Inaugural Conference on High-Net-Worth Contentious Disputes - DS

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Inaugural Conference on


June 12–13, 2025

The Times Square EDITION

New York, NY

This event is essential for high-net-worth practitioners seeking to build their networks and expand their expertise in the hottest areas such as contentious trusts and tax issues, high-value matrimonial litigation, insolvency and alternative dispute resolution, multi-jurisdictional asset tracing and recovery, and other contentious matters for HNW individuals.

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Experience the C5/ACI Difference.

Join us at the Premier HNW Disputes Event with the Very Practitioners that You Want to Meet and Do Business With!

Gain a wealth of expertise and unlock new opportunities with the High-Net-Worth community at this one-of-a-kind event. Do not miss out on joining practitioners from across the world to discuss emerging trends and strategize on how to take your practice to the next level in this burgeoning area.

Engage with your peers through an interactive and exciting program that will include real-world discussions covering the most high-profile HNW and UHNW disputes to date.

Mark your calendar and join us in fabulous New York City for two full days of content-rich discussions with leading trust, private wealth, and matrimonial litigation groups. Do not miss out as we examine the highest value cross-border and multi-party litigation and alternative dispute resolution matters in major key wealth markets and jurisdictions. Discussions will span trusts and estates, succession and tax planning, private wealth, insolvency, matrimonial disputes, and fraud and asset recovery matters.

We look forward to seeing you at The Times Square EDITION in the heart of New York City on June 12–13, 2025!



Part I: Attacking Trusts and Trust Assets: Challenging and Invalidating the Administration and Execution of the Trust

Part 2: Controlling Trust Assets Prudently and Responsibly: Strategies and Best Practices for Avoiding Trustee Risks, Liabilities and Traps


Forensic Examination of Documents in Complex and High-Value Cases: Identification of Document Alterations and Manipulation

High-Net-Worth, MultiJurisdictional Dissolution Proceedings: Methods to Repatriate Hidden Assets to the Marital Estate

Exotic Asset Recovery in High-Net-Worth Disputes: Multi-Jurisdictional Tracing of Non-Traditional Assets

The Rise of ADR and Non-Court Dispute Resolution (NCDR) in HNW Disputes: Emerging Legal Strategies and Approaches

Complex Cross-Border Succession: Overcoming the Diversity of Inheritance Procedures and Unexpected Legal Hurdles

Classification of Pre-Marital Assets: Determining Whether Pre-Marital Assets are “Matrimonial” or “Non-Matrimonial” in Dissolution Proceedings

Provisional Measures and Prejudgment Remedies in HNW Disputes: Can the Legal Systems Keep Up with the Models Used to Move and Shelter Assets?



Tara Archer-Glasgow Partner Higgs & Johnson (The Bahamas)

Kate Clark Partner, Head of Family Mishcon de Reye (UK)

Adriana Riviere-Badell Partner Kobre & Kim (USA)


Fred L. Abrams Attorney at Law The Law Offices of Fred L. Abrams (USA)

Jean-Sébastien Bazille Partner

Gide Loyrette Nouel (France)

Erin E. Broderick Partner

Eversheds Sutherland US LLP (USA)

Cara Cameron Partner Woods (Canada)

Tameka Davis Partner Conyers Dill & Pearman (British Virgin Islands)

Lucy Diggle Partner Walkers (Cayman Islands)

Jon Felce Partner Cooke, Young & Keidan (UK)

Henrique Forssell Partner Duarte Forssell Advogados (Brazil)

Martin Kenney Head of Firm MKS Law (British Virgin Islands)

Geoff Kertesz Partner Stewarts Law LLP (UK)

Caroline Krauss Partner Krauss Shaknes Tallentire & Messeri LLP (USA)

Christopher Levers Partner Ogier (Cayman Islands)

James Lister Partner

Stevens & Bolton LLP (UK)

Ellen Radley Forensic Document Examiner The Radley Forensic Document Laboratory (UK)

Thomas Roe KC Barrister 3 Hare Court (UK)

Robert Schwinger Partner

Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP (USA)

Maureen Ward Partner Bennett Jones LLP (Canada)

Day One – Thursday, June 12, 2025

8:00 Registration and Networking Breakfast

8:45 Opening Remarks from the Co-Chairs

Tara Archer-Glasgow Partner Higgs & Johnson (The Bahamas)

Kate Clark Partner, Head of Family Mishcon de Reye (UK)


9:00 Attacking Trusts and Trust Assets: Challenging and Invalidating the Administration and Execution of the Trust

Trusts can be exposed to challenges if in fact they are trusts only in appearance, and not in reality. There are many circumstances that give rise to a challenge, and the principal challenge occurs when the trust arrangement is intended to defeat the legitimate legal claims of others.

