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2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon

2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon ——赛事招商手册 2010.1

苏州马拉松赛组委会成员: Members of Marathon Organizing Committee : 主办单位:共青团苏州市委员会、苏州市体育局、苏州工业园区社会事业局 Host by: Suzhou Youth League, Suzhou Sports Bureau, SIP Social Development Bureau 承办单位:慧思科投资咨询(苏州)有限公司 Undertaken by: Wisdom Partners (Suzhou) Co., Ltd 协办单位:苏州市志愿者行动指导中心 Co-organizer: Suzhou Volunteer Operation Guidance Center 联系地址:苏州市工业园区金鸡湖大道金水湾南会所 Address: 1/FThe South Club, Golden Lough Jinji Hu Avenue, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu 电话 Tel:+86 512 62609121 传真 Fax:+86 512 62600500` 邮箱 网页 0

2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon


Race description  历史、传承、积淀,在金鸡湖畔交汇,迸发出绚烂而充满张力的美好 The history, the heritage and the moment. Filled with brilliance and tenacity, grab the moment.

作为吴文化的起源地,两千五百年来苏州一直在探寻和追求“宁静致远、内 敛不张扬”的境界。人与人、人与社会、人与自然协调发展的社会状态,成为了 苏州人和苏州城市永恒的价值目标。同时,这种“不露也锋芒”、兼容并蓄、有深 度的闯劲、韧劲也是苏州人一贯的追求风格。 Suzhou is the home of the Wu culture that has lasted over 2500 years. The Wu people are characterized by being “Humble” in attitude. The culture has the eternal values of working cooperatively with people and the natural environment. The Wu culture also believes in working with vigor. The culture is rich in tenacity and heritage.

 超越空间、跨越距离、马拉松精神在力与美的碰撞中升华 Beyond space and distance, the Marathon Spirit is imbedded in the blending of strength and beauty。

希腊的坚韧;胜利的讯息!两千五百年前,传令兵用生命缔造的马拉松。传 承给我们的是“挑战自我、超越极限、坚忍不拔、永不放弃”的精神。2010 年, 象征着马拉松精神的圣火、橄榄枝将跨越半个地球,从古老的希腊来到人间天堂 的苏州。这一刻,东西方文化在此交融,古典与现代在此融合,世界各国选手在 此相会。 Greece’s tenacity, is a victory message! 2500years ago, Estafettes (the mounted courier) road towards Athens with news of victory, this created the first marathon. This spirit and perseverance is passed down to us as "self-challenging, beyond limit, with perseverance and never giving up". In 2010, symbolizing the spirit of the marathon torch, an olive branch will span half the globe, from Greece to Suzhou. Eastern and western cultures, classical and modern, the world athletes will blend and the Suzhou Jinji Lake International Half Marathon is born.

 两千五百年小桥流水孕育独特东方魅力城市文明 2500 years of history。 Suzhou is represented by a bridge flowing over water depicting Eastern charm of an ancient city.

苏州于公元前 514 年建城,至今已有两千五百多年,是全国首批 24 个历史 文化名城之一,是江苏省经济、对外贸易、工商业和物流中心,也是重要的文化、 艺术、教育和交通中心。 1

2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon 苏州物华天宝,人杰地灵,因其从古至今繁荣发达、长盛不衰的文化和经济, 被誉为“人间天堂”,素有“丝绸之都(丝绸之府)”、“园林之城”之称,又因其小 桥流水人家的水乡古城特色,而有“东方威尼斯”、“东方水都(东方水城)”之称。 Built in 514 BC, Suzhou is one of 24 original historical cities in China. An ancient city with 2500 years of history. It is a centre of finance, foreign trade, industry and commerce as well as being a distribution center in Jiangsu Province. It holds important culture, art and education services. Within the Arts, Suzhou has a number of operatic musicians and other talented artists. It has beauty in the ancient areas with quaint streets. It is honored as “heaven on earth” in Chinese tradition, because of its prosperous culture and economy from ancient times till now. “The city of the silk.” “The city of gardens.” As the ancients would say: “Gardens to the south of Yangtze River are the best in the world, and Suzhou gardens are the best among them.” Suzhou is also known as the “Venice of the East” due to it’s canals lining the ancient streets.

