C3 Westside March Magazine

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MARCH 09 He lpi ng pe op le liv e the ir be st lif e!

WELCOMEMESSAGE You know, recently I was thinking about what we call ‘our reputation’. It’s not just who we are but who others think we are – and that can be a little scary. It’s our name and what it stands for, the person we become to our friends, family and acquaintances. It was just the other week at our ‘Wednesday Community’ meeting that we were studying the book of Philippians where it tells us that Jesus made himself of no reputation. Philippians 2:5 “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.” In a day when people are almost willing to do anything for their 15 minutes of fame, some kind of grasping for significance, for position, titles and popularity, the God-man did the opposite. He humbled himself. But then as you read on it tells us that because Jesus did this, God the Father actually exalted him and made his name great above every other name that ever was or will be.

Philippians 2:9 ”Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow.” What a contrast this is to us as we strive and grasp. But God will also give you a name, a reputation if you walk before him and humble yourself. Amazing things happen when we recognize that there are certain things about our lives that we should leave to God. But hey nothing’s new! Way back at the Tower of Babel the people said to each other ‘let’s make a name for ourselves’ in Genesis 11: Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” As you read on in that story, God stopped what they were trying to do and it came to nothing, the end result being that they never did make their names great. Yet in the very next chapter, God calls a man named Abraham and the first thing he says to him is: “follow me and I will make your name great”

CONT. Genesis 12:1 The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” God is into making people’s name great. The only question that remains is will we spend our lives trying to sell ourselves or will we surrender to the hand of a mighty God who sees the hearts of all men. And quite frankly – how good does this attitude look on a person, how refreshing it is to meet people like this. They are rare. Why don’t you decide to be one! God Bless You




dle n i W l y Cher


Kids Church

In the Auditorium

Church Ground Floor

Sunday 10am and 6pm

Sunday 10am

Wednesday Community

Community Groups

In the Gallery

Brisbane City & Suburbs

Wednesday 7:30pm


Every 4th Week

The Hub Young Adults

Solid Youth

Cafe Church in the Auditorium

Church Ground Floor

Sunday 6pm fortnightly

Friday 7pm fortnightly

New Christians

Mums’ Meet

Wed 7pm fortnightly

Thursday 9:30am fortnightly

Check the calendar at the back of the magazine for further details

20 Bailey St, West End

(07) 3844 0575

B r is b a n e C it y



FEATUREDITEM God’s Blueprint For Your Life $20 by Grant Windle A blueprint is the master plan that an architect designs to determine what a building will look like. The builders then build according to that blueprint. God has designed a blueprint for your life! Do you know what that is? In this series Pastor Grant Windle outlines that blueprint in detail. This series can help you find those missing pieces you’ve been searching for all your life. This is one of the most powerful messages our church has heard. Copies available from C3 Westside.

MYBESTLIFE “My greatest journey of growth has been one in the House of God, in the Church...” I was born in 1986 and lived in a single parent home with my mother and two sisters until I was 16. I don’t know my father and from the little searching I have done, it has become apparent, I may never know my father ... not even his name, background or origins. For so long I let that put my life on hold, not externally but on the inside, I never felt like I could do anything or be anyone until I knew my Father, my heritage, my name. I thought if I knew those things my path would become a lot clearer, that I was undefined until then.

Life in the fullest only really started for me when I made the switch, from trying to find my life, to letting it go ... trusting in God and getting passionate about Jesus, Church, helping others and letting my life flow out from these things. The church is your best life! Why? Because it answers all your deepest needs, It’s the foundation of all life’s highest experiences! My greatest journey of growth has been one in the House of God in the Church ... and I know yours is too. bjc

But that road didn’t exactly lead me to great places and I started realizing the depth of my life was extremely limited by my perspective. You can’t let circumstances, past experiences or even emotions define you as a person. Whilst all those things are valid they are not significant in defining you as a person, they hold no depth and cant fulfil the heart and purpose of a person.

Craig n o t n Bre

HELPINGPEOPLELIVETHEIRBESTLIFE Through the generosity and unbelievable giving of C3 Westside’s members and visitors we have been able to successfully fund and support numerous ministries, causes and projects over the past 12 months.

