Illustration Portfolio (1)

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Portfolio Jessie Tang Tsz Man

Introduction Hello! I am Jessie Tang from Hong Kong. I am currently a first year studying illustration at OCADu. Other than illustration, I am also deeply interested in photography, product and interior design.


About me

Although I do not have official work nor freelance experience, throughout the years I have tried experiencing with different medias, such as photography, clay, and book illustrating. Thereby further inspiring me to learn, play and be creative with different mediums!

More works @caicifier on instagram

Psychological Pain Psychological Pain is a book that illustrates the story of a young boy struggling through his emotional pain and mental challenges such as being sad, angry, envy, and stress. Through Psychological Pain, I wish to not only to express the emotional conicts inside our mind but to encourage those in face of these pains not to give up. Life is full of pain and nobody likes pain, but pain is necessary for us to grow and mature.

Book Medium: watercolour Size: 11.9 Ă— 9.4 cm Target audience: 6-12 years old/ anyone going through psychological or emotional pain Purpose: encouragement

Book front cover

Book back cover

Idea development At first, I didn’t plan for this project to be a book, only some thumbnails. However as I further developed my idea, I decided that a book with a story will be more relatable, heartfelt, and interesting. I also chose to use watercolour because colours won't be too bold or messy and it also carries a graceful, soft, and whimsical effect Colour theme Conscious or unconscious, we make associations and comparisons in order to grasp a better understanding and idea. Thereby using colour theme and the common associations of colours and emotions, it will be organized and assist better communication and understanding for readers.

Character Using human characters to express psychological pain because it is able to strongly emphasize and connect to humanistic emotions and pain. “how much you hurt as a human being”, - Edwin S. Shneidman. Attempt Book cover Too messy and compacted making it hard to read. Story ending and message At the end of the book, an en encouragement not to give up in midst of psychological pain. Also that pain is a gift in disguise because it helps us mature and grow.

Thumbnails and Planning

Problems Although I really loved the ideas and thumbnails for regret, I decided not to include it in my final project because I felt as it “regret” wouldn’t rea;;y be applicant for a young target audience.

Insight This project has taught me consideration, sympathy and emotional strength. It has made me rethink about pain and it’s meaning.

Book (part 1)

Book (part 2)

Senior Hoodie Design It is a school tradition that every year, the seniors (Gr.12), get to design a piece of clothing for our final year in Christian Alliance International School. Through our senior hoodie design, we hope to create grade unity and spirit in our final year of highschool. Our school mascot is a lion thereby our design includes a fierce lion roaring symbolizing our strength. However depending on how you look at it, the lion is also yawning because it represents how tiring and stressful senior responsibilities are and the tons of work. Also we are the graduating class of 2019, thereby our logo has the shorten phase of “class of ‘19”

Hoodie Design Medium: Digital (Procreate) Design Group: 5 people Size: Front (8×8 cm) Back( 25×30 ) Side (4× 5 cm) Purpose: promote grade unity

Process 1.Class Vote Being in the senior hoodie design team, we decided to include popular opinion through voting so that our final work can be appreciated and builds a stronger unity. Maroon or dark red was chosen because it was unisex. and chose hoodie as the clothing type because it was comfortable and flexible.

Specific Contributions

2. Requirements School’s requirements such as putting “Class of 2019”, our names, and our school’s name in order for it to be appropriate to represent our school. Lastly, as the designers, we decided to use our school’s mascot, lion, in our design because it represents our school and fierceness in face of all the stress and work of our last year.

Although most decisions were made as a grade or team, it is important to note that my specific contribution is the meaning, design, and idea of the hoodie. However, the final illustration and outcome was not drawn by me.

Personal Insight Listening and taking in everyone’s one opinions is very difficult but necessary so that we can listen and pick the best choices to satisfy everyone’s opinions. This is not just my hoodie and ideas, but also everyone else’s hoodie.

Idea Drafts At first, we wanted to “seniors” on top of a box with the “2019” evenly spaced out so that it’s easy to read and clean.

A small logo in the front right because if both the front and back completely covered it would be very messy.

Problems Back

At the end, we switched the back and front logos and added the a funny and light hearted phrase “I survived CAIS”. We also increase the detail so that the lion is more fierce and professional looking.

The lines too thin and simple and it doesn’t look professional.


Not everyone liked the childish style and The pun of “lion” to “yawn”.

Side Block and capitalized font with the bright blue colour because it is our school’s colour theme..


