CABLE4YOU Eccellso™ “ Custom Edition Speaker cables “

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eight years yearsofofdevelopment developmentand and testing, CABLE4YOU Research introduces a new reference After eight testing, CABLE4YOU Research introduces a new reference Eccellso™. The The new newCABLE4YOU CABLE4YOUEccellso™ Eccellso™“ “Custom CustomEdition Edition“ “speaker speakercables cables loudspeaker cable Eccellso™. utilize CABLE4YOU´s extremely extremely sophisticated sophisticated new newtechnology technologyX-TRACS™ (DielectricTraced TracedCircuit Circuit X-TRACS™(Dielectric System), for for its itsability abilitytotominimize minimize skin effect dielectric absorption still providing superb skin effect andand dielectric absorption whilewhile still providing superb m e c h a integrity. n i c a l i n t e g r i t y . mechanical CABLE4YOU Eccellso loudspeaker loudspeaker cable cable use usenew newX-TRACS™ X-TRACS™technology technologyespecially especiallytototransmit transmitanan extremely accurate audio signal. This new design provides superior sonic performance and preserves preserves the constant quality unchanged for for years years due due to to very veryhigh highresistance resistancetotooutside outsideinfluences. influences.Geometry Geometry of the thecable cableand and design of the conductor can low offerinductance, low inductance, eliminates the self-induced design of the conductor can offer eliminates the self-induced deformation of of the the audio audiosignal, signal,minimize minimizethe theeffects effects electromagnetic interference reactance of of electromagnetic interference andand reactance and have good good ejection ejection to toRadio RadioFrequency FrequencyInterference Interference(RFI). (RFI).ToToprotect protect the signal from unwanted the signal from unwanted external electromagnetic electromagnetic interference, interference,the theconductors conductorsare areplaced placed behind ultra effective X-TRACS™ behind ultra effective X-TRACS™ sshielding. h i e l d i n g . CABLE4YOU Eccellso loudspeaker cable cable utilizes utilizes the the finest finestmaterials materialstotomaximize maximizesonic sonicperformance performance and provide years years of of stable stableoperation. operation.The Themost mostimportant importantfactor factorinincable cabledesign designis is the quality the quality of of thethe conductor. The introduction of Continuous Cast Silver & & Copper Copper allows allows the the creation creation of of virtually virtually perfect perfect conductors. AAheated heatedmold moldforms forms conductors of nearly perfect structure, flawless, mirror-like conductors of nearly perfect structure, with with flawless, mirror-like surfaces, and high high flexibility flexibility and andgreat greatfatigue fatigueand andcorrosion corrosionresistance. resistance.The The grain (crystal) structure grain (crystal) structure o m e t ahas l s always h a s been a l w a ylimiting s b efactor e n ain audio l i m i tcable i n g design. factor in audio cable design. off metals Gases and solid impurities collect at the grain boundaries, forming non-linear (diode) junctions. junctions. These These non-linearities cause the harsh, grainy grainy sound sound quality quality of of many many conventional conventionalaudio audiocables. cables.AAone-meter one-meter strand of of drawn drawnsilver silverororcopper copperwire, wire, 0.3mm in diameter, consists of from to 40,000 individual 0.3mm in diameter, consists of from 50 to5040,000 individual crystals (depending on the quality of the silver or copper). Since no conductor is absolutely pure, each crystal boundary boundarybecomes becomesa diode, a diode, adding its own non-linearity (however to the signal. adding its own non-linearity (however weak) weak) to the signal. The Continuous ContinuousCasting Castingprocess process eliminates this source of distortion by eliminating eliminates this source of distortion by eliminating the grain the grain boundaries. In Continuous Continuous Cast Cast conductors, conductors, each eachcrystal crystalisis125 125meters meterslong. long.This Thismeans meansthat, that,even even in long long cables, cables, there's there'snever nevermore morethan thanone one crystal junction strand. single-crystal structure crystal junction perper strand. TheThe single-crystal structure permits unimpeded audio signal propagation. The result is an extremely neutral sound with grain-free, extended highs highs that thatare areopen, open,airy, airy,and and detailed. This improvement is apparent throughout the full detailed. This improvement is apparent throughout the full frequency range. range. All Allthis thisleads leads tovery a very powerful cable, with extreme revelation the smallest to a powerful cable, with extreme revelation of the of smallest crystal clear cleardetail, detail, infinite resolution, enormous dynamics andrealistic, a very holographic realistic, holographic infinite resolution, enormous dynamics and a very soundstage with an an natural naturalmusicality. musicality.Eccellso Eccellsospeaker speakercables cablesemploy employultra ultra high purity conductors. high purity conductors. Eccellso conductors conductorsare aremade madefrom from uncompromisingly material GALLO/JET™ /HG-OCCLC uncompromisingly purepure material GALLO/JET™ /HG-OCCLC (High Gloss Ohno Ohno Casting Casting Oxygen Oxygen Free FreeHigh HighConductivity ConductivityLinear LinearCrystal CrystalConductor). Conductor).GALLO/JET™ GALLO/JET™ conductors are are the theresult resultofofa process a process creates a permanent inter-molecular alignment thatthat creates a permanent inter-molecular alignment of theof the material molecules molecules within withinaaconductor. conductor.CABLE4YOU CABLE4YOU Eccellso loudspeaker cable is created Eccellso loudspeaker cable is created withwith 5 5 and 14 14AWG AWGcontinuous continuous cast HG-OCCLC many braided solidconductors. core conductors. cast HG-OCCLC many timestimes braided solid core With its With its HG-OCCLC conductors, conductors, the the Eccellso Eccellsoloudspeaker loudspeakercable cableprovides providespure, pure, open high frequencies open high frequencies withwith no sharpness sharpness or orharshness harshnessand andoffers offers a natural, non-resonant quality across the frequency a natural, non-resonant tonaltonal quality across the frequency rrange. a n g e .