Most attacks on a trust focus on the language of the document itself, its technical validity, or the behavior of the trustee. However, there are other avenues and tools that are available to attack the integrity of trusts. Be sure to join us in this session as our experts explore some of the most common and successful strategies and tools to challenge trusts, including:

• Undue influence

• Fraudulent conveyance or preference statutes

• Equitable remedy of mistake

• Breach of fiduciary duty

• Misconduct in operating or revoking the trust

10:00 High-Net-Worth, Multi-Jurisdictional Dissolution Proceedings: Methods to Repatriate Hidden Assets to the Marital Estate

When contemplating or anticipating a divorce filing, it is not uncommon for a wealthy party to the marriage to conceal their wealth in complex offshore holdings, trusts, and other methods of hiding those assets from their spouse. To effectively identify and value assets that have not been disclosed—or are grossly undervalued—in divorce proceedings, it is important to utilize the latest legal, forensic and investigative tools to trace, trap and return those hidden assets to the marital estate.

Some of the challenges, tools and assets that will be discussed in this engaging session include:

• Hurdles to gathering evidence in multiple foreign jurisdictions

• How to effectively and ethically utilize forensic accounting and corporate intelligence for high stakes matrimonial asset recovery investigations

• Creative use of insolvency tools in matrimonial cases

10:45 Networking Break

Adriana Riviere-Badell Partner Kobre & Kim (USA)

11:45 Contentious Cross-Border Insolvency & Restructuring: Acknowledgement and Enforcement of Judgements in Foreign Jurisdictions

Cross-border insolvency laws for HNWIs present a complex landscape within which practitioners must navigate, with an eye towards foreign substantive law and an array of other foreign insolvency and asset recovery-related proceedings.

In this session, our panelists will discuss the nuances of cross-border insolvency and restructuring laws in different global jurisdictions, including discussions on:

• Navigating through global cross-border insolvency and restructuring laws

• Comprehensive strategies on debtor-side assignments and practical tips for handling complex and sophisticated creditor rights matters

• Initiating recovery efforts from corporate misconducts and sophisticated creditor rights matters

• How to utilize insolvency and restructuring as mechanisms for recovery

• Initiating and following insolvency claims simultaneously in more than one jurisdiction

12:45 Networking Luncheon

2:00 Expediting Resolution in High-Net-Worth Disputes: Strategic Approaches to Protecting Your Clients’ Portfolios

Financial disputes between HNWIs and UHNWIs can be complicated and frustrating, and the consequences of not “getting it right” can lead to costly and protracted litigation, with the potential for a significant change to a party’s lifestyle. Join us in this session as we explore the tools needed to protect assets and wind-down financial disputes and succession matters for your clients, such as:

• Utilizing receivers to manage disputed assets pending resolution of any legal proceedings

• Asset tracing and fund flow monitoring

• Financial investigations and spending history reviews

• Attacking or defending pre- and post-marital and cohabitation planning agreements

• Tax-advantaged transfers of assets


Exotic Asset Recovery in High-Net-Worth Disputes: Multi-Jurisdictional Tracing of Non-Traditional Assets

Exotic assets that diversify the portfolio and increase in value over time are often very attractive to HNWIs. Despite the significant advancements in investigation and asset location tools at the disposal of asset recovery practitioners, the class of assets that are considered “exotic” pose unique and difficult challenges and considerations. In this engaging session we will review:

• Emergency freezing orders injunctions: obtaining and maintaining equitable relief

• Jurisdictional concerns

• Assets protected by state-owned entities and immunity doctrines

• How to assemble the correct asset recovery team

• Collaborating with law enforcement and other government agencies to assist with recovering assets from foreign markets that are unstable in nature

3:30 Networking Break

3:45 Classification of Pre-Marital Assets: Determining Whether Pre-Marital Assets are “Matrimonial” or “Non-Matrimonial” in Dissolution Proceedings

