Swyddfa Docynnau / Box Office: 01495 227206 blackwoodminersinstitute.com /blackwoodminersinstitute @blackwoodminers
Croeso | Welcome Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr, Coed Duon, wedi dod o hyd i'r adloniant a'r celfyddydau gorau ar gyfer detholiad cyffrous yn nhymor y gwanwyn - gan gynnwys seiniau llyfn y sioe deyrnged i George Michael, Fastlove, a naws amheus y pantomeim i oedolion yn unig gan Owen Money. Rhai o'r uchafbwyntiau yw'r cynyrchiadau drama, Cracked, peeling, a Dau, yn ogystal â'r sioeau gwych i'r teulu, The Girl With The Incredibly Long Hair, The Selfish Giant, a The Amazing Bubble Man. Croesawn Max Boyce, Morgan & West, a Showaddywaddy yn ôl yn dilyn galw mawr, a chroesawn The Zoots, Luke Jermay, a Gruffydd Wyn am y tro cyntaf. Mae rhywbeth i bawb yn y ’Stiwt - a byddwch chi yn sicr yn cael croeso cynnes.
| Spring 2019
Blackwood Miners’ Institute has sought out the hottest arts and entertainment to deliver a sizzling springtime selection for you, from the slick sounds of Fastlove’s tribute to George Michael to the spiciness of the Owen Money’s adults-only pantomime. Highlights include the drama productions Cracked, peeling and Dau as well as great family-oriented shows The Girl With The Incredibly Long Hair, The Selfish Giant and The Amazing Bubble Man. Back by popular demand are Max Boyce, Morgan & West and Showaddywaddy whilst we welcome for the first time The Zoots, Luke Jermay and Gruffydd Wyn. There’s something for everyone at The ‘Stute - and a warm welcome is guaranteed.
Showaddywaddy 15 There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly 21
Morgan & West 8
Gruffydd Wyn 15
Shylock 11
Supreme Queen 17
Buttons Undone 23
The Amazing Bubble Man 22
Luke Jermay: Intuition 14
Cefnogir gan Supported by:
The Selfish Giant 10
Reslo Cymreig Welsh Wrestling Dydd Sadwrn 12 Ionawr Saturday 12 January Ymunwch â ni am noson o hud, cyfaredd a thaflu cyrff wrth i’r sioe deithiol Reslo Cymreig ddychwelyd i’r Stiwt am un noson yn unig! Dewch i weld y sêr dros ben llestri o’r byd reslo’n gwrthdaro mewn noson o daflu cyrff gwych yn y sioe ddifyr a gwallgof i’r teulu. Join us for an evening of glitz, glamour and bodyslam mayhem as the Welsh Wrestling roadshow returns to the ‘Stute for one night only! Come and see the over the top stars of the wrestling world collide in a night of super slamming action at this fun, crazy, family entertainment show.
Ydych chi’n chwilio am rywle i gynnal eich digwyddiad? Mae gennym amrywiaeth o ystafelloedd i’w llogi, gan gynnwys ein hawditoriwm 400-sedd, y bar y’n dal 200 o bobl ac ystafelloedd cyfarfodydd a digwyddiadau bach ac anffurfiol. Gallwn hwyluso partïon i blant, priodasau, lletygarwch corfforaethol, cynadleddau a chiniawau busnes gydag arlwyo llawn a gwasanaethau lletygarwch ar gael. Felly, os ydych yn arlwyo ar gyfer 2 i 200 o bobl, rhowch alwad i ni! Cysylltwch â ni ar 01495224425 neu anfonwch e-bost i sefydliadyglowyrcoedduon@caerffili.gov.uk i drafod eich gofynion. Looking for somewhere to stage your event? We have a variety of rooms for hire including our 400-seat auditorium, 200-capacity bar, and small, informal meeting and function rooms. We can offer children’s parties, weddings, corporate hospitality, conferences and business lunches with full catering and hospitality services available. So if you’re catering for 2 to 200 give us a call! Contact us on 01495 224425 or drop an email at bmi@caerphilly.gov.uk to discuss your requirements.
7.00pm £12 (£9 Plant | Children, £35 Teulu o 4 | Family of 4)
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
Teyrnged i / A Tribute to George Michael Dydd Sadwrn 19 Ionawr Saturday 19 January Paratowch eich hun ar gyfer noson fythgofiadwy i ddathlu seren fyd-enwog yn sioe deyrnged George Michael gorau’r DU. Mae’r sioe yn llawn anthemau poblogaidd o glasuron Wham i’r caneuon oedd ar frig y siartiau o’r albwm o’r wythdegau, Faith, yn ogystal â chaneuon gwych o’r nawdegau a’r 20G. Mae’r sioe hwn yn sioe deyrnged ac nid yw mewn unrhyw fodd yn gysylltiedig ag unrhyw artistiaid/ystadau/cwmnïau rheoli na sioeau tebyg. Get ready for an unforgettable evening celebrating a global superstar with the UK's finest George Michael tribute show. The show is packed with crowd pleasing anthems from the Wham classics to the charttopping success of the eighties album Faith, plus the awesome tunes of the nineties and noughties. This is a tribute show and is in no way affiliated with any original artists/estates/ management companies or similar shows.
7.30pm £25.50 (£24.50)
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
ELVIS: The Legend Lives On Dydd Gwener 25 - Dydd Sadwrn 26 Ionawr Friday 25 - Saturday 26 January Mae Gordon yn adnabyddus fel un o artistiaid teyrnged Elvis gorau yn y byd. Yn 2012 enillodd ‘Images of the King’ ym Memphis, Tennessee ac mae wedi parhau i fod yn llwyddiannus drwy ennill ‘Pencampwriaeth Elvis Ewropeaidd’ yn 2013. Bydd Gordon yn perfformio gyda’i fand byw ac yn canu eich hoff ganeuon, gan ddod a mawredd y llais a’r pŵer trydanol o berfformio Elvis yn ôl yn fyw. Gordon is known as one of the best Elvis tribute artists in the world. In 2012 he won ‘Images of the King’ in Memphis Tennessee 2012 and has continued his success by winning the ‘European Elvis Championships’ in 2013. Gordon will be performing with his live band and singing all your favourite songs, bringing the majesty of the voice and the electrifying power of Elvis’s performance back to life.
7.30pm £16.50
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
Nosweithiau Comedi’r Stiwt ’Stute Comedy Nights
Dewch draw i chwerthin a chael hwyl yn un o nosweithiau hwyliog Comedi’r Stiwt. Mae’r digwyddiadau misol hyn yn cynnwys tri o’r comediwyr gorau sy’n teithio ar hyd cylchdaith y DU, ac maent bob tro yn noson allan sy’n werth yr arian. Ymunwch â’r e-restr comedi drwy fynd i www.blackwoodminersinstitute.com neu dilynwch ni ar Facebook i glywed am y perfformiadau diweddaraf cyn gynted ag y cânt eu cyhoeddi. Fel arfer, cynhelir y Nosweithiau Comedi ar ddydd Gwener cyntaf y mis. Give yourself a laugh and come along to one of our hilarious ‘Stute Comedy Nights. These monthly events feature three top comedians touring the UK circuit and are always a great value evening out. Join the comedy e-list at www.blackwoodminersinstitute.com or follow us on Facebook to find out the latest line-ups as soon as they’re announced. Comedy Nights are usually held on the first Friday of the month.
