BMI Summer Brochure 2019

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Haf / Summer 2019

Swyddfa Docynnau / Box Office: 01495 227206 /blackwoodminersinstitute @blackwoodminers

Croeso | Welcome Cerddoriaeth, theatr, sgwrs ac adloniant - cymysgedd perffaith ar gyfer yr haf yn y 'Stiwt! Ymhlith yr uchafbwyntiau sydd ddim i'w colli yw Iolo Williams, y cyflwynydd teledu, gyda'i sioe newydd 'Life Before The Lens', ffraethineb cyflym y pedwarawd comedi doniol 'The Noise Next Door' a 'Little Festival of Big Feelings' - dau ddiwrnod o ddau gynhyrchiad arobryn a gynlluniwyd yn benodol i helpu pawb i archwilio emosiynau mewn ffordd chwareus, synhwyraidd, gerddorol a rhyngweithiol. Yn ôl yr arfer, mae theatr yn cael ei chynrychioli'n dda yn y rhestr adloniant; mae 'Stick By Me' wedi'i anelu at gynulleidfaoedd iau, mae 'The Great Train Robbery' yn ailysgrifennu dychmygus o hanes gyda chast llawn o fenywod, ac mae'r ddau gyfraniad gan 'Lighthouse Theatre' yn canolbwyntio ar gyfeillgarwch a dyletswydd tuag adeg y Rhyfel Mawr. Fel sydd wastad, mae yna raglen gerddoriaeth amrywiol gydag apêl eang - gan gynnwys dychweliad yr 'Explosive Light Orchestra' boblogaidd a chyngerdd dementia-gyfeillgar gan Lee Gilbert. Cymerwch olwg, archebwch le a sicrhewch nosweithiau gwych!


| Summer 2019

Music, theatre, chat and entertainment - a perfect mix for summer at the 'Stute! Unmissable highlights include TV presenter Iolo Williams with his new show Life Before The Lens, the lightning-quick wit of cheeky comedy quartet The Noise Next Door and the all new Little Festival of Big Feelings - two days of two award-winning productions specifically designed to help everyone explore emotions in a playful, sensory, musical, and interactive way. As usual, theatre is well represented in the line-up; Stick By Me is aimed at younger audiences, The Great Train Robbery is an imaginative re-write of history with an all-woman cast and the double-bill from Lighthouse Theatre focuses on friendship and duty around the time of The Great War. As always, there’s a diverse music programme with wide appeal - including the return of the ever-popular Explosive Light Orchestra and a dementia-friendly concert by Lee Gilbert. Take a look, get booking and guarantee yourself some great nights out!

MARINA NEWTH Rheolwr Gwasanaethau Theatr a’r Celfyddydau | Theatre and Arts Services Manager The Kaiser and I 6

The Pitmen Poets 21 The Magic of Motown 13

The Great Train Robbery 15

The Rocket Man 20

Iolo Williams 8

Lunchtime Concert with Lee Gilbert 9 The Noise Next Door 15


Cefnogir gan Supported by:

Viva Neil Diamond 11

Explosive Light Orchestra 16

The Amazing Bubble Man Dydd Iau 18 Ebrill | Thursday 18 April

People's Theatre Company

There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly Dydd Mercher 17 Ebrill Wednesday 17 April Mae un o hwiangerddi mwyaf poblogaidd y byd yn dod yn fyw mewn pryd i ddathlu pen-blwydd 45 oed y llyfr poblogaidd tu hwnt gan Pam Adams. Mae'r sioe hudol hon wedi'i hysgrifennu yn arbennig ar gyfer oedolion i'w mwynhau gyda'u plant, felly dewch i ail-fyw'r llawenydd o'r stori fwyaf swynol hon gyda gwledd o ganeuon i'w cydganu, cymeriadau anifeiliaid lliwgar a hwyl dwymgalon i'r teulu. The People’s Theatre Company bring one of the world’s best loved nursery rhymes to life just in time to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Pam Adams' best selling book! This magical show has been written especially for grown ups to enjoy with their children, so come and re-live the delights of this most charming of tales complete with a feast of sing-along songs, colourful animal characters and heart-warming family fun.

2.30pm £9.00 (£8.50 plant | children) Hyd y Sioe: 70 munud Running time 70 mins

Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

Mae Louis Pearl wedi bod yn cyffroi cynulleidfaoedd ledled y byd ers dros ddeng mlynedd ar hugain gyda'r gelf, hud, gwyddoniaeth a hwyl o swigod. Mae Louis yn edrych ar ddeinameg swigod, gan gyfuno comedi a chelfyddyd gyda chyfranogiad y gynulleidfa a digon o driciau swigod swynol i hudo pawb. O swigod sgwâr i swigod roced, swigod corwynt i swigod soser hedegog, mae'r 'Amazing Bubble Man' yn consurio chwerthin ac ebychiadau o syfrdan o bobl o bob oedran! Louis Pearl has been thrilling audiences worldwide for over thirty years with the art, magic, science and fun of bubbles. An Edinburgh Fringe favourite, he has sold out there for the last twelve years. Louis explores the breathtaking dynamics of bubbles, combining comedy and artistry with audience participation and enough spellbinding bubble tricks to keep everyone mesmerized. From square bubbles to rocket bubbles, tornado bubbles to flying saucer bubbles, the Amazing Bubble Man conjures shrieks of laughter and gasps of amazement from all ages!

'A breathtaking show' Fest Magazine 'So entertaining, artistic and cool!' New Zealand Performing Arts Review

11.30am & 2.00pm £12.50 (£10.50 plant | children) Hyd y Sioe: 60 munud Running time 60 mins

Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket




Buttons Undone Dydd Gwener 26 & Sadwrn 27 Ebrill Friday 26 & Saturday 27 April

“...a bu pawb yn byw’n hapus byth ar ôl hynny!” Dyna sut y mae'r rhan fwyaf o straeon tylwyth teg yn dod i ben-ar ôl i'r ddihiryn gael ei drechu a'r arwr a'r arwres yn briod. Ond fel rydym yn gwybod, mae gan bob priodas ei gyfnodau hapus ac anhapus, a blwyddyn ar ôl eu priodas mae Sinderela a'r Tywysog Charming o hyd mewn cariad mawr. Yn anffodus, mae gan y Tywysog broblem...


Dydd Mawrth 30 Ebrill | Tuesday 30 April

“...and they all lived happily ever after!”

Bydd myfyrwyr o Gwmni Dawns Ieuenctid Coed Duon, Transform Dance a rhai gwesteion arbennig iawn yn camu ar y llwyfan i godi arian ar gyfer 'Yr Apêl Fawr'. Fe'i sefydlwyd ym 1995, mae Apêl Fawr Wallace a Gromit wedi codi £50 miliwn i gefnogi babanod a phlant sâl a'u teuluoedd yn Ysbyty Plant Bryste.

That’s how most fairy stories end - after the villain has been vanquished and the hero and heroine are married. But as we all know, every marriage has its ups and downs and, a year after their wedding, Cinderella and Prince Charming are still very much in love. Unfortunately, the Prince has a problem...

