Architectural Porfolio

Page 1

Carol Ciccarelli

Farmer’s house Sutri, Viterbo Prof. Arch. Luigi Francsiosini Housing unit Via Tuscolana, Rome Prof. Arch. Luca Montuori Urban regeneration San Basilio, Rome Prof. Arch. Luca Montuori Landascape intervention Montefeltro, Pesaro-Urbino International workshop VILLARD 14 Urban design Villaggio Olimpico, Rome Prof. Arch. Simone Ombuen Urban design Tongle, Eindhoven Prof. Arch. Marcel Musch

9 6 8

Postindustrial intervention Pozzallo, Ragusa Prof. Arch. Lorenzo Dall’Olio


Master Thesis, Postindustrial intervention Kanaal Area, Eindhoven Prof. Arch. Luca Montuori, Prof. Arch. Marcel Musch, Arch. Mattia Daro’

4 1 2 3 10 5


Photography Things, signs, places and people Editor and social media manager 10_Editor and social media manager Non Architecture Competions Non Architecture Competitions

Sutri, Viterbo Prof. Arch. Luigi Franciosini

1. Realize the gross surface of 180-200 sq meters

In this project the purpose was to create a house for a farmer in the region of Viterbo. The area is in a vast space characterized by a deep slope and it’s connected with the town only by a small road. Also small apartments for visitors that want to escape from the chaotic lifestyles were created and integrated in the design seperate elements in order to respect the privacy of each user. Then the decision was to orient these elements in order to create an articulated external space and also to underline visuals that connect the users to the sorrounding panorama. All is elevetad on a the project. Last but not least, the idea was to “hide� the element from the street in order to make it part of the land as if it was born from it. To do so a big staircase was created to grant access to each unit but also to make a place for sociability and exchange. The materials chosen were also taken from the land around it. Tufo stone and wood are the main materials in order to give this architecture a strong rural feeling.

2. Orient the elements in order to create a complex public space

3. Create a

Tufo stone

the slope

Wood 4. Realize the staircase: place for meetings and connection between elements

Sketeches of the creative process

storage unit



apartments for rent

Floor plan, section and facade of the project


farmer’s house

Via Tuscolana, Rome Prof. Arch. Luca Montuori





of Rome, outside the city centre and next to the Tuscolana railway station. The aim was to create a new housing unit for temporary workers that would be using the spaces for a short period of time. The plot that was given is sorrounded by the train tracks and an existing building. Also it was faced towards the main street. The idea was to realize a buidling that would respect the sorrounding elements and the street orientation but also the existing architecture. In doing so, the facade was bent it in order to create a public space that would relate the new element with the street and also the train station. This generated a new public square that connected the ground level of stores with the level of the main hall of the apartment building. Above the units of the apartments shifted from 18 sq mt to 36 sq mt and also duplex of 54 sq mt. Between these elements some coma square in the back of the plot, an open air public room. Floor plan and views of the open spaces

Section and the facades of the project

San Basilio, Rome Prof. Arch. Luca Montuori

The sudden stop of the urban rise of Rome left areas of the city orbiting around the consolidated city. It’s in this components that San Basilio patiently waits to be part of Rome, a future made it more tangible by the arrival of a new subway a necessity in San Basilio, an World War between the GRA and the Aguzzano park. The project aims to be an opposition to an already thought out design. The intention is to sature the empty plots. In rethinking the drawing of San Basilio there was an important attention given to the public space. Four new public buildings were developed. These are distributed in the only area where the Aguzzano park becomes one with the city. The four buildings live in a close connection with a system of squares and gardensin order to become vital places and also a grant against a useless It’s in the attempt of understanding a different aspect of the city that the project is born, in the will of perceiving it not as bits or fragments but as a whole network.

analisi dei pieni e dei vuotids analysis of fill and voids


road system

high speed connections

green system preexisting to realize

project quantities urban fills

preexisting to upgrade

low and medium speed connections urban voids areas to saturate

settlement system

progettoDELLOspazioURBANO carolCICCARELLI alessandroDE SIMONE simoneOTTAVIANI enricoPERINI

project quantities urban fills

preexisting to realize

pedestian and cylable connections to realize




ctrl-V canale

Partendo dall’idea che Via del Casale di San Basilio dovesse mantenere il suo ruolo di collegamento urbano tra la Via Tiburtina street needse la Via Nomentana, nel progetto to maintain it’s assume la funzione di character una strada ad so altothe new buildings scorrimento, complementare this alla la accentuate vibilita’ piu’ lenta riservata character alla rete interna al quartiere. Per esaltare questo aspetto

