BMI Spring Brochure 2018

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Gwanwyn / Spring 2018

Swyddfa Docynnau / Box Office: 01495 227206 /blackwoodminersinstitute @blackwoodminers

Croeso | Welcome Croeso i'n Tymor Gwanwyn 2018! Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn parhau i ddod ag amrywiaeth o gelfyddydau ac adloniant i chi, gyda gwaith gan y prif gwmnïau yng Nghymru a ledled y DU. Mae gennym rai hen ffefrynnau sy'n dychwelyd atom, fel MIKE DOYLE, OWEN MONEY’S JUKE BOX HEROES II a “New Old Friends” - sydd eleni'n dod â CRIMES UNDER THE SUN atom - ynghyd â rhai wynebau newydd gan gynnwys REV KATE BOTTLEY a'r ddrama Gymraeg MISS JULIE. Mae rhywbeth bach i bawb yn rhaglen y tymor hwn, felly rydym yn edrych ymlaen at eich gweld yn y 'Stiwt yn fuan!


| Spring 2018

Welcome to our Spring 2018 Season! Blackwood Miners’ Institute continues to bring you a variety of arts and entertainment, with work from the top companies in Wales and around the UK. We’ve got some old favourites returning to us such as MIKE DOYLE, OWEN MONEY’S JUKE BOX HEROES II and New Old Friends who this year bring us CRIMES UNDER THE SUN - alongside some new faces including REV KATE BOTTLEY and the Welsh language drama MISS JULIE. There’s a little something for everyone in this season’s programme, so we look forward to seeing you in the ‘Stute soon!

TÎM Y ‘STUTE’ / THE ‘STUTE TEAM Cefnogir gan Supported by:

Squashbox 11

You Win Again 20

Clown in the Moon 14

Lightspeed from Pembroke Docks 19

Morgan and West 9

We Are Lions 10

Miss Julie 18

An Audience with Rev Kate Bottley 5


Forever in Blue Jeans 8

Allan yn Y Fan 16

Reslo Cymru / Welsh Wrestling

Elvis: The Legend Lives On

Paratowch ar gyfer cyffro a sbri sioe reslo fyw!!! Ymunwch â ni am noson drawiadol, llawn swyn ac anrhefn, wrth i sioe deithiol Reslo Cymru dorri’r llonyddwch am un noson yn unig! Dewch i weld sêr dros ben llestri’r byd reslo yn gwrthdaro yn ystod y sioe adloniant llawn hwyl a gwallgof hon i’r teulu.

Yn dilyn perfformiadau wedi'u gwerthu allan yn 2015 a 2016, mae Gordon Davis yn ôl! Caiff Gordon ei adnabod fel un o'r artistiaid teyrnged Elvis gorau yn y byd. Enillodd 'Images of the King', ym Memphis Tennessee yn 2012 ac mae wedi parhau a'i lwyddiant drwy ennill Pencampwriaeth Elvis Ewrop yn 2013. Bydd Gordon yn perfformio gyda'i fand byw ac yn canu pob un o'ch hoff ganeuon, gan atgyfodi mawredd y llais a phŵer trydanol perfformiad Elvis.

20 Ionawr / 20 January

Let’s Get Ready To Rumble!!! Join us for an evening of glitz, glamour and bodyslam mayhem as the Welsh Wrestling roadshow invades for one night only! Come see the over the top stars of the wrestling world collide in a night of super slamming action at this fun, crazy, family entertainment show.

7.00pm £12 (£9, plant / children, £35 teulu / family)



Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

26 a 27 Ionawr / 26 & 27 January

Following sell-out performances in 2015 and 2016, Gordon Davis is back! Gordon is known as one of the best Elvis tribute artists in the world. In 2012 he won ‘Images of the King’ in Memphis Tennessee 2012 and has continued his success by winning the ‘European Elvis Championships’ in 2013. Gordon will be performing with his live band and singing all your favourite songs, bringing the majesty of the voice and the electrifying power of Elvis’s performance back to life.

7.30pm £16.50



Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket


Magical Mozart by Candlelight 30 Ionawr / 30 January

‘Magical it certainly was’ Jersey Evening Post


Noson Gomedi’r Stiwt / ’Stute Comedy Nights


Beth am ddod i Noson Gomedi’r ’Stiwt' a chwerthin yn afreolaidd. Mae'r digwyddiad misol hwn yn cynnwys tri o’r digrifwyr gorau sy'n teithio’r DU ac mae bob amser yn noson allan gwerth eich arian. Ymunwch â’r e-restr gomedi ar www.blackwoodminersinstitute. com neu dilynwch ni ar Facebook i gael y rhestrau perfformwyr diweddaraf cyn gynted ag y byddant yn cael eu cyhoeddi. Cynhelir Nosweithiau Comedi fel arfer ar ddydd Gwener cyntaf y mis. Give yourself a laugh and come along to the hilarious ‘Stute Comedy Night. This monthly event features three top comedians touring the UK circuit and is always a great value evening out. Join the comedy e-list at or follow us on Facebook to hear the latest line-ups as soon as they’re announced. Comedy Nights are usually held on the first Friday of the month.

Gyda lleoliadau, gwisgoedd, goleuadau, ac wrth gwrs canhwyllau hardd, mae’r “European Baroque Ensemble” a chantorion opera o'r radd flaenaf yn eich cludo yn ôl i'r gorffennol ysblennydd. Mae operaoedd mwyaf poblogaidd ac enwog Mozart yn cael eu canu’n hyfryd gan unawdwyr o'r radd flaenaf sydd, ochr yn ochr â'r ensemble, yn perfformio rhai o'i ddarnau o gerddoriaeth mwyaf cofiadwy. With beautiful settings, costumes, lighting, and of course candles, the European Baroque Ensemble and world class opera singers transport you back to the sumptuous past. Mozart’s most popular and famous operas are all beautifully sung by world class soloists who, alongside the ensemble, perform some of his most memorable pieces of music.