Students from Blackwood Youth Dance, Transform Dance and some very special guests take to the stage to raise funds for The Grand Appeal. Established in 1995, Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal has raised £50 million to support sick babies and children and their families in Bristol Children’s Hospital.

7.30pm £18.50




Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket

6.30pm £6.50 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket




Nosweithiau Comedi’r Stiwt ’Stute Comedy Nights

Beth am ddod i Noson Gomedi’r ’Stiwt' a chwerthin yn afreolaidd. Mae'r digwyddiad misol hwn yn cynnwys tri o’r digrifwyr gorau sy'n teithio’r DU ac mae bob amser yn noson allan werth eich arian. Ymunwch â’r e-restr gomedi ar www.blackwoodminersinstitute. com neu dilynwch ni ar Facebook i gael y rhestrau perfformwyr diweddaraf cyn gynted ag y byddant yn cael eu cyhoeddi. Cynhelir Nosweithiau Comedi fel arfer ar ddydd Gwener cyntaf y mis. Give yourself a laugh and come along to the hilarious ‘Stute Comedy Night. This monthly event features three top comedians touring the UK circuit and is always a great value evening out. Join the comedy e-list at or follow us on Facebook to hear the latest lineups as soon as they’re announced. ‘Stute Comedy Nights are usually held on the first Friday of the month.

Nos Wener 3 Mai 8.00pm Nos Wener 7 Mehefin 8.00pm Seddi heb eu cadw

Friday 3 May 8.00pm Friday 7 June 8.00pm Unreserved seating

£11.50, (£12.50 ar y dydd / on the day)



Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

Dydd Sadwrn 4 Mai | Saturday 4 May Dawnsiwch yn ôl i gyfnod cyffrous disgo! Mae cast gwych o gantorion o safon fyd-eang a band byw 'funktastic' yn perfformio caneuon mwyaf poblogaidd Diana Ross, Joni Sledge a'r frenhines ddiamau o ddisgo - Donna Summer. Mae'r sioe ysblennydd hon yn cynnwys llawer o'u caneuon adnabyddus gan gynnwys: Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, Last Dance, Frankie, I Feel Love, Chain Reaction, Upside Down a llawer, llawer mwy. Cymerwch eich esgidiau platfform, rhowch eich trowsus llydan ymlaen a mwynhewch deyrnged syfrdanol i rai o ddifas disgo mwyaf llwyddiannus y byd. Boogie back to the decadent age of disco! A fabulous cast of world class singers and a ‘funktastic’ live band perform the greatest hits of Diana Ross, Joni sledge & the undisputed queen of disco - Donna Summer. This spectacular show features many of their classic hits including: Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, Last Dance, Frankie, I Feel Love, Chain Reaction, Upside Down and many, many more. Grab your platform shoes, put on your flares and enjoy a sensational tribute to some of the world's most successful disco divas.

7.30pm £19.00 (£18.00, Grŵp 1 ym mhob 5 am ddim / Group 1 in 5 go free) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket


Lighthouse Theatre gyda Chanolfan Celfyddydau Pontardawe / Lighthouse Theatre with Pontardawe Arts Centre yn cyflwyno / presents

Dwy ddrama un act | Two one-act plays gan | by Stuart Fortey Dydd Iau 9 Mai | Thursday 9 May

The Kaiser and I Berlin 1914. Mae Ewrop ar drothwy rhyfel. Mae meistres dawnsio'r Kaiser yn aros am ei disgybl. Mae ei fyddin yn aros am eu gorchmynion. Gadewch i'r dawnsio ddechrau... Stori dyner, gomig am gyfeillgarwch anarferol ar draws y wahanfa. Berlin 1914. Europe stands on the brink of war. The Kaiser’s dancing mistress waits for her pupil. His army waits for their orders. Let the dancing begin… A tender comic account of an unusual friendship across the divide.

On Scarborough Front Scarborough, Swydd Efrog, 1917 Mae swyddog ifanc, Wilfred Owen, yn gwella o glwyfau mewn gwesty yn Scarborough. Yno, mae'n cyfarfod â'r Lefftenant-Cyrnol Gray, uwch swyddog sy'n wynebu ei demoniaid ei hun. Scarborough, Yorkshire, 1917 A young officer, Wilfred Owen, is recovering from wounds in a hotel in Scarborough. There, he meets Lieutenant-Colonel Gray, a senior officer facing demons of his own.

7.30pm £15.00 (£13.00)


Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket

Rock’n’Roll Paradise Dydd Sadwrn 11 Mai | Saturday 11 May Yn mynd â chi ar daith hudolus drwy gyfnod a newidiodd y byd cerddoriaeth am byth, lle bydd nifer anhygoel o sêr roc a rol yn camu ar y llwyfan ym mhob sioe. Wrth i’r jiwcbocs gwneud ei ddewis, ni fydd dau berfformiad yr un peth. Bydd pob sioe yn llawn o deyrngedau gorau'r wlad i sêr roc a rol yn perfformio'r caneuon gorau wedi'u cefnogi gan y band anhygoel o ddeinamig, Paradise Band. Taking you on a magical mystery tour through an era that changed the music world forever, where an amazing number of rock ‘n’ roll stars will be hitting the stage at each show. As the jukebox makes its selection, no two performances will be the same. Each show will be packed with the country's finest tributes to rock 'n' roll's stars performing the very best songs, supported by the explosively dynamic Paradise Band.

7.30pm £22.50 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

Cyngerdd Cymdeithas Theatr Gerddorol Coed Duon a Gwesteion Blackwood Musical Theatre Society & Guests In Concert Dydd Iau 16 ac Dydd Gwener 17 Mai Thursday 16 & Friday 17 May Dyma ddwy noson o ddathlu'r goreuon mewn adloniant cerddorol, gyda chaneuon a chipluniau o lyfr caneuon hanesyddol y cwmni, a llawer, llawer mwy. Bydd cyngerdd dydd Iau yn cynnwys Côr Heddlu Gwent, sy'n dathlu ei hanner canmlwyddiant yn 2019. Bydd gwesteion dydd Gwener yn un o hoff fandiau'r ’Stiwt Band Markham a'r Cylch. Two nights of the very best in musical entertainment with songs and snapshots from the company's historical songbook and much, much more. Thursday's concert features The Gwent Police Choir, celebrating their 50th anniversary in 2019. Friday’s guests will be one of the 'Stute's favourite bands Markham and District Band.

7.15pm £10.50 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket




IOLO WILLIAMS Life Before the Lens Dydd Mawrth 21 Mai | Tuesday 21 May

Yn y sgwrs hynod o ddiddorol hon, bydd Iolo Williams, cyflwynydd bywyd gwyllt ar y teledu, yn disgrifio gyda hiwmor a ffraethineb yr anturiaethau a gafodd a'r bobl y bu'n cyfarfod ag hwy fel Swyddog Rhywogaeth i'r Gymdeithas Frenhinol er Gwarchod Adar - o ffermwr bu’n dal casglwr wyau dros glogwyn o 40 troedfedd i'r bioden môr a stopiodd drên y Tywysog Siarl. Sgwrs addysgiadol a difyr sy'n disgrifio nid yn unig ei anturiaethau bywyd gwyllt ond hefyd y bygythiadau y mae ein bywyd gwyllt yn eu hwynebu heddiw.