Nos Wener 1 Chwefror 8.00pm Nos Wener 1 Mawrth 8.00pm Nos Wener 5 Ebrill 8.00pm Nos Wener 3 Mai 8.00pm Seddi heb eu cadw Friday 1 February 8.00pm Friday 1 March 8.00pm Friday 5 April 8.00pm Friday 3 May 8.00pm Unreserved seating
£11.50, (£12.50 ar y dydd / on Oed/Age the day) 16+ Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
Gwobrau Theatr Cymru Wales Theatre Awards Dydd Sadwrn 2 Chwefror Saturday 2 February Mae Gwobrau Theatr Cymru yn dod i Goed Duon am y tro cyntaf a chewch eich gwahodd i ymuno â'r dathliadau. Mae'r gwobrau'n cydnabod rhagoriaeth o ran perfformiad dawns, theatr ac opera. Mae'r sioe yn cynnwys adloniant gan artistiaid sy'n gysylltiedig â Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn ogystal ag enillwyr sy'n derbyn eu gwobrau mawreddog. Dewch draw i rannu'r cyffro. The Wales Theatre Awards are coming to Blackwood for the first time and you are invited to join the celebrations. The Awards recognise excellence in dance, theatre and opera performance. The show includes entertainment from artists who are associated with the Blackwood Miners Institute as well as winners receiving their prestigious awards. Come along and share the excitement. www.walestheatreawards.com
7.00pm £15.50
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
Max Boyce Dydd Iau 7 Chwefror Thursday 7 February
Mae Max Boyce wedi bod yn adlonni pobl dros y byd am fwy na 40 mlynedd gyda’r gallu i baentio lluniau mewn geiriau a chaneuon. Does dim angen cyflwyno perfformiad byw Max; mae ymatebion cynulleidfaoedd a’r gymeradwyaeth sefyll yn ddigon o dystiolaeth. Peidiwch â cholli allan ar y profiad unigryw o weld Max Boyce yn fyw mewn cyngerdd, a chewch ddweud, “Roeddwn i yna!”
The Searchers Farewell Tour Dydd Sadwrn 9 Chwefror | Saturday 9 February John McNally Frank Allen Spencer James Scott Ottaway Gyda chaneuon clasurol fel Sweets For My Sweet, Needles and Pins, Don’t Throw Your Love Away, Sugar and Spice and When You Walk in the Room, mae'r Searchers wedi cyfrannu'n aruthrol at sefydlu'r DU fel prif wlad y byd cerddoriaeth. Bellach maen nhw wedi penderfynu ymddeol a bydd y cyngerdd 'Solo' ffarwel hwn nid yn unig yn cynnwys eu holl ganeuon enwog, ond hefyd llawer o draciau albwm a ffefrynnau adnabyddus, yn ogystal ag anecdotau ac atgofion o'u gyrfa ryfeddol. With such classic hits as Sweets For My Sweet, Needles and Pins, Don’t Throw Your Love Away, Sugar and Spice and When You Walk in the Room, The Searchers have contributed enormously to establishing the UK as the world’s leading nation in the music industry. They have now decided to retire and this Farewell ‘solo’ Concert will not only include all their famous hits, but also many album tracks and well-known favourites, as well as anecdotes and reminiscences of their remarkable career.
Max Boyce has been entertaining people all over the world for more than 40 years with his ability to paint pictures in word and song. Max’s live performances need no introduction; the audience’s reactions and standing ovations speak for themselves. Don’t miss out on the unique experience of seeing Max Boyce live in concert, and being able to say, “I Was There!”
7.30pm £27.50
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
7.30pm £23.50 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
Fe'i cefnogir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, Llywodraeth Cymru a'r Loteri Genedlaethol Supported by the Arts Council of Wales, Welsh Government and the National Lottery
Canolfan Celfyddydau Pontardawe Arts Centre
CRACKED Ysgrifennwyd gan | Written by
Emily Hinshelwood Cyfarwyddwyd gan | Directed by Louise Osborn Dyluniwyd gan | Designed by Becky Davies Dydd Mawrth 12 Chwefror Tuesday 12 February
Sut rydych chi'n gwybod eich bod chi wedi croes'r llinell? Mae gan Mick Evans broblem. Mae ei ffrind dychmygol o'i blentyndod yn ei boenydio. Nid yw'r system yn addas ar gyfer pobl nad ydynt yn cydymffurfio, pobl fel Mick, pobl fel ei ddisgybl, Stewart Skinner. Drama deimladwy sy'n ysgogi'r meddwl am fregusrwydd a'r angen cyffredinol am gariad yw Cracked. How do you know when you have crossed the line? Mick Evans has a problem. His childhood imaginary friend has become his tormentor. The system doesn’t suit people who don’t conform, people like Mick, people like his pupil, Stewart Skinner. Cracked is a moving, thought-provoking play about vulnerability and the universal need for love.
7.30pm t/p32 £12.50 (£10.50), £8.00 Bwndeli Dramâu | Drama Bundle Yn cynnwys themâu oedolion/iaith gref | Features adult themes/strong language Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
Morgan & West Parlour Tricks
Dydd Mercher 13 Chwefror Wednesday 13 February
'Hugely talented' Daily Mirror 'Charming and engaging' The Stage
Credyd ffoto | Photo Credit: Steve Ullathorne
Ymunwch â’r ddeuawd hud Morgan & West sy’n teithio trwy amser am noson llawn dop o gampwaith hud syfrdanol ac anhygoel. Mae'r bois hoenus yn cynnig llond dwrn o ledrith ac o amhosibilrwydd, oll wedi eu cyflwyno i chi â ffraethineb, swyn ac ychydig o banache. Byddwch yn barod i gael eich syfrdanu gan Morgan & West - choeliwch chi fyth eu campau hud a lledrith!
Join time-travelling magic duo Morgan & West for an evening chock full of jawdropping, brain-bursting, gasp-eliciting feats of magic. The dashing chaps offer up a plateful of illusion and impossibility, all served with wit, charm and no small amount of panache. Be sure to wear a hat - Morgan & West might just blow your mind!
7.00pm £12.50 (£10.50, £7.50 plant | children, £34 teulu o 4 | family of 4)
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
Frozen Light
The Isle Of Brimsker Dydd Mercher 20 Chwefror Wednesday 20 February Mae ceidwad goleudy yn byw ar garreg frig anial wedi'i amgylchynu gan foroedd stormus. Â dyletswydd i gynnal y golau sy'n tywys cychod i ffwrdd o berygl, mae'n byw bywyd unig. Un diwrnod mae ffoadur yn glanio ar y lan a gyda'i gilydd maen nhw'n wynebu'r anochel. Mae newid ar y gorwel ond nid yn y ffurf y mae hi'n ei ddisgwyl... Stori antur amlsynhwyraidd newydd i gynulleidfaoedd sydd ag anawsterau dysgu dwys a lluosog. Comisiynwyd gan Harlow Playhouse, The Phoenix Theatre a’r Arts Centre (Bordon), Vivacity Key Theatre (Peterborough) gyda chymorth gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Lloegr, house, The Garage (Norwich) a The Point (Eastleigh).
A lighthouse keeper lives on a desolate outcrop surrounded by stormy seas. Duty bound to maintain the light that guides boats away from danger, she lives a solitary existence. One day a runaway lands on the shore and together they face the inevitable. Change is on the horizon but not in the form she expects... A new multi-sensory story of adventure for audiences with profound and multiple learning difficulties. Commissioned by Harlow Playhouse, The Phoenix Theatre and Arts Centre (Bordon), Vivacity Key Theatre (Peterborough) with support from Arts Council England, house, The Garage (Norwich) and The Point (Eastleigh)
11.00am, 1.30pm £6.50
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
A Viennese Strauss Gala Dydd Gwener 22 Chwefror Friday 22 February
Gan ail-greu rhamant tymor y Nadolig Fienaidd a'n hatgoffa o hen oes o bartïon hwyrol hudolus a walsiau gan Strauss. Mae'r sioe yn cynnwys uchafbwyntiau o rai o operâu mawr Strauss gan gynnwys Die Fledermaus, The Merry Widow a llawer o rai eraill. Mae’r cynhyrchiad bendigedig hwn yn cael ei lwyfannu a’i goreograffu’n fedrus, a'i wisgo’n ddilys ac addas; bydd yn apelio at y rhai rhamantus cymaint â byddai i’r selogion cerddoriaeth. Yn cynnwys unawdwyr rhyngwladol. Recreating the romance of the Viennese festive season and reminding us of a bygone age of glamorous soirees and Strauss waltzes. The show features highlights from some of the great operettas of the Strauss family including Die Fledermaus, The Merry Widow and many others. This wonderful production is cleverly staged, choreographed and authentically costumed; it will appeal to the romantic as much as the music aficionado. Featuring international soloists.
