Employing robots in play

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Employing Robots in PlayBased Learning for Engineering Education of Exceptional Students

當愛迪生遇上瓦力機器人- 以機器人實現特殊生融合科普教育

Employing Robots in PlayBased Learning for Engineering Education of Exceptional Students

當愛迪生遇上瓦力機器人- 以機器人實現特殊生融合科普教育

Related references

1. Tseng, C. H. and Kang, S. C., "Employing Robots in Play-Based Learning for Engineering Education of Exceptional Students," International Journal of Engineering Education, Accepted in June 8, 2010. 2. 曾吉弘, 蘇珊筠, 蔡宛庭 and 康仕仲, "特殊生融合玩中學機器人科普課程," Journal of Information Technology and Applications, vol. 4, pp. 94-99, 2010.

Employing Robots in Play 當愛迪生遇上瓦力機器人-以機器人實現特殊生融合科普教育 特殊學生在專注力、情緒管理與人際關係上較一般人表現不佳,因此在學習的過 程中常會被歸類為學習能力不足,而成為被忽略的弱勢族群,但事實上他們很可 能在某方面會有傑出的表現,許多知名發明家與科學家就是如此。例如愛迪生與 愛因斯坦,於幼年時也被其師長認定為具有學習障礙,但後來都有對世界有極大 的貢獻。本研究為了提供這些小朋友另一種學習環境,採用現行廣泛使用的「機 器人動手做」課程,並針對特殊學生在課程中可能遇到的各種狀況重新設計,於 2009 年 7 月至 8 月間舉辦了「愛迪生機器人營隊」,並有心理諮商師進行訪談與 課程實地觀察。本次營隊成果除了證實機器人動手做課程對於參加營隊之特殊學 生在學習行為、專注行為以及人際互動等方面皆有一定程度的正向幫助外,另一 方面也將本團隊上課使用的教材、照片與影片等登載在本次營隊成果網站「愛迪 生機器人網站( http://edison-camp.caece.net)」供推廣使用,最後並將所有教材 整理編輯成”動起來!樂高機器人”一書並由悅知文化出版。

Robot model

Employing Robots in Play

Generally speaking, it is not as good as normal ones for special students on paying attentions, emotion management and human relationship. Therefore, they are classified in lack of learning ability in learning and ignored. In fact, they may be the professional one in the special aspect like many famous inventors and scientists do. For example, Thomas Alva Edison and Albert Einstein were recognized as learning disable students by their teachers in their childhood, but they give people all over the world huge influence and contribution. This project provided these kinds of children with another learning environment-”Hands-on robot course”. Our group redesign the class process and contents in consideration of the situation and condition that may happen in this special course. From July to August in 2009, “Edison Robot Camp” was held and there was a psychiatrist observing and attending in the course. The result of the camp proved that it gave the benefits to the special students on learning ability, attention, interpersonal interaction. On the other hand, our group post the course material, photos and videos on the website “Edison camp” (http://edison-camp.caece.net) for you to promote and use it. We also integrated the materials into the book -”Wake up! Lego Robot!.”



Employing Robots in Play Teaching material 製作電風扇 Step 1 把神奇電風扇的支架底部拆 掉,利用大L型橫桿來接上 旋轉底座。最後在旋轉底座 下方裝上15M橫桿讓電風扇 站得更穩。

Step 2 在12M軸裝上4個軸承與一 個蝸輪。一端使用小L型橫 桿固定在15M橫桿上。

Step 3 在12M軸的另一側裝上馬達 ,並使用黑色短插銷將馬 達與15M橫桿相接,這樣就 完成了。

P. 12-1

Robot Camp

Shih-Chung Jessy Kang sckang@ntu.edu.tw sckang.caece.net

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