 改革发展成就苏州工业园区模范典型 Suzhou Industrial Park is leading new development of high tech industry with cooperation between foreign and Chinese business.

苏州工业园区是中国和新加坡两国政府的重要合作项目,开创了中外经济技 术互利合作的新形式。历经 15 年的发展,苏州工业园区已经形成长三角区域人 文高地、科技高地、环境高地的三高气候,优秀的城市整体规划更使其成为世界 上最具规划性的城市综合体之一。 美丽的自然环境和高速发展的工业园区,为苏州举办马拉松赛奠定了得天独 厚的基础,为此项赛事的长期开展奠定了良好的基础。 The beautiful natural environment coupled with strong development, gives opportunities in cooperation and hence the half marathon is born here to foster that cooperation. This event is setting the scene to be long-term here in Suzhou. Suzhou Industrial Park is a cooperative project between China and Singapore. As a high tech park with a high GDP, Suzhou Industrial Park is leading the way in developing new technologies. After only 15 years of development, Suzhou Industrial Park has developed three main areas of expertise, this is in Humanities, Techical development and a sustainable environment. The outstanding urban corporate planning caused it to become one of best-planned urban settlements in the world.

让我们共同来期待——2010 年首届苏州环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 It is here—The 2010 Suzhou Jinji Lake International Half Marathon 2

2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon

赛事口号 Slogan :

 2500 年的历史,东西文化的交融,金鸡湖畔的起点,地球村民的冲刺 2500 years history, a blend of East and West, the Jinji Lake, the Earth villagers sprint

赛事愿景 Vision:  使环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛成为苏州新城市名片之一,使其成为落户苏州、 每年举办的一项全民狂欢盛宴,使其成为华东地区、在国内乃至东南亚颇具 影响力和号召力的一项体育运动赛事。 To make the Suzhou Jinji Lake International Half Marathon as one of Suzhou’s new identities. To become an annual quality competition, located in Suzhou. To become an influential and charismatic sports competition in the East of China, even in Southeast Asia.

赛事目标 Goal:  通过国际化的马拉松运动推动苏州全民运动事业的发展、促进民众体质、增 强民众凝聚力,建立市民城市荣誉感,增进国际市民交流。 To promote Suzhou the sports industry through the international marathon, to promote the physique, to strengthen the community spirit, to establish a city sense of honor, to bring together the local and international communities.

推广 Advertising:  整合传播——整合媒体资源,实现平面、户外、视频、网络等新媒介与传统 媒介的立体组合交互式传播方式,目标受众群体定位精准,实现整合传播的 高到达率目标 Integrated Media ——developing media links between TV, Radio and Print. Create advertising across a large cross section of the population spanning into all sectors. To ensure the target audience is reached.

 活动配套——活动组织准备阶段举办主题征文比赛、旅游推介会等形式的配 套活动,赛事中后期举办摄影大赛,通过活动配套来增强赛事的吸引力。 Media support —— create news broadcasts in print, develop tourism promotion, develop photographic image resources and create video promotion.

 增强互动——官方网站建设论坛互动交流专区,吸引受众参与。 Website development——Competitors and onlookers participate in gaining results and media from the integrated website. 3

2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon

赛事优势 

公信力——马拉松项目是共青团苏州市委员会、苏州市体育局及苏 州工业园区社会事业局联合主办的社会性公益事业项目,具有极强的社会影 响力、号召力及公信力。

契合度——马拉松赛聚集的超高人气、庞大规模、场地优势可以完 美的契合赞助商所希望达到的各类宣传造势活动氛围。

互动性——将马拉松赛与赞助商的推广活动相结合,现场设置赞助 商的展台展区,介绍赞助商的发展历程、业务结构、产品供需。主会场可以 开展有奖互动活动,由赞助商出题、现场观众参与。

优平台——马拉松项目可以成为赞助商热衷社会公益事业,实现社 会价值的良好平台。

高权益——马拉松项目可以给给赞助商带来丰厚的商业权益及赛事 广告权益。

•马拉松项目是共青团苏州市委员会、苏州市体育局及苏州工业园区社会事业局 公信力 联合主办的社会性公益事业项目,具有极强的社会影响力、号召力及公信力。 •马拉松赛聚集的超高人气、庞大规模、场地优势可以完美的契合赞助商所希望 契合度 达到的各类宣传造势活动氛围。