Dovendo intervenire anche in lotti non saturi, di dimensioni Partendo dall’idea del ridottechee Via in prossimità di un Casale di San Basilio dovesse intessuto unsatured gia’ consolidato, si e’ mantenere il suo ruolo di plots to thedegli scelto di laprogettare collegamento urbano close tra Via Tiburtina e la Via consolidated Nomentana, nel progetto riproponessero le the assume la city funzione di decision tipologie edilizie una strada adwas alto to scorrimento, esistenti. Tenendo conto realize complementare alla labuildings dell‘impianto vibilita’ piu’ lenta riservata that respect thealzati, planimetrico e degli alla rete interna al quartiere. il progetto ha riproposto existing archiPer esaltare questo aspetto


strada ne demarcano i bordi e nea che andassero esaltano il carattere di canale.

completare il tessuto urbano esistente.

strada ne demarcano i bordi e ne esaltano il carattere di canale.


addizione ctrl-V Dovendo intervenire anche anche in in Dovendo intervenire lotti lotti non non saturi, saturi, di di dimensioni dimensioni ridotte ridotte ee in in prossimità prossimità di di un un tessuto consolidato, si e’ sezione studentato 1:500 tessuto gia’ gia’ consolidato, si e’ sezione studentato 1:500 scelto di progettare degli riproponessero le tipologie edilizie esistenti. Tenendo conto dell‘impianto planimetrico e degli alzati, ilil progetto ha riproposto riproposto progetto ha

Dopo lo studio del tessuto edilizio si e’ presa la decisione di

the diexisting conon l’intento dare buildings omogeneita’ allewe aree in cui decided il tessuto to risultava poco uniforme. elevate In particolare nell’area di

addizione Dopo lo studio del tessuto edilizio si e’ presa la decisione di

some levels in

con l’intento di dare omogeneita’ alle aree in cui il tessuto risultava poco uniforme. In particolare nell’area di

to respect statiorder sopraelevati di uno o exisiting duethe piani, in seguito alla

stati sopraelevati di uno o due piani, in seguito alla


che completare ilil che andassero andassero aa completare tessuto urbano esistente.

interventi garantiscono la giusta quantita’ di aria e luce.

interventi garantiscono la giusta quantita’ di aria e luce.


Nelle aree interessate dal collegamento tra il parco di Nelle aree Aguzzano e l’agro romano su interessate dal

collegamento tra il parco di in the area Aguzzano e l’agro romano su sono stati realizzati between the degli Aguzzano park sono stati realizzati degli in modo netto i limiti di and San Basilio in modo netto i limiti di questo corridoio verde. the new scelte questo corridoio verde. Le tipologie Le tipologie scelte buildings non bloccare il rapporto realize a clear non bloccare il rapporto tra il paesaggio e la tra il paesaggio e la morfologia urbana andando frame to respect morfologia urbana andando this connectiona costituire esse stesse un

tra il tessuto edilizio a costituire esse stessecollegamento un e il sistema del verde. collegamento tra il tessuto edilizio e il sistema del verde.

sezione sezione biblioteca biblioteca 1:500 1:500

asse metropolitana

sezione 1:500 sezione cinema cinema 1:500


Via Recanati

Via Recanati

sezione sezione mercato mercato 1:500 1:500

canale di San Basilio

genesi del progetto

canale di San Basilio

studentato -->

parco di Aguzzano

parco di Aguzzano

biblioteca -->

cinema -->

Montefeltro, Pesaro-Urbino International workshop of Villard 15


1 5 _ P a e s a g g i s t r a t e g i c i e c a m p i d i b a t t a g l i a d e l M o n t e feltro

UniversitĂ degli Studi Roma TRE

Veteran centro cemetery rappresentativo

Representative centre

cimitero di Montecchio

luoghi di sosta

Resting places

New centrality nuova centralitĂ

The site of this project is a territory full of history and memories, site of the second World War and full of elements that characterized the whole history of the country of Italy. The aim of the project was to bring back the good of each important period that made the territory of Montefeltro so famous and noble in the minds of the italians. The basic idea was to use the square form that is taken from the veternan cemetry that is located in the area. With this simple form, a whole masterplan was created of single elements that connect to eachother and tell a story, a written one, thanks to the paths and stops that take you into another dimension. The main focus then was to create a memory park. This landscape intervention is connected to the rest through a path that recalls the trenches of the war and that lead to square elements: each of them represent an important period of time: from the square of Piero della Francesca you are brought to the one of the war, continuing to the one of today and the one of the future, a square full of hope and dreams.


