Do you have an interview coming up and your nerves are getting the best of you? I have five pointers that will help you prepare for the big day and come home a winner. Sell yourself: Your resume is the most critical variable in the recruitment process. It allows the employer to view your educational and employment background, so make sure all information is current and accurate. Having a resume with a format that is easy to read is very important. Ask a trusted peer to proof read your final resume to make sure it is legible. Educate yourself: Do your research about the company that will be interviewing you. Make sure that this company is the right fit for you. If you have any question write them down, and at the end of the interview feel free to ask them. It will show the employer your analytical capabilities and your interest in the company. Both can work in your favor. Dress like you want the job: I will keep this short and simple; appearance is very important and should be taken serious. The first impression is the last impressions so make it count. Good rest brings out the best: Getting enough sleep is essential when preparing for an interview. When you are well rested you are assertive and on your toes. Eat a light meal so you will not have any internal noises that may distract you when it is time to perform.
Believe in yourself: Confidence is a characteristic I believe anyone can appreciate. If the employer feels that you are confident in your abilities of becoming an asset to their organization. Arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled time. This shows you are ready and it may allow you to complete additional paperwork. Good luck!