The intricacies of asset division and the significance of “pre-marital wealth” in HNW dissolution matters are increasingly complex, especially when considering pre-marital contributions to the asset pool. Join us in this session as we discuss:

• Legal implications—and the impact on financial remedies—set by Standish v. Standish

• The foundation and application of the “Sharing Principle” when considering the division of assets

• The importance of properly and conclusively accounting for pre-marital wealth

• Considerations for a proper “needs assessment”



Rise of ADR and Non-Court Dispute Resolution (NCDR) in HNW Disputes: Emerging Legal Strategies and Approaches

The rise of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in high-net-worth disputes reflects a shifting paradigm in the legal and litigation landscape. ADR methods such as mediation, negotiation and collaborative law can offer a more amicable and cost-effective approach to dispute resolution. In addition, ADR can help mitigate the financial and emotional toll of court battles, preserve relationships, and facilitate more equitable outcomes.

As ADR continues to gain traction, it is poised to play a critical role in shaping the future of HNW proceedings. Join us as we examine the elements of some of the more accessible, efficient, and empathetic pathways to conflict resolution in HNW matters, including:

• Non-court dispute resolution (NCDR)

• Mediation & Arbitration

• Conciliation

Day Two – Friday, June 13, 2025

8:45 Breakfast and Networking Lounge

9:20 Opening Remarks from the Co-Chairs

Tara Archer-Glasgow Partner Higgs & Johnson (The Bahamas)

Kate Clark Partner, Head of Family Mishcon de Reye (UK)


Adriana Riviere-Badell Partner Kobre & Kim (USA)

9:30 Controlling Trust Assets Prudently and Responsibly: Strategies and Best Practices for Avoiding Trustee Risks, Liabilities and Traps

Trustees of high-net-worth estates take on a significant obligation and are exposed to serious personal liabilities and risks. In addition, they owe a fiduciary duty to the trust itself—and more importantly—to the trust’s beneficiaries.

Join us in this session as we discuss these risks, responsibilities, and mechanisms for trustee exemptions. Topics for discussion include:

• Responsibilities and duties of trustees

• Balance of liability clauses

• Exclusion clauses

• Anti-Bartlett clauses

• Wrongdoing in relation to trust assets


10:30 Forensic Examination of Documents in Complex and High-Value Cases: Identification of Document Alterations and Manipulation

Forgeries and alterations of documents that are—or can—be utilized in HNW disputes can be problematic and costly. Be sure to join us for this engaging interview to hear real-world examples of document examinations that have been utilized to extract evidence from such documents. Topics of discussion include:

• Electrostatic detection

• Forensic ink analysis

• Document dating

• Examination of copy documents

• Evaluation of typewritten and printed documents

• ESDA testing and writing impressions

11:00 Extended Networking Break

11:30 Tracing Assets in Complex, High-Value Disputes: Recent Examples of Practitioners’ Overcoming Troublesome, High Stakes Obstacles

Most high-value dispute victims are concerned about how they can recover from the significant financial losses that they have suffered, and there is often a huge gap between orders of restitution and recovery of the actual amount lost or hidden. In many of these cases, there are significant barriers in the way of being compensated—including insolvency, jurisdictional hurdles, evidentiary challenges, and difficulty in tracing assets.

Moreover, when high-value disputes involve a number of jurisdictions, it becomes a very complex landscape within which practitioners must navigate, and requires focus and consideration of conflicting regimes, class priorities, foreign substantive law, and an array of other foreign insolvency and fraud-related proceedings.

Bring your questions as our experts provide concrete examples of how they overcame some of the most pressing and difficult challenges that confronted them in complex, HNW proceedings, such as:

• Challenges in selecting the right forum(s) and venue(s) to prevent delay, gain momentum and improve chances of recovery

• Issues with obtaining and serving freezing orders against unknown individuals and organizations

• What can be done to overcome a lack of cooperation between attorneys and enforcement authorities in the affected jurisdictions

• Handling the different approaches taken to disclosure & discovery in Civil and Common Law jurisdictions

12:30 Complex Cross-Border Succession: Overcoming the Diversity of Inheritance Procedures and Unexpected Legal Hurdles

Where an individual’s estate includes assets in multiple countries, if the deceased held a different nationality from their last country of residence—or if his heirs reside in different countries—their estates may become subject to the laws and regulations of multiple jurisdictions. Significant challenges arise from the diversity of inheritance procedures and distribution that are observed across multiple jurisdictions, particularly for HNWIs.