7.30pm £18.50 (£17.50) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
Bowie Starman Dydd Sadwrn 2 Mawrth | Saturday 2 March
Tessa Bide & Soap Soup Theatre
The Selfish Giant Dydd Llun 25 Chwefror Monday 25 February
Camwch i mewn i fyd theatraidd lle mae cewri yn gymdogion ichi ac mae gardd oedd unwaith yn brydferth nawr mewn gaeaf tragwyddol. Archwiliwch gyfeillgarwch anghyffredin a sut y gall hyd yn oed calon y cawr mwyaf drwg ei dymer ymdoddi pan ddaw'r gwanwyn o’r diwedd... Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn falch iawn o gyflwyno addasiad newydd hudolus o stori fer o fri Oscar Wilde. Mae'r fersiwn dychmygus hwn i dwymo’r galon yn cyfuno straeon gafaelgar â phypedau swynol, cerddoriaeth wreiddiol ac ychydig o hud a lledrith.
Y deyrnged i David Bowie sy'n cynnwys dawn gerddorol anhygoel, dehongli medrus, gorfoledd anorchfygol ynghyd â pharch didwyll a diffuant i'r dyn a'i gerddoriaeth. Yn llawn dop o ganeuon o bob cyfnod o yrfa fythgofiadwy Bowie o Rebel Rebel a China Girl i Let's Dance, Young Americans, Ashes To Ashes a Life On Mars. Ni allai etifeddiaeth gerddorol Bowie fod mewn dwylo mwy diogel... The tribute to David Bowie that features superlative musicianship, skilled interpretation, irresistible exuberance plus a heartfelt and genuine respect for the man and his music. Packed with songs from all eras of Bowie’s celebrated career from Rebel Rebel and China Girl to Let’s Dance, Young Americans, Ashes To Ashes and Life On Mars. Bowie's musical legacy could not be in safer hands...
Step into a theatrical world where giants are your neighbours and a once beautiful garden is stuck in everlasting winter. Explore an extraordinary friendship and how even the grumpiest giant’s heart can melt when spring finally comes... Blackwood Miners' Institute is delighted to present an enchanting new adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s celebrated short story. This heart-warming reimagining combines captivating storytelling with spellbinding puppetry, original music and a sprinkling of magic.
2.30pm £5 (£4) Hyd y Sioe | Running time: 50 munud | minutes
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
7.30pm £19.50 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
Ysgrifennwyd a chyfarwyddwyd gan | Written & directed by Gareth Armstrong Dydd Mawrth 5 Mawrth | Tuesday 5 March
A yw Shylock y benthycwr arian Iddewig o ‘The Merchant of Venice’ yn ddihiryn neu'n ddioddefwr? Mae drama solo arobryn Gareth Armstrong yn herio’r ystrydebau Iddewig hyn drwy lygaid ei unig gyfaill - a'r unig ddyn Iddewig arall yng ngwaith cyfan Shakespeare - sef Tubal. Wedi'i ddyrchafu i'r blaen o'i rôl fach yn ‘The Merchant of Venice’, mae'n profi’n storïwr comig naturiol. Yn dathlu cyfoeth iaith Shakespeare ac yn creu cast cyfan o gymeriadau o Portia i Pontius Pilate, o Romeo i Max Reinhardt, ac o Barabbas i Richard Burbage, mae'r ddrama swynol, chwim ac aml yn ddoniol yn archwiliad hynod ddiddorol o Shylock a'i bobl. Is Shylock the Jewish moneylender from The Merchant of Venice a villain or victim? Gareth Armstrong's award winning solo play confronts these Jewish stereotypes through the eyes of his only friend - and the only other Jewish man in the whole of Shakespeare - Tubal. Promoted to centre stage from his minor role in The Merchant of Venice, he proves a born comic storyteller. Celebrating the richness of Shakespeare's language and conjuring up a whole cast of characters from Portia to Pontius Pilate, from Romeo to Max Reinhardt, and from Barabbas to Richard Burbage, this dazzling, moving, often hilarious play is a fascinating exploration of Shylock and his people.
7.30pm £14.50 (£12.50) £8.00 Bwndeli Dramâu | Drama Bundle Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
11 11
Hijinx & La Ribalta ar y cyd â Frantic Assembly | Hijinx & La Ribalta in association with Frantic Assembly
Into the Light
Dydd Iau 7 Mawrth | Thursday 7 March Rydym oll yn chwilio am ryngweithiad, cysylltiad a dilysiad. Mae llewyrch ein ffonau symudol yn ein gwahodd i gael ein gwerthfawrogi, ein coleddu a'n caru. Mae'r her o gamu allan ar y llwyfan yn cynnig rhywbeth tebyg i ni. Ond a ydym yn cael ein goleuo neu a ydym yn cael ein datgelu? Mae ‘Into the Light’, sioe Hijinx a Teatro la Ribalta, dan gyfarwyddiaeth Scott Graham o Frantic Assembly ac yn cynnwys cast o berfformwyr rhyngwladol gyda rhai ohonynt ag anableddau dysgu, yn theatr gorfforol fentrus am yr hawl i gael eich gweld a'ch clywed, wedi’i pherfformio gan y rhai y mae angen i ni eu gweld a'u clywed.
We all seek interaction, connection and validation. The glow of our mobile phones invites us to be appreciated, cherished and loved. The challenge of stepping out on stage offers us something similar. But are we illuminated or are we exposed? Directed by Frantic Assembly’s Scott Graham and incorporating an international cast of performers with and without learning disabilities, Hijinx and Teatro la Ribalta’s Into the Light is daring physical theatre about the right to be seen and heard, performed by those we need to see and hear.
7.30pm £12.50 (£10.50) £8.00 Bwndeli Dramâu | Drama Bundle Rhybudd: Sensitifrwydd i oleuni, tywyllwch llwyr a cherddoriaeth uchel Warning: Light sensitivity, complete darkness and loud music
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
The Carpenters Voice of the Heart Dydd Gwener 8 Mawrth | Friday 8 March Gadawodd Karen Carpenter gatalog anhygoel o ganeuon enwog ac atgofion euraidd ac mae'r sioe syfrdanol hon yn dathlu ei hetifeddiaeth. Gan gynnwys Yesterday Once More, Goodbye To Love, Close To You, Only Yesterday, Top Of The World a llawer mwy, mae'r cyngerdd hwn yn cynnwys yr holl ganeuon y mae pob un o genfogwyr y Carpenters yn caru. Gyda llais gwych Carole Gordon a chefnogaeth fand byw llawn, mae ‘Voice of The Heart’ yn addo bod yn noson lewyrchus fythgofiadwy! Karen Carpenter left an amazing catalogue of hit songs and golden memories and this stunning show celebrates her legacy. Including Yesterday Once More, Goodbye To Love, Close To You, Only Yesterday, Top Of The World plus many more, this concert features all the hits that every Carpenters fan adores. With superb vocals from Carole Gordon backed by full live band, Voice Of The Heart promises to be a sparkling night to remember!
The Zoots
Sounds of the 60s Sadwrn 16 Mawrth | Saturday 16 March Mwynhewch y cyngerdd sy'n syfrdanu cynulleidfaoedd ledled y byd, gan werthu allan yn llwyr mewn lleoliadau o'r London Palladium i Old Trafford. Mae The Zoots yma i wneud eich teulu cyfan i ddawnsio i gerddoriaeth y 60au y mae pawb yn caru cymaint - gyda chaneuon enwog The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Monkees, The Beach Boys, The Kinks, The Searchers, The Four Seasons, Elvis a chymaint mwy o'ch hoff artistiaid. Experience the concert that's wowing audiences around the world, selling out and headlining venues from The London Palladium to Old Trafford. The Zoots are here to make your whole family bop to the '60s beats that everybody loves - with legendary numbers by The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Monkees, The Beach Boys, The Kinks, The Searchers, The Four Seasons, Elvis and dozens more of your favourite artists.
7.30pm £20 (£18) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
7.30pm £15.50 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
13 13
Luke Jermay Intuition Dydd Mawrth 19 Mawrth Tuesday 19 March
Doniol, difyr, emosiynol, dadleuol, ysbrydoledig a chraff - mae sioe lwyfan ryngweithiol Luke Jermay yn llawn dop o arddangosiadau syfrdanol o reddf, telepathi a rhagfynegiad fyddwch byth yn anghofio. Paratowch i'ch meddwl cael ei ddarllen, eich dewisiadau’n cael eu rhagweld a'ch dyfodol yn cael ei ddatgelu... Nodwch na fydd cyfryngiaeth ysbrydol yn rhan o sioe ‘Intuition’.
