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from 00:03 Product Book
133 x 40 / 136 x 41 / 140 x 42 144 x 43 / 148 x 44 / 152 x 44
It’s all about predictable performance designed for progression at an incredible pace. The Spectrum is "Mr. Reliable" and is feature rich at a mighty impressive price tag.
Progression is all about repetition and with the Spectrum's excellent upwind tracking you can maximize your time on the water. The incredibly forgiving feel makes the Spectrum the easiest board in the range to ride and with a multitude of sizes you can make sure your focus never leaves your kite.
Design Profile
A fast and forgiving outline with a medium amount of rocker.
• Rocker and flex is designed for the widest range of conditions and riding styles
• Excellent upwind tracking
• Soft landings
• Excels in choppy water
• Smooth and predictable board control
• Single concave bottom
• Large fins for grip
Included with the board: 4x 50mm fins, 4x washers, 10xm6x16mm screws, grab handle
Product Code: K3TTSPCTM