an increasingly bigger area. Until when necessary there can be put dikes along the sides and water can pass trough in the winter season.
Figure 18, principal rainwater infiltration 2
Figure 14, principal cooling city
Food Production
Multifunctional Corridors
Figure 13, principal living on high parts
10, principal Within the cityFigure core, a lot of rainwater willintensification argiculture accumulate as a result of all the concrete. This water will be led to pools outside the city, which will have a function of cooling down the urban areas, and it can also be used for ecology recreation. recreation In Arnhem Zuid the Linge will be expanded into the city, this will also have an cooling effect on the urban areas. The infrastructure within the cities will be covered in green, this to provide shade, prevent noise, air pollution and also to lead the wind into the city.
Small scaled landscape
Food Production
City Cores
The tekst and gures bellow show the main ideas Figure 13,fiprincipal living on high parts of the masterplan.
growing area
The remaining plots have Because of the climate been bought. The river change a lot of water now has a natural course is coming into our Figure 30, City borders through the landscape, country, mainly with reed around it. Also through the Rhine. there are some ponds So the room reserved next to the river to store within our area will water and to stimulate Detailing have to be used to nature. Also small forests store and drain water. are starting to grow. City Cores
Figure 13, principal living on high parts
Main ideas
areas so people see Urban farming gr the supermarket To make future citiz produce the milk th comes from we hav areas so people see Flora and Faunagrin the supermarket Flora and fauna is a produce the milk th warming. This caus to migrate further t Flora and Fauna areas where plantsin Flora fauna iswi a all be and connected warming. This caus connected by stepp to migrate further The dispersion of pt areas where plantst species to species all be connected wi different approache connected In bythe stepp landscape. m The dispersion p incorporate theofdem speciespressure to species t under in th different approache For the future we h landscape. In the m present nature con incorporate possible. the dem under pressure Animalsinarth For the future wean h the connections present nature con have implemented possible. migrate through wa Animals animals and find aarp the connections an areas. have implemented The area th migrateprovides throughawa nature g animals ap to grow and find where areas. can develop. The area th nature provides a g to grow and where can develop.
c o n t r i b u t o r s
Figure 13, principal living on high parts
City Cores
The first parts of the plots have been bought. So there is more room around the river for a more natural course with reed on the sides. The remaining land of the area has wild grass areas and some emerging tree areas.
Figure 17, principal rainwater infiltration 1
Originally the Linge is a river for the farmers to drain their land. But nowadays they are increasing the nature value as well by creating a side stream.
AnnetteHetlelid M a r k S p a a n M a t t F o s t e r RogierHendriks S j o D a m e n
planning do território
as the possible to Linge.where t and other kind of m the water. When the Urban farming reservoirs overflow To make future citiz to the Linge. comes from we hav
Figure 17, principal rainwater infiltration 1
Figure 12, principal intensification greenhouses
Figure 17, principal rainwater infiltration 1
Rainwater infiltration
rounding area, analysis and The houses in the urban area will disconnect theirthen looking at rain waterwe fallingcan on theadress roof from their sewage how the issues in the area water. This decreases the amount of water that associated with climate change with design has to be cleaned and increases the water that is ideas. We produced infiltrating into the surrounding soil.an LSK map and vision reservoirs be situated close whichThethen wewillused to asgo onto a masterplan as possible where the rain is falling. The reed map with our final conclusion for that half of and other kind of marsh plants filter and purify the water. When the water level is to high the the project. reservoirs overflow in ditches that guide the water to the Linge.
Urban farming
2020 The parcelling is started and there are new intensive glasshouses build. Fist the row in the south will be build, because there are less greenhouses to be knocked down. Some greenhouses in the small scaled area are merged.
futurecities & glass houses
2030 The developing of the parcelling and building glasshouses will be continued and for this masterplan be finished. We based this estimate on the cultivation for current situation. glasshouses of 20 years. After 20 years the glasshouses nt situation are two types of greenhouses, will not be as efficient, and it is better to replace them. ensive part in the West and the small scaled Also is the bio fermenter is build, and it will be in use. ea. The small scaled part is the oldest and d with the buildings. The intensive part is After 2030 will expand to the East West, to the small The intensification will continue to the East side of the area, and will grow till the highway.
ng is started and there are new intensive build. Fist the row in the south will be se there are less greenhouses to be knocked greenhouses in the small scaled area are
ing of the parcelling and building will be continued and for this masterplan We based this estimate on the cultivation for of 20 years. After 20 years the glasshouses s efficient, and it is better to replace them. o fermenter is build, and it will be in use.