7.30pm £12.00 (£10.00)
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
Funny, entertaining, emotional, controversial, uplifting and insightful - Luke Jermay's interactive stage show is jam packed with phenomenal jaw dropping demonstrations of intuition, telepathy and prediction that you will never forget. Prepare for your mind to be read, your choices predicted and your future revealed... Please note that no spirit mediumship will be presented in Intuition.
Showaddywaddy Dydd Sadwrn 23 Mawrth Saturday 23 March Mae’r honiad 'Y Band Roc a Rôl Mwyaf yn y Byd' yn un feiddgar ond mae Showaddywaddy wedi byw a haeddu'r teitl hwnnw am y pedwar degawd diwethaf! Mae eu sioe fyw yn ddeinamig ac yn galonogol ac yn cynnwys pob un o'u caneuon mwyaf poblogaidd, gyda llawer ohonynt yn cyrraedd rhif un yn siartiau pop Ewrop. Under The Moon of Love, Three Steps to Heaven, Hey Rock & Roll, When, Blue Moon, Pretty Little Angel Eyes a llawer, llawer mwy.
Gruffydd Wyn Dydd Iau 21 Mawrth | Thursday 21 March Ymunwch â ni yn y Sefydliad am noson gyda'r boi Cymreig anhygoel o dalentog yr enillodd ei lais mawr a'i berfformiadau proffesiynol dan bwysau ganmoliaeth iddo ar Britain's Got Talent yn 2018. Wedi'i ddisgrifio gan Simon Cowell fel 'fersiwn gerddorol Rocky', mae Gruff wedi ymroi ei fywyd i ddilyn ei freuddwyd o fod yn ganwr o'r radd flaenaf. Mae ei waith caled yn talu ar ei ganfed felly peidiwch â cholli'r cyfle hwn i glywed ei gyngerdd yng Nghoed Duon...
The 'Greatest Rock & Roll Band In The World' is a bold statement but Showaddywaddy has lived up to that title for the last four decades! Their live show is dynamic and uplifting featuring all of their biggest hits, many of which reached number one in the pop charts of Europe. Under The Moon of Love, Three Steps to Heaven, Hey Rock & Roll, When, Blue Moon, Pretty Little Angel Eyes and many, many more.
Join us at The 'Stute for an evening with the incredibly talented Welsh lad whose big voice and professional performances under pressure won him acclaim on Britain's Got Talent in 2018. Described by Simon Cowell as 'the musical version of Rocky', Gruff has dedicated his life to following his dream of becoming a world class singer. His hard work is paying off so don't miss this chance to catch him in concert in Blackwood while you still can...
7.30pm £22.50 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
7.30pm £25.50 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
15 15
Taking Flight
peeling Dydd Gwener 29 Mawrth Friday 29 March
Mewn cysgod, byth yng nghanol y llwyfan, mae tri perfformiwr yn aros am eu heiliad yn y golau. Ond pwy fyddai am archwilio'r cyrff hyn? Pwy fydd yn clywed eu straeon? Mae eu geiriau wedi eu claddu mewn llwch, trwy goridor hir o amser. Rydym am eu dadgladdu yma. Rydym yn eu clywed yn adleisio’n y tywyllwch. Bydd y ddinas hon yn syrthio. Gyda Iaith Arwyddion Prydain, disgrifiadau sain byw a chapsiynau Saesneg, mae ‘peeling’ yn herio cynulleidfaoedd i brofi'r theatr o'r newydd. Hanesion pwy ydyn ni'n eu hdrodd? A phwy fydd yno i fod yn dyst? In shadow, never centre stage, three performers await their brief moment in the light. But who would want to explore these bodies? Who will receive their stories? Their words have been buried in dust, through the long corridor of time. We unearth them here. We hear them echo in the darkness. This city will fall. With interwoven BSL, live audio description and English captions, peeling challenges audiences to experience theatre afresh. Whose stories do we tell? And who will be there to bear witness?
7.30pm £14.50 (£12.50) £8.00 Bwndeli Dramâu | Drama Bundle
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
Supreme Queen Dydd Sadwrn 30 Mawrth | Saturday 30 March Mae ‘Supreme Queen’ yn talu teyrnged i un o'r bandiau roc mwyaf y byd erioed. Gyda’i lais anhygoel a’i wedd mor debyg i Freddie Mercury, mae Scott Maley a ‘Supreme Queen’ wedi ymdrechu erioed i ail-greu'r profiad byw o'r band gwreiddiol ac mae eu sioe lwyfan wedi'i chynllunio i ddarparu'r nosweithiau mwyaf cofiadwy i filiynau o ffans Queen ledled y byd.
Supreme Queen pay homage to one of the planet’s greatest ever rock outfits. With Scott Maley’s incredible vocal and visual resemblance to Freddie Mercury, Supreme Queen has always strived to recreate the live experience of the original band and their stage show is designed to provide the most memorable of evenings for millions of Queen fans worldwide.
7.30pm £23 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
17 17
Cantorion Oakdale Gwledd o gerddoriaeth gorawl
Classic Rock USA Dydd Iau 4 Ebrill | Thursday 4 April
Oakdale Singers
A Feast of Choral Music Sadwrn 6 Ebrill | Saturday 6 April
Sioe roc i gyflymu’ch calon â phob curiad drwm, yn cynnwys dros 25 o ganeuon enwocaf Bryan Adams, Jon Bon Jovi a’r ‘Bos’ ei hunan, Bruce Springsteen. Gan gynnwys Born to Run, Thunder Road, Everything I Do, Summer of ’69, Living on a Prayer, You Give Love a Bad Name, Bed of Roses a llawer mwy…
Mae cantorion Oakdale yn gôr amlgenhedlaeth sydd wedi'i seilio ar Gôr Ifanc Oakdale a Chôr Plant a Phobl Ifanc Caerffili arobryn. Mae'r arweinydd Nigel Jones wedi dod â'r grwpiau hyn at ei gilydd ar gyfer cyngerdd aduniad cyffrous yn perfformio detholiad sy'n cynnwys bron i 500 o flynyddoedd o gerddoriaeth gorawl o Thomas Tallis i Paul Simon.
A heart pumping, drum beating and pulsating rock extravaganza featuring over 25 hits from Bryan Adams, Jon Bon Jovi and the ‘Boss’ himself, Bruce Springsteen. Includes Born to Run, Thunder Road, Everything I Do, Summer of ’69, Living on a Prayer, You Give Love a Bad Name, Bed of Roses plus many more…
Oakdale Singers is a multi-generational choir based on the award-winning Oakdale Youth Choir and Caerphilly Children’s Choir & Youth Singers. Conductor Nigel Jones has brought these groups together for an exciting reunion concert performing a repertoire covering almost 500 years of choral music from Thomas Tallis to Paul Simon.
7.30pm £16.50
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
7.00pm H £7.50 (£5.00 dan 18 oed | under 18's) t/p32 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
We Made This
The Girl With The Incredibly Long Hair
Rod Woodward
Mercher 10 & Iau 11 Ebrill Wednesday 10 & Thursday 11 April
Dydd Gwener 12 Ebrill | Friday 12 April
I'm Not Being Funny But… Ac yntau'n un o ddiddanwyr y wlad sydd brysur ar eu cynnydd, ac yn enillydd cystadleuaeth y BBC, Funny Business, mae'r digrifwr o Gymru, Rod Woodward, yn dilyn ei gyfraniad at y Royal Variety Performance 2018 drwy gynnal noson fythgofiadwy a llawn hwyl a chwerthin yn y ’Stiwt.
Wedi'i hysbrydoli gan y stori tylwyth teg, bydd ‘The Girl With Incredibly Long Hair’ yn mynd â chi i galon y goedwig... i gael eich trochi yn ei golygfeydd, ei synau a'i aroglau... gyda'r stori'n datblygu o'ch cwmpas. Peidiwch â cholli'r sioe deuluol hon sy'n ail-ddychmygu stori Rapunzel am ein cyfnod ni ac yn addo profiad bythgofiadwy i'r teulu cyfan.
