Cacena Campbell's Portfolio & Resume

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Cacena Graduate Portfolio

Cacena.Campbe 816.520.3382


I n d e p e n dent Study

St er n G r o v e Spring 2014

My independent study was an exploration of theaters in detail to achieve a level of graphic representation that portrays a sense of scale and the quintessence of aged projects. To gain a better a understanding of how nature and the built environment can be intertwined; how an edge can become a space.

Materials. Mylar Pen Pencil Vellum

P l an

20 Sc a l e

Ink on Mylar 24� x 36�

S e c t i on 1 0 S c a le

Ink on Mylar 24” x 36”

S t u d i o - LA200B Berkeley,CA

Theater Park Spring 2013

The idea of my design was to treat the entire space as a theater. A space to observe multiple types of performances and arts. From musical concerts, spoken word, ballet, people watching, and observing the views throughout The Bay.



The two sinuous pathways help to orient those occupying and moving through the space; that then terminates into The Bay. Allowing for connection to canoe launch pads and observation terraces.


Materials. AutoCAD Illustrator




Th e at e r Pa rk

C ac e na M . C a m pb e l l

S pri n g 2 0 1 3




L D A R C H 134A

Nature Study Fall 2012

Nature study was an assignment to get into scale and study nature at the same time. It was also a time for me to get more into texture, form, and pattern. My nature study focused on Cynara cardunculus, also known as the artichoke thistle.

Materials. Pencil Bristol Paper

Riparian Edge

S t u d i o - LA201 Petaluma, CA

Urban Vegetation Zones Fall 2013

L o c ate d in t he c ore of Pe t a lu ma , my d es ig n int ro du c e s ve ge t ate d z one s w it h an u r b an f abr i c . Work i ng t hrou g h t wo s y stems and how t he y c an b e c ome one. Hav ing most ly mi xe d us e and l ive work u n its in t he o a k wo o d l and and s av an na ; to ret ai l and c on ne c t i on to t he r ai l l i ne in t he g r assl ands .

High Trees


Bldg Roofs

Materials. Illustrator Photoshop AutoCAD


Ground Poche

Prop. Contours

Existing Site Parking & Streets

Riparian Zone Oak Woodland Savanna Grassland

N P la n


- Vegetation Zones

S t u d i o - LA203 Mission Bay

Linear Greenway Fall 2014

Sea level rise is an issue that the San Francisco and the East Bay will have to deal with in the future. The site is a low lying area to that in 2050 my design provides a space that helps with the transition of sea level rise to allow for floodable tiered development. My design captures and stores stormwater, and releases during low tide. It acts as a linear green-way to serve the community from day-to-day.

Materials. Illustrator Photoshop AutoCAD SketchUP

Perspective Linear Green SketchUP & Photoshop

Diagrams - Flood Sea Level Rise

AutoCAD & Illustrator 11” x 17”

P l an

200 Scale

A u t o C AD & Illustrator 2 2 ” x 34”

Ex i s t i ng Conditions M ission Bay

In k o n W a t e r c o l o r 10 ” x 1 4 ”

S t u d i o - LA204 Palm Springs, CA

Watermark: Past Paths Spring 2015

In the form of an intervention/installation of water issues in the Palm Springs and Coachella Valley area. My site analysis moves into the form of models both digital and physical, along with drawings. My design speaks to the value and celebration of water. Highlighting the dry stream beds of where water used to be. Where water has sculpted leaving behind patterns throughout the landscape.This project is not complete, in that I am now thinking more about how to physically represent water issues in the landscape and how to make it interactive and space to visit.


Illustrator Photoshop AutoCAD Cotton Yarn Black Acrylic Gel (Matte)

Flow of Water

Cotton String, Black Acrylic Gel (Matte) 8.5� x 11�

M o d el - Point o f View Scale 1’= 1/8”

El e v a t i o n


Scale 1” = 50

Studio - LA 204 P a l m S p r i n g s

Infrastructal ART Personal 2015

Through form and experience I wished to reveal the convergence and opposition of two water systems. One, Whitewater River natural to the area and experienced while dry and Colorado River the more controlled and experience while wet when the waters are released to recharge the ground water aquifer. Materials.


AutoCAD Illustrator SketchUp Photoshop InDesign

Sculptural Sinuous Obscurit i e s 1 0 - 2 0 F e e t

Experience . Whitewater River

Water Wall . 3 5 - 4 0 F e e t



Colorado River

Space can be used f o r l a r g e scale art exhibits, p a i n t b a l l and obsticle course .

Colorado River Form Entrance to Site 1/4 mile entire length

Whitewater R i v e r F o r m


CAMPBELL 816.520.3382

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