Eccellso E custom edition cable

All signal cables cables have haveaacharacteristic characteristicresistance resistanceand andreactance reactance (capacitive and inductive), which (capacitive and inductive), which is is essentially a simple type of of filter. filter. Resistance Resistance is is aa linear linear function functionand andsimply simplyreduces reducessignal signallevel levelwhile while reactance is is much muchmore moredestructive destructiveto to signal integrity in that it is frequency dependent. It skews signal integrity in that it is frequency dependent. It skews amplitude and andphase phaseasas frequency increases. low reactance for extremely accurate frequency increases. TheThe low reactance allowsallows for extremely accurate energy transfer. CABLE4YOU CABLE4YOU Eccellso Eccellso utilizes utilizes aanew newX-TRACS™ X-TRACS™shielding shieldingtechnique techniquetotoavoid avoidallallofof the above above distortions.The distortions.Theresult resultisisa geometry a geometry offers characteristics for audio thatthat offers the the bestbest characteristics for audio signalsignal transmission. The The new newreference reference loudspeaker cable Eccellso strives to the offer the highest loudspeaker cable Eccellso strives to offer highest quality quality speaker to to amplifier amplifierconnection connectionpossible. possible.CABLE4YOU CABLE4YOUEccellso Eccellso a non-compromise loudspeaker is is a non-compromise loudspeaker cable optimized optimized for forthe themost mostaccurate accurate and dynamic reproduction. result is sonic beauty and dynamic reproduction. TheThe result is sonic beauty with with h o l o g r3D a imagery. p h i c 3 D i m a g e r y . holographic CABLE4YOU Eccellso are are standardly standardly terminated terminated with withgold goldspade spadeororgold goldbanana bananaconnectors. connectors.These These connectors ensure aa solid solidmechanical mechanicalconnection connectionatateach eachcontact contact point prevent vibration or time point to to prevent vibration or time from compromising compromising the the connection. connection.Gold Goldeliminates eliminatesdeterioration deteriorationfrom from corrosion. The final products corrosion. The final products are of of course coursecarefully carefullyterminated terminated and inspected to ensure the highest of quality. All these and inspected to ensure the highest level level of quality. All these unique features make make loudspeaker loudspeakercables cablesCABLE4YOU CABLE4YOUEccellso™an Eccellso™anexcellent excellentchoice choice most forfor thethe most demanding applications applicationsforfor domestic professional signal distribution. CABLE4YOU domestic and and professional audio audio signal distribution. CABLE4YOU Eccellso™ loudspeaker are standardly supplied in lengths of 2 meters. Eccellso™ loudspeaker cablescables are standardly supplied in lengths of 2 meters. CABLE4YOU Eccellso™ “ Custom Custom Edition Edition ““ speaker speakercables cableshelp helpyour youraudio audiosystem systemprovide provideunheard unheard of sound quality in stereo reproduction with outstanding clarity in high high frequencies, frequencies, midrange midrange and and tight tight natural bass. Eccellso Eccellso has has particularly particularlyexceptional exceptionaldynamic dynamicaccuracy accuracythat thatallow allowforfor a deep and wide a deep and wide natural soundstage. It is is aa condition condition when whenthe thethree-dimensional three-dimensionalreality realitywill willbe berecreated recreatedright rightininyour your llistening i s t eroom. n i nListen g rand o ojudge m . for Lyourself! i s t e n a n d j u d g e f o r y o u r s e l f !

The Superior Quality! Made in Europe.

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