C Magazine Vol. 10 Edition 5

Page 42




To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, concert goers and concert performers should follow proper etiquette

he crowd cheers as Pitbull steps onto “[The Pitbull concert was] really fun the stage. Junior Katie McCluskey and everyone [was in] high energy,” Mcis among the Clusky said. crowd of excited Like the Pitbull “I think [the hype] audience members concert where the who are waiting for atmosphere is usually could be dangerous the show to start. loud and exciting as if there’s too many Around her, the atthe audience pumps mosphere becomes people and there aren’t each other up, other hectic as people beconcerts demonstrate precautions in place gin to embrace the the same traits. Sehype of the concert. nior Nicholas Shinif people are being A chair is thrown, hitghal found his time at reckless. But I think ting someone in the the BTS “Permission head. Someone falls hype is used [to create to Dance” concert a and others begin liftmemorable experian] exciting concert.” ence. ing each other onto chairs—fortunately “BTS concerts are Katie McCluskey, no one is seriously really well managed,” junior hurt. Shinghal said. “I felt Despite the chaotsafe the entire time. ic atmosphere at the concert, McCluskey People were super respectful, [and] the enjoys how excited the audience is and the general crowd atmosphere was really electalented performer. tric. Everyone [came] from all over to see

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these people perform.” People often pass around a variety of wild stories after concerts. From Lorde shushing her crowd, to audience members throwing clothing at Olivia Rodrigo, every concert creates a distinct atmosphere. However, as the atmosphere intensifies, and people get hyped, excitement is crucial to having a good time at the concert. “I think [the hype] could be dangerous if there’s too many people and there aren’t precautions in place if people are being reckless,” McCluskey said. “But I think hype is used [to create an] exciting concert.” Shinghal agrees that concerts need to have some excitement, and that the stories about the dangers of any crowded event are not unique to concerts. “I don’t feel like the hype is detrimental from my experience,” Shinghal said. “I feel like there’s always outlier situations where things are out of

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