GENERAL DESCRIPTION MEDAS is the comprehensive solution for the organisational and medical management of specialised clinics. MEDAS meets most of everyday needs of a specialised clinic, including:
Patient database Patient appointments Calendar management for medical staff Overbooking of appointments Specialised clinical records with images Inclusion of results from the modalities into the clinical record Automatic recording of activities performed Database of insurance companies and services Fees Billing of patients and insurance companies Follow-up on payments Keeping track of cash register Lists and reports analysing activities
MEDAS Modules MEDAS is organised into a series of independent modules that provide clusters of features and can be hired separately. These modules and their main features are as follows:
Calendar Module
This enables you to create new patient files, make appointments for patients and administer the calendars of all the clinical staff at the centre.
Billing Module
This allows you to enrol new clients/insurance companies, update fees, record the services rendered, issue invoices, keep track of the cash register and issue lists of activities performed.
Clinical Record Module
This is a computerised record of all the tests done on patients visited, with the results, images and associated reports, etc. Each test and episode is easily accessible through a chronological fold-down, tree-shaped menu.
Digital Imaging Module
This allows all the images generated during diagnostic tests (retinographs, visual field screenings, etc.) to be captured in real time and automatically included in patientsÂ’ clinical records.
Master Module
This module contains all the parameters and menus of settings for the system. It allows the system administrator to add new users, create permits, define shifts and timetables, create new calendars, enter sites and rooms, set the programme preferences, customize the clinical record according to medical specialty, etc.
RepĂşblica Dominicana 3, bajos - local 1 07014 | Palma de Mallorca - Spain. Tel. 971 91 91 24 |
CALENDAR MODULE MEDAS includes a Calendar Module to make appointments for patients and administer the calendars of all the clinical staff at the centre.
Choose the doctor or room calendar to see; choose daily, weekly or monthly view.
New Patient
Enrol a new patient in the database by entering personal and contact information. It allows a photograph of the patient to be included, and there are open text fields for adding notices or comments.
New Appointment
Patient appointments. It differentiates between first visit, second visits, emergency, surgical appointment, appointment for a test or multiple tests. The data and time of the appointment can be assigned either automatically or manually. It allows the calendar to be overbooked.
Combined Appointment
This allows up to five different calendars to be viewed at once, thus making it easier to manage several resources and more equitably assign the workload.
In its Calendar Module, MEDAS includes a text messaging solution to make it possible for authorised clinical staff to communicate with each other.
Pendings Requests
Allows users to check on all the tests and surgeries still needing appointments generated by the doctor from the Clinical Record Module (see section). This improves the workflow between medical staff (decision on what tests to conduct) and administrative staff (making appointments for these tests).
SMS Reminder
MEDAS includes a SMS configuration and send module, with the objective to notify any message, for example: appointment reminder, which increases the quality of service and allows greater patient loyalty".
RepĂşblica Dominicana 3, bajos - local 1 07014 | Palma de Mallorca - Spain. Tel. 971 91 91 24 |
BILLING MODULE MEDAS includes the Billing Module to issue and follow up on invoices, payment, insurance companies, fees and cash flow.
Main Features Service Maintenance
Creating and managing all the products and services offered by the centre, which can be grouped into families and sub-families.
Client Maintenance
Creating and managing client files. It allows invoices to be issued to either insurance companies or private individuals.
Maintenance of Billable Items
Creating and managing the items billable to the different clients. Based on the services offered by the centre, MEDAS allows different parameters to be assigned to each item depending on the client: code, description, coverage, requirements, frequency, associated items, etc.
Fee Maintenance
Creating and managing the prices assigned to the items for a given client based on the date these prices enter into effect.
Activity Maintenance
Checking and editing the Activity Record. Depending on the status of the record (invoice issued/not issued), it can be edited or not. It allows users to choose different criteria to check: patient, interval of dates, service, company, validation, etc.
Record of Costs
Manual record of the costs associated with surgery.
Billing of all the activities previously validated in the Activity Record. Instantaneous billing of a new item not previously registered. For a given client (or insurance company), it allows for grouped invoices of all the items generated within a certain time period. Automatically generates accounting entries (integration with accounting programme not included). Reprinting, payment and rectification of invoices.
Automatic recording of payments either based on invoices issued or separately. Includes references to the document endorsing the payment (cheque or transfer number, etc.). Automatic generation of accounting entries (integration with accounting programme not included).
Generation and printing of accounting reports (billing, profitability and invoices pending payment) and activities (Activity Record and cheques).
RepĂşblica Dominicana 3, bajos - local 1 07014 | Palma de Mallorca - Spain. Tel. 971 91 91 24 |
CLINICAL RECORD MODULE MEDAS comes with the Clinical Record Module to generate a computerised record of all the tests performed on patients along with the associated results, images and reports, notes, etc. Each test and episode is easily accessible from a fold-down tree-shaped chronological menu. It includes complete integration with the image modalities to capture diagnostic images.
The Clinical Record Module allows you to work with patients who have previously been created in the Calendar Module, and it also allows you to enrol new patients directly from the Clinical Record Module itself by entering personal and contact information. It allows a photograph of the patient to be included, and there are open text fields for adding notices or comments.
All the information on the patient s history and the results of the tests performed (including images, numerical values and reports) are entered on specific forms for each item, which are accessible from a fold-down chronological menu. Below is a list of all the forms available in MEDAS s Clinical Record Module in its Ophthalmology version.