7.30pm £18.50 (£17.50)


Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

Nos Wener 2 Chwefror 8.00pm Nos Wener 9 Mawrth 8.00pm Nos Wener 6 Ebrill 8.00pm Seddi heb eu cadw

Friday 2 February 8.00pm Friday 9 March 8.00pm Friday 6 April 8.00pm Unreserved seating

£11.50, (£12.50 ar y dydd / on the day) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

Cyflwynwyd mewn cydweithrediad â chynyrchiadau Clive Conway/ Presented in association with Clive Conway Productions

An Audience with Rev Kate Bottley 7 Chwefror / 7 February

Yn 2012 roedd Kate yn rhan o fideo priodas 'flashmob' a aeth yn firaol ar YouTube. Arweiniodd hyn at ei rôl fel un o'r cyflwynwyr rheolaidd ar gyfres lwyddianus Channel 4, Gogglebox. Mae Kate hefyd wedi cyflwyno rhaglen ddogfen flaenllaw ar BBC Un am y Pasg, 'In the Footsteps of Judas’, ac mae'n cyfrannu'n aml at ‘Pause for Thought’ ar Sioe Frecwast Radio 2 Chris Evans yn ogystal ag ysgrifennu ar gyfer nifer o gyhoeddiadau gan gynnwys The Guardian, The Independent a'r Radio Times. Mae 'An audience with Rev Kate Bottley' yn trafod ei bywyd a'i gyrfa, yn ogystal â'i milgi achub, Buster, a beth yw ei hoff gân karaoke! In 2012 Kate was part of a wedding flashmob video which went viral on YouTube. This led to her role as one of the regular presenters on Channel 4's hit series Gogglebox. Kate has also presented BBC One’s flagship Easter documentary 'In the Footsteps of Judas’ and is a frequent contributor to the ‘Pause for Thought’ on Chris Evans’ Radio 2 Breakfast Show as well as writing for various publications including The Guardian, The Independent and Radio Times. An audience with Rev Kate Bottley discusses her life and career, as well as her rescue greyhound Buster, and what her karaoke song of choice is!

7.30pm £18.50 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket


Prosiect Forté yn cyflwyno / Forté Project presents

Ofelia, Cwcw and Support 9 Chwefror / 9 February

Cyflwyno'r Cynllun Forté, cynllun datblygu cerddoriaeth newydd cyffrous sy'n darganfod a chefnogi'r cerddorion ifanc nesaf sy'n dod i'r amlwg o Dde Cymru. Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn falch i gefnogi perfformwyr a gefnogir gan Forté, Ofelia o Fargod a Cwcw o Goed Duon, yn ogystal â dau berfformiwr newydd a ddewiswyd ar gyfer 2018.

7.30pm (drysau’n agor / doors open) £5.50 (£7.50 wrth y drws / on the door)


Introducing the Forté Project, the exciting new music development scheme uncovering and supporting the next bright young things in music emerging from South Wales. Blackwood Miners Institute are proud to support Forte selected acts, Ofelia from Bargoed and Cwcw from Blackwood, as well as two newly selected acts chosen for 2018.


Cyd-Gynhyrchiad Theatr Pena / Taliesin Arts Centre Co-Production

Woman of Flowers Gan / By Siôn Eirian Gan Ddilyn / After Saunders Lewis 13 Chwefror / 13 February Dyw Blodeuwedd ddim fel merched eraill. Fe’i consuriwyd o flodau gwyllt gan y dewin Gwydion a’i rhoi’n wraig berffaith i’r tywysog a’r rhyfelwr Lleu, ond mae gwylltineb natur yn rhan o’i gwead a phan ddeffroir ei nwydau synhwyrus mae’r canlyniadau yn rhai gwaedlyd a brawychus. Mae Woman of Flowers yn addasiad barddonol cyhyrog o chwedl Blodeuwedd o’r Mabinogi gan yr awdur Cymraeg arobryn Sion Eirian, ac mae’n cyfuno elfennau o ddrama fydryddol enwog Saunders Lewis gyda deunydd gwreiddiol i greu ffantasi hudolus a thywyll. Blodeuwedd isn’t like other women. Conjured from wild flowers by the wizard Gwydion to be the perfect wife for the warrior prince Llew, nature’s wild waves surge in her blood and when the dark desires woven into her nature are awakened, the consequences are bloody for all around her. Woman of Flowers is a strikingly poetic reimagining of the Mabinogi myth of Blodeuwedd by award-winning Welsh writer Siôn Eirian in which he skilfully combines Saunders Lewis’s Welsh language verse drama of the same name with original material to create a captivating dark fantasy.

7.30pm £14.50 (£12.50) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket



Gyda chefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru a Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru trwy gynllun Celfyddydau Perfformio Teithiol Cenedlaethol. Gyda chefnogaeth ychwanegol gan Curo Advisers Limited a’u partneriaid strategol. / Supported by the Welsh Government and the Arts Council of Wales through the National Performing Arts Touring Scheme. With additional support from Curo Advisers Limited and their strategic partners.


16 Chwefror / 16 February Gwledd berffaith o'r gorau mewn Cerddoriaeth Gwlad a Rock 'n' Roll. Mae'r sioe wych fawr hon yn cynnwys caneuon gan Patsy Cline, Garth Brooks, Elvis Presley, Billy Ray Cyrus, The Mavericks a Tammy Wynette, yn ogystal â chaneuon enwog o'r Ffilmiau Cowbois Cerddorol gwych megis Oklahoma a Paint Your Wagon a llawer mwy. Dewch â'r teulu cyfan i fwynhau un o'r sioeau mwyaf bywiog a hapusaf ohonynt i gyd, sydd wedi teithio am dros 21 mlynedd.

7.30pm £19.50 (£18.50)


Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

A perfect feast of the best in Country Music and Rock ‘n’ Roll. This big hearted show features songs from Patsy Cline, Garth Brooks, Elvis Presley, Billy Ray Cyrus, The Mavericks and Tammy Wynette, plus hits from the great Western Musicals such as Oklahoma and Paint Your Wagon plus many more. Bring the whole family and come and enjoy one of the liveliest and happiest shows of them all, touring for over 21 years.

Morgan and West: Time-Travelling Magicians 20 Chwefror / 20 February

Rargian Fawr! Daw'r consuriwyr Morgan a West o'r gorffennol i ddod â swae hudol i fileniwm yn agos atoch chi! Ddim yn fodlon â'u statws fel deuawd hud gorau'r bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg, mae'r pâr mawreddog hyn yn cyflwyno sioe gonsurio gyffrous i gynulleidfaoedd heddiw. Ni fydd unrhyw ddyfodol yn ddirgel na llinell amser heb ei newid wrth i'r twyllwyr tymhorol hyn rwygo i mewn i'r unfed ganrif ar hugain gyda sioe'n gorlifo â hud dirgel, pwerau rhagwybodol heb eu hail, a gallu hollol wirioneddol i deithio drwy amser! Noson fythgofiadwy o hud, dirgelwch, a'r anhysbys.

