1 minute read

Framing and Repetition


MAKE USE OF SURROUNDINGS to bring implied architecture to your images. These are the “invisible wow factors” of photography. Use these guides in a very planned manner to achieve photos that look unplanned and captivating. Beginners may need to arrive early for assignments to find the architectural elements they can use to compose their photos. Experiment in class to train your eye so you’ll be confident during the actual event.


Using existing structures to bring the focus to your subjects.


Repeating patterns or breaking patterns to emphasize your subjects.


Using leading lines in an image is to bring the eye from the visual entry point to the end of the photo/your subject. Using objects like brick walls can be a great way to visually lead the eye to your subject, but with photojournalism, also look for repetition of people to do this. Teams lined up for the National Anthem is a great way to practice. Remember, the purpose of a leading line is to emphasize the subject of your photo.

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