Figure 53, Cross section 1
Zoom in
3 3. Zoom in
cation will continue to the East side of the l grow till the highway.
arnhem&nijmegen holland
cross-section of the main road in the area. In the right are to big scale glasshouses with the largest storage 1 Abuildings. Meadow with plot edges And on the other side the glasshouses continue. The road itself is big enough for two trucks to pass
each Meadow other. Also the water drain ditch coupled with the road accompanied with a Salix avenue. withisecological liniear objects
A325 Figure 50, Phasing 2010
Figure 51,Phasing 2030
Figure 51, Phasing 2020
Figure 51, Phasing 2020
Figure 50, Phasing 2010
The infrastructure is very important for the area, because the products with are produced and the materials for growing need to be transported. In the greenhouse area is one main road which lead to the highways. This road is not crossing a intense urban area. De importance of the road is shown with vegetation. Very important roads have big trees along the road en have a Figure 50, Phasing 2010 width profile. Also has each greenhouses his own path besides the greenhouse and a own parking place. Te most important roads are described.
Zoom in
Forest in the ecological zone.
Figure 54, Cross section 2
Open water for infiltration of rainwater Small glasshouse
Zoom in
3. Zoom in A15
Big glasshouse Ditch to transport the water
Meadow with plot edges
cross-section a side road from the main road. The biggest differences are the glasshouses, housing and Small privateofpath 2 Astorage buildings on both sides, but only a scale smaller then the ones from the main roads.
Meadow with ecological liniear objects Orchard Figure 51,Phasing 2030
Figure 51, Phasing 2020
Zoom in
Storage for products
Forest in the ecological zone.
Parking spaces for trucks and basin
Open water for infiltration of rainwater
Figure 52, Infrastructure
Small glasshouse
38 Big glasshouse
Figure 55, Cross section 3
River Linge with floodplains
Ditch to transport the water
Park which can be used as water storage
Small private path Storage for products
Lake to store and infiltrate water
Parking spaces for trucks and basin
Main road
cross-section of the old main road. At the right side are middle sized glasshouses, with moderate storage 3 Abuildings. Bio fermenter At the other side there is first housing and then directly small glasshouses in the back.
River Linge with floodplains Park which can be used as water storage
Figure 51,Phasing 2030
Sport park
Lake to store and infiltrate water
Main road
City farm
Bio fermenter
Figure 56, Cross section 4
Sport park
Care farm
City farm
Dike with a road on top
Care farm
Dike with a road on top Road
Figure 49,Detail from the masterplan
cross-section of the big scale glasshouse area. Along each glasshouse there is one side ditch for water 4 Adrainage and at the other a small road for self supply and emergencies.
planning do território
Water structure
The water structure is most significant in the high intensive area, this because the whole area has one big providing water system. The big pond between the glasshouses in the south functions as a runoff water for rainy days, and as a providing water on dryer days. The glasshouses also have a ditch connected to it, which functions as their own water storage. The small scaled area has a water system in pipes, and is provided by the small ponds around Huissen-Zand.
z o o m i n g lFigurea74,Transition, s s new h urban o area u s e s
As mentioned earlier, the glasshouses will vary in size and intensity. The first part is the small scaled area to the east, where the glasshouses will be kept as they already are. Here the landscape will keep its identity, with the glasshouses surrounded by orchards and meadows, and it will be kept more or less how it is. In the area southwest from Huissen-Zand, the small glasshouses will be more clustered, to make them continuous, bigger and more efficient. This will make a gradient towards the third area with the biggest expansion. In this high intensive area big-scaled glasshouses will be constructed, and this is where the most of the production will take place. In front of the glasshouses there are storage buildings, parking spaces and water storage which differs in size, after how much is needed for the particular glasshouse.
3. Zoom in Water structure
The water structure is most significant in the high intensive area, this because the whole area has one big providing water system. The big pond between the glasshouses in the south functions as a runoff water for rainy days, and as a providing water on dryer days. The glasshouses also have a ditch connected to it, which functions as their own water storage. The small scaled area has a water system in pipes, and is provided by the small ponds around Huissen-Zand.