7.00pm £12.50 (£10.50, £7.50 plant / children, £34.00 teulu o 4 / for a family of 4) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

Great Scott! Time-travelling magicians Morgan & West bring a magical extravaganza to a millennium near you! Not content with their lot as the nineteenth century’s greatest magic duo, this prestidigitatory pair present a conjuring spectacular to the audiences of the modern day. No future is left unseen and no timeline left unaltered as these temporal tricksters burst into the twenty-first century with a show brimming over with baffling magic, unparalleled precognitive powers, and a totally genuine ability to travel through time! An unforgettable evening of magic, mystery, and the unexplainable. Oed/Age


t/p 28


'Townsend Productions: ...a company making a name for delivering vivid, politically committed theatre’ The Observer

We are Lions 21 Chwefror / 21 February

'We Are The Lions, Mr. Manager!’ yw stori hynod Jayaben Desai, arweinydd ysbrydoledig Streic Grunwick 1976-78. Yn ddiweddar roedd hi ymhlith y menywod sydd wedi cael yr effaith fwyaf ar fywydau menywod dros y 70 mlynedd diwethaf fel rhan o Restr Pŵer Women’s Hour Radio 4. Roedd hi nid yn unig yn sefyll i fyny am hawliau gweithwyr ac yn erbyn gormes gydag ymroddiad anhunanol, ond gyda'i phenderfyniad cadarn, trodd yr anghydfod yn fudiad cenedlaethol dros hawliau ac urddas dynol gan ysbrydoli cenedlaethau'r dyfodol.

7.30pm £14.50 (£12.50)


Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

'We Are The Lions, Mr. Manager!’ is the remarkable story of Jayaben Desai the inspirational leader of the 1976-78 Grunwick Strike. She was recently amongst the women who have had the biggest impact on women’s lives over the past 70 years as part of the Radio 4 Women’s Hour Power List. She not only stood up for workers’ rights and against oppression with selfless dedication, but with her steadfast resolve, she turned the dispute into a national movement for human rights and dignity inspiring future generations.

Squashbox: Tales from the Trees 23 Chwefror / 23 February

Mae coed yn wych! Maent yn ein hudo â'u dirgelwch a'u harddwch, maen nhw'n rhoi bwyd, tanwydd a phren i ni, maen nhw'n cynhyrchu ocsigen i ni anadlu ac maent yn ysbrydoli storïau, mythau a chwedlau... Mae ‘Tales from the Trees’ yn gymysgedd cyffrous o bypedwaith, adrodd straeon, cerddoriaeth a chomedi fyw, gyda thema sy'n cynnwys hanes naturiol, llên gwerin ac ecoleg. Gwrandewch! Mae gan y coed straeon i'w hadrodd… Trees are awesome! They enchant us with their mystery and beauty, they provide us with food, fuel and wood, they produce oxygen for us to breathe and they inspire stories, myths and legends… ‘Tales from the Trees’ is a terrific tangle of puppetry, storytelling, live music and comedy, with a theme that embraces natural history, folklore and ecology. Listen! The trees have tales to tell…

11.00am, 2.00pm perfformiad hamddenol / relaxed performance £5 (£4) Amser rhedeg 50 munud / Oed/Age t/p 28 Running time: 50 minutes 5+ Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

24 Chwefror / 24 February Yn ôl ar gais y cyhoedd! Mae Big Girls Don't Cry, cyngerdd anhygoel sy'n enwog yn rhyngwladol, yn adfywio harmonïau hardd cewri cerddorol New Jersey... Mae'r sioe'n adfywio harddwch harmonïau a chaneuon a hedfanodd trwy'r siartiau yn ystod y 60au a'r 70au, er enghraifft Sherry, December 1963 (Oh What a Night), Walk Like a Man, Rag Doll a Big Girls Don’t Cry. Back By Popular Demand! The Internationally acclaimed concert-spectacular Big Girls Don’t Cry authentically revives the sublime harmonies of New Jersey’s finest… The show revives the beauty of harmonies and songs that flew through the charts in the 60’s & 70’s such as Sherry, December 1963 (Oh What a Night), Walk Like a Man, Rag Doll and Big Girls Don’t Cry.

7.30pm £23.50 (£21.50) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

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27 Chwefror / 27 February

Ydych chi’n hoffi sioeau cerdd? Ydych chi’n hoffi gwaith newydd? Mae Sioeau Cerdd Cwta yn gyfle i weld 5 sioe gerdd newydd sydd wrthi’n cael ei datblygu. Ymunwch â Cynhyrchiadau Leeway am noson o hwyl wrth iddynt gyflwyno syniadau newydd sbon am sioeau cerdd theatr wedi eu hysgrifennu a’u cyfansoddi gan 10 o ddarpar sgwennwyr sioeau cerdd theatr. GWEITHDY BLASU Bydd Cynhyrchiadau Leeway yn cyflwyno gweithdy blasu i artistiaid, beth bynnag bo’u profiad, am ei prosiect llwyddianus sioeau cerdd cwta. Hoffech chi fod yn awdur, cerddor neu gyfansoddwr? Ydych chi eisiau cwrdd a chrewyr newydd a rhoi cynnig ar ysgrifennu ar gyfer Sioeau Cerdd Theatr? Mae’r gweithdy hwyl hwn yn gyflwyniad i'n prosiect. Dyddiad: 27 Chwefror Amser: 5.30 - 6.30pm Tocyn: Yn rhad ac am ddim Love musicals? Love new writing? 10 Minute Musicals is an opportunity to see 5 new musicals in development. Join Leeway Productions for a fun evening as they present brand-new musical theatre ideas written and composed by 10 aspiring musical theatre creators. TASTER WORKSHOP Leeway Productions present a taster workshop for all artists, whatever their experience of their successful project '10 Minute Musicals'. Are you an aspiring writer, musician, composer? Want to meet new creatives and try your hand at writing for Musical Theatre? This fun workshop, is an introduction to our hugely popular 10 Minute Musicals project. Date: 27 February Times: 5.30 - 6pm Tickets: Free

7.00pm £8.50


Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

Mike Doyle in Concert 2 Mawrth / 2 March

10 Mawrth / 10 March

Ymunwch â Mike Doyle a'i fand byw gwych am noson fendigedig o'i frand unigryw o gomedi a cherddoriaeth sy'n sicr i'ch ymhyfrydu a'ch difyrru. Mae'r comig arobryn Comedi Prydain, seren y West End a chyfranogwr penigamp BBC TV yn darparu noson o ragoriaeth gerddorol bur a chwerthin calonnog a fydd yn ysgogi'r rhannau anghyfarwydd ichi!