In a fully interconnected world, it is critical to understand the complexities and challenges that spring up in cross-border successions. Join us in this session as we break down and anticipate legal challenges such as:

• The differences in inheritance procedures and probate processes that are observed across multiple jurisdictions

• The dissimilarities concerning the inheritance distribution in multiple jurisdictions

• The role that International Private Law (IPL) plays in determining the relevant national law to observe

• The full impact of the European Regulation on Succession Law and its effect on international successions

1:30 Networking Luncheon

Accreditation will be sought in those jurisdictions requested by the registrants which have continuing education requirements. This course is identified as nontransitional for the purposes of CLE accreditation.

ACI certifies this activity has been approved for CLE credit by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board.

ACI certifies this activity has been approved for CLE credit by the State Bar of California.

ACI has a dedicated team which processes requests for state approval. Please note that event accreditation varies by state and ACI will make every effort to process your request.

For more information on ACI’s CLE process, visit:


2:45 The End of the Non-Dom Regime: What to Expect with the New Residency-Based System

The UK followed through on plans to abolish the current rules for UK resident non-domiciled individuals and—as expected—the existing regime will be replaced. The government is also looking for ways to bring the UK Inheritance tax rules in line with a residence-based test, with a proposal to tax worldwide assets after a period of 10 years of residence.

The changes from the landmark decision raise a number of issues, so be sure to join us in this session as we discuss what is next and answer questions such as:

• Who will be affected and how will this affect long-term planning?

• Will non-doms consider relocating other jurisdictions, and what will this mean for UK tax revenue?

• What will happen to existing trust protections for foreign income and gains that arise in non-UK trusts after 6 April 2025?

• How will the termination of the non-dom regime impact dissolutions of marriage and mixed domicile marriages?

• What might this mean for any proposed inheritance tax changes?

3:15 Provisional Measures and Prejudgment Remedies in HNW Disputes: Can the Legal Systems Keep Up with the Models Used to Move and Shelter Assets?

Due to new and dynamic methods that HNW litigants use to shield their assets, along with the sheer speed and complexity by which they can be moved, concealed and cocooned into layered structures, it is critical for practitioners to update their pre-emptive remedy toolkits. Join us in this session as our panelists discuss:

• Tools for early and quick discovery of assets

• Gagging injunctions; sealing orders; anonymization orders and in camera hearings

• Norwich Pharmacal / Bankers Trust disclosure orders

• Search and “stand and deliver” orders

• Worldwide freezing injunctions and other orders with extraterritorial effect

4:00 End of Conference


The C5 Group, comprising American Conference Institute, the Canadian Institute and C5 in Europe, is a leading global events and business intelligence company.

For over 40 years, C5 Group has provided the opportunities that bring together business leaders, professionals and international experts from around the world to learn, meet, network and make the contacts that create the opportunities. Our conferences and related products connect the power of people with the power of information, a powerful combination for business growth and success.

With conferences in the United States, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Latin America, the C5 Group of Companies: American Conference Institute, the Canadian Institute, and C5 Group, provides a diverse portfolio of conferences, events and roundtables devoted to providing business intelligence to senior decision makers responding to challenges around the world.

Don’t miss the opportunity to maximize participation or showcase your organizations services and talent. For more information, please contact:


701 7th Avenue New York, NY 10036

Reservations: (800) 466-9695

The Times Square EDITION introduces the next generation of modern luxury. Here, urban energy fuels an enchanting escape as sweeping views of the midtown skyline transport you to an oasis above the bustle. Featuring 452 guest rooms, a state-of-the-art fitness center, performance venue, and three unique dining experiences developed by Michelinstarred Chef John Fraser, The Times Square EDITION punctuates the area as the city’s epicenter and crossroads of the world.


The American Conference Institute is pleased to offer our delegates a limited number of hotel rooms at a negotiated rate. To take advantage of these rates, please contact the hotel directly and quote “High Net Worth Contentious Disputes“.

Please note that the guest room block cut-off date is May 21, 2025 After that date OR when the room block fills, guestroom availability and rate can no longer be guaranteed.

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