Figure 76,Transition, new urban area
Figure 78,Transition, new urban area
Figure 57, the location of the different transitions
Figure 58, the hardness of the different transitions
System Cycle
The cycle starts with the input of biomass, in this case wheat straw and left over wood from the tree nurseries, this is left to ferment. Which produces biogas, what we can burn for electricity and heat energy. After it has been burned the energy is divide among glasshouses and housing. The digestate is used in glasshouses as fertilizer. And to complete the cycle the green waste BIO from the glasshouses and housing is Fermenter returned as biomass.
Therefore the bio fermeter is placed in the core of the glasshouse area.
Green waste From park Lingezegen and municipality
Green waste
Green waste
Bio mass 0.30 kg/s wheat straw or 0.39 kg/s left over wood from tree nursery’s
Output After the biomass is converted to biogas that has been burned we have 4 Mwatt ECB electricity, heat and CO2 as end result. The heat and energy can be used for glasshouses and living houses in the municipality Lingewaard. The CO2 can be used in the nearby glasshouses, suggest is to connect them with a pipe system. One of the leftovers, digestate, can be used a fertilizer for the glasshouses and 2 farmland.
BIO ferminator BEB
The bio fermenter is transferring bio mass to bio oil. During this proces also heat is produced and normally this is discharged into the air. But this heat can also be used for heating the greenhouses. Therefore the bio fermeter is placed in the core of the glasshouse area.
Electricity, return 58% Fermenter
2,4 Mwatt
Heat, 42%
Heat, return: 35%
Digestate; Soil improver
This last part of the project was to go onto looking at a smaller more detailed level. We were given the task of looking at the area to the south east of Arnhem. We had to look at possibilities of using bio energy within the area and how we can implement it into the surrounding landsacpe. We did this again with a site visit and then through further analysis used the first masterplan ideas to go into further detail and come up with transitions and design solutions.
Figure 77,Transition, new urban area
In the intensive glasshouse area we want to use the energy as efficient as possible. Therefore the glasshouses transport the unused heat to an other glasshouse who can use the heat. For example: in a glasshouse where they grow roses it is to hot, than the heat can be transported to a greenhouse who needs heat, like tomatos. To make this as efficient as possible the different types of greenhouses need to be mixed, so there is minimum heat waste.
future transi tions:
c o n t r i b u t o r s
In Bergerden we want to combine In the intensive glasshouse area we want to use the bio-energy winning with the the energy as efficient as possible. Therefore the local biomass and then distribute glasshouses transport the unused heat to an other glasshouse who can use the heat. For example: in a it locally as well. This way also the glasshouse where they grow roses it is to hot, than the heatlike can beheat transported a greenhouse who byproduct and to digestate heat, like tomatos. To make this as efficient can beneeds used, so that there is as less as possible the different types of greenhouses to be mixed, so there minimum heat waste. loss asneed possible. And it’sismake the area less depend from fossil fuels, The bio fermenter is transferring bio mass to bio thisfor proces heat is produced and whichoil.isDuring good thealso climate and for normally this is discharged into the air. But this a future without fossil fuels. heat can also be used for heating the greenhouses.
As mentioned earlier, the glasshouses will vary in size and intensity. The first part is the small scaled area to the east, where the glasshouses will be kept as they already are. Here the landscape will keep its identity, with the glasshouses surrounded by orchards and meadows, and it will be kept more or less how it is. In the area southwest from Huissen-Zand, the small glasshouses will be more clustered, to make them continuous, bigger and more efficient. This will make a gradient towards the third area with the biggest expansion. In this high intensive area big-scaled glasshouses will be constructed, and this is where the most of the production will take place. In front of the glasshouses there are storage buildings, parking spaces and water storage which differs in size, after how much is needed for the particular glasshouse.
Bio Energy Bergenden
Figure 75,Transition, new urban area
AnnetteHetlelid M a r k S p a a n M a t t F o s t e r RogierHendriks S j o D a m e n
In the south are the glasshouses, with some houses integrated. These houses are visible and use the heat from the greenhouses. In these houses will live people who own a greenhouse or work in one. In the middle part of the transition is a mixture of different types of architecture. In the north will be normal architecture, which is planned. The glasshouses are not placed in one row, but they interlock with the area. This for a gradual transition. In the housing area will be a green structure which can store and infiltrate water, also is this area mend to be for recreation.
