Bienvenida Alcalde

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Y porque Santiago, la capital patrimonial de Chile, les da la bienvenida y los invita a conocer toda la riqueza de su historia y la calidez de sus habitantes.

Santiago, the patrimonial Capital capital of Chilean culture of Chile, welcomes you and invites, invites you to learn about its history and to experience the warmthwarm of its people.

Fundada en 1541 por Pedro de Valdivia, la ciudad se ha convertido en una metr贸polis donde se desarrollan intensas actividades y los visitantes encuentran modernos servicios comerciales, tur铆sticos y culturales.

It was f Founded in 1541 by the spanish conquer, Pedro de Valdivia, the city has became in a metropolis where where different sorts of activities it takes places diferent activities and , a city where the visitors Los santiaguinos esperamos que find modern comercialcommercial, disfruten su permanencia en nuestra turisticstouristic and culturalscultural comuna y vivan una grata e services. inolvidable experiencia que los haga regresar. People from Santiago, hope that you Bienvenidos enjoy your stay in our city and have a nice and unforgettable experience Pablo Zalaquett experiencie that will make you come Alcalde de Santiago backwhich makes you come back again. Welcome Pablo Zalaquett Mayor of Santiago

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