One of the country’s fastest-rising entertainers and winner of BBC's Funny Business, Welsh comedian Rod Woodward follows up his barnstorming contribution to the Royal Variety Performance 2018 with an unforgettable fun-filled evening of laughter at The 'Stute. 'Just plain laugh-out-loud funniness’ Edinburgh Evening News
Inspired by the much-loved fairy story, The Girl With Incredibly Long Hair will take you to the heart of the forest... to be immersed in its sights, sounds and smells... with the story unfolding all around you. Don't miss this family show which re-imagines the story of Rapunzel for our times and promises an unforgettable experience for the whole family. Cefnogir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon, a Chapter. Fe'i gwnaed yn wreiddiol mewn partneriaeth â Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon a Chanolfan Mileniwm Cymru, ac fe'i cefnogir gan Creu Cymru. Supported by Arts Council of Wales, Blackwood Miners Institute & Chapter. Originally made in partnership with Blackwood Miners' Institute and Wales Millennium Centre, and supported by Creu Cymru.
(10/04) 10am, 1.30pm and 4.30pm, - Yn Saesneg | In English (11/04) 10am, 1.30pm Oed/Age - Yn Gymraeg | In Welsh 4+ £6.50 (£5.00) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
7.30pm £20.50
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
19 19
Cyd-gynhyrchiad Gareth John Bale a Theatrau RhCT gyda chefnogaeth Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.
Emerald Academy of Performing Arts
Don’t Stop Believing
Perfformiwyd yn Gymraeg Performed in Welsh
Dydd Sadwrn 13 Ebrill | Saturday 13 April Mae Emerald Academy yn falch o ddod â'i bedwaredd sioe flynyddol i'r llwyfan. A hithau'n llawn canu, dawnsio ac actio gan gast rhwng 4 oed ac 16 oed, mae'n sioe sy'n addas i'r teulu cyfan ac sy'n cynnwys golygfeydd o Oliver, Rock of Ages, The Greatest Showman, Trolls, a llawer mwy - dyma sioe adloniant unigryw. Eisteddwch yn ôl, ymlaciwch a mwynhewch! Emerald Academy is proud to bring their fourth annual show to the stage. Packed with singing, dancing and acting from a cast aged four to sixteen, it is suitable for the whole family. Featuring scenes from Oliver, Rock of Ages, The Greatest Showman, Trolls and many more, this is a variety show like no other. Sit back, relax and enjoy!
6:30pm £7.50
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
Dydd Llun 15 Ebrill | Monday 15 April Dau berson, dyn a gwraig, landlord a landlordes. Yn gweini diodydd fesul dau i'r parau o bobl yn eu tafarn. Mae gan bob un stori i'w hadrodd - weithiau'n fympwyol, weithiau’n drist - ond bob amser yn stori gallwch uniaethu ag ef. Rhwng tynnu’r peints rydym yn cwrdd â Moth, dyn sydd wedi ei dynnu i bob fflam ond eto yn hollol ddibynnol ar Maudie; dau bensiynwr oedrannus; Mrs Iger sy'n caru dynion mawr cymaint; Roy sydd a Lesley yn llwyr dan ei reolaeth a dau ffan Elvis sy’n gwylio'r teledu. Yn ddoniol a thwym-galon ar yr un pryd mae'r ddrama brathog hon yn mynd ar droeon a throadau clyfar cyn cyrraedd diweddglo pwerus ac annisgwyl.
7.30pm £12.50 (£10.50) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
People's Theatre Company
There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly
A Gareth John Bale and RCT Theatres co-production supported by Arts Council Wales
Dydd Mercher 17 Ebrill Wednesday 17 April Mae cwmni’r People's Theatre Company yn dod ag un o hwiangerddi gorau'r byd yn fyw yn union mewn pryd i ddathlu pen-blwydd 45 oed llyfr llwyddiannus Pam Adams! Mae'r sioe hudol hon wedi cael ei hysgrifennu yn arbennig ar gyfer oedolion i'w mwynhau gyda'u plant, felly dewch i ail-fyw rhyfeddodau'r stori hynod swynol hon gyda gwledd o ganu-ar-y-cyd, cymeriadau anifeiliaid lliwgar a hwyl dwymgalon i’r teulu.
Gan | By Jim Cartwright Wedi’i haddasu a’i chyfarwyddo gan | Adapted & directed by Gareth John Bale
Llun | Image © M. Twinn 1973, Child’s Play (International) Ltd.
Two people, man and wife, landlord and landlady. Serving drinks two-by-two to the twosomes in their pub. Each has a story to tell - sometimes quirky, sometimes sad - but it's always a tale you identify with. Interwoven with pint-pulling we meet Moth, a man drawn to every flame yet utterly dependent on Maudie; two elderly pensioners; Mrs Iger who simply adores big men; Roy who has Lesley completely under control and two Elvis fans watching TV. Hilarious and heart-warming in equal measure - this razor-sharp drama takes clever twists and turns before reaching a powerful and unexpected climax.
The People’s Theatre Company bring one of the world’s best loved nursery rhymes to life just in time to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Pam Adams' best selling book! This magical show has been written especially for grown ups to enjoy with their children, so come and re-live the delights of this most charming of tales complete with a feast of sing-along songs, colourful animal characters and heart-warming family fun.
2.30pm £9.00 (£8.50 plant | children) Hyd y Sioe | Running time: 70 munud | minutes Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
21 21
'So entertaining, artistic and cool!' New Zealand Performing Arts Review
The Amazing Bubble Man
'A breathtaking show' Fest Magazine
Dydd Iau 18 Ebrill | Thursday 18 April
Mae Louis Pearl wedi bod yn gwefreiddio cynulleidfaoedd ledled y byd ers dros ddeng mlynedd ar hugain gyda chelfyddyd, hud, gwyddoniaeth a hwyl swigod. Yn ffefryn yn yr Edinburgh Fringe, mae wedi gwerthu allan yno am y deuddeng mlynedd diwethaf. Mae Louis yn archwilio dynameg syfrdanol swigod, gan gyfuno comedi ac artistiaeth gyda chyfranogiad y gynulleidfa a digon o driciau swigod i gadw pawb wedi'u mesmereiddio. O swigod sgwâr i swigod rocedi, swigod tornado i swigod soseri hedfan, mae'r 'Amazing Bubble Man' yn creu hyrddau o chwerthin ac ebychiadau o syndod gan bawb o bob oed!
11.30am & 2.00pm £12.50 (plant / children £10.50) Hyd y Sioe: 60 munud Running time 60 mins
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
Louis Pearl has been thrilling audiences worldwide for over thirty years with the art, magic, science and fun of bubbles. An Edinburgh Fringe favourite, he has sold out there for the last twelve years. Louis explores the breathtaking dynamics of bubbles, combining comedy and artistry with audience participation and enough spellbinding bubble tricks to keep everyone mesmerized. From square bubbles to rocket bubbles, tornado bubbles to flying saucer bubbles, the Amazing Bubble Man conjures shrieks of laughter and gasps of amazement from all ages!
Dydd Gwener 26 & Sadwrn 27 Ebrill | Friday 26 & Saturday 27 April
“...a bu pawb yn byw’n hapus byth ar ôl hynny!”
“...and they all lived happily ever after!”
Dyna sut y mae'r rhan fwyaf o straeon tylwyth teg yn dod i ben-ar ôl i'r ddihiryn gael ei drechu a'r arwr a'r arwres yn briod. Ond fel rydym yn gwybod, mae gan bob priodas ei gyfnodau hapus ac anhapus, a blwyddyn ar ôl eu priodas mae Sinderela a'r Tywysog Charming o hyd mewn cariad mawr. Yn anffodus, mae gan y Tywysog broblem...
That’s how most fairy stories end - after the villain has been vanquished and the hero and heroine are married. But as we all know, every marriage has its ups and downs and, a year after their wedding, Cinderella and Prince Charming are still very much in love. Unfortunately, the Prince has a problem...
7.30pm £18.50 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
23 23
Rock’n’Roll Paradise Dydd Sadwrn 11 Mai | Saturday 11 May Dewch ar daith ddirgel hudol drwy gyfnod a newidiodd y byd cerddoriaeth am byth… A hithau'n llawn perfformwyr teyrnged gorau'r wlad i sêr roc a rôl, mae'r gyngerdd yn cynnwys caneuon Gene Vincent, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis, Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, Del Shannon, Eddie Cochran, The Everly Brothers, Ricky Nelson, Duane Eddy, Neil Sedaka, Connie Francis, Brenda Lee, a'r ‘Brenin’ ei hun, Elvis Presley. Taking you on a magical mystery tour through an era that changed the music world forever... Packed with the country's finest tributes to rock'n'roll stars, the concert showcases the songs of Gene Vincent, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis, Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, Del Shannon, Eddie Cochran, The Everly Brothers, Ricky Nelson, Duane Eddy, Neil Sedaka, Connie Francis, Brenda Lee and 'The King' himself, Elvis Presley.