7.30pm £15.00 (£13.00)




Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket

In this fascinating talk, TV wildlife presenter Iolo Williams describes with humour and wit the adventures he had and the people he met as a Species Officer for the RSPB - from a farmer who held an egg collector over a 40-foot cliff to the oystercatcher who held up Prince Charles’ train. An informative and entertaining talk which describes not only his wildlife adventures but also the threats our wildlife faces today.

Dementia Gyfeillgar | Dementia Friendly

Lunchtime Concert Staring Lee Gilbert

Dydd Iau 23 Mai | Thursday 23 May

Bydd Lee Gilbert yn dod â band tri darn a chanwr gwadd i dref Coed Duon am brynhawn pleserus o ganeuon gorau'r 50au, 60au a 70au. Mae Lee yn ffigur adnabyddus ym myd celfyddydol de Cymru. Mae'n gyson yn arwain y band 17 darn, DB Big Band ac fe'i gwelwyd ar BBC 1 Wales, Channel 4 ac S4C fel perfformiwr unigol. Mae'n ymddangos yn rheolaidd ar BBC Radio Wales lle enwebwyd ei albwm 'All Of Me' yn albwm yr wythnos yn ddiweddar. Ymunwch â Lee am brynhawn hygyrch o atgofion cerddorol gyda chaneuon o bobl fel The Rat Pack, Elton John, Billy Joel, Tom Jones ac Elvis! Lee Gilbert brings a three piece band and guest singer to Blackwood for an enjoyable afternoon of 50’s, 60’s and 70’s hits. Lee is a well-known figure on the South Wales arts scene. He regularly fronts the 17 piece DB Big Band and has been seen on BBC 1 Wales, Channel 4 and S4C as a solo performer. He regularly appears on BBC Radio Wales where his album ‘All Of Me’ was a recent album of the week. Join Lee for an accessible afternoon of musical memories with songs from the likes of The Rat Pack, Elton John, Billy Joel, Tom Jones and Elvis!

1.00pm £5.00 (Mae'r pris yn cynnwys te a chacen | includes tea and cake) Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket


Stick by Me

Dydd Sadwrn 25 Mai | Saturday 25 May

When I wake up you are there Ready? Let’s run, play, hide

‘What a wonderfully wise and big-hearted show this is - one that will stick in the memory, whatever age you are’ ★★★★★ The Herald

Follow me Don’t get lost I will stick by you If you will Stick by me

‘an authentic childlike view of the world - full of excitement, energy and emphatic delight’ ★★★★★ Reviewsphere

gan / by Andy Manley ac / and Ian Cameron Mae "Stick by Me" yn 'sioe lawen a doniol' (The Guardian) am gyfeillgarwch a chwarae, a'r pwysigrwydd o drysori pethau bach. Crëwyd y 'sioe swynol, hyfryd, ddyfeisgar' hon (The Wee Review) gan Andy Manley ac Ian Cameron, cyd-grewyr y sioe boblogaidd yn rhyngwladol, "White". Comisiynwyd yn wreiddiol gan Gulbenkian. Stick by Me is ‘a joyful and funny show’ (The Guardian) about friendship and play, and the importance of treasuring little things. This ‘Charming, delightful, inventive show’ (The Wee Review) is created by Andy Manley and Ian Cameron, co-creators of international hit show White. Originally commissioned by Gulbenkian.

Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket




Ffoto / Photo: © Mihaela Bodlovic

10.00am & 12.00pm £5.50 (£4.00) Hyd y sioe: 40 mun a 10 mun o amser chwarae Running time: 40 mins plus 10 minutes play time

Reslo Cymreig Welsh Wrestling Dydd Iau 30 Mai | Thursday 30 May Ymunwch â ni am noson o hud, cyfaredd a thaflu cyrff wrth i’r sioe deithiol Reslo Cymreig ddychwelyd i’r Stiwt am un noson yn unig! Dewch i weld y sêr dros ben llestri o’r byd reslo’n gwrthdaro mewn noson o daflu cyrff gwych yn y sioe ddifyr a gwallgof i’r teulu. Join us for an evening of glitz, glamour and bodyslam mayhem as the Welsh Wrestling roadshow returns to the ‘Stute for one night only! Come and see the over the top stars of the wrestling world collide in a night of super slamming action at this fun, crazy, family entertainment show.

Viva Neil Diamond Dydd Sadwrn 1 Mehefin | Saturday 1 June Mae sioe un dyn Bob Drury yn un rhaid i unrhyw ffan Neil Diamond ei gweld heb os nac oni bai. Paratowch i gael eich syfrdanu gan ei debygrwydd lleisiol sydd wedi bod yn difyrru cynulleidfaoedd ledled y byd. Mae'r cyngerdd yn cynnwys yr holl ffefrynnau megis Cracklin’ Rosie, America, Love on the Rocks, Play Me, Hello Again, Forever in Blue Jeans, Beautiful Noise, I’m a Believer, Red Red Wine ac wrth gwrs, Sweet Caroline, a llwyddiant DU Neil Diamond sef Pretty Amazing Grace ac ychydig o ganeuon llai adnabyddus sy'n siŵr o ddod yn eich ffefrynnau. Bob Drury’s one-man show is an absolute ‘must-see’ for any Neil Diamond fans. Prepare to be blown away by his vocal likeness which has been delighting audiences around the world. The concert includes all the favourites such as Cracklin’ Rosie, America, Love on the Rocks, Play Me, Hello Again, Forever in Blue Jeans, Beautiful Noise, I’m a Believer, Red Red Wine and of course Sweet Caroline, plus Neil Diamond’s UK hit Pretty Amazing Grace and a few lesser known songs that are sure to become your favourites.

7.00pm £12 (£9 Plant | Children, £35 (Teulu o 4 | Family of 4)



Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket

7.30pm £15.50 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 50c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 50p per ticket



11 11

'Outstanding!' The Stage

Dydd Sadwrn 8 Mehefin | Saturday 8 June Yn mynd â chi ar wibdaith o galon tir theatr Llundain i swyn Broadway, mae 'Mad About The Musicals', sy'n cael ei chanmol yn feirniadol, yn dathlu'r caneuon gorau o'r sioeau rydym i gyd yn eu hadnabod ac yn eu caru! Gyda llu o'ch hoff ganeuon a ysgrifennwyd gan Rodgers a Hammerstein, Andrew Lloyd Webber a Boublil a Schonberg, mae'r cast talentog yn ysgogi gwir ysbryd y llwyfan, gyda lleisiau gwych, gwisgoedd trawiadol a sioe goleuadau trawiadol, er mwyn dod â'r sioe orau yn y dref i chi!

7.30pm £17.00 (£15.00)


Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket

Taking you on a whistle stop tour from the heart of London's theatre land to the glitz of Broadway, the critically acclaimed Mad About The Musicals celebrates the very best songs from the shows we all know and love! With a host of your favourite numbers from the pen of Rodgers & Hammerstein, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Boublil & Schonberg, the talented cast evoke the true spirit of the stage, with brilliant vocals, stunning costumes and a spectacular light show, to bring you the very best show in town!