Ar ôl cychwyn fel cerddorion pen stryd yng Nghaerdydd, penderfynodd ‘Into The Ark’ magu eu henw da drwy deithio. Cawsant hen fan a theithio’r DU i wneud pa bynnag berfformiadau ddaeth ar eu traws. Yn dilyn haf o deithio ar draws y DU ac Ewrop, gan gynnwys gwahoddiad gan eu ffrind a mentor Syr Tom Jones i'w gefnogi ar ei daith yn y DU, mae ‘Into The Ark’ wedi cadarnhau eu hunain fel grŵp werth eu gweld.

Join Mike Doyle and his fabulous live band for a sensational evening of his unique brand of comedy and music, guaranteed to delight and entertain in equal measure. The British Comedy award-winning comic, West End star and BBC TV sensation delivers a night of pure musical excellence and belly - aching laughter that will refresh parts you never knew you had.

After starting out busking in Cardiff, Into The Ark decided to build their reputation by hitting the road. They acquired an old van and toured the UK doing whatever gigs they could land. Following a summer of touring across UK and Europe, including an invite from their friend and mentor Sir Tom Jones to support him on his UK tour, Into The Ark have cemented themselves as one of the fast-rising acts to watch.

7.30pm £16.50 (£15.50 ) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

7.00pm (drysau’n agor/doors open) £12.50 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

13 13

Clown in the Moon Ysgrifenwyd Gan / Written By Gwynne Edwards Cyfarwyddwyd Gan / Directed By Gareth Armstrong 14 Mawrth / 14 March

16 ac 17 Mawrth / 16 & 17 March Mae CLOWN IN THE MOON (teitl cerdd a gyfansoddwyd pan oedd Dylan yn 14) yn bortread dramatig o fywyd anhrefnus oedd yn aml yn ddigrif ond yn llawer rhy fyr. Wedi'i leoli mewn stiwdio BBC, mae'n gosod rhai o ddarllediadau enwog Dylan ochr yn ochr ag atgofion byw am ei gastiau clownaidd, a'i brofiadau â nifer o fenywod ecsentrig a chyfnewidiol.

Yn dilyn taith lwyddiannus iawn Jukebox Heroes yn 2016, mae Owen Money yn cymryd Jukebox Heroes II ar y ffordd yn 2018. Gyda pherfformwyr teyrnged newydd sbon, Juke Box Heroes a The Travelling Wrinklies, mae'n talu teyrnged i ganeuon mwyaf llwyddiannus y 60au, ac eiconau, gan gynnwys Karen Carpenter, Shirley Bassey a Frankie Valli. Ychwanegwch gomedi gan Owen ac mae hon yn noson allan anhygoel i'r teulu!

CLOWN IN THE MOON (the title of a poem written when Dylan was 14) is a dramatic portrait of the poet's chaotic, frequently hilarious, and all too brief life. Located in a BBC studio, it sets some of Dylan’s famous broadcasts and iconic works alongside vivid reminiscences of his clownish antics, and his encounters with a host of eccentric and volatile women.

Following the Jukebox Heroes’ very successful tour in 2016, Owen Money takes Jukebox Heroes II on the road in 2018. With a brand new line up of fantastic tribute acts, Juke Box Heroes and The Travelling Wrinklies pay tribute to the biggest hits of the 60’s, and icons including Karen Carpenter, Shirley Bassey and Frankie Valli. Throw in comedy from Owen, and this is an unmissable family night out!

7.30pm £14.50 (£12.50)


Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

7.30pm £15.50 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

22 Mawrth / 22 March

Daw gwesty anghysbell ar ynys oddi ar arfordir Lloegr yn safle trosedd, wrth i 'femme-fatale' sydd wedi achosi sgandal gael ei llofruddio. Mae'r holl westeion ar yr ynys dan amheuaeth, ond ydynt ar eu pennau eu hunain ac ai dyma'r drosedd gyntaf a welodd yr ynys brydferth hon? Cyflwynir y ddrama ddoniol a chyffrous hon gan y cwmni theatr gwobwyedig, New Old Friends, dan gyfarwyddyd James Farrell (Cyfarwyddwr Cyswllt - The 39 Steps, West End). Mae'n cynnwys pedwar actor yn chwarae nifer o wahanol gymeriadau, a stori sy'n mynd yn ei flaen yn ôl arddull nodweddiadol ddyfeisgar y cwmni. Cewch eich gwahodd ar daith ddoniol ond llofruddiol, wedi ysbrydoli gan Agatha Christie, Hitchcock a film noir, i encilfa glasurol ar yr Rifiera Seisnig. A secluded island hotel just off the English coast becomes a crime scene, as a scandalinducing femme-fatale is felled. All the guests on the island are suspects, but are they alone and is this the first crime this idyllic island has witnessed? Award-winning theatre company New Old Friends present this comedy thriller directed by James Farrell (Associate Director - The 39 Steps, West End). Featuring four actors playing multiple characters, and a plot that romps along in the company’s trademark inventive style. Inspired by Agatha Christie, Hitchcock and film noir, you are invited on an hilarious but murderous trip to a classic English Riviera retreat.

7.30pm £14.50 (£12.50) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

15 15

Allan yn Y Fan 28 Mawrth / 28 March

23 Mawrth / 23 March Ewch am daith hudolus drwy dri degawd o ganeuon llwyddiannus sy'n cynnwys I Wanna Dance With Somebody, One Moment In Time, I’m Every Woman, Saving All My Love a llawer iawn mwy. Mae'r cynhyrchiad arobryn hwn yn cynnwys cerddorion ac artistiaid gwych, ynghyd a pherfformiad gwefreiddiol yn ysbryd Whitney, ac mae'n cyflwyno sioe sy'n rhagori ar ddisgwyliadau ar bob lefel. Taking us on a magical rollercoaster ride through three decades of classic hits that include, I Wanna Dance With Somebody, One Moment In Time, I’m Every Woman, Saving All My Love and so much more. This award winning production features a sensational line-up of musicians and artistes, and together with a powerhouse and breath-taking performance in the spirit of Whitney, deliver a show that exceeds expectation on every level.

Dathlodd y chwechawd talentog, amlofferynnol a lleisiol eu pen-blwydd yn 20 mewn steil yn 2016, ac erbyn hyn maent yn ôl yn y 'Stiwt gyda'u sain unigryw. Yn enwog am gymysgu cerddoriaeth Gymreig draddodiadol gyda'u cyfansoddiadau eu hunain, mae Allan Yn Y Fan yn siŵr o fachu'ch calon a chorddi emosiynau yn ddwfn y tu mewn i chi. Gan ymestyn holl bŵer a dirgelwch y traddodiad Celtaidd, bydd y sioe hon wrth fodd cynulleidfaoedd ifanc a hen.

