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Three-Year Plan Range Media Partners International

Range Media Partners International is using its connections with major power brokers in the US to help fuel the growth of its UK and European slate.

By Jordan Pinto

Range Media has a separate US studio division, led by Heather Kadin, focused more squarely on the American market.

Daley says the company is hunting for “stories of scale” and is focused on “interrogating material as [it] builds a bespoke slate across TV and film.”

The split is roughly 70% television to 30% film, with Daley noting that one of the key goals in the coming years is to find “iconic characters at the heart of the material that can attract very significant talent.”

That talent does not necessarily need to be a client of Range Media Partners. It’s an added benefit and opportunity, certainly, but Daley and Riddle say they are just as eager to work with talent from outside its walls.

The London team is “constantly talking” to the US executives and managers, says Daley. Riddle adds that that level of connectivity has been an invaluable asset as it builds from the ground up.

“The flow of information is powerful – to understand what the streamers, broadcasters or any individual actor, director or writer are looking for. Being so plugged into the Hollywood matrix, even if we’re removed from it, is a huge benefit to us,” he says.

Today, most of Range Media Partners International’s projects are being independently

Riddle, Range Media Partners Int’l developed. Over the next six to 12 months, it plans to move into commissioned development on several titles, and hopes to be in production within 18 months.

“We’re new guys on the block in the UK. We know we’ve got a really interesting opportunity and we think it will work,” says Riddle. “Now it’s just about proving it. It’s finding great material, interrogating it, rolling up our creative sleeves and moving things into production. We know what the path is over the next two or three years, and now it’s about executing against it.”

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