spazio espositivo


Historical P e r c o r s o path storico


vis ivo Visiual axe



R i c uConnection citura tra tessuto e industriale between industries and urban tissue


The general idea and the masterplan

XV century

XX century

XXI century


Villaggio Olimpico, Rome Prof. Arch. Simone Ombuen

The Villaggio Olimpico was a discrict created for the athletes during the Olympics of the city of Rome in the sixities. Today the area is a residential area that is fragmented and used only as a “dormitory district”. The project wants to create a system that connects the two areas of the Villaggio, now split also by the realization of the highway of Corso Francia. This system is created by a park and a public square but also a number of light architectural elements (containers) that incubate inside a big variaty of public and also commercial services for the area, in order to implement the flow of users inside the district. These containers are distributed in a linear way to redifine a principal axe while the park is a succesion of different pavements that connect horizontally the two parts of the divided neighborhood. A saturation of the ground floor of the existingn buildings was also made inserting in them commercial and public services.

L O W Tav. 2


Universita’ degli studi Roma Tre - Anno Laboratorio di Urbanistica 1M - Prof. Arch. Simone Ombuen, Prof. Arch. Annalisa Metta, P Studenti: Chiara Amato, Carol Cicc



mostra interattiva

Piano terra tavola calda

area giochi bambini


The other containers

The structure of the main containers

Tipologia di container

La struttura dei catalizzatori

The materials used

Legenda dei materiali utilizzati per le sistemazioni a terra

1-Travi e pilastri in acciaio

Tipologia di container

La struttura dei catalizzatori 8

CEMENTO Lastre di cemento prefabbricate di dimensioni 120cmx240cm con uno spessore di 13 mm utilizzate per realizzare i percorsi principali. Quanto in contatto con spazi aperti le lastre si seprano ad una distanza tale da permettere il passaggio del tosa erba

Cement - for the main paths




autosilo automatizzato

3-Griglia leggera in acciaio 5-Isolante

4-Parete in cartongesso 6-Stucco sintetico su fibra di vetro




vo D’Acqu Lungotevere Sal 2


vo D’Acquisto

Lungotevere Sal 6



7-Lamiera microforata


7 4

wc disabili




PRATO Grass - for the Gli spazi aperti e di ampio respiro sono lasciati al naturale e l’intervento large opene’ stato ridotto ad una semplice manutenzione. Esso entra in contatto con gli altri materiali utilizzati a volte anche spaces compenetrandosi.


Dettagli della struttura


lounge bar


1 floor dimension 5x5x9 m

Tipologia 2: ad un piano con una copertura delle dimensioni del container stesso. Dimensioni 5x5x9.00



Tipologia 2: ad un piano con una copertura delle dimensioni del container stesso. Dimensioni 5x5x9.00



Isolamento barriera al

Piano prim

vapore Insulation Stucco sintetico su Parete cartongesso Stucco fibra di vetro Isolamento barriera aluminum al Pannello di alluminio perforato vapore panel Stucco sintetico su

fibra di vetro Sistema scatolato Pannello di alluminio perforato

Section of Corner solution Boxed system Via Uruguay the glass

ASFALTO COLORATO Colored Utilizzato lungo tutta la pista ciclabile di nuova progettazione. Esso contraddistingue asphalt - for una chiara segnaletica orizzontale e si piccola struttura differenzia dalle corsie di marcia adiacenti odi vendita the bike path perpendicolari.

area wifi

wc disabili

Parete cartongesso Drywall Griglia d’acciaio

Sezione vetrata continua con schermo frangisole

uscita di sicurezza parcheggi



Griglia d’acciaio Steel grid

RESINA ACRILICA Acrylic resin Utilizzato per realizzare i campi sportivi da piccola struttura poiche’ permette una corretta aderenza per i di vendita -giocatori. for the sport Il colore scuro limita il fenomeno di abbagliamento dovuto alle luci artificiali e naturali. areas