7.30pm £22.50
Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
Cyngerdd Cymdeithas Theatr Gerddorol Coed Duon a Gwesteion Blackwood Musical Theatre Society & Guests In Concert Iau 16 & Gwener 17 Mai Thursday 16 & Friday 17 May Dyma ddwy noson o ddathlu goreuon byd adloniant cerddorol, gyda chaneuon a chipluniau o lyfr caneuon hanesyddol y cwmni, a llawer mwy. Bydd cyngerdd dydd Iau yn cynnwys Côr Heddlu Gwent, sy'n dathlu ei hanner canmlwyddiant yn 2019. Bydd gwesteion dydd Gwener yn cael eu cyhoeddi maes o law. Two nights of the very best in musical entertainment with songs and snapshots from the company's historical songbook and much, much more. Thursday's concert features The Gwent Police Choir, celebrating their 50th anniversary in 2019. Friday guests will be announced in due course.
7.15pm £10.50 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket
Castell Caerffili | Caerphilly Castle
The Stranglers
Gyda | Supported by Ruts DC Dydd Gwener 5 Gorffennaf | Friday 5 July
Maent yn feistri o'u sain wreiddiol, sy'n cyfuno cysylltiad melodig gwych gydag ymosodiad tywyll a naws cĹľl diymdrech. Mae'r Stranglers bellach yn cael eu cydnabod fel un o'r bandiau mwyaf credadwy a dylanwadol i ddod i'r amlwg o'r cyfnod Pync. Wedi ffurfio yn gyntaf ym 1974, roedd agwedd ddigyfaddawd y band yn nodweddiadol o'r sin gerddoriaeth tua diwedd y 1970au, a daeth llwyddiant wrth gyhoeddi cyfres o senglau ysgubol, megis Peaches, No More Heroes, a Walk On By. Roedd llwyddiant pellach i ddilyn gyda Always The Sun, Strange Little Girl a'r sengl fywiog Golden Brown, ymysg llawer o ganeuon eraill, gyda 24 sengl a 18 albwm yn cyrraedd siartiau'r 40 uchaf.
Masters of their own highly original sound that combines a brilliant melodic touch with dark aggression and effortless cool, The Stranglers are now recognised as one of the most credible and influential bands to have emerged from the Punk era. First formed in 1974, the band's nocompromise attitude was typical of the late 70s music scene and the quartet scored a string of hit singles such as Peaches, No More Heroes and Walk On By. Further success was to follow with Always The Sun, Strange Little Girl and the mercurial Golden Brown, among many others, earning the group twenty-four Top-40 singles and eighteen Top-40 albums.
Drysau'n Agor | Doors Open 5pm Tocynnau ar gael o | Tickets also available from: Ticketmaster.co.uk
25 25
Gweithdai | Workshops Cwmni Dawns Ieuenctid Coed Duon | Blackwood Youth Dance: Dydd Mercher / Wednesday TIP TOES 5.00pm - 5.45pm, Oed/Age 4-7 REVOLVE 5.45pm - 6.45pm, Oed/Age 8-10 DESTINY 6.45pm - 7.45pm, Oed/Age 11-18 YR ACADEMI AWEN / AWEN ACADEMY 7.45pm - 8.45pm Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206 Contact the Box Office on 01495 227206
Grŵp Theatr Gymunedol i Oedolion y Sefydliad | BMI Adult Community Theatre Group: Dydd Llun / Monday 7.30pm - 9.00pm Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206. Contact the Box Office on 01495 227206
Grŵp Theatr Gymunedol Y Sefydliad | BMI Community Theatre Group: Dydd Gwener / Friday
BABANOD / INFANTS, 5.15pm - 6.00pm, Oed / Age 5-7 IAU / JUNIOR, 6.00pm - 7.00pm, Oed / Age 8-10 UWCH / SENIOR, 7.00pm - 8.00pm, Oed / Age 11-13
Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206 Contact the Box Office on 01495 227206
Theatr Dawns Janet Stephens Theatre Dance Bale, Dawnsio Tap a Jazz | Ballet, Tap & Jazz: Dydd Llun / Monday 5.00pm - 9.00pm Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday 5.00pm - 9.00pm Dydd Iau / Thursday 4.15pm - 9.15pm Dydd Sadwrn / Saturday 9.00am - 2.00pm Janet Stephens - 02920 418200
Theatr Ieuenctid Caerffili | Caerphilly Youth Theatre: Dydd Llun / Monday 6.00pm - 8.00pm, Oed / Age 14 - 19 Datblygu Celfyddydau / Arts Development 01495 224425 datblygucelfyddydau@caerffili.gov.uk / artsdevelopment@caerphilly.gov.uk
KLA Dance: Dydd Sadwrn / Saturday 10.00am - 10.45am 11.00am - 12.00pm 12.00pm - 1.00pm Kristie White - 07974 096181
VivaMoves: Dydd Iau / Thursday Nu:yoga 9.30am - 11.00am Dydd Gwener / Friday Ffitrwydd Dawns / Dance Fitness 9.30am - 10.30am Anna Campbell 07799 540723 @VivaMoves
Transform Dance: Dydd Mercher / Wednesday Kick-start 5.00pm - 5.45pm Velocity ieuenctid / 5.45pm - 6.45pm Velocity youth Velocity hŷn / 6.45pm - 7.45pm Velocity senior Entity 7.45pm - 8.45pm Dydd Iau / Thursday Zumba 6.00pm - 7.00pm Lauren Campbell 07584 655583 transformdance@outlook.com @Transform Dance
Theatr Ieuenctid Caerffili:
Dawns Amser Te | Tea Dance:
Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206 Contact the Box Office on 01495 227206
Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Sesiynau theatr cyfrwng Cymraeg ar gyfer pobl ifanc. Caerphilly Youth Theatre’s Welsh Language Sessions for young people. Nos Fawrth / Tuesday evenings 5.30pm - 7.00pm, Oed / Age 14-19 bethanjones@mentercaerffili.cymru 01443 820913
Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206 Contact the Box Office on 01495 227206
Cymdeithas Theatr Gerddorol Coed Duon | Blackwood Musical Theatre Society: Dydd Iau / Thursday 7.30pm May Jones - 01495 223614 www.blackwoodmusicaltheatresociety.org
27 27
Gwybodaeth Archebu
Mae’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar agor o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener 10.00am tan 2.45pm a 3.15pm tan 7.45pm, 9.30am hyd at 1.00pm ar fore Sadwrn ac am awr cyn pob perfformiad. YN BERSONOL - Galwch i mewn i’r swyddfa docynnau a bydd ein staff cyfeillgar yn eich helpu. DROS Y FFÔN - Ffoniwch y swyddfa docynnau ar 01495 227206 i brynu neu gadw’ch tocynnau. TRWY EBOST - Anfonwch eich manylion atom i sefydliadyglowyrcoedduon@caerffili.gov.uk i archebu’ch tocynnau. Peidiwch ag anfon manylion cerdyn credyd trwy ebost. AR-LEIN - Ewch i www.blackwoodminersinstitute.com i archebu eich tocynnau arlein gan ddefnyddio ein system archebu ddiogel. Cedwir tocynnau am hyd at 7 niwrnod a rhaid talu amdanynt 24 awr cyn y perfformiad.
Arbedwch Arian
Mae’r gostyngiadau sy’n cael eu dangos ar gael i’r henoed, y di-waith cofrestredig, plant, myfyrwyr, deiliaid ICIS a’r anabl gan gynnwys cyfaill. Gostyngiadau Grŵp Mae’r manteision o fod yn Archebwr Grŵp y Sefydliad yn cynnwys: n prynwch 10 tocyn a chael yr 11eg am ddim. Ffioedd Archebu Yn unol ag arfer cyfredol y diwydiant ar gyfer theatrau a lleoliadau, bydd ffi archebu tocyn o 50c ar gyfer pob tocyn, sydd wedi’i chynnwys yn y prisiau a welwch yn y llyfryn hwn. Mae'r ffi yn cyfrannu at gynhyrchu eich tocynnau, prosesu eich archeb, gwella ein technoleg gyfredol a pharhau i ddarparu gwasanaeth eithriadol i'n cwsmeriaid. Mae ffi postio dewisol o 75c am bostio’r tocynnau atoch.