7.30pm £24


Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

7.30pm £12.50 (£10.50) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

Cyflwynir y cynhyrchiad Amatur hwn drwy drefniant â ‘Music Theatre International’ (Ewrop) / This Amateur production is presented by arrangement with Music Theatre International (Europe)

Blackwood Musical Theatre Society yn cyflwyno / presents

Fiddler on the Roof 18-21 Ebrill / 18-21 April

Archebwch erbyn/Book by Joseph Stein Cerddoriaeth gan/Music by Jerry Bock Geiriau gan/Lyrics by Sheldon Harnic

This extraordinarily talented, multiinstrumental and vocal sextet celebrated their 20th anniversary in style in 2016, and now they are back at the ‘Stute with their unique sound. Renowned for blending traditional Welsh music with their own compositions, Allan Yn Y Fan are sure to capture your heart and stir emotions deep inside you. Harnessing all the power and mystery of Celtic tradition, this show will delight audiences young and old.

Mae Cymdeithas Theatr Gerddorol Coed Duon yn dychwelyd i'r Stiwt gyda'i sioe Wanwyn ysblennydd. Eleni maent yn adrodd stori Tevye a'i ferched yn y 'Fiddler on the Roof' gwefreiddiol. Bydd y clasur o sioe gerdd hon, sydd wedi bod yn llwyddiant ysgubol yn Broadway, yn sicr o'ch cael yn hymian yn hir wedi i chi adael y theatr. Blackwood Musical Theatre Society return to the ‘Stute with their Springtime spectacular. This year they tell the story of Tevye and his daughters in the lifeaffirming Fiddler on the Roof. Full of classic tunes, this Broadway smash hit musical is sure to have you humming long after you’ve left the theatre.

7.00pm Mer/Wed £8 Iau/Thurs - Sad/Sat £10 (£9.00) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

17 17

Cynhyrchiad Theatrau Rhct gyda Chefnogaeth gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru / An Rct Theatres Production Supported By Arts Council Wales

Miss Julie

Cyfarwyddwyd gan ac yn serennu Gareth John Bale / Directed and starring Gareth John Bale 24 Ebrill / 24 April Addasiad newydd sbon o'r ddrama gyffrous hon a gyflwynir yn yr Iaith Gymraeg. Gŵyl Ifan yw amser Miss Julie, noson sy'n llawn dymuniad, pan fo rheolau'n cael eu torri, rhoddir rhwystrau dosbarth i'r neilltu a gall meistres ifanc y faenor ddawnsio gyda phwy bynnag yr hoffai. Mae hi'n dewis Jean, gwas ei thad, ac am ychydig o oriau drwy'r cyfnos hir maent yn chwarae gêm gynyddol beryglus o 'beth os'? Wedi'i osod ar droad yr ugeinfed ganrif, mae adfywiad ysblennydd clasurol parhaus Strindberg yn llawn angerdd, pŵer... a chwant!

7.30pm £14.50 (£12.50, £7.50 ysgolion / schools)


Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

A brand new adaptation of this stirring period drama presented in the Welsh Language. Midsummer’s Eve is Miss Julie’s time, a night filled with desire, when rules are broken, class barriers are set aside and the young mistress of the manor can dance with whomever she pleases. She chooses Jean, her father’s valet, and for a few hours through the long twilight they play an increasingly dangerous game of ‘what if’? Set at the turn of the 20th Century, this thrilling revival of Strindberg's enduring classic is full of passion, power... and lust!


Cyd-Gynhyrchiad Dirty Protest / Chapter co-production

Lightspeed from Pembroke Dock Gan/by Mark Williams 26 Ebrill / 26 April Does dim ots am achub y bydysawd, weithiau rhaid achub eich byd chi eich hun! Mae Lightspeed from Pembroke Dock yn trafod yr hyn sy’n digwydd pan fo hoff long ofod Hollywood yn glanio ar stepen eich drws. Dyma stori am obaith, dewrder, a sut mae bod yn deulu pan fo’r bydysawd yn cyniwair yn eich erbyn. Gyda chefnogaeth Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, Llywodraeth Cymru a’r Loteri Genedlaethol.

7.30pm £12.50 (£10.50) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

Never mind saving the galaxy, sometimes you just have to save your own world! Lightspeed from Pembroke Dock explores what happens when Hollywood’s best-loved spaceship lands on your doorstep. This is a story of hope, courage, and how to be a family when it seems the universe is against you. Supported by the Arts Council of Wales, Welsh Government and the National Lottery.



19 19

28 Ebrill / 28 April

5 Mai / 5 May

Yn dilyn ei berfformiadau cyntaf yn y West End, mae ‘You Win Again’ yn dod i Sefydliad y Glowyr! Parotowch i brofi sain arbennig un o’r bandiau gorau i ymddangos ar y llwyfan, yn y cyngerdd bythgofiadwy hynod ysblennydd hwn. Ymgollwch yng ngherddoriaeth y brodyr o’r Chwedegau, y Saithdegau a’r Wythdegau - gan gynnwys caneuon adnabyddus a ysgrifenwyd gan y brodyr i artistiaid eraill fel Celine Dion, Diana Ross a Dolly Parton. Ymunwch â ni yn y cyngerdd gwefreiddiol hwn, gan fynd â chi ar daith gerddorol drwy eich hoff ganeuon, gan gynnwys: Night Fever, Stayin’ Alive, Jive Talkin’, Tragedy a llawer mwy!

Nawr yn ei 17eg flwyddyn olynol, mae'r sioe fyw drawiadol hon yn cyfuno cerddoriaeth o'r radd flaenaf gyda'r goreograffeg orau a band gwych, i gyflwyno'r profiad Motown gorau a gewch erioed! Bydd y sioe hon yn gwneud i chi Ddawnsio ar y Nenfwd, gyda chaneuon gan artistiaid enwog fel Lionel Richie, The Temptations, Stevie Wonder, The Four Tops, Smokey Robinson, Marvin Gaye, The Jackson Five, The Isley Brothers, Edwin Starr a llawer iawn mwy.

Following its West End debut, You Win Again comes to Blackwood Miners’ Institute! Prepare to experience the distinct sound of one of the greatest bands to have graced the stage in an unforgettable concert. Immerse yourself in the Gibb brothers’ music through the sixties, seventies and eighties - including hits of artists they wrote for such as Celine Dion, Diana Ross and Dolly Parton. Don’t miss this amazing musical journey through all your favourite songs including Night Fever, Stayin’ Alive, Jive Talkin’, Tragedy and many more!

Now in its 17th successive year, this stunning live show combines first class music with the slickest choreography and an amazing band, to deliver the best Motown experience you will ever have! This show will have you Dancing On The Ceiling, with songs from legendary artistes such as Lionel Richie, The Temptations, Stevie Wonder, The Four Tops, Smokey Robinson, Marvin Gaye, The Jackson Five, The Isley Brothers, Edwin Starr and many, many more.