African Uganda Orphans $5,184 Eaglenet Ministries - Greg & Julie Bailey $4,189 Irene Gleeson - African Missionary $2,600 African Pastor - Life saving surgery $5,500 Food Fund - Giving to those in need $650 Victorian Bush Fire Appeal $1,055 Other Ministries $7,900 First Fruits 2008 - Church Projects $37,769





The Future Church I’m very excited about C3 Westside’s young adults conference coming up in August called “The Future Church”. Speakers will be Josh Kelsey (Young Adults leaders C3 Oxford Falls), Jonathon Gullo (Young Adults leaders Suncoast COC), Ben Windle (Senior Pastor Lifeplace Church) and myself. I think we have three of the most outstanding young men in ministry in Australia today speaking at our conference! I believe it will be a very influential conference for all who attend. It will begin Friday night the 7th and conclude Saturday night the 8th August, The theme will be “The Future church”.




G r a n t W in d le

Let me ask you one question – what do you see the future church looking like? By future I mean the next phase – what we are now transitioning towards? Where is it going? What will be different? What part do young adults play in all this? These issues will be our focus. The conference will be a journey of exploring the future. It will be prophetic, informational, inspirational and challenging. Grant Windle (Senior Pastor C3 Westside)


han G ullo

B e n W in d le

In 1991, Irene Gleeson, a typical middle class grandmother, left her comfortable north Sydney home in Australia, for one of the most dangerous places on the planet - northern Uganda, Africa. With 1.6 million people displaced by the Lord’s Resistance Army and 2 million children orphaned, she began to teach and feed a handful of war traumatized children under a Mango tree. Today, there are over 6,000 children being fed and educated every day on the grounds of Kitgum Childcare Servants. Irene Gleeson has been at the end of a rebel’s rifle many times, but with strong faith in God she lives to tell her story – a story that must be told. This documentary was funded entirely by the congregation of C3 Westside who raised

$30,000 to ensure the world’s eyes were opened to witness this amazing journey. You can purchase the DVD online by visiting the website www.cinderellachildren.com Alternatively you can pick up a copy from C3 Westside.

Plus $5 postage and handling

NEW S N A CHRISTI ation about rm fo in r e h rt fu r Fo ase contact le p , e rs u o c is attending th 3844 0575 ) 7 (0 e c ffi o h rc the chu

E S R U O C th & 25th 1 1 MARCH

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commencing March 9th & 2 Meeting all over the city ev 3rd ery 2 weeks in houses, ap artments and cafes. Thes people gather informally ov e are smaller group settin er food and drink, pray toge gs where ther and discuss the previou They are on most nights of s Sundays message to th the designated weeks and e church. you can attend as many as know people in the church yo u like. A great way of getting and bring your friends to. to

Ever the grea


– though everybody in ’ ity un m om C March 18th 7.30pm ht ig N ges, nesday ound tables and loun me together for ‘Wed ar co ng s’ tti si up e ro G ffe co ity d un an m om - tea ry 4th week all the ‘C afe styled bible study C – e pl m si too. is at rm fo me. The hing and discussions ac te e bl bi se er church is most welco -v by evers ic worship followed by at interaction, acoust

BABIES For children six months to eighteen months. A great environment for your young ones, where they receive our full attention and loving care, so you can enjoy the church service.

TODDLERS For children eighteen months to four years old. The children have a great time listening to stories, watching Christian DVDs, doing crafts & morning tea.

KIDS For four to twelve year olds. A fun learning experience where kids can come and enjoy a positive environment. The programme includes lessons, singing, crafts & fun games. Morning tea is provided.

Drop off from 9.50am 10 minutes before start of service Pickup by 12pm 30 minutes after the end of service

As well as Kids Church and Crèche we also have a couple of additional facilities for parents. These facilities can be just the trick for those moments when your ‘little one’ becomes restless. Mothers’ Room Our Mothers’ Room provides a peaceful environment for nursing mothers and is located in the Gallery just outside the main Auditorium. For your convenience a broadcast of the church service is displayed on a monitor located in the Mothers’ room, which allows you to still be very much a part of the programme. Tea and coffee is available in the room Babies’ Sleeping Room Our babies’ room provides a tranquil environment for babies to sleep during services. It has several portacots and a change table available for your use. Both rooms are air-conditioned for your comfort.