The bright blue doesn't match with the red because it’s bright and saturation contracts too much making it too messy and hard to read.




Instead of the lion logo, we changed it to a small square box of “class of ‘19”. We shorten 2019 to enlarge and highlight the year “19” At the right arm, we decided to use College Block font because of it’s bold and neatness. We also changed the colour theme to creme, bright yellow and maroon therefore changing the letters to yellow.

Faceless Receiving good education and attaining academic excellence is often associated with being successful in life. Ironically, this has brought overwhelming competition, loads of work, stress on children and students that causes them to be physically and mentally unhappy and unhealthy. Faceless, reflects the helplessness of many Hong Kong students that are stuck and struggling to keep up in what their education system and society mores expects of them.

Character Design/ Comic Medium: Watercolour, pencil, marker Size: Varies from 3×3 cm to 29.7 x 42.0cm Purpose: promoting change and reflection in Hong Kong’s education system



Study room

Work Hard


Crossing the Road

Ball Pit

過 馬 路 Grown-up Dream

Little Children

波 波 池 小 朋 友

黑 暗 長 大 的 夢

草圖 玩

自 修 室 努 力

Silent Busy. Stress. Tired. Life is busy and hectic in a civilized and efficient city. Hardly do we ever find peace and silence in the bustling noises of our restless lives. Nonetheless, Silent will remain quiet with a peaceful expression. He is the figure that reminds us to stop in our lives and take a break and moment to find peace and quietness.

Clay Sculpture Medium: Clay and Acrylic paint Size: 20 × 10 × 26 cm Intended audience: city people Purpose: promoting quiet and peace

Childhood Dreams Every child has wild and imaginative dreams. But as we grow up, we often lose motivation and passion in realization of the impossibility of our dreams and give up. Although not all dreams come true, Childhood Dreams, reminds us not to give up because through our dreams, it can open up another world of wonderful and unimaginable possibilities.

Painting Medium: Water colour Size: 38 Ă— 14.5 cm

Rainbow Estate Recently, Choi Hung (Rainbow) Estate has gained a lot of popularity on social media and has become a great spot for photo shooting. Although there are thousands of Hong Kong government housing estates, Choi Hung Estate diers in its aesthetic features with its pastel rainbowed scheme walls. However, I believe that Choi Hung Estate is truly captivating because of the mysteries and dynamic stories behind each home.

Reference photo:

Painting Medium: Poster Colour Size: 38 Ă— 29 cm

Leftover Beach Many times we throw away our used wooden chopsticks and popsicle sticks. In this model, Leftover Beach, we used every bit of left over wooden sticks in every possible way. Even in art class when using wooden sticks to build our models, many small and leftover bits of wood are regarded as useless and non recyclable. Although the final model may look simple, it is filled with the creative solutions to make the best out of other’s wastes.

Popsicle Stick Model Medium: Wooden sticks Size: 23×16×16 cm Group work: 2 people Purpose: promote recycling

Powerpuff Fatties Children television shows such as “Powerpuff Girls” or animations often show and define a girl’s beauty with a slim body. This leads to the humiliation with the term “fattie” for those whose natural body shapes are rounder and chubby. However, not all those whose mass and weight is larger is unhealthy or overweighted. Powerpuff Fatties is a small fun sticker set to promote awareness and encouragement for overweight girls to love and be confident in their looks.

Sticker Set Medium: watercolour Size: Each approximately 7×5 cm Target Audience: Naturally rounder girls

Pattern Design There are no limitations to patterns, just random pieces of my mind, ideas and testings owing through the paper. Together they make a greater unique and beautiful picture. I enjoy drawing patterns so much because they are stress relieving and they nourish my creativity. Also they make me unafraid of testing and mistakes, because that’s what make each pattern so special and unique.

Design/ Sketches Medium: watercolour, poster colour, and marker Size: Each approximately 7Ă—5 cm

Gustav Klimt Not only am I captivated by his unique style of golden patterns, but also his bold and dierent approach to art in a classical art time period. It also inspires me to step out of my comfort zone to try dierent styles and to be unafraid of developing my own unique style.

Daily Life It is hard to observe anything special and memorable in our daily lives because everything is so normal. Hardly do we ever stop to admire and cherish the little moments occurring in our daily lives. Through Daily Life, I hope to capture the normal moments that will become special in our memories.

Photography Medium: Canon powershot s120 Edited: Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

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