Ad-dalu a chyfnewid
Booking information
The Box Office is open Monday to Friday 10am to 2.45pm and 3.15pm to 7.45pm, 9.30am until 1.00pm on Saturday mornings and an hour before each performance. IN PERSON - Call into the box office and our friendly staff will help you. BY TELEPHONE - Call the box office on 01495 227206 to buy or reserve your tickets. BY EMAIL - Email your contact details to us at bmi@caerphilly.gov.uk to reserve your tickets. Please do not send credit card details by email. ON-LINE - Go to www.blackwoodminersinstitute.com to book your tickets on-line using our secure booking system. Reservations will be held for up to 7 days, and must be paid for 24 hours prior to the performance.
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Reductions shown are available for senior citizens, registered unemployed, children, students, ICIS holders and disabled patrons, including accompanying companion. Group Discounts Benefits of being a ‘Stute’ Group Booker include: n buy 10 tickets and get 11th free. Booking fees In-line with current industry practice for theatres and venues, all tickets will be subject to a 50p per ticket booking fee, which is inclusive of the prices you see in this brochure. This fee contributes to producing your tickets, processing your order, improving our current technology and continuing to provide an exceptional service to our customers. There is an optional postage fee of 75p for tickets to be posted to you.
Refunds and Exchanges
Mae ad-daliadau yn cael eu rhoi dim ond pan fydd digwyddiad yn cael ei ganslo. Os nad ydych yn gallu dod i’r digwyddiad, gall y tocynnau gael eu cyfnewid (yn amodol ar argaeledd), neu yn ôl disgresiwn staff y Swyddfa Docynnau, gall fod yn bosibl darparu taleb gredyd. Mae tâl gweinyddu o 50c y tocyn i wneud hyn. Pan fydd perfformiad yn cael ei ganslo, bydd y swm llawn yn cael ei ad-dalu drwy siec neu gerdyn, yn dibynnu ar y dull gwreiddiol o dalu. NODWCH: Nid ydym yn gallu cynnig ad-daliad arian parod. Bydd taliadau arian parod yn cael eu had-dalu drwy siec.
Refunds are only given when an event has been cancelled. If you are unable to make an event then the tickets may be exchanged (subject to availability), or at the discretion of the Box Office staff, it may be possible to provide a credit voucher. There is an administration charge of 50p per ticket to do this. When a performance is cancelled, the full amount will then be refunded by cheque or card, depending on the original payment method. PLEASE NOTE: We are not able to offer a cash refund. Cash payments will be refunded by cheque.
Talebau Anrheg
Gift Vouchers that can be redeemed against the cost of tickets for events at Blackwood Miners’ Institute are now available from the Box Office.
Mae Talebau Anrheg y gellir eu defnyddio yn erbyn cost tocynnau ar gyfer digwyddiadau yn Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon nawr ar gael o’r Swyddfa Docynnau.
Gift Vouchers
CRYNODEB O'R HYSBYSIAD PREIFATRWYDD Sut y byddwn yn defnyddio'ch gwybodaeth
SUMMARY PRIVACY NOTICE How we will use your information
Bydd Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn defnyddio'ch data personol i weinyddu eich archebion am docynnau, talebau, digwyddiadau neu gyfleusterau naill ai drwy ein gwefan, dros y ffôn neu yn bersonol. Mae data o'r fath yn cynnwys enw, cyfeiriad, rhif ffôn a chyfeiriad e-bost. Efallai y byddwn yn defnyddio'r wybodaeth hon i roi gwybod i chi os oes unrhyw beth yn newid mewn perthynas â'ch archebu - er enghraifft newid yn yr amser cychwyn neu os caiff y perfformiad ei ganslo. Os ydych chi'n prynu tocynnau ar-lein byddwch yn derbyn e-bost awtomatig i gadarnhau eich pryniant, sy'n gweithredu fel derbynneb. Mae gennych nifer o hawliau mewn perthynas â'r wybodaeth, gan gynnwys yr hawl i gael gafael ar wybodaeth sydd gennym amdanoch a'r hawl i gwyno os ydych chi'n anhapus â'r ffordd y mae eich gwybodaeth yn cael ei brosesu. Rydych wedi cydsynio i'ch manylion cyswllt gael eu defnyddio at ddibenion marchnata. Bydd Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn defnyddio'ch data i roi gwybod ichi am ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau sydd ar ddod. Gallwch dynnu'ch enw'n ôl o farchnata ar unrhyw adeg drwy gysylltu â Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon. Am ragor o wybodaeth am sut rydym yn prosesu'ch gwybodaeth a'ch hawliau, ewch i'n gwefan www.blackwoodminersinstitute.com.
Mae’r llyfryn yn gywir ar adeg yr argraffu. Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn cadw’r hawl i newid neu ganslo unrhyw berfformiad heb rybudd oherwydd amgylchiadau annisgwyl.
Y Llwyfan / The Stage A 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
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Blackwood Miners’ Institute will use your personal data to administer your bookings for tickets, vouchers, events or facilities either through our website, over the phone or in person. Such data includes name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. We may use this information to notify you if anything changes in relation to your booking - for example a change in start time or if the performance is cancelled. If you purchase tickets online you will receive an automated email to confirm your purchase, which acts as a receipt. You have a number of rights in relation to the information including the right of access to information we hold about you and the right of complaint if you are unhappy with the way your information is being processed. If you have consented to your contact details being used for marketing purposes. Blackwood Miners’ Institute will use your data to keep you informed of forthcoming events and activities. You are able to withdraw your consent to marketing at any time by contacting Blackwood Miners’ Institute. For further information on how we process your information and your rights please visit our website at www.blackwoodminersinstitute.com
Seddau Golwg Cyfyngedig, gofynnwch yn y Swyddfa Docynnau am fanylion Restricted View Seats ask Box Office for details Nodwch fod rhes HH ar gyfer mynychwyr anabl yn unig Please note that row HH is strictly for disabled patrons only Cedwir yr hawl gan Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon i Newid Trefn y seddi os oes rhaid / Blackwood Miners’ Institute reserve the right to alter seating arrangements if required
Brochure correct at time of going to print, Blackwood Miners’ Institute reserves the right to alter or cancel any performance without prior warning due to unforeseen circumstances. Os, ar unrhyw adeg, yr hoffech chi beidio â derbyn ein llyfrynnau tymhorol neu unrhyw gyfathrebiadau eraill am ddigwyddiadau sydd i ddod yn Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon, ffoniwch ein swyddfa docynnau ar 01495 227206 neu anfonwch e-bost at bmi@caerffili.gov.uk. If at any stage you would like to opt-out from receiving our season brochures or any other communications about upcoming events at Blackwood Miners’ Institute, please call our box office on 01495 227206 or email bmi@caerphilly.gov.uk.
29 29
Y Bar
The Bar
Ar agor 1 awr cyn y rhan fwyaf o berfformiadau. Mae’r Bar yn cynnig detholiad gwych o lager, cyrfau, gwinoedd, gwirodydd, diodydd meddal a melysion.
Mynediad i Gwsmeriaid
Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn aelod o’r Cynllun Hynt. Ewch i www.hynt.co.uk/cy i ddod o hyd i amrywiaeth o wybodaeth ac arweiniad am y cynllun. Gadewch i ni wybod os oes anghenion mynediad gennych. Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn anelu at fod yn hygyrch ac yn groesawgar i bawb ac rydym yn ymrwymedig i wneud eich ymweliad mor hawdd a phleserus â phosib. Rhowch wybod i ni beth yw eich gofynion mynediad a byddwn bob amser yn gwneud ein gorau i gwrdd â’ch anghenion.
Teulu Cyfeillgar
Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn lleoliad teulu cyfeillgar. Ewch i’r wefan am fanylion llawn o’n cyfleusterau teulu cyfeillgar.
Open 1 hour before most performances. The Bar offers an excellent selection of lager, beers, wines, spirits, soft drinks and confectionary.