Dydd Iau 13 Mehefin | Thursday 13 June 7.30pm

Dathlu cerddoriaeth cenhedlaeth! Paratowch ar gyfer y caneuon Motown gorau, gwisgoedd disglair, dawnsfeydd syfrdanol a doniau cerddorol ardderchog. Sioe sy’n dathlu cerddoriaeth Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, The Temptations, The Supremes, The Four Tops, Jackson 5, Lionel Richie a mwy. Eisoes wedi’i mwynhau gan dros filiwn o bobl ledled y byd.

Celebrating the sound of a generation! Prepare yourself for classic Motown hits, glittering costume changes, dazzling dance moves and outstanding musicianship. Celebrating the incredible music of Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, The Temptations, The Supremes, The Four Tops, Jackson 5, Lionel Richie and more. Now seen by over 1 million people worldwide.

Mae hon yn sioe deyrnged ac nid yw'n gysylltiedig o gwbl ag unrhyw artistiaid/ystadau/cwmnïau rheoli gwreiddiol na sioeau tebyg.

This is a tribute show and is no way affiliated with any original artists/estates/management companies or similar shows.

7.30pm £26.00 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket

13 13

Mae ein "Little Festival of Big Feelings" yn cyfuno dau gynhyrchiad arobryn a gynlluniwyd yn benodol i helpu pawb i archwilio emosiynau mewn modd chwareus, synhwyraidd, cerddorol a rhyngweithiol. Mae 'Little Meerkat’s Big Panic’, yn seiliedig ar y llyfr gan Jane Evans, yn ymwneud â phryder a thawelwch. Mae 'Crabby' yn antur benigamp ar lan y môr am granc piwis iawn sydd angen ffyrdd newydd o ymddwyn â'i ddicter. Mae'r holl sioeau'n ddigyffro, wedi eu harwyddo gan eiriau allweddol ym Makaton ac yn cynnwys amser chwarae synhwyraidd ynghyd â gwybodaeth ar gyfer oedolion.

Our Little Festival of Big Feelings combines two award-winning productions specifically designed to help everyone explore emotions in a playful, sensory, musical, and interactive way. ‘Little Meerkat’s Big Panic’, based on the book by Jane Evans, is all about anxiety and calm; ‘Crabby’ is a vintage seaside adventure about a very grumpy crab who needs some new ways to handle his anger. All shows are relaxed, keyword signed in Makaton and include sensory play time plus information for grown-ups.

Little Meerkat’s Big Panic


Dydd Gwener 14 Mehefin Friday 14 June

Dydd Sadwrn 15 Mehefin Saturday 15 June

20 munud am y perfformiad, 30 munud o chwarae / gweithdy 20 mins performance, 30 mins play | workshop

10.00am, 11.30am, 1.00pm

35 munud am y perfformiad, 15 munud o chwarae 35 mins performance, 15 mins play

£5.50 (£4.50) Addas ar gyfer 0–7 oed yn gronolegol neu'n ddatblygiadol / Suitable for 0-7's chronologically or developmentally


Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket

Ffoto | Phote © Oliwia Jesionkowska

10.00am, 11.30am, 1.00pm, 4.30pm

‘Inventive and intelligent physical theatre… a raucous manipulation of the 20th century’s greatest heist’ ★★★★★ Theatre Bubble

Scratchworks Theatre

The Great Train Robbery Dydd Mercher 19 Mehefin Wednesday 19 June

Mae'n 1963 ac mae lladrad y ganrif ar y gweill. Cafodd signalau eu drysu, llinellau ffôn eu torri a miliynau o bunnoedd mewn arian parod eu dwyn. Pum diwrnod yn ddiweddarach, darganfuwyd y cliwiau cyntaf, daliwyd y criw ac mae'r gweddill yn hen hanes. Neu, a oedd e? Gan ddefnyddio cyfuniad unigryw o gerddoriaeth fyw, comedi ffisegol a thriciau theatrig, mae Scratchworks yn ymgymryd â'r stori glasurol hon - gyda thro. It’s 1963 and the heist of the century is underway. Signals are scrambled, phone lines cut and millions of pounds in cash stolen. Five days later the first clues were found, the gang busted and the rest is history. Or was it? Using a unique blend of live music, physical comedy and theatrical trickery, Scratchworks take on this classic tale - with a twist.

‘Comedy gold’ The Guardian

The Noise Next Door

Dydd Gwener 21 Mehefin | Friday 21 June Yn ddiamau, maent yn feistri anhygoel o gomedi o'r frest sy'n trawsnewid awgrymiadau cynulleidfaoedd i olygfeydd a chaneuon doniol dros ben, gyda chyfuniad perffaith o ffraethineb chwim a thalentau comedig cwbl gwreiddiol i gyflwyno cymeriadau chwerthinllyd, jôcs un llinell ffraeth a chomedi corfforol anhygoel. Maent wedi ymddangos ar BBC One, BBC Three, ITV1, BBC Radio 1 a BBC Radio 4 ac maent wedi perfformio ochr yn ochr â sêr fel Michael McIntyre, Al Murray a Harry Hill. The undisputed masters of off-the-cuff comedy transform audience suggestions into ferociously funny scenes and songs with a perfect blend of lightning-quick wit and totally original comedic talents to deliver ludicrous characters, witty one-liners and explosive physicality. They have appeared on BBC One, BBC Three, ITV1, BBC Radio 1 and BBC Radio 4 and have performed alongside the likes of Michael McIntyre, Al Murray, and Harry Hill.

7.30pm £14.50 (£12.50)

7.30pm £13.00 (£11.00)

Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket

Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket

15 15

Explosive Light Orchestra

Dydd Sadwrn 22 Mehefin | Saturday 22 June Yn dychwelyd yn dilyn galw mawr! Mwynhewch ddathliad o gerddoriaeth Jeff Lynne a Electric Light Orchestra gan y Band Teyrnged ELO gorau sy'n teithio ledled y DU ac Ewrop ar hyn o bryd. Yn ennill clod beirniadol, mae Explosive Light Orchestra yn rhoi bywyd ffres i'r clasuron Mr Blue Sky, Evil Woman, Livin’ Thing, Wild West Hero, Don’t Bring Me Down, Sweet Talkin’ Woman, Turn to Stone, Hold on Tight a llawer, llawer mwy. Peidiwch â cholli'r noson wych hon o glasuron ELO... Back by popular demand. Enjoy a celebration of the music of Jeff Lynne and Electric Light Orchestra by the best ELO Tribute Band currently touring the UK and Europe. Gaining critical acclaim, Explosive Light Orchestra give fresh life to the classic hits Mr Blue Sky, Evil Woman, Livin’ Thing, Wild West Hero, Don’t Bring Me Down, Sweet Talkin’ Woman, Turn to Stone, Hold on Tight and many, many more. Don't miss this great evening of classic ELO...