8-Rivestimento copertura

wc wc disabili


Dettagli della struttura


ze Via Sviz



Details of the structure



7-Lamiera microforata

6-Stucco sintetico su fibra di vetro 8-Rivestimento copertura






i ul Gi a o ntos ll’Acqua nAce Lungotevere de il a i Sa u Tipologia 1: ad un piano. Dimensioni 5x5x4.50 Gi asi d 1 floor dimension de 5x5x4.50 m ntos ll’Acqua Ace a as Lungotevere i SVia S d i Tipologia 1: ad un piano. Dimensioni 5x5x4.50 ss Sa Via

2-Rivestimento interno 4-Parete in cartongesso


Stabilized GHIAIA STABILIZZATA Materiale utilizzato in modo tale da determinare gravel - for i percorsi secondari pedonali. Non essendo adatto al passagio di disabili e’ compensato con the secondary percorsi in cemento a norma. paths



sima oli

sette le dicias

2-Rivestimento interno

Steel beams and pillars Lining Steel grid Plasterboard wall Insulator Syntethic stucco wc Aluminum sheet Coating coverage wc disabili wc Glass 1-Travi e pilastri in acciaio 3-Griglia leggera in acciaio

Sezione vetrata continua con schermo frangisole

Soluzione d’angolo

Soluzione d’angolo

Piano Sezione


Ground connection


Sistema scatolato

Tipologia 3: a due piani. Dimensioni 5x5x9.00

2 floor dimension

Attacco a terra

Attacco a terra

Tipologia 3: a due piani. Dimensioni 5x5x9.00

Via Uruguay

silent disco

The trees used

negozio di tecnologia

Alberatura di progetto

PIOPPO TREMOLO (Populus Tremula)


La sua altezza si aggira sui 20-25 m, ha fusto diritto e slanciato ed una chioma di forma globulare che può raggiungere i 3-4 m di diametro. Le sue foglie turionali sono ovali e appuntite, con picciolo a forma cilindrica, mentre le brachiblastali hanno forma tondeggiante con picciolo leggermente schiacciato ai lati che le rende particolarmente mobili al minimo soffio di vento. Utilizzato anche come specie ornamentale.


uffici cinema per roma sala espositiva12.00

Aspen tree negozio sportivo negozio sportivo

biblioteca 24.00 12.00

uffici cinema per roma sala espositiva12.00



24.00 24.00

Albero di modeste dimensioni , con tronco spesso contorto e ramificato; chioma rotondeggiante lassa. La corteccia è bruna e fessurata in placche rettangolari. I rametti sono sottili e ricoperti da una peluria. Le foglie semplici, a margine intero e ondulato, larghe circa 5-8 cm, a lamina espansa con 5 o 3 lobi ottusi, picciolate, di colore verde scuro, sono ottime e nutrienti per gli animali. Specie ornamentale utilizzata nei giardini e nei parchi.

Via Germania

Maple tree

negozio sportivo

tavola calda


Via Germania

ACERO CAMPESTRE (Acer Campestre)

tavola calda negozio di libri

SPINO DI GIUDA (Gleditsia Triacanthos)


Judas spinus

piccola struttura di vendita

uscita di sicurezza parcheggi sala conferenze

negozio di libri

Proviene dal Giappone e dalla Cina, ma vive facilmente in tutte le zone a clima mite.





scuola di cucina

da Via Olan


verde scuro. I fiori sono giallo-crema, sono delicatamente profumati e sbocciano da aprile a settembre. Come pianta ornamentale nei giardini, parchi e viali, specialmente delle zone rivierasche, per siepi, o macchie arbustive, nei climi con inverni rigidi e prolungati.

Via Olan



negozio di dischi


Raggiunge un’altezza che varia tra i 2-5 metri. Pittosporo Le foglie sono obovate, lucide e di colore


negozio di dischi

sviluppo fotografico

PITTOSPORO (Pittosporum)



sviluppo fotografico

Albero alto da 15 a 30 m, chioma ampia e vaporosa, fusto molto ramificato, con rami disordinati e tortuosi. La corteccia è grigio-brunastra con numerose spine composte da tre punte di diversa lunghezza e direzione (la mediana è la più lunga: 3–6 cm). Le foglie, caduche, pennato-composte, sono costituite da 15-30 piccole foglioline verdi, ovali. In tarda primavera compaiono numerose infiorescenze di piccoli fiori bianco-verdastri poco appariscenti.




