3 minute read
1. 45% of Americans take a summer vacation, according to statisticsbrain.com.
2. CarInsurance.com reported that 70% of families had a great time on their summer road trip in 2020 and would do it again, despite some reporting family members having a meltdown before leaving the neighborhood.
3. CarInsurance.com also reported that 79% of their surveyed clients said they’ve been on a family road trip over the past five years. 72% percent of respondents said they’re more apt to take a long car ride for a vacation than travel by plane.
4. According to the Bureau of Transportation
Statistics, 657 million long-distance summer trips are made during the 16-week period between Memorial Day weekend and Labor
Day, and the average summer long-distance trip is 284 miles one-way.
5. What are the most popular destinations?
Statisticsbrain.com says 45% of families road trip to the beach, 41% visit cities, 21% tour national parks, 17% travel to a lake, and 14% road trip to resorts.
6. New York University (NYU) found that 59% of people find their travel inspiration on travel websites, 40% rely on Facebook for travel information and ideas, 25% study magazines, and 24% use guidebooks.
7. NYU also reported that top sought-after domestic vacation destinations are Florida,
California, New York, Colorado, and
Four Tips to Keep Your Family Safe on the Road This Summer
courtesy of DISCOUNT TIRE
Summer is here and for many families that means it’s time for a road trip to visit family, hit the beach, tour a national park, or explore uncharted territory. Wherever your adventure leads, before hitting the road, it’s always best to be prepared. Use these four tips to keep your travel safe:
CAR MAINTENANCE Before going on a trip is the perfect time to have your car looked over. Be sure to check tires, including spares, battery, belts, fluids, and the air conditioner. It’s also important to note that in the event you’re driving in a hot climate or towing a boat or trailer, you may need motor oil with a higher viscosity.
LITTLE PASSENGERS If you are traveling with little ones, check their car seats and boosters for proper installation and wear. As you pack for your trip, plan to intercept the eventual “I’m bored” statement by packing books, toys, games, and other fun distractions to keep their minds entertained. Also be prepared to take plenty of breaks to let them stretch and play.
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Make sure your car is packed with essential items needed in case of an emergency, such as water, warm blankets, flashlights, jumper cables, flares, first-aid kit, tools to change a tire, a detailed road map (GPS can fail from time to time), and non-perishable food.
PLAN, PLAN, AND PLAN MORE Smart phones are not just for texting and calls. Use it to help make your trip smoother (as a passenger or when not driving). Always know the weather at your final destination and every spot along the way. Download useful apps to get upto-date road conditions (i.e., Utah’s U-Dot Traffic app covers the whole state in road conditions, accidents, and weather). Your phone can also be used to find local eateries, fun sight-seeing destinations, and interesting town/city facts. But, remember to disconnect from the digital tool in order to explore and let adventure find you.
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