7.30pm £19 (£18)


Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket

Gwasanaeth Theatr a'r Celfyddydau CBSC yn cyflwyno CCBC Theatre & Arts Service presents

CCBC Community Dance Festival Dydd Llun 1 - Dydd Iau 4 Gorffennaf Monday 1 - Thursday 4 July

Cyfle i'r grwpiau dawns cymunedol o'r Fwrdeistref arddangos eu talentau o flaen cynulleidfa fyw. Os hoffech chi berfformio, anfonwch e-bost at A chance for community dance groups from across the County Borough to showcase their talents in front of a live audience. If you would like to perform please email

7.00pm £8.50 (£7.50, £30 teulu o 4 | family of 4) Ar werth: 20 Mai | On sale: 20 May, 10am Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket

Janet Stephens Theatre Dance

Once Upon A Time…

Dydd Gwener 12 Gorffennaf Friday 12 July 6.00pm Dydd Sadwrn 13 Gorffennaf Saturday 13 July 12.00pm, 5.00pm Paratowch i gael eich ysgubo ymaith ar daith hudol o gerddoriaeth a symudiadau wrth i fyfyrwyr o 'Janet Stephens Theatre Dance' gyflwyno eu harddangosiad blynyddol. Bydd y disgyblion yn arddangos eu sgiliau bale, tap a jazz mewn detholiad disglair o berfformiadau dawns a ysbrydolir gan straeon y tylwyth teg, straeon poblogaidd a chlasuron Disney. Prepare to be whisked away on a magical journey of music and movement as students of Janet Stephens Dance Theatre present their annual showcase. The pupils will showcase their ballet, tap and jazz skills in a dazzling selection of dance numbers inspired by popular fairy tales, stories and Disney classics.

12/7 6.00pm, 13/7 12.00pm, 5.00pm £9 (£8.00) Ar werth: 10 Mehefin | On sale: 10 June, 10am



Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket

Arddangosfa Drama Sefydliad Y Glowyr Coed Duon BMI Drama Showcase Dydd Iau 18 Gorffennaf | Thursday 18 July Bydd aelodau o grwpiau drama Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn defnyddio'u talent i berfformio o flaen cynulleidfa fyw, dan gyfarwyddyd y Tiwtor Ruth Majeed. Members of Blackwood Miners’ Institute’s drama groups will use their talent to perform in front of a live audience, under the direction of Tutor Ruth Majeed.

7.00pm £5.50 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket

17 17

Castell Caerffili | Caerphilly Castle

The Stranglers & The Ruts DC 5 Gorffennaf | 5 July

Agor Drysau | Doors Open: 5.00pm


Castell Caerffili | Caerphilly Castle

Public Service Broadcasting & Boy Azooga 6 Gorffennaf | 6 July

Agor Drysau | Doors Open: 5.00pm


Castell Caerffili | Caerphilly Castle

The Zutons

& The Subways 12 Gorffennaf | July Agor Drysau | Doors Open: 4.00pm


Lawnt Ffrynt Geddi Sophia, Caerdydd | Sophia Gardens Front Lawn, Cardiff

Feels Like Summer 20 Gorffennaf | 20 July Agor Drysau | Doors Open: 3.00pm DIGWYDDIADAU SEFYLL YN UNIG | STANDING ONLY EVENTS


Dydd Mercher 11 Medi Wednesday 11 September Paratowch i brofi sain arbennig un o'r bandiau mwyaf i ymddangos ar y llwyfan mewn cyngerdd bythgofiadwy ac ysblennydd. Ymgollwch yng ngherddoriaeth y brodyr Gibb drwy'r chwedegau, saithdegau ac wythdegau - gan gynnwys caneuon poblogaidd y maent wedi'u hysgrifennu ar gyfer artistiaid eraill fel Celine Dion a Dolly Parton. Peidiwch â cholli'r daith gerddoriaeth anhygoel hon drwy bob un o'ch hoff ganeuon, gan gynnwys Night Fever, Stayin’ Alive, Jive Talkin’, Tragedy a llawer mwy! Mae hon yn sioe deyrnged ac nid yw'n gysylltiedig ag unrhyw artistiaid gwreiddiol/ystadau/cwmnïau rheoli neu sioeau tebyg.

Prepare to experience the distinct sound of one of the greatest bands to have graced the stage in an unforgettable concert spectacular. Immerse yourself in the Gibb brothers’ music through the sixties, seventies and eighties including hits of artists they wrote for such as Celine Dion and Dolly Parton. Don’t miss this amazing musical journey through all your favourite songs including Night Fever, Stayin’ Alive, Jive Talkin’, Tragedy and many more! This is a tribute show and is no way affiliated with any original artists/estates/management companies or similar shows.

Dydd Sadwrn 12 Hydref Saturday 12 October Yn dathlu degawd o "Big Girls Don't Cry" yn cynnwys The East Coast Boys. Profwch synau eiconig Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons yn cael eu hail-greu yn ddilys gan gast a band byw anhygoel. Yn ystod y chwedegau a'r saithdegau, canfu Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons enwogrwydd gyda llawer o ganeuon rhif un fel Sherry, December 1963 (Oh What a Night) a Big Girls Don’t Cry. Ar ôl gwerthu 100 miliwn o recordiau anhygoel ledled y byd, mae yna gân y Four Seasons sy'n rhannu lle arbennig yng nghalon pawb. Mae hon yn sioe deyrnged ac nid yw'n gysylltiedig ag unrhyw artistiaid gwreiddiol/ystadau/cwmnïau rheoli neu sioeau tebyg.

Celebrating a decade of Big Girls Don’t Cry featuring The East Coast Boys. Experience the iconic sounds of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons authentically recreated by a phenomenal cast and live band. During the sixties and seventies number one hits Sherry, December 1963 (Oh What a Night) and Big Girls Don’t Cry helped propel the Four Seasons and Frankie Valli to stardom. After selling an incredible 100 million records worldwide, there’s a Four Seasons song that shares a special place in everyone’s heart. This is a tribute show and is no way affiliated with any original artists/estates/management companies or similar shows.

7.30pm £25.00

7.30pm £24.50 (£22.50)

Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket

Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket

19 19


The Rocket Man

A Tribute to Sir Elton John

Dydd Sadwrn 19 Hydref | Saturday 19 October Ymunwch â ni ar daith gerddorol, yn dilyn trywydd i enwogrwydd un o'r artistiaid mwyaf poblogaidd erioed. Yn cyfuno perfformiadau lleisiol a phiano syfrdanol, gwisgoedd lliwgar dros ben, sioe oleuadau ddisglair - i gyd gyda band a lleisiau cefndir rhagorol. Mwynhewch ganeuon enwog fel Crocodile Rock, Philadelphia Freedom, Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting, Are You Ready for Love, I’m Still Standing, Your Song ac wrth gwrs Rocket Man.

Join us on a musical journey, charting the rise to fame of one of the biggest selling artiste of all time. Combining breath-taking vocal and piano performances, flamboyant costumes, a dazzling light show - all accompanied by an outstanding band and backing vocals. Enjoy hits such as Crocodile Rock, Philadelphia Freedom, Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting, Are You Ready for Love, I’m Still Standing, Your Song and of course Rocket Man.

Mae hon yn sioe deyrnged ac nid yw'n gysylltiedig ag unrhyw artistiaid gwreiddiol/ystadau/cwmnïau rheoli neu sioeau tebyg.