street food

scuola di cucina

street food

mostra interattiva 22.00

mostra interattiva


P tavola calda

area giochi bambini

tavola calda

area giochi bambini 10.50



autosilo automatizzato gelateria A

Viale Pietro De

Viale dic


autosilo automatizzato


ima olim





ima olim


Viale dic



autosilo automatizzato



fermata tram: palazzetto dello sport Linea 2

12.00 24.00

ristorante mercato


Planimetria scala 1:500 24.00

fermata tram: palazzetto dello sport Linea 2



lounge bar

mercato 12.00



Tav. 5

free climbing

street food



street food

L O W Tav. 8


zera Via Sviz



Plan of the project and material used


Tav. 5




street food



10m 5m


piccol di v

Planimetria scala 1:500

piccola struttura Universita’ degli studi Roma2mTre - Anno Accademico 203/2014 10m 24.00 di vendita Laboratorio di Urbanistica 1M - Prof. Arch. Simone Ombuen, Prof. Arch. Annalisa Metta, Prof. Arch. Roberto Gallia 0 5m 30m lounge bar Studenti: Chiara Amato, Carol Ciccarelli e Simone Ottaviani 12.00 Universita’ degli studi Roma Tre - Anno Accademico 203/2014 Laboratorio di Urbanistica 1M - Prof. Arch. Simone Ombuen, Prof. Arch. Annalisa Metta, Prof. Arch. Roberto Gallia Studenti: Chiara Amato, Carol Ciccarelli e Simone Ottaviani

Sections and views of one of the main containers

Universita’ degli studi Roma Tre - Anno Accad Laboratorio di Urbanistica 1M - Prof. Arch. Simone Ombuen, Prof. Arch. Annalisa Metta, Prof. Arch Studenti: Chiara Amato, Carol Ciccarelli e S

Tongle, Eindhoven Prof. Arch. Marcel Musch

The project is realized along a canal area of the city of Eindhoven in the south of the Netherlands. The intervention is an old industry site that now needs a fast regenaration in order to support the fast growing of this city. The project was first tought out troughout a timelap strategy of three fases, founded on the fact that each fase would bring a major economy flow and also a bigger movement of people. Each fase was provided of an economy point of view with the possible investors and the time frame in which each architectural or urban elements would be realized. Also the metohods of invesmtents were explanied with the possible monetary outcome. All is then completed with two architectural designs (the Canopy and the Terrace) that are settled in the last time fase where money and people are already settled in the area. These architectural elements exploit also the presences of water, implementing it and using to create an articulated public space.

Description of the fases, of the investments and the economic outcome

Pozzallo, Ragusa Prof. Arch. Lorenzo Dall’Olio

This building was an old distillery that was abbandon in the 20th century and left to itself. The building today is without any roofs and many of the walls are disintegrated. This said, the aim was to create an element that would take in consideration these lackings. The idea then was to realize an overlay of polycarbonate in order to be visible and also to be different from the existing stone walls. This overlay brings with itself a complex structure of square elements that create new spaces inside the factory. This will be implemented with new public functions, such as a new library, an auditorium and so forth. The project also foresees the creation of new residence units that were created on the borther of the plot, now just closed by a stone wall. These units are realized part on one floor, part on two floors each with a garden for private use. The decision was to realize them in white concrete in order to recall the overlay and it’s principles. In the end, the sorrounding landscape was left to it’s natural state; the only intervention was to insert drywalls and sheds that recall the sicilian landscape.

Axonometry and ground floor plan of the project

Sections, facades and views of the project

Kanaal zone, Eindhoven Prof. Arch. Luca Montuori, Prof. Arch. Marcel Musch, Arch. Mattia Daro’

The project is developed in the canal area of Eindhoven, a small but smart city located in the South of the Netherlands. The idea was born after analyzing the trends and development of this city and, after noticing that the are many startups and co-working places that are developing now and in the future, the object was to interpret this elements and insert them in an industrial area that is being slowly abandoned. The project established itself in the Campina factory (an important dairy producer) and exploits the idea of co-working and co-living in a critical way. In fact the project, which architecturally resembles the image of old industries, is a critical view on this global phenomena which is developing in these years. It’s wants to represent the obsession of these times and of the future ones, where the actors, the generation y, are represented by a precarious social class, subject to work and live in the same unconfined and scattered places; places which were the emblematic case of labour and manual work but that today, being slowly left behind, are redeveloping to embrace the new working era, the post capitalism era. It’s thanks to this analysis that the new Campina was born, a place of coexisting where people work and live in the same spaces but at different times and in a relative autonomy from one another.

