Phase 1 woodbury theater city staff meeting 20171024 final

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Gold Line BRTOD Plans

Woodbury Theater Station Constraints and Opportunities

Woodbury City Staff Meeting October 24, 2017

Agenda 1. BRT and BRTOD fundamentals 2. Tamarack Station – Constraints and opportunities 3. Woodbury Theater Station – Constraints and opportunities 4. Discussion 5. Next steps

BRTOD Plans Schedule Tamarack & Woodbury Theater Station -18 Month Process Phase 1-

Constraints & Opportunities Identification

October (2017)

Phase 2-

Preliminary Station Area Land Use & Circulation Alternatives

January (2018)

Phase 3-

Preferred Station Area Land Use & Circulation Alternatives

April (2018)

Phase 4-

Review Draft BRTOD/Small Area Plan

June (2018)


September (2018)

BRT Fundamentals

BRT Characteristics—Bus-Only Lanes

Special roadways or lanes dedicated to the exclusive use of buses. Often considered most like light rail transit.


BRT Characteristics —Frequent Service

Fewer stops (1/2 mile apart)

Transit priority signal

Bus-only lanes

BRT Characteristics—Train-Like Features

Level boarding to vehicle

Fare payment at the station

BRT Characteristics—Enhanced Stations High-quality Amenities     

Shelters Seating Paving Landscaping Electronic Reader Boards

BRT Characteristics— Specialized Vehicle

Streetcar-like comfort

More passengers per bus

BRT Characteristics—TOD Potential

Lower TOD Potential Mixed Traffic

Higher TOD Potential Exclusive Guideway

BRTOD Fundamentals

Fundamentals – Ideal TOD  Grid of Streets  Complete Streets


Grid of Streets

Appropriate - Fine-Grained Grid

Inappropriate - Large Sized Blocks

Complete Streets





Complete Streets – Accommodate Essential Functions





Complete Streets – Design Priorities

Complete Streets – Designed for the Most Vulnerable

Fundamentals – Ideal TOD  Station Neighborhood  Station Hub


Great Townhomes


Apartments Great Rental Apartments

Parks and Open Space

Fundamentals – Ideal TOD  Station Neighborhood  Station Hub


Station Hub: Mix of Uses Residential and Office Use over Retail/Commercial Storefronts

18 Hour Activity

Station Hub: Retail & Commercial

Neighborhood Serving — Dining and Entertainment

Station Hub: Retail & Commercial

Neighborhood Serving — Sale of Goods

Station Hub: Residential

Apartments and Condominiums

Station Hub: Plaza

5 Minute Trips

Woodbury Theater Station

Constraints & Opportunities

Station Planning Area ½ Mile Radius

Station Neighborhood ¼ Mile Radius

Woodbury Theater Station – Planning Area

Radio Dr.

Bielenberg Dr.

Century Ave. MOD Planning Area 1 Mile Radius

Tamarack Rd.

Valley Creek Rd.

Woodbury Theater Station – MOD Planning Area

Radio Dr.

Bielenberg Dr.

Century Ave. MOD Planning Area 1 Mile Radius

Tamarack Rd.

Valley Creek Rd.

Woodbury Theater Station – MOD Planning Area

Trail (Private?) Existing Sidewalk

Existing Trail

Incomplete Pedestrian and Bike Network– Constraints


Poor Station Access

BRT Mixes with Traffic

Freeway Impacts

Sensitive Areas and Wetlands

No sidewalks from front doors of residences to the station

Potential delays due to traffic congestion

Noise and air quality limit uses on adjacent parcels

Large parcels not developable within station area

Visually Isolated Development Parcels

Incomplete Station Access

Located behind large shopping center buildings

Breaks in existing trail network

Parking Lots

Large percentage of sites are reserved for parking

Long Walking Distance Employment and residential uses not within a 5-minute walk of the station

Intersection Safety Concerns

Intersections spaced far apart, long crossing of wide roads, and heavy traffic discourage walking or biking to the station

Woodbury Theater Station – Constraints

BRT Mixes with Traffic Potential delays due to traffic congestion

Woodbury Theater Station – Constraints


13,500 Daily Trips

Mixed Traffic BRT Guider to Tamarack

Future (2040):

14,100 Daily Trips

BRT in Mixed Traffic—Constraint


Intersection Safety Concerns

Intersections spaced far apart, long crossing of wide roads, and heavy traffic discourage walking or biking to the station

Woodbury Theater Station – Constraints

14,100 Daily Trips (2040)

13,500 Daily Trips (2014) 34,900 Daily Trips (2014) 40,900 Daily Trips (2040)

24,600 Daily Trips (2014) 30,000 Daily Trips (2040)

Roadway Traffic and Vehicle Speed– Constraints

Existing wide roads and heavy traffic 24, 600 ADT Valley Creek Road Speed Limit 40 MPH

Intersection Safety Concerns — Constraint


Long Walking Distance Employment and residential uses not within a 5-minute walk of the station