This is a tribute show and is no way affiliated with any original artists/estates/management companies or similar shows.

7.30pm £21.00


Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket


The Pitmen Poets

Dydd Iau 14 Tachwedd | Thursday 14th November Bydd pedwar o brif hyrwyddwyr treftadaeth gerddorol Gogledd-ddwyrain Lloegr yn ymweld â Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon fel rhan o'u taith derfynol. Bydd cyn-ganwr a chyfansoddwr Lindisfarne Billy Mitchell; cymeriad y "Songman" yn "War Horse"’, Bob Fox; prif hyrwyddwr caneuon Tyneside Benny Graham a'r cyfansoddwr caneuon o Durham Jez Lowe yn unigol, ac ar y cyd, yn dathlu llwyddiannau, trasiedi, hiwmor ac amserau caled traddodiad cloddio glo Gogledd-ddwyrain Lloegr mewn noson o gerddoriaeth, caneuon a geiriau llafar.

Four of North East England’s leading champions of its musical heritage visit Blackwood Miners’ Institute as part of their final tour. Ex-Lindisfarne singer and songwriter Billy Mitchell, Warhorse Songman Bob Fox, leading exponent of Tyneside song Benny Graham and Durham songwriter Jez Lowe individually and collectively celebrate the triumphs, tragedy, humour and hard times of North-East England's coal mining tradition in an evening of music, song and spoken word.

7.30pm £21.00 Mae prisiau’n cynnwys ffi archebu o 75c y tocyn Prices include a booking fee of 75p per ticket

21 21

Gweithdai | Workshops Cwmni Dawns Ieuenctid Coed Duon | Blackwood Youth Dance: Dydd Mercher / Wednesday TIP TOES 5.00pm - 5.45pm REVOLVE 5.45pm - 6.45pm DESTINY 6.45pm - 7.45pm YR ACADEMI AWEN / AWEN ACADEMY 7.45pm - 8.45pm Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206 Contact the Box Office on 01495 227206

Grŵp Theatr Gymunedol i Oedolion y Sefydliad | BMI Adult Community Theatre Group: Dydd Llun / Monday 7.30pm - 9.00pm Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206 Contact the Box Office on 01495 227206

Grŵp Theatr Gymunedol y Sefydliad | BMI Community Theatre Group: Dydd Gwener / Friday BABANOD / INFANT, 5.15pm - 6.00pm, IAU / JUNIOR, 6.00pm - 7.00pm, HŶN / SENIOR, 7.00pm - 8.00pm, Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206 Contact the Box Office on 01495 227206


Theatr Dawns Janet Stephens Theatre Dance Bale, Dawnsio Tap a Jazz | Ballet, Tap & Jazz: Dydd Llun / Monday 5.00pm - 9.00pm Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday 5.00pm - 9.00pm Dydd Iau / Thursday 4.15pm - 9.15pm Dydd Sadwrn / Saturday 9.00am - 2.00pm Janet Stephens - 02920 418200

Theatr Ieuenctid Caerffilli | Caerphilly Youth Theatre: Dydd Llun / Monday 6.00pm - 8.00pm Datblygu Celfyddydau 01495 224425 /

KLA Dance:


Dydd Sadwrn / Saturday 10.00am - 10.45am 11.00am - 12.00pm 12.00pm - 1.00pm Kristie White - 07974 096181

Dydd Iau / Thursday Nu:yoga 9.30am - 11.00am Dydd Gwener / Friday Fitrwydd Dawns / Dance Fitness 9.30am - 10.30am Anna Campbell 07799 540723 @VivaMoves

Transform Dance: Dydd Mercher / Wednesday Kick-start 5.00pm - 5.45pm Velocity Ieuenctid / 5.45pm - 6.45pm Velocity youth Velocity hŷn / 6.45pm - 7.45pm Velocity senior Entity 7.45pm - 8.45pm Dydd Iau / Thursday Zumba 6.00pm - 7.00pm Lauren Campbell 07584 655583 @Transform Dance

Dawns Amser Te | Tea Dance: Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday 1.30pm - 3.30pm

Theatr Ieuenctid Caerffili: Sesiynau theatr cyfrwng Cymraeg ar gyfer pobl ifanc. Caerphilly Youth Theatre’s Welsh Language Sessions for young people. Nos Fawrth / Tuesday evenings 6.00pm - 7.00pm 01443 820913 Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206 Contact the Box Office on 01495 227206

Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206 Contact the Box Office on 01495 227206

Cymdeithas Theatr Gerddorol Coed Duon | Blackwood Musical Theatre Society: Dydd Iau / Thursday 7.30pm May Jones - 01495 223614

23 23

Gwybodaeth Archebu

Booking information

Arbedwch Arian

Save Money

Mae’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar agor o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener 10.30am tan 1.45pm a 2.15pm tan5.15pm, 9.30am hyd at 1.00pm ar fore Sadwrn ac am awr cyn pob perfformiad. YN BERSONOL - Galwch i mewn i’r swyddfa docynnau a bydd ein staff cyfeillgar yn eich helpu. DROS Y FFÔN - Ffoniwch y swyddfa docynnau ar 01495 227206 i brynu neu gadw’ch tocynnau. TRWY EBOST - Anfonwch eich manylion atom i i archebu’ch tocynnau. Peidiwch ag anfon manylion cerdyn credyd trwy ebost. AR-LEIN - Ewch i i archebu eich tocynnau arlein gan ddefnyddio ein system archebu ddiogel. Cedwir tocynnau am hyd at 7 niwrnod a rhaid talu amdanynt 24 awr cyn y perfformiad. Mae’r gostyngiadau sy’n cael eu dangos ar gael i’r henoed, y di-waith cofrestredig, plant, myfyrwyr, deiliaid ICIS a’r anabl gan gynnwys cyfaill. Gostyngiadau Grŵp Mae’r manteision o fod yn Archebwr Grŵp y Sefydliad yn cynnwys: n prynwch 10 tocyn a chael yr 11eg am ddim. Ffioedd Archebu Yn unol ag arfer cyfredol y diwydiant ar gyfer theatrau a lleoliadau, bydd ffi archebu tocyn o 75c ar gyfer pob tocyn, sydd wedi’i chynnwys yn y prisiau a welwch yn y llyfryn hwn. Mae'r ffi yn cyfrannu at gynhyrchu eich tocynnau, prosesu eich archeb, gwella ein technoleg gyfredol a pharhau i ddarparu gwasanaeth eithriadol i'n cwsmeriaid. Mae ffi postio dewisol o 75c am bostio’r tocynnau atoch.

Ad-dalu a chyfnewid

Mae ad-daliadau yn cael eu rhoi dim ond pan fydd digwyddiad yn cael ei ganslo. Os nad ydych yn gallu dod i’r digwyddiad, gall y tocynnau gael eu cyfnewid (yn amodol ar argaeledd), neu yn ôl disgresiwn staff y Swyddfa Docynnau, gall fod yn bosibl darparu taleb gredyd. Mae tâl gweinyddu o 50c y tocyn i wneud hyn. Pan fydd perfformiad yn cael ei ganslo, bydd y swm llawn yn cael ei ad-dalu drwy siec neu gerdyn, yn dibynnu ar y dull gwreiddiol o dalu. NODWCH: Nid ydym yn gallu cynnig ad-daliad arian parod. Bydd taliadau arian parod yn cael eu haddalu drwy siec.