CAMPINA_il progetto

CAMPINA_il progetto




C’ B’


A’ C B


SEZIONE A-A’_scala 1:500

SEZIONE B-B’_scala 1:500


SEZIONE C-C’_scala 1:500


Thing, signs, places and people Rome, London, New York and Paris. Things (A private kitchen) - Rome

Signs (Nothing Hill) - London

This last section is dedicated to one of the activities i do in my spare time. Photography is a big part of the life of a young architect who is in constant search for suggestions and insipiration. These elements open the mind and stimulate the creativity of a dreamer whether they are THINGS, SIGNS, PLACES OR PEOPLE. So in this brief description the pictures presented describe what stimulate my imagination and my creativity and what sometimes, either in my everyday life, in my trips or simply in observing the sourroundings in my life, my eye could catch and represent. These pictures are divided by themes which are more fully documented trough out other photographs but the ones choosen are the most emeblematic ones. Also the selected ones are realized in the most important cities i’ve visisted and that developed part of my architectural and personal sensibility: Rome, London, New York and Paris .

People (Palais de Tokyo) - Paris Places (New Bowery) - New York

Non Architecture Competitions Weekly newsletter NON ARCHITECTURE COMPETITIONS HOTELS call for materials #1

Introduction Hotel (n.) "public official residence; large private residence," from French hôtel "a mansion, palace, large house," from Old French ostel, hostel "a lodging". Modern sense of "an inn of the better sort" is first recorded 1765. The same word as hospital.

Facebook page

We can consider “Architecture” everything that has already been designed and/or built. That would define a realm of conventional solutions, often repeated in a self-referential system. We imagined a counterpart, a “Non architecture”. A world of unexplored designs and countless possibilities, that if found, could enlarge and change permanently the boundaries of Architecture. A universe of chances and opportunities never challenged by architects before. A limitless field of investigation that includes everything that is not Architecture, yet. Non Architecture competitions is an initiative pointed at finding and bringing forward these valuable alternative proposals. It practically consists in a series of nine competitions, organized in a time frame of three years. All competitions have their focus on finding innovative approaches to a specific architecture topic, always related to a functional issue. Emphasis is always pointed to non-traditional, and therefore non-architectural approaches to the architect’s work..

A hotel is an establishment that provides lodging paid on a short-term basis. Facilities provided may range from a basic bed and storage for clothing, to luxury features like en-suite bathrooms. Hotel operations vary in size, function, and cost. 
 We all took advantage of this service one time or another, but today the classic view of staying in a foreign place is not always provided by a classic type of hotel. Other systems have developed that are undermining the typology of this service as we all know it. The question is what is this establishment developing to, what is it going to become in the future, will it return to the classical view, will the new systems develop even more or will the scenery change again and create new perspective and new places to live and feel? The questions we are trying to answer come from a long study of the history and the growth of the hotels but also from the changing scenery of society and the people of the world…the new typologies could also become more that a spatial quality, fragmented spaces, fleeting enclaves and an ever changing ones. What we are looking for is for a view of this subject projected in the near by and far by future, developed on the basis of feel, study and emotions. They need to be key ingredients in a vast study of this ever changing and socially important subject, generator, which combines and collects different which not also represents an important element for cultures and people. the economy of the world but also a melting pot Topics NON ARCHITECTURE COMPETITIONS wants to investigate the effective actions of what this typology is today and what is becoming. This through out a series of elements and instruments such as articles, infomercial, schemes and ideas based upon studies and personal outlook on the matter. 
 These elements need to investigate the role, not only in one perspective, but on many levels such as places to sleep for students, workers, lovers, friends, places determined by sensorial elements or by their looks, ever changing spaces, temporary ones, all the broad range that this element is and represents. They need to answer question and arise critics from the history of the hotels, to what they have become today and they will be, in order to have a spectrum of ideas that will initiate debates and develop new concepts for this subject. We are looking for a series of elements that narrate the revolution that is happening through out reporting it, describing it, photographing it, and collecting it’s data, in order to meet the hospitable protagonist of this change. 
 submission guidelines an

The call for materials defines the field of interest of hotels and produces a context in which to situate contributions.

submission details

>HOTELS will be published….

Call for materials #1

>A draft of the submission should be electronically sent to NON ARCHITECTURE COMPETITIONS until the 16th of June. Accepted

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