Forms associated with the patient Created by default at the beginning of the first appointment. · Anamnesis: Patient s background · Reports: Grouped access to all the reports issued on the patient Forms associated with the appointment Created by default at the beginning of any appointment. · Other images: Container for additional images that are not part of any test · Comments: Form with an open text field for additional comments
Clinical forms Created by the doctor depending on the tests performed on the patient. · Current illness · Functional status - In use - Functional - Refractive - LC
· General ophthalmology · Anterior Segment - Pupil-Iris - Cornea - CA-Reflections - Crystalline
· Glaucoma · Diagnostics · Prescriptions - Medicines - Glasses/contact lenses · Intraoperational Report
For each client and/or specialty the Clinical Record Module should be studied and customized as required.
RepĂşblica Dominicana 3, bajos - local 1 07014 | Palma de Mallorca - Spain. Tel. 971 91 91 24 |
DIGITAL IMAGING MODULE Based on MIOTM, the successful C2C solution for the dicomisation and integration of the clinical image, MEDAS includes the Digital Imaging Module to capture images from any modality in real time and include them in the patient s clinical record. It also allows the numerical values obtained by the modalities to be captured in any of the tests performed.
PRINCIPAL FEATURES Associated with the image Captures images and video sequences from any source or device. Examines and edits (layers) the images and videos captured. Allows the images to be stored in the patient s clinical record to be chosen. Sends the chosen images to the global medical image repositories (miniPACS) in a standard format (DICOM images). Implements DICOM services with any device, allowing it to be converted into a DICOM modality and included in the global image repositories and other devices.
Associated with the data Captures the numerical values generated by different modalities and includes them in the patient s clinical record. The modalities currently available include: Angiography Camera: CANON GF-60V Autorefractor/keratometer: NIDEK ARK-700, ARK-2000E, AOS-1100 TOPCON KR-8800 Biometry: ULTRASCAN ALCON Field Analyzer: ZEISS HUMPHREY 750i Lensmeters: NIDEK LM-820, LM-990. TOPCON CT-60, CL-100, Laser: BAUSCH & LOMB TECHNOLAS 217 Refraction System: INDO NIDEK RT-2100 Retinal Camera: CANON CR6-45NM, TOPCON TRC-50IX,TRC-NW5S Tonometer: TOPCON CT-60 Topography System: BAUSCH & LOMB ORBSCAN Wavefront Aberrometer: BAUSCH & LOMB ZYWAVE NOTE: The list of modalities is constantly being updated.
RepĂşblica Dominicana 3, bajos - local 1 07014 | Palma de Mallorca - Spain. Tel. 971 91 91 24 |
MASTER MODULE Designed to be used by the highest ranking administrative staff, MEDAS includes the Master Module to allow direct access to all the information contained in the tables in the application s database. It also makes it possible to totally personalise the Calendar Module.
PRINCIPAL FEATURES Clinic Management Allows all the information in the programme s database to be checked. By directly accessing the tables in the database, you can create, perform advanced searches and list: · Appointments · Patients · Doctors · Messages · Users · Centres
Master Files
Allows all the parameters for the Calendar and Clinical Record Modules to be set, defining the items that are part of an appointment, a patient file, a doctor file, etc.
MEDAS has been envisioned as a comprehensive service for specialised clinics. MEDAS has been developed following the ASP philosophy, as described below.
The ASP model has numerous advantages, including:
What is ASP?
There has been a constant evolution in the way users and companies use computer applications, ranging from the costly development of custom-designed applications (1970s and first half of the 1980s), to the intensive use of standard applications installed in users terminals (second half of the 1980s and 1990s), until reaching the most innovative, profitable and efficient concept to date in software use: ASP. ASP (Application Service Provider) is defined as the rental of a software application, which is managed centrally and delivered via Internet. That is, in ASP users do not have to install the software package in their computer, rather they access the application through their default Internet browser (Internet Explorer 5.0 or later). The application and data generated are stored in the Data Processing Centre (DPC) of the ASP provider with all the guarantees of service availability, security and privacy. Clients do not have to purchase any proprietary product, rather they merely pay a monthly fee for the entire hardware, software and communications infrastructure required. Thus, no investment in the elements making up the system is needed. MEDAS has been envisioned to be used in ASP mode and the philosophy Pay per Use, anyway, the client can decide to purchase MEDAS as a software application and install it on its own facilities.
Quick to implement: does not need to be installed on users terminals. Quick migration and use: the application is accessed by a standard Internet browser. High availability: user intervention is not required for installation, set-up, back-up copies, etc. High profitability: for one payment per use, a tool is accessible that until now was only imaginable for large companies. Everything included: the ASP service is more than just software rental, as the package also includes administration, maintenance, back-up copies and data protection, updates, privacy, etc. Constantly uses state-of-the-art technology without the need to invest in hardware and software. Service guarantees certified via contract, which have been impossible to obtain until now by using locally installed applications.
Market potential
Software as ASP service
As the application is housed in the supplier s DPC (Data Processing Centre), the ASP service has certain security advantages that would be impossible to achieve in a locally installed application:
Contingency plans in the event of disasters Protection and care of data and back-ups Standard software
Restricted access to the facilities
Redundant infrastructures Complies with regulations set forth in the Law on Data Protection
Custom-designed applications
70 s
80 s
90 s
00 s