Talebau Anrheg

Mae Talebau Anrheg y gellir eu defnyddio yn erbyn cost tocynnau ar gyfer digwyddiadau yn Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon nawr ar gael o’r Swyddfa Docynnau.


The Box Office is open Monday to Friday 10.30am to 1.45pm and 2.15pm to 5.15pm, 9.30am until 1.00pm on Saturday mornings and an hour before each performance. IN PERSON - Call into the box office and our friendly staff will help you. BY TELEPHONE - Call the box office on 01495 227206 to buy or reserve your tickets. BY EMAIL - Email your contact details to us at to reserve your tickets. Please do not send credit card details by email. ON-LINE - Go to to book your tickets on-line using our secure booking system. Reservations will be held for up to 7 days, and must be paid for 24 hours prior to the performance. Reductions shown are available for senior citizens, registered unemployed, children, students, ICIS holders and disabled patrons, including accompanying companion. Group Discounts Benefits of being a ‘Stute’ Group Booker include: n buy 10 tickets and get 11th free. Booking fees In-line with current industry practice for theatres and venues, all tickets will be subject to a 75p per ticket booking fee, which is inclusive of the prices you see in this brochure. This fee contributes to producing your tickets, processing your order, improving our current technology and continuing to provide an exceptional service to our customers. There is an optional postage fee of 75p for tickets to be posted to you.

Refunds and Exchanges

Refunds are only given when an event has been cancelled. If you are unable to make an event then the tickets may be exchanged (subject to availability), or at the discretion of the Box Office staff, it may be possible to provide a credit voucher. There is an administration charge of 50p per ticket to do this. When a performance is cancelled, the full amount will then be refunded by cheque or card, depending on the original payment method. PLEASE NOTE: We are not able to offer a cash refund. Cash payments will be refunded by cheque.

Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers that can be redeemed against the cost of tickets for events at Blackwood Miners’ Institute are now available from the Box Office.

CRYNODEB O'R HYSBYSIAD PREIFATRWYDD Sut y byddwn yn defnyddio'ch gwybodaeth

SUMMARY PRIVACY NOTICE How we will use your information

Bydd Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn defnyddio'ch data personol i weinyddu eich archebion am docynnau, talebau, digwyddiadau neu gyfleusterau naill ai drwy ein gwefan, dros y ffôn neu yn bersonol. Mae data o'r fath yn cynnwys enw, cyfeiriad, rhif ffôn a chyfeiriad e-bost. Efallai y byddwn yn defnyddio'r wybodaeth hon i roi gwybod i chi os oes unrhyw beth yn newid mewn perthynas â'ch archebu - er enghraifft newid yn yr amser cychwyn neu os caiff y perfformiad ei ganslo. Os ydych chi'n prynu tocynnau ar-lein byddwch yn derbyn e-bost awtomatig i gadarnhau eich pryniant, sy'n gweithredu fel derbynneb. Mae gennych nifer o hawliau mewn perthynas â'r wybodaeth, gan gynnwys yr hawl i gael gafael ar wybodaeth sydd gennym amdanoch a'r hawl i gwyno os ydych chi'n anhapus â'r ffordd y mae eich gwybodaeth yn cael ei phrosesu. Os ydych wedi cydsynio i'ch manylion cyswllt gael eu defnyddio at ddibenion marchnata. Bydd Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn defnyddio'ch data i roi gwybod ichi am ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau sydd ar ddod. Gallwch dynnu'ch enw'n ôl o farchnata ar unrhyw adeg drwy gysylltu â Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon. Am ragor o wybodaeth am sut rydym yn prosesu'ch gwybodaeth a'ch hawliau, ewch i'n gwefan

Mae’r llyfryn yn gywir ar adeg yr argraffu. Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn cadw’r hawl i newid neu ganslo unrhyw berfformiad heb rybudd oherwydd amgylchiadau annisgwyl.

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Blackwood Miners’ Institute will use your personal data to administer your bookings for tickets, vouchers, events or facilities either through our website, over the phone or in person. Such data includes name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. We may use this information to notify you if anything changes in relation to your booking - for example a change in start time or if the performance is cancelled. If you purchase tickets online you will receive an automated email to confirm your purchase, which acts as a receipt. You have a number of rights in relation to the information including the right of access to information we hold about you and the right of complaint if you are unhappy with the way your information is being processed. If you have consented to your contact details being used for marketing purposes. Blackwood Miners’ Institute will use your data to keep you informed of forthcoming events and activities. You are able to withdraw your consent to marketing at any time by contacting Blackwood Miners’ Institute. For further information on how we process your information and your rights please visit our website at

Seddau Golwg Cyfyngedig, gofynnwch yn y Swyddfa Docynnau am fanylion Restricted View Seats ask Box Office for details Nodwch fod rhes HH ar gyfer mynychwyr anabl yn unig Please note that row HH is strictly for disabled patrons only Cedwir yr hawl gan Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon i Newid Trefn y seddi os oes rhaid / Blackwood Miners’ Institute reserve the right to alter seating arrangements if required

Brochure correct at time of going to print, Blackwood Miners’ Institute reserves the right to alter or cancel any performance without prior warning due to unforeseen circumstances. Os, ar unrhyw adeg, yr hoffech chi beidio â derbyn ein llyfrynnau tymhorol neu unrhyw gyfathrebiadau eraill am ddigwyddiadau sydd i ddod yn Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon, ffoniwch ein swyddfa docynnau ar 01495 227206 neu anfonwch e-bost at If at any stage you would like to opt-out from receiving our season brochures or any other communications about upcoming events at Blackwood Miners’ Institute, please call our box office on 01495 227206 or email

25 25



Y Bar

The Bar

Ar agor 1 awr cyn y rhan fwyaf o berfformiadau. Mae’r Bar yn cynnig detholiad gwych o lager, cyrfau, gwinoedd, gwirodydd, diodydd meddal a melysion.

Mynediad i Gwsmeriaid

Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn aelod o’r Cynllun Hynt. Ewch i i ddod o hyd i amrywiaeth o wybodaeth ac arweiniad am y cynllun. Gadewch i ni wybod os oes anghenion mynediad gennych. Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn anelu at fod yn hygyrch ac yn groesawgar i bawb ac rydym yn ymrwymedig i wneud eich ymweliad mor hawdd a phleserus â phosib. Rhowch wybod i ni beth yw eich gofynion mynediad a byddwn bob amser yn gwneud ein gorau i gwrdd â’ch anghenion.

Teulu Cyfeillgar

Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon yn lleoliad teulu cyfeillgar. Ewch i’r wefan am fanylion llawn o’n cyfleusterau teulu cyfeillgar.

Open 1 hour before most performances. The Bar offers an excellent selection of lager, beers, wines, spirits, soft drinks and confectionary.