7.30pm £23.50 (£22.50)


Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

7.30pm £24 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

2 Mehefin / 2 June Dathliad cyffrous o'r gorau o theatr gerddorol a gyflwynir mewn pecyn dengar a difyr gan un o gwmnïau cynhyrchu gorau'r wlad. Nawr yn ei unfed flwyddyn ar ddeg lwyddiannus, perfformir y cymysgedd gwefreiddiol hwn o gerddoriaeth fyw, symud a ffraethineb gan wyth perfformiwr proffesiynol o'r West End; gan gynnwys tri actor sy'n canu a dawnsio a phum cerddor. Bydd cynulleidfaoedd yn cael eu hudo gan eu medrusrwydd lleisiol a'u hystwythder cerddorol yn ogystal ag amrywiaeth disglair o wisgoedd a synau dros ddwsin o offerynnau.

An uplifting celebration of the best of musical theatre presented in an engaging and entertaining package by one of the country’s finest production companies. Now in its eleventh successful year, this thrilling mix of live music, movement and wit is performed by eight versatile West End professionals; comprising three all–singing, all-dancing actors accompanied by five musicians. Audiences will be captivated by their vocal dexterity and musical agility added to a dazzling array of costumes and the sounds of over a dozen instruments.

7.30pm £16.50 (£14.50) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn / Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

21 21

Gweithdai | Workshops Cwmni Dawns Ieuenctid Coed Duon | Blackwood Youth Dance: Dydd Mercher / Wednesday TODDLER DANCE - 10.00am - 11.00am TIP TOES 4.15pm - 5.00pm REVOLVE 5.00pm - 6.00pm DESTINY 6.00pm - 7.00pm YR ACADEMI AWEN / AWEN ACADEMY 7.00pm - 8.30pm Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206 Contact the Box Office on 01495 227206

Grw ˆ p Theatr Gymunedol i Oedolion y Sefydliad | BMI Adult Community Theatre Group: Dydd Llun / Monday 7.30pm - 9.00pm Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206. Contact the Box Office on 01495 227206

Grw ˆ p Theatr Gymunedol Y Sefydliad | BMI Community Theatre Group: Dydd Gwener / Friday BABANOD / INFANT, 5.15pm - 6.00pm, IAU / JUNIOR, 6.00pm - 7.00pm, UWCH / SENIOR, 7.00pm - 8.00pm, Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206 Contact the Box Office on 01495 227206


Theatr Dawns Janet Stephens Theatre Dance Bale, Dawnsio Tap a Jazz | Ballet, Tap & Jazz: Dydd Llun / Monday 4.30pm - 9.00pm Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday 5.00pm - 9.00pm Dydd Iau / Thursday 4.15pm - 9.15pm Dydd Sadwrn / Saturday 9.00am - 2.00pm Janet Stephens - 02920 418200

Theatr Ieuenctid Caerffilli | Caerphilly Youth Theatre: Dydd Llun / Monday 6.00pm - 8.00pm Datblygu Celfyddydau 01495 224425 /

KLA Dance: Dydd Sadwrn / Saturday 10.00am - 10.45am 11.00am - 12.00pm 12.00pm - 1.00pm Kristie White - 07974 096181

VivaMoves: Dydd Iau / Thursday Nu:yoga 10.00am - 11.00am Zumba 6.00pm - 7.00pm Dydd Gwener / Friday Dance Fitness 9.30am - 10.30am Anna Campbell 07799 540723 @VivaMoves

Transform Dance: Dydd Mercher / Wednesday Kick-start 5.00pm - 5.45pm Velocity Ieuenctid / 5.45pm - 6.45pm Velocity youth Velocity hŷn / 6.45pm - 7.45pm Velocity senior Entity 7.45pm - 8.45pm Lauren Campbell 07584 655583 @Transform Dance

Dawns Amser Te | Tea Dance: Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday 1.45pm - 3.45pm Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206 Contact the Box Office on 01495 227206

Theatr Ieuenctid Caerffili: Sesiynau theatr cyfrwng Cymraeg ar gyfer pobl ifanc. Caerphilly Youth Theatre’s Welsh Language Sessions for young people. Nos Fawrth / Tuesday evenings 6.00pm - 7.00pm 01443 820913 Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206 Contact the Box Office on 01495 227206

Cymdeithas Theatr Gerddorol Coed Duon | Blackwood Musical Theatre Society: Dydd Iau / Thursday 7.30pm May Jones - 01495 223614

23 23

Gwybodaeth Archebu

Booking information

Arbedwch Arian

Save Money

Ad-dalu a chyfnewid

Refunds and Exchanges

Mae’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar agor o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener 10.00am tan 2.45pm a 3.15pm tan 7.45pm, 9.30am hyd at 1.00pm ar fore Sadwrn ac am awr cyn pob perfformiad. YN BERSONOL - Galwch i mewn i’r swyddfa docynnau a bydd ein staff cyfeillgar yn eich helpu. DROS Y FFÔN - Ffoniwch y swyddfa docynnau ar 01495 227206 i brynu neu gadw’ch tocynnau. TRWY EBOST - Anfonwch eich manylion atom i i archebu’ch tocynnau. Peidiwch ag anfon manylion cerdyn credyd trwy ebost. AR-LEIN - Ewch i i archebu eich tocynnau arlein gan ddefnyddio ein system archebu ddiogel. Cedwir tocynnau am hyd at 7 niwrnod a rhaid talu amdanynt 24 awr cyn y perfformiad. Mae’r gostyngiadau sy’n cael eu dangos ar gael i’r henoed, y di-waith cofrestredig, plant, myfyrwyr, deiliaid ICIS a’r anabl gan gynnwys cyfaill. Gostyngiadau Grw ˆp Mae’r manteision o fod yn Archebwr Grw ˆp y Sefydliad yn cynnwys: n prynwch 14 tocyn a chael y 15fed am ddim. Ffioedd Archebu O fis Rhagfyr 2016 ac yn unol ag arfer cyfredol y diwydiant ar gyfer theatrau a lleoliadau, bydd ffi archebu tocyn o 50c ar gyfer pob tocyn, sydd wedi’i chynnwys yn y prisiau a welwch yn y llyfryn hwn. Mae'r ffi yn cyfrannu at gynhyrchu eich tocynnau, prosesu eich archeb, gwella ein technoleg gyfredol a pharhau i ddarparu gwasanaeth eithriadol i'n cwsmeriaid. Mae ffi postio dewisol o 75c am bostio’r tocynnau atoch. Mae ad-daliadau yn cael eu rhoi dim ond pan fydd digwyddiad yn cael ei ganslo. Os nad ydych yn gallu dod i’r digwyddiad, gall y tocynnau gael eu cyfnewid (yn amodol ar argaeledd), neu yn ôl disgresiwn staff y Swyddfa Docynnau, gall fod yn bosibl darparu taleb gredyd. Mae tâl gweinyddu o 50c y tocyn i wneud hyn. Pan fydd perfformiad yn cael ei ganslo, bydd y swm llawn yn cael ei ad-dalu drwy siec neu gerdyn, yn dibynnu ar y dull gwreiddiol o dalu. NODWCH: Nid ydym yn gallu cynnig ad-daliad arian parod. Bydd taliadau arian parod yn cael eu had-dalu drwy siec.