Glasshouse Heat
Product Figure 79, Bio energy cycle
Green Waste
CO2 Heat Energy Figure 83, Bio energy cycle
rg Ene
y Fa
new city of aveiro Get to know the national tools and laws of city planning to go onto an urbanism design of a new city was the main purpose of this work. It started by analyzing and comparing the structure of existing Urbanization Plans (Plano de Urbanização - PU), and later on studying the city of Aveiro, in the context of its PU. That way we got to know the city’s character and needs, and enabled us to resume the leaks of the PU.
The third step was to plan ourselves a part of the city, considering the city growth over the next decades. The chosen place was a blank area lying between the railway and an important national road, close to the city center. The foothold for the design process was the moving of people, to create a dynamic space which works in the inside and integrates itself in the existing consolidated network.
The elements that i used to compose this city (after look to the main constraints), were: 1- green structure; 2 - road network; 3 - services and equipment; 4 - design of allotments and 5 - the connection between the surroundings with the new city. I intend to highlight some project solutions: the sistem of greenways that allows a pedestrian and bycicle great mobility with no conflict with cars; priority for pedestrians
instead of priority for cars in the streets of the central zone of the city; decentralization of public and cultural services; design of allotments for housing in a concentric spiral shape that gives to the space the concept of multi-way streets (pathways with diferent directins); solar orientation: west/south to housing buildings and public areas; and also a good articulation between new city and the current urban cores of Aveiro.
Localização de Serviços e Equipamentos
A food bank B playground
C cultural center D theatre
E focal element
i n d i v i d u a l
i n d i v i d u a l
F water element
G elementary school
B Localização de Serviços e Equipamentos H offices + nightlife
I semi-private green space
J public green space with walkways and bike paths (greenways)
L aveiro train station M IPAM + vocational schools N public workshop O parking
P police station Q library + kiosk
R social & administrative services +
bycicle garage
nieuwkoop islands + natura2000
nieuwkoop, holland
We try to solve the fragmentation of this uncommon space through an unified green structure that makes a connection between all the islands, promoting different living atmospheres and improving the relation between people in the concept of local community. So we did housing spaces well connected with the green structure and water, to give the people different ways of living (in) the space. And we looked to the public space as a priority to increase this people’s experience of the space.
urba urba
4 3
h i g h d e n s i t y h a b i t a t i o n
l o w d e n s i t y h a b i t a t i o n
c o l l a b o r a t i o n
Pe d r o Pa u p ĂŠ r i o
h i g h d e n s i t y h a b i t a t i o n
l o w d e n s i t y h a b i t a t i o n
technical draws & plans
04 sep until present
technical plantas
i n d i v i d u a l
plans tĂŠcnicas
i r r i g a t i o n p l a n
i n d i v i d u a l
technical draws & plans v e g e t a t i o n p l a n
sep 04 until present
plantastĂŠcnicas hardscape&buildingsplan
v e g e t a t i o n p l a n
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& sketches
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i n d i v i d u a l
& sketches
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04 sep until present
photo foto
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i n d i v i d u a l
no title
04 sep until present
photo foto
i n d i v i d u a l
i n d i v i d u a l
no title
04 sep until present
photo foto
i n d i v i d u a l
i n d i v i d u a l
kaleidoscope eyes
botanical garden, porto
A temporary installation, in the style of Land Art, was the task to develop during a short creativity work in the third semester. The objective was to use only natural materials, and give imagination free range. The idea was to use white flowers to form a dense illuminated cloud suspended under dark conifers.
A n d r ĂŠ S a n t o s MargaridaCarrĂŁo N u n o C o s t a StefanHutschenreuter
c o n t r i b u t o r s
back to the ind ex ALLTHEPROJECTS&PERSONALWORKS A1 - pocket park garden A2 - university birch square A3 - bom sucesso square B1 - sunset douro garden B2 - pinewood garden of pasteleira C1 - marques da silva house D1 - ecological corridor of foz D2 - asprela waterline restoration D3 - gaia quarry ecopark E1 - strategies to vila do conde E2 - futurecities & global warming F1 - new city of aveiro F2 - nieuwkoop islands + natura 2000 G1 - technical draws & plans H1 - draw H2 - photografy I1 - land art
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to be continued...
ocorreiodopedro @gmail.com