Woodbury Theater Station – Constraints

Employment uses more than a 5 minute walk to the proposed station

Long Walking Distance — Constraint


Incomplete Station Access

Breaks in existing trail network

Woodbury Theater Station – Constraints

No trails or sidewalks

Incomplete Station Access — Constraint


Poor Station Access

No sidewalks from front doors of residences to the station

Woodbury Theater Station – Constraints

No sidewalks from front doors of residences to the station

Guider Drive

Poor Station Access—Constraint


Parking Lots

Large percentage of sites are reserved for parking

Woodbury Theater Station – Constraints

Available development sites

Large percentage of sites are reserved for parking

Parking Lots — Constraint


Visually Isolated Development Parcels

Located behind large shopping center buildings

Woodbury Theater Station – Constraints

Vacant development parcel Located behind large shopping center buildings

Visually Isolated Parcels—Constraint


Freeway Impacts

Noise and air quality limit uses on adjacent parcels

Woodbury Theater Station – Constraints

Noise and air quality limit uses on adjacent parcels


Freeway Impacts — Constraint


Sensitive Areas and Wetlands Large parcels not developable within station area

Woodbury Theater Station – Constraints

Poor Station Access

BRT Mixes with Traffic

Freeway Impacts

Sensitive Areas and Wetlands

No sidewalks from front doors of residences to the station

Potential delays due to traffic congestion

Noise and air quality limit uses on adjacent parcels

Large parcels not developable within station area

Visually Isolated Development Parcels

Incomplete Station Access

Located behind large shopping center buildings

Breaks in existing trail network

Parking Lots

Large percentage of sites are reserved for parking

Long Walking Distance Employment and residential uses not within a 5-minute walk of the station

Intersection Safety Concerns

Intersections spaced far apart, long crossing of wide roads, and heavy traffic discourage walking or biking to the station

Woodbury Theater Station – Constraints


Opportunity Sites

Potential Gold Line Corridor Trail

Potential transit-supportive redevelopment of parking lots or vacant sites

Consider shared walking and biking trail

Potential Freeway Crossing

Potential Station Access Improvements

Consider new walk/bike bridge to improve station access

New sidewalks and bike lanes/trails to station

Potential Trail Extensions

Regional Shopping Destination

Fill gaps in existing trail network to station

Transit -supportive goods and services mostly within a 5-minute walk to the station

Long Term Opportunity Consider future re-use and/or development intensification

Opportunity Sites

Potential transit-supportive redevelopment of parking lots or vacant sites

Potential Intersection Enhancements Pedestrian and bike crossing improvements

Woodbury Theater – Opportunities

Potential Gold Line Corridor Trail

Consider shared walking and biking trail

Woodbury Theater – Opportunities

Existing Trail

Potential Gold Line Corridor Trail — Opportunity


Potential Trail Extensions

Fill gaps in existing trail network to station

Woodbury Theater – Opportunities

Fill gaps in existing trail network to station

Afton Road

Existing out-of-direction route

To Royal Oaks School

Potential Trail Extensions—Opportunity


To proposed Woodbury Station

Fill gaps in existing trail network to station

Fill gaps in existing trail network to station

Currell Blvd.

Existing sidewalk network to station

Potential Sidewalk Extensions — Opportunity


Potential Intersection Enhancements Pedestrian and bike crossing improvements

Woodbury Theater – Opportunities

Potential Station Access Improvements

New sidewalks and bike lanes/trails to station

Woodbury Theater – Opportunities

Potential Woodbury BRT Station Loation

Potential Shopping Center Building Passageways (front)

Potential Station Access Improvements—Opportunity


Potential Shopping Center Building Passageways (front)


Potential Shopping Center Building Passageways (rear)

Potential Station Access Improvements—Opportunity


New sidewalks and bike lanes/trails to station


Woodbury Theater

Potential Station Access Improvements — Opportunity


Potential Freeway Crossing

Consider new walk/bike bridge to improve station access

Woodbury Theater – Opportunities

Proposed Woodbury Theater Station Existing Trail

Major Commuting Bike Route to Saint Paul


Potential Freeway Crossing — Opportunity


Regional Shopping Destination

Transit -supportive goods and services mostly within a 5-minute walk to the station

Woodbury Theater – Opportunities

Provides weekly and daily uses

Shopping Destination—Opportunity


Opportunity Sites

Potential transit-supportive redevelopment of parking lots or vacant sites

Opportunity Sites

Potential transit-supportive redevelopment of parking lots or vacant sites

Woodbury Theater – Opportunities

Potential transit-supportive development of vacant sites

Potential TOD Sites—Opportunity


Long Term Opportunity Consider future re-use and/or development intensification

Woodbury Theater – Opportunities

Opportunity Sites

Potential Gold Line Corridor Trail

Potential transit-supportive redevelopment of parking lots or vacant sites

Consider shared walking and biking trail

Potential Freeway Crossing

Potential Station Access Improvements

Consider new walk/bike bridge to improve station access

New sidewalks and bike lanes/trails to station

Potential Trail Extensions

Regional Shopping Destination

Fill gaps in existing trail network to station

Transit -supportive goods and services mostly within a 5-minute walk to the station

Long Term Opportunity Consider future re-use and/or development intensification

Opportunity Sites

Potential transit-supportive redevelopment of parking lots or vacant sites

Potential Intersection Enhancements Pedestrian and bike crossing improvements

Woodbury Theater – Opportunities

Next Steps


BRTOD Plans Schedule Tamarack & Woodbury Theater Station -18 Month Process Phase 1-

Constraints & Opportunities Identification

October (2017)

Phase 2-

Preliminary Station Area Land Use & Circulation Alternatives

January (2018)

Phase 3-

Preferred Station Area Land Use & Circulation Alternatives

April (2018)

Phase 4-

Review Draft BRTOD/Small Area Plan

June (2018)


September (2018)


Gold Line BRTOD Plans

Woodbury Theater Station Constraints and Opportunities

Woodbury City Staff Meeting October 24, 2017

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