The Box Office is open Monday to Friday 10am to 2.45pm and 3.15pm to 7.45pm, 9.30am until 1.00pm on Saturday mornings and an hour before each performance. IN PERSON - Call into the box office and our friendly staff will help you. BY TELEPHONE - Call the box office on 01495 227206 to buy or reserve your tickets. BY EMAIL - Email your contact details to us at to reserve your tickets. Please do not send credit card details by email. ON-LINE - Go to to book your tickets on-line using our secure booking system. Reservations will be held for up to 7 days, and must be paid for 24 hours prior to the performance. Reductions shown are available for senior citizens, registered unemployed, children, students, ICIS holders and disabled patrons, including accompanying companion. Group Discounts Benefits of being a ‘Stute’ Group Booker include: n buy 14 tickets and get 15th free. Booking fees From December 2016 and in-line with current industry practice for theatres and venues, all tickets will be subject to a 50p per ticket booking fee, which is inclusive of the prices you see in this brochure. This fee contributes to producing your tickets, processing your order, improving our current technology and continuing to provide an exceptional service to our customers. There is an optional postage fee of 75p for tickets to be posted to you. Refunds are only given when an event has been cancelled. If you are unable to make an event then the tickets may be exchanged (subject to availability), or at the discretion of the Box Office staff, it may be possible to provide a credit voucher. There is an administration charge of 50p per ticket to do this. When a performance is cancelled, the full amount will then be refunded by cheque or card, depending on the original payment method. PLEASE NOTE: We are not able to offer a cash refund. Cash payments will be refunded by cheque.

Talebau Anrheg

Gift Vouchers

Ein Llogi

Hiring us

Mae Talebau Anrheg y gellir eu defnyddio yn erbyn cost tocynnau ar gyfer digwyddiadau yn Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon nawr ar gael o’r Swyddfa Docynnau mewn gwerthoedd 50c - £20. Anrheg wych ar gyfer unrhyw achlysur. Ydych chi’n chwilio am rywle i gynnal eich digwyddiad? Mae gennym amrywiaeth o ystafelloedd i’w llogi, gan gynnwys ein hawditoriwm 400-sedd, y Bar Navigation sy’n dal 250 o bobl ac ystafelloedd cyfarfodydd a digwyddiadau bach ac anffurfiol. Gallwn hwyluso partïon i blant, priodasau, lletygarwch corfforaethol, cynadleddau a chiniawau busnes gydag arlwyo llawn a gwasanaethau lletygarwch ar gael. Felly, os ydych yn arlwyo ar gyfer 2 i 200 o bobl, rhowch alwad i ni! Cysylltwch â ni ar 01495224425 neu anfonwch e-bost i i drafod eich gofynion.

Mae’n Hymrwymiad yn Warant Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon wedi’i ymrwymo i wella’i wasanaeth i chi’n barhaus. Os oes gennych unrhyw awgrymiadau ar sut i wella’n gwasanaeth, ysgrifennwch at y Rheolwr/wraig Cyffredinol, Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon, Y Stryd Fawr, Coed Duon, NP12 1BB.

Gift Vouchers that can be redeemed against the cost of tickets for events at Blackwood Miners’ Institute are now available from the Box Office in denominations from 50p - £20. A perfect gift for any occasion. Looking for somewhere to stage your event? We have a variety of rooms for hire including our 400-seat auditorium, 250-capacity Navigation Bar, and small, informal meeting and function rooms. We can offer children’s parties, weddings, corporate hospitality, conferences and business lunches with full catering and hospitality services available. So if you’re catering for 2 to 200 give us a call! Contact us on 01495 224425 or drop an email at to discuss your requirements.

Our Commitment is Guaranteed Blackwood Miners’ Institute is committed to continually improve its service to you. If you have any suggestions on how to improve our service, please write to the General Manager, Blackwood Miners’ Institute, High Street, Blackwood NP12 1BB.

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Seddau Golwg Cyfyngedig, gofynnwch yn y Swyddfa Docynnau am fanylion Restricted View Seats ask Box Office for details Nodwch fod rhes HH ar gyfer mynychwyr anabl yn unig Please note that row HH is strictly for disabled patrons only Cedwir yr hawl gan Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon i Newid Trefn y seddi os oes rhaid / Blackwood Miners’ Institute reserve the right to alter seating arrangements if required

Mae’r llyfryn yn gywir ar adeg yr argraffu. Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn cadw’r hawl i newid neu ganslo unrhyw berfformiad heb rybudd oherwydd amgylchiadau annisgwyl. Brochure correct at time of going to print, Blackwood Miners’ Institute reserves the right to alter or cancel any performance without prior warning due to unforeseen circumstances.

25 25



Y Bar

The Bar

Ar agor 1 awr cyn y rhan fwyaf o berfformiadau. Mae’r Bar yn cynnig detholiad gwych o lager, cyrfau, gwinoedd, gwirodydd, diodydd meddal a melysion.

Mynediad i Gwsmeriaid

Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn aelod o’r Cynllun Hynt. Ewch i i ddod o hyd i amrywiaeth o wybodaeth ac arweiniad am y cynllun. Gadewch i ni wybod os oes anghenion mynediad gennych. Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn anelu at fod yn hygyrch ac yn groesawgar i bawb ac rydym yn ymrwymedig i wneud eich ymweliad mor hawdd a phleserus â phosib. Rhowch wybod i ni beth yw eich gofynion mynediad a byddwn bob amser yn gwneud ein gorau i gwrdd â’ch anghenion.

Teulu Cyfeillgar

Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn lleoliad teulu cyfeillgar. Ewch i’r wefan am fanylion llawn o’n cyfleusterau teulu cyfeillgar.

Open 1 hour before most performances. The Bar offers an excellent selection of lager, beers, wines, spirits, soft drinks and confectionary.