Mums’ Meet MotherS of pre-schoolers

You are invited to a place designed specifically for you, a mother of preschoolers. Here you’ll experience authentic community, mothering support, personal growth and spiritual hope, all to help you be the best mum possible. When mums meet, their children are lovingly cared for in our KIDS-Care environment, which is designed to meet their needs with activities that encourage social inter-action. So don’t miss the opportunity to get out of the house and have a great morning! Date. Thursday 12th & 26th of March. 9:30 - 11:30am Location. 20 Bailey St, West End Cost: $5.00 per Mum. Baby-sitting, Tea & Coffee: Included in cost Food: Each Mum to bring a plate to share Event Co-ordinator. Rose Oxenford m 0402 133 938 e rosemary@oxenford.net (For further event details, please contact Rose)

OVER 30s

If you’re looking for a relaxing night out and a chance to catch up with old and new friends, then why not join us at The Barracks at Petrie Terrace for a movie and dinner.

Date. Saturday March 28th 7pm for Dinner and approx 9:15pm for Movie. Location. Dinner: Hog’s Breath Cafe, 5 Petrie Tce, Paddington. Movie: The Palace Barracks Cinema, 61 Petrie Tce. Undercover paid parking available on-site at The Barracks. Event Co-ordinator. Darryl O’Callaghan m 0411 236 417 e Darryl@cccwestside.org.au Josie Richardson m 0416 707 000 e josie@skyline.com.au RSVP 20th March

For further event details contact Darryl or Josie


M P 7 H T 7 2 & H T 13

on in. p m ju d n e along a m o c o t e someone m e v o a lc h e o w t f 12-18 is n arrange o e every v s e ld e e g n h a a c e e r h e a t W s n t etwee me crew! outh nigh o Y s r e event! u t w O Anyone b x a . e e n n a id e r d h t a n u need , food a friend at o ic y a s if u d p n m a u e v u u We ha to see yo nd pick yo it a a y w b t ’ g n a in sw ay. We c id r F a n o 2 Weeks st End e W , t e e r t Bailey S 0 2 e d i s t contact e C3 Wes s a e l p details t n e v e r e For furth





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THE HUB YOUNG ADULTS CAFE CHURCH st th th MARCH 1 ,15 & 29 6PM It’s an exciting new concept and a whole new way of doing church. The Hub is run every fortnight on Sunday nights at 6pm. We are creating a young adults happening, a meeting place where the church opens up and invites the community in! It’s an artistic inter-action of live music, live painting, DJs, short film, dance and more. We will feature local talent in all fields both Christian and from the wider community to help showcase their talents. There will also be life-based sharing from other young adults and all of this in a Cafe setting selling quality food, real coffee and an informal atmosphere of ‘sit back and catch up’. You can even play foosball, snooker or just enjoy watching.


C3 Westside 20 Bailey Street, West End For further event details please contact

YOUNG ADULTS LEADER JESS LUMBY m 0423 833 122 e jess@cccwestside.org.au








10AM Family Service (Communion) 6PM Service - The Hub

8 10AM Family Service 6PM Service Ben Windle Church Part 3 of 5






10AM Family Service 6PM Service - The Hub

22 10AM Family Service 6PM Service Ben Windle Church Part 4 of 5

29 10AM Family Service 6PM Service - The Hub















CG Leaders Meeting 7PM SALT Meeting 7:30PM







New Christians 7PM

Mums’ Meet 9.30AM

Youth Night 7PM






Wednesday Community 7:30PM








New Christians 7PM

Mums’ Meet 9.30AM

Youth Night 7PM

Over 30s 7PM





CG Leaders Meeting 7PM SALT Meeting 7:30PM

COMINGUP Rise & Build 09/10 June Building Fund Pledge Day for 09/10

Week of Breakthrough July 8 nights of Breakthrough Church

The Future Church 7 - 8 August C3 Westside Young Adults Conference

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