Access for Customers
Blackwood Miners’ Institute is a member of The Hynt Scheme. Visit www.hynt.co.uk to find a range of information and guidance about the scheme. Let us know your access requirements. Blackwood Miners’ Institute aims to be accessible and welcoming to all and we are committed to making your visit as easy and enjoyable as possible. Please let us know your access requirements and we will always do our best to meet your needs.
Family friendly
Blackwood Miners’ Institute is a family friendly venue. Please visit our website for full details of our family friendly facilities.
Y Fenni Abergaven
© Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey, 100025372.
Ble i Barcio
Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon wedi ei leoli yng nghanol tref Coed Duon, gyda digon o barcio sydd ond 2 funud i ffwrdd i gerdded. Mae gennym nifer cyfyngedig o fannau parcio i Bobl Anabl all gael eu harchebu ymlaen llaw drwy ffonio’r swyddfa docynnau ar 01495 227206.
Merthyr Tudful Merthyr Tydful Aberdâr Aberdare
Pont-y-pŵl Pontypool
Where to Park
Blackwood Miners’ Institute is situated in the heart of Blackwood town centre, with plenty of parking from just a 2-minute walk away. We have a limited number of Disabled parking spaces,Penybont which -ar-Ogwr can be pre-booked in advance by calling the box officeBridgend on 01495 227206.
Caerffili Caerphilly
CAERDYDD CARDIFF Môr Hafren Bristol Channel
ae mynediadau gydag esgynfa a M mynediad lefel drwy’r adeilad. Mae’r Bar, Stiwdio Ddawns a Swyddfa Docynnau ar y llawr gwaelod ac mae mynediad lifft i’r theatr ar y llawr cyntaf.
T here are ramped entrances and level access throughout the building. The Bar, Dance Studio and Box Office are on the ground floor and there is lift access to the theatre on the first floor.
Mae cownteri gwasanaeth lefel isel wrth y Swyddfa Docynnau a’r Bar.
There are low level service counters at the Box Office and Bars.
Mae toiledau wedi eu lleoli ar y llawr gwaelod a’r llawr cyntaf. Mae’r toiledau hygyrch a chyfleusterau newid babis wedi eu lleoli ar y llawr cyntaf.
There are toilet facilities situated on both the ground floor and first floor. The accessible toilet and baby changing facilities are situated on the first floor.
Mae gennym nifer fach o lefydd parcio i bobl anabl, a gall dalwyr Bathodynnau Glas archebu o flaen llaw drwy ffonio’r swyddfa docynnau ar 01495 227206.
We have a small number of disabled parking spaces, which Blue-Badge holders can pre-book in advance by calling the box office on 01495 227206.
Mae croeso i gŵn tywys a gall rhywun ofalu amdanynt yn ystod perfformiad drwy drefniant. Mae gennym arwyddion Braille drwy’r adeilad.
Assistance dogs are welcomed and can be cared for during performances by arrangement. We have Braille signage throughout the building.
Mae gennym Ddolen Cylchwifren Is-goch Stryd Fawr yn yYSwyddfa Docynnau ac o fewn y HighMae Street Theatr. gennym glustffonau ar gael i’w defnyddio gyda’r system yn y Theatr.
We have an Infra Red Hearing Loop at the Box Office and within the Theatre. We have headsets available for use with the Theatre Loop system.
Dementia Cyfeillgar.
Dementia Friendly.
Heol Pen-twyn Pentwyn Road
Trefynwy Monmouth
Mae’n Hymrwymiad yn Warant Archfarchnadoedd Superstores
Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon wedi’i ymrwymo i wella’i wasanaeth i chi’n barhaus. Os oes gennych unrhyw awgrymiadau ar sut i wella’n gwasanaeth, ysgrifennwch at y Rheolwr/wraig Cyffredinol, Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon, Y Stryd Fawr, Coed Duon, NP12 1BB.
Our Commitment is Guaranteed
Cas-Gwent Chepstow
Blackwood Miners’ Institute is committed to continually improve its service to you. If you have any suggestions on how to improve our service, please write to the General Manager, Blackwood Miners’ Institute, High Street, Blackwood NP12 1BB.
Y Stryd Fawr © Hawlfraint y Goron a hawliau cronfa ddata High100025372. Street 2015 Arolwg Ordnans,
Mae’r llyfryn ar gael mewn print bras, neu copi electronig ar gais. Copies of the season brochure are available in large print or electronic formats on request.
31 31
Dyddiadur | Diary Ionawr | January Sad - Sat 12 7.00pm Sad - Sat 19 7.30pm Gwen - Fri 25 7.30pm Sad - Sat 26 7.30pm Chwefror | February Gwen - Fri 1 8.00pm Sad - Sat 2 7.00pm Iau - Thurs 7 7.30pm Sad - Sat 9 7.30pm Maw - Tue 12 7.30pm Mer - Wed 13 7.00pm Mer - Wed 20 11.00am 1.30pm Gwen - Fri 22 7.30pm Llun - Mon 25 2.30pm 10 Mawrth | March Gwen - Fri 1 8.00pm Sad - Sat 2 7.30pm Maw - Tue 5 7.30pm Iau - Thurs 7 7.30pm Gwen - Fri 8 7.30pm Sad - Sat 16 7.30pm Maw - Tue 19 7.30pm Iau - Thurs 21 7.30pm Sad - Sat 23 7.30pm Gwen - Fri 29 7.30pm Sad - Sat 30 7.30pm Ebrill | April Iau - Thurs 4 7.30pm Gwen - Fri 5 8.00pm Sad - Sat 6 7.00pm Mer - Wed 10 10.00am 1.30pm 4.30pm Iau - Thurs 11 10.00am 1.30pm Gwen - Fri 12 7.30pm Sad - Sat 13 6.30pm Llun - Mon 15 7.30pm Mer - Wed 17 2.30pm Iau - Thurs 18 11.30am 2.00pm Gwen - Fri 26 7.30pm Sad - Sat 27 7.30pm Mai | May Gwen - Fri 3 8.00pm Sad - Sat 11 7.30pm Iau - Thurs 16 7.15pm Gwen - Fri 17 7.15pm Gorffennaf | July Sad - Sat 5 Drysau'n Agor | Doors Open 5.00pm
Reslo Cymreig | Welsh Wrestling Teyrnged i / Fastlove tribute to George Michael Elvis Elvis Noson Gomedi’r Stiwt | ‘Stute Comedy Night Gwobrau Theatr Cymru | Wales Theatre Awards Max Boyce & Support The Searchers Farewell Tour Cracked Morgan & West The Isle of Brimsker A Viennese Strauss Gala The Selfish Giant
Noson Gomedi’r Stiwt | ‘Stute Comedy Night Bowie Starman Shylock Into the Light The Carpenters - Voice of the Heart The Zoots Luke Jermay - Intuition Gruffydd Wyn Showaddywaddy peeling Supreme Queen Classic Rock USA Noson Gomedi’r Stiwt | ‘Stute Comedy Night Cantorion Oakdale Singers The Girl with the Incredibly Long Hair The Girl with the Incredibly Long Hair Rod Woodward Don’t Stop Believing Dau There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly The Amazing Bubble Man Buttons Undone Buttons Undone Noson Gomedi’r Stiwt | ‘Stute Comedy Night Rock’n’Roll Paradise Cymdeithas Theatr Gerddorol Coed Duon | Blackwood Musical Theatre Society
The Stranglers Perfformiad Hamddenol | Relaxed Performance
Cerddoriaeth Fyw/Live Music
Ffilm Film
Swyddfa Docynnau / Box Office:
01495 227206
Y Teulu Family
Adloniant Entertainment
Dawns Dance
blackwoodminersinstitute.com /blackwoodminersinstitute @blackwoodminers
Sioe Gerdd Musical
Sesiynau Llafar Spoken Word
t/p 36
Gweithgareddau cyn-berfformiad | Pre-performance Activities DIGWYDDIAD A GYNHELIR: Yn yr achosion hyn nid oes gennym
H unrhyw fewnbwn o ran pris y tocynnau neu ansawdd. | HOSTED EVENT: In these instances we have no input into ticket prices or quality.
Archebwch tair neu fwy o sioeau ar yr un pryd trwy ein swyddfa docynnau a byddech yn gymwys am ein gostyngiad drama newydd. | Book three or more of these shows at the same time through our box office and qualify for our new drama bundle discount.