music for your pleasure
CABLE4YOU Encore Encore XS XS" Limited " Limited Edition Edition " interconnect " interconnect “ is an “ isanalog an analog interconnect interconnect based on based advanced on advanced CABLE4YOU Audio technologies. The new Re-Edited Encore XS ““ Limited Limited Edition Edition ““ interconnect interconnect is is aa new new cable cable Dissolid/ that employs the the latest latest technology technologytotoreach reachaalevel levelofofultimate ultimate quality. quality. The The Encore Encore XSXS uses uses a unique a unique Dissolid/ LineAIR™ technology technology(incl. (incl. dielectric dielectric materials, materials, extrusion extrusion techniques, techniques, conductor conductor size andsize composition, and composition, impedance matching, shielding, connector connector technology technology and and many many other..) other..)for forprecise preciseimpedance impedancecontrol controland andlow low noise signal signaltransmission. transmission.LineAIR™ LineAIR™ technology introduces air space the conductors and technology introduces moremore air space aroundaround the conductors and insulation contact with the conductors is considerably reduced. Encore XS interconnects interconnects transfer transfer audio audiosignals signalsfrom fromsource sourcetotoload loadwith withnonoperceivable perceivable alteration audio alteration of of thethe audio signal. You You are are guaranteed guaranteedtotobe beamazed amazedwhen when your system is re-cabled CABLE4YOU Encore your system is re-cabled withwith newnew CABLE4YOU Encore XS XS interconnects. Listen once and you will be inside the music. GALLO/JET™ /OCCLC Encore XS XS ""Limited LimitedEdition Edition" is " is composed unique purity (On Ohno Core Ohno composed withwith unique highhigh purity GALLO/JET™ /OCCLC (On Core Casting Oxygen Free High Conductivity Conductivity Linear Linear Conductor) Conductor) conductors conductors to to maintain maintain signal signalpurity purityand andlow lowjitter jitterfor for natural musical musicalreproduction. reproduction.The The surface of each GALLO/JET™ conductor is highly polished. Dyneon™ surface of each GALLO/JET™ conductor is highly polished. Dyneon™ insulation helps helpscontrol controllinear linear constant impedance throughout the digital bandwidth. The Encore constant impedance throughout the digital bandwidth. The Encore XS is aXS is a analogue interconnect interconnectcable cabledesigned designed to approach the transparency, and reference to approach the transparency, speedspeed and reference quality, quality, signal signal accurancy and musical musical coherence. coherence.The TheEncore EncoreXS XS" Limited " Limited Edition " ensures optimum connection strict Edition " ensures optimum connection andand strict control of of the thetransfer transferofofaudio audiosignals. signals. to achieve highest attainable quality in accordance WeWe aimaim to achieve the the highest attainable quality in accordance with with application high-end audio standards and customer requirements. CABLE4YOU Encore XS XS ""Limited LimitedEdition Edition" "interconnects interconnectsfeature feature RCA connectors with high quality materials RCA connectors with high quality materials and multi-layer multi-layer gold goldplating. plating.These These selected for their technical properties. Especially forability their to ability to areare selected for their technical properties. Especially for their extremely tight connection. connection. Internal Internal insulating insulatingmaterials materialsare aremade madefrom fromlow-dielectric low-dielectricmaterial materialtoto extenuate extenuate thethe loss of signal signal transmission. transmission. The The genuine genuinegold-plated gold-platedRCA RCAconnectors connectorsallows allowsa avery verylow lowresistance resistance connection. connection. RCA connectors establish constant, firm contact with RCA inputs and outputs of your audio system. The cable dielectric, or material that that surrounds surrounds the the conductor, conductor, is is extremely extremely important. important.The Thedielectric dielectricisisimportant important because it soaks up and then then releases releases energy energy as as the the audio audio signal signalflows flowsthrough throughthe thecable. cable.This Thisenergy energytransfer transfer Dissolid™ is a direct direct form form of of sonic sonicdegradation. degradation.CABLE4YOU CABLE4YOUhas hasdeveloped developeda asophisticated sophisticateddielectric dielectricsystem system Dissolid™ (Discrete Solid SolidDielectric DielectricSignal Signal Transmission Technology), is comprised of specially designed Transmission Technology), thatthat is comprised solelysolely of specially designed Dyneon™ segments segmentsand andfree free between conductors. The Encore XS´s dielectric Dissolid™ airair between the the conductors. The Encore XS´s dielectric system system Dissolid™ reduces sonic degradation to an absolute minimum. The Encore XS XS ""Limited LimitedEdition Edition" "interconnects interconnectshas hasnew new Dissolid/LineAIR™ technology dissipation Dissolid/LineAIR™ technology forfor thethe dissipation of of RFI/EMI. It is constructed of GALLO/JET™ conductors, Dyneon™ dielectric, and coated OCCLC braided shield. OCCLC braid braid shields shieldsand andadvanced advanced Dyneon™ dielectric allow for great EMI rejection noise rejection and minimal Dyneon™ dielectric allow for great EMI noise and minimal reflections. OCCLC OCCLCbraid braidshielding shielding prevent interferences of complex the complex harmonic digital waveform prevent interferences of the harmonic digital waveform from from EMI/RFI sources. Because the the presence presenceofofananouter outer multilayer screen increases the capacitance the cable unnecessarily, multilayer screen increases the capacitance of theofcable unnecessarily, Encore XS XSinterconnects interconnects designedly do employ not employ a separate active multilayer,Whereas it, designedly do not a separate active multilayer screen. Whereas electromagnetically induced inducedcurrents currentswill will cause distortion the cables, the Dissolid™ cause distortion andand noisenoise in theincables, the Dissolid™ system system structure, newly developed for Encore XS is therewithal therewithal employed employed for for shielding shielding structure structure and and provides providesexcellent excellent rejection of EMI/RFI noise. The Encore XS " Limited Edition " interconnects achieves a new level of of authenticism authenticism in in dynamic dynamic and and frequency frequency range. Its extremely extremely low lownoise noisefloor floorallows allowsit ittoto reveal harmonic texture spatial information in ways reveal harmonic texture andand spatial information in ways moremore natural and and compelling. compelling.You'll You'lldiscover discover new dimension of clarity and musical naturality. With CABLE4YOU new dimension of clarity and musical naturality. With CABLE4YOU Encore XS interconnects in your system, here's a prediction: On first play, play, you'll you'llbe beup upallallnight nightasasyou you rediscover your music. Encore interconnects draws rediscover your music. Encore XSXS interconnects draws youyou intointo the the music by bycorrectly correctlypresenting presenting harmonic structure and emotion of the actualperformance. musical performance. the the harmonic structure and emotion of the actual musical Encore XS interconnects will will release release hidden hidden sonic soniccapabilities capabilitiesofofmost mostaudio audiosystems. systems.The Theprimary primarygoal goalisisonly only the best possible sound quality.
Made in Europe for superior quality
limited edition product