Access for Customers

Blackwood Miners’ Institute is a member of The Hynt Scheme. Visit to find a range of information and guidance about the scheme. Let us know your access requirements. Blackwood Miners’ Institute aims to be accessible and welcoming to all and we are committed to making your visit as easy and enjoyable as possible. Please let us know your access requirements and we will always do our best to meet your needs.

Family friendly

Blackwood Miners’ Institute is a family friendly venue. Please visit our website for full details of our family friendly facilities.

Y Fenni Abergaven

© Crown copyright and database rights 2017 Ordnance Survey, 100025372.

Ble i Barcio

Mae Sefydliad y Glowyr Coed Duon wedi ei leoli yng nghanol tref Coed Duon, gyda digon o barcio sydd ond 2 funud i ffwrdd i gerdded. Mae gennym nifer cyfyngedig o fannau parcio i Bobl Anabl all gael eu harchebu ymlaen llaw drwy ffonio’r swyddfa docynnau ar 01495 227206.

Merthyr Tudful Merthyr Tydful Aberdâr Aberdare

Pont-y-pŵl Pontypool

Where to Park

Blackwood Miners’ Institute is situated in the heart of Blackwood town centre, with plenty of parking from just a 2-minute walk away. We have a limited number of Disabled parking spaces,Penybont which -ar-Ogwr can be pre-booked in advance by calling the box officeBridgend on 01495 227206.



Caerffili Caerphilly


CAERDYDD CARDIFF Môr Hafren Bristol Channel


ae mynediadau gydag esgynfa a M mynediad lefel drwy’r adeilad. Mae’r Bar, Stiwdio Ddawns a Swyddfa Docynnau ar y llawr gwaelod ac mae mynediad lifft i’r theatr ar y llawr gyntaf.

T here are ramped entrances and level access throughout the building. The Bar, Dance Studio and Box Office are on the ground floor and there is lift access to the theatre on the first floor.

Mae cownteri gwasanaeth lefel isel wrth y Swyddfa Docynnau a’r Bar.

There are low level service counters at the Box Office and Bars.

Mae toiledau wedi eu lleoli ar y llawr gwaelod a’r llawr cyntaf. Mae’r toiledau hygyrch a chyfleusterau newid babis wedi eu lleoli ar y llawr gyntaf.

There are toilet facilities situated on both the ground floor and first floor. The accessible toilet and baby changing facilities are situated on the first floor.

Mae gennym nifer fach o lefydd parcio i bobl anabl, a gall dalwyr Bathodynnau Glas archebu o flaen llaw drwy ffonio’r swyddfa docynnau ar 01495 227206.

We have a small number of disabled parking spaces, which Blue-Badge holders can pre-book in advance by calling the box office on 01495 227206.

Mae croeso i gŵn tywys a gall rhywun ofalu amdanynt yn ystod perfformiad drwy drefniant. Mae gennym arwyddion Braille drwy’r adeilad.

Assistance dogs are welcomed and can be cared for during performances by arrangement. We have Braille signage throughout the building.

Mae gennym Ddolen Cylchwifren Is-goch Stryd Fawr yn yYSwyddfa Docynnau ac o fewn y HighMae Street Theatr. gennym glustffonau ar gael i’w defnyddio gyda’r system yn y Theatr.

We have an Infra Red Hearing Loop at the Box Office and within the Theatre. We have headsets available for use with the Theatre Loop system.

Dementia Cyfeillgar

Dementia Friendly

Heol Pen-twyn Pentwyn Road

Trefynwy Monmouth Archfarchnadoedd Superstores

Cas-Gwent Chepstow

Y Stryd Fawr © Hawlfraint y Goron a hawliau cronfa ddata High100025372. Street 2015 Arolwg Ordnans,



Mae’r llyfryn ar gael mewn print bras, neu copi electronig ar gais. Copies of the season brochure are available in large print or electronic formats on request.

27 27

Dyddiadur | Diary EBRILL / APRIL Mer/Wed 17 2.30pm Iau /Thurs 18 11.30am 2.00pm Gwen/Fri 26 7.30pm Sad/Sat 27 7.30pm Maw/Tue 30 6.30pm MAI / MAY Gwen/Fri Sad/Sat Iau /Thurs Sad/Sat Iau /Thurs Gwen/Fri Maw/Tue Iau /Thurs Sad/Sat Iau /Thurs



There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly The Amazing Bubble Man Buttons Undone Buttons Undone Unfold

3 8.00pm Noson Gomedi’r Stiwt / ‘Stute Comedy Night 4 7.30pm Disco Divas 9 7.30pm Two one act plays 11 7.30pm Rock 'N' Roll Paradise 16 7.15pm Blackwood Musical Theatre Society 17 7.15pm Blackwood Musical Theatre Society 21 7.30pm Iolo Williams: Life Before the Lens 23 1.00pm Lunchtime Concert with Lee Gilbert 25 10.00am 12.00pm 10 Stick By Me 30 7.00pm10 Reslo Cymreig | Welsh Wrestling

MEHEFIN / JUNE Sad/Sat 1 7.30pm Viva Neil Diamond Gwen/Fri 7 8.00pm Noson Gomedi’r Stiwt / ‘Stute Comedy Night Sad/Sat 8 7.30pm Mad About The Musicals Iau /Thurs 13 7.30pm The Magic Of Motown Gwen/Fri 14 10.00am, 11.30am, 1.00pm, 4.30pm Little Meerkat’s Big Panic Sad/Sat 15 10.00am, 11.30am, 1.00pm Crabby Mer/Wed 19 7.30pm The Great Train Robbery Gwen/Fri 21 7.30pm The Noise Next Door Sad/Sat 22 7.30pm Explosive Light Orchestra GORFFENNAF / JULY Llun / Mon 1 Maw/Tue 2 Mer/Wed 3 Iau / Thurs 4 Gwen/Fri 12 Sad/Sat 13 12.00pm Maw/Tue 18

7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 6.00pm 5.00pm 7.00pm

CCCBC Community Dance Festival CCBC Community Dance Festival CCBC Community Dance Festival CCBC Community Dance Festival Janet Stephens Theatre Dance Janet Stephens Theatre Dance BMI Drama Showcase

YN DOD YN FUAN / COMING SOON Mer / Wed 11 Medi / September Sad / Sat 12 Hydref / October Sad / Sat 19 Hydref / October Iau / Thurs 14 Tachwedd / November

7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm

You Win Again Big Girls Don't Cry The Rocket Man Pitmen Poets

Cerddoriaeth Fyw/Live Music


Ffilm Film

Swyddfa Docynnau / Box Office:

01495 227206

Y Teulu Family

Adloniant Entertainment

Dawns Dance /blackwoodminersinstitute @blackwoodminers

Sioe Gerdd Musical


Sesiynau Llafar Spoken Word

Perfformiad Hamddenol / Relaxed Performance t/p 28

Gweithgareddau cyn-berfformiad / Pre-performance Activities DIGWYDDIAD A GYNHELIR: Yn yr achosion

H hyn nid oes gennym unrhyw fewnbwn o ran pris y tocynnau neu ansawdd.

/ HOSTED EVENT: In these instances we have no input into ticket prices or quality.

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