Access for Customers

Blackwood Miners’ Institute is a member of The Hynt Scheme. Visit to find a range of information and guidance about the scheme. Let us know your access requirements. Blackwood Miners’ Institute aims to be accessible and welcoming to all and we are committed to making your visit as easy and enjoyable as possible. Please let us know your access requirements and we will always do our best to meet your needs.

Family friendly

Blackwood Miners’ Institute is a family friendly venue. Please visit our website for full details of our family friendly facilities.

Y Fenni Abergaven

© Crown copyright and database rights 2017 Ordnance Survey, 100025372.

Ble i Barcio

Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon wedi ei leoli yng nghanol tref Coed Duon, gyda digon o barcio sydd ond 2 funud i ffwrdd i gerdded. Mae gennym nifer cyfyngedig o fannau parcio i Bobl Anabl all gael eu harchebu ymlaen llaw drwy ffonio’r swyddfa docynnau ar 01495 227206.

Merthyr Tudful Merthyr Tydful Aberdâr Aberdare

Pont-y-pw ˆl Pontypool

Where to Park

Blackwood Miners’ Institute is situated in the heart of Blackwood town centre, with plenty of parking from just a 2-minute walk away. We have a limited number of Disabled parking spaces,Penybont which -ar-Ogwr can be pre-booked in advance by calling the box officeBridgend on 01495 227206.



Caerffili Caerphilly


CAERDYDD CARDIFF Môr Hafren Bristol Channel


ae mynediadau gydag esgynfa a M mynediad lefel drwy’r adeilad. Mae’r Bar, Stiwdio Ddawns a Swyddfa Docynnau ar y llawr gwaelod ac mae mynediad lifft i’r theatr ar y llawr gyntaf.

T here are ramped entrances and level access throughout the building. The Bar, Dance Studio and Box Office are on the ground floor and there is lift access to the theatre on the first floor.

Mae cownteri gwasanaeth lefel isel wrth y Swyddfa Docynnau a’r Bar.

There are low level service counters at the Box Office and Bars.

Mae toiledau wedi eu lleoli ar y llawr gwaelod a’r llawr cyntaf. Mae’r toiledau hygyrch a chyfleusterau newid babis wedi eu lleoli ar y llawr gyntaf.

There are toilet facilities situated on both the ground floor and first floor. The accessible toilet and baby changing facilities are situated on the first floor.

Mae gennym nifer fach o lefydd parcio i bobl anabl, a gall dalwyr Bathodynnau Glas archebu o flaen llaw drwy ffonio’r swyddfa docynnau ar 01495 227206.

We have a small number of disabled parking spaces, which Blue-Badge holders can pre-book in advance by calling the box office on 01495 227206.

Mae croeso i gw ˆ n tywys a gall rhywun ofalu amdanynt yn ystod perfformiad drwy drefniant. Mae gennym arwyddion Braille drwy’r adeilad.

Assistance dogs are welcomed and can be cared for during performances by arrangement. We have Braille signage throughout the building.

Mae gennym Ddolen Cylchwifren Is-goch Stryd Fawr yn yYSwyddfa Docynnau ac o fewn y HighMae Street Theatr. gennym glustffonau ar gael i’w defnyddio gyda’r system yn y Theatr.

We have an Infra Red Hearing Loop at the Box Office and within the Theatre. We have headsets available for use with the Theatre Loop system.

Dementia Cyfeillgar

Dementia Friendly

Heol Pen-twyn Pentwyn Road

Trefynwy Monmouth Archfarchnadoedd Superstores

Cas-Gwent Chepstow

Y Stryd Fawr © Hawlfraint y Goron a hawliau cronfa ddata High100025372. Street 2015 Arolwg Ordnans,



Mae’r llyfryn ar gael mewn print bras, neu copi electronig ar gais. Copies of the season brochure are available in large print or electronic formats on request.

27 27

Dyddiadur | Diary IONAWR / JANUARY Sad/Sat 20 Gwen/Fri 26 Sad/Sat 27 Maw/Tue 30

7.00pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm



Reslo Cymru / Welsh Wrestling Elvis: The Legend Lives On Elvis: The Legend Lives On Magical Mozart by Candlelight

CHWEFROR / FEBRUARY Gwen/Fri 2 8.00pm Noson Gomedi’r Stiwt / ‘Stute Comedy Night Mer/Wed 7 7.30pm An Audience With Rev Kate Bottley Gwen/Fri 9 7.30pm The Forte Project Maw/Tue 13 7.30pm Woman of Flowers Gwen/Fri 16 7.30pm Forever in Blue Jeans Maw/Tue 20 7.00pm Morgan and West: Time-Travelling Magicians Mer/Wed 21 7.30pm We Are Lions Gwen/Fri 23 11.00am 2.00pm Squashbox: Tales from the Trees Sad/Sat 24 7.30pm Big Girls Don’t Cry Maw/Tue 27 7.00pm10 10 Minute Musicals MAWRTH / MARCH Gwen/Fri 2 Gwen/Fri 9 Sad/Sat 10 Mer/Wed 14 Gwen/Fri 16 Sad/Sat 17 Iau /Thurs 22 Gwen/Fri 23 Mer/Wed 28

7.30pm 8.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm

Mike Doyle in Concert Noson Gomedi’r Stiwt / ‘Stute Comedy Night In the Ark Clown in the Moon Owen Money Jukebox II Owen Money Jukebox II Crimes Under the Sun Whitney Queen of the Night Allan yn Y Fan

EBRILL / APRIL Gwen/Fri 6 8.00pm Mer/Wed 18 7.00pm Iau /Thurs 19 7.00pm Gwen/Fri 20 7.00pm Sad/Sat 21 7.00pm Maw/Tue 24 7.30pm Iau /Thurs 26 7.30pm Sad/Sat 28 7.30pm

Noson Gomedi’r Stiwt / ‘Stute Comedy Night Fiddler on the Roof Fiddler on the Roof Fiddler on the Roof Fiddler on the Roof Miss Julie Lightspeed from Pembroke Dock You Win Again

MAI / MAY Sad/Sat



The Greatest Hits of Motown



Broadway and Beyond

Cerddoriaeth Fyw/Live Music


Ffilm Film

Swyddfa Docynnau / Box Office:

01495 227206

Y Teulu Family

Adloniant Entertainment

Dawns Dance /blackwoodminersinstitute @blackwoodminers

Sioe Gerdd Musical


Sesiynau Llafar Spoken Word

Perfformiad Hamddenol / Relaxed Performance t/p 28

Gweithgareddau cyn-berfformiad / Pre-performance Activities DIGWYDDIAD A GYNHELIR: Yn yr achosion

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