•将马拉松赛与赞助商的推广活动相结合,现场设置赞助商的展台展区,介绍赞助商的发展历 程、业务结构、产品供需。主会场可以开展有奖互动活动,由赞助商出题、现场观众参与。




2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon


一、由马拉松赛组委会指定赛事赞助规则 二、双方协商讨论赞助方享有的权利及需承担的义务 三、组委会保障赞助方权益的落实,接受赞助方的监督,提供相关发布证明 四、赞助方在合约范围内配合组委会组织工作、承担合约义务 五、最终解释权归组委会所有,未尽事项双方协议增加附件文本

由马拉松赛组委会制定赛事赞助规则 双方协商讨论赞助方享有的权利及需承担的 义务 组委会保障赞助方权益的落实,接受赞助方 的监督,提供相关发布证明 赞助方在合约范围内配合组委会组织工作、 承担合约义务 最终解释权归组委会所有,未尽事项双方协 议增加附件文本。

注:双方秉承互利互惠、共同发展、各取所需的原则,通过双方的共同努力,使 2010 年首 届苏州环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛获得圆满的成功,为发展的苏州增添新的城市名片。


2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon


Grades of the business sponsors  高级别赞助商优先原则—— The principle of the priority of the high ranking sponsors 首席冠名、战略合作伙伴享有要求获得某个唯一指定产品/服务的权利。若不同级别的 赞助商要求获得同一类型的唯一指定产品/服务的权利,则高级别的赞助商享有优先权。 The chief sponsor and the high-ranking partners have the right to ask for getting the only assigned product or service. If another sponsor in different ranks ask for the same type of products or the same service as they have, the high level sponsor have the priority.

 低级别赞助商升级原则—— The principle for the lower ranking sponsor to be raised 低级别赞助商可通过提高或追加赞助费用,升级成为高一级别的赞助商,以获得更多 的回报资源。 The lower ranking sponsors can have their position raised by offering more sponsorship and in return to get more benefit.

 赞助回报等值原则—— The principle for the sponsorship to get equal repayment 赞助费用和赞助回报成正比。如不同赞助商提供的赞助费用相同,则赞助回报价值相 同。如赞助商要求增加某一项资源的回报,则需减少另一项等价值资源的回报。 What a sponsor pays is equal to what repayment the sponsor gets back. If different sponsors provide the same fee, the return will be the same. If sponsors ask for more return on one certain resource, the return of another equivalent resource has to be reduced.

 唯一指定赞助商排他原则—— The exclusiveness principle 唯一指定赞助商具有唯一性、排他性,如某一产品/服务企业已同组委会签订唯一指定 产品/服务赞助合同,则组委会不再向该领域内其它产品/服务企业签订唯一指定产品/ 服务赞助合同,也不再向该领域内其它产品/服务企业购买或要求提供同类产品/服务。 The sponsor of a particular assigned product or service is the one and only to enjoy the rights concerned. Once the contract is approved, the organizer of the Marathon Race will not contract with any other sponsors for the only assigned product or service and will not buy any other of the same kind of products or get the same service from any other sponsors business.

 赞助商信誉至上原则—— The prestige of sponsor business goes first 6

2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon 为维护环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛的品牌形象和其他赞助商的利益,组委会要求赞助 企业及其产品必须具有高尚品质和良好形象,在市场上居于领先地位。如果赞助企业 及其产品严重损害环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛的品牌形象和其他赞助商的利益,组委 会有权解除合同,并追索相应的赔偿。 To maintain the beautiful image of the Marathon and to protect the benefit of the sponsors, all the sponsors are asked to keep their good quality and presentable reputation. If sponsor companies and their products seriously damage the brand and image of Suzhou Jinji Lake International Half Marathon, and other sponsor’s benefits, the organizing committee has the right to terminate the signed contract, and ask for compensation correspondingly.

资源描述——商业权益 ********——Business interest 赞助商的商业权益包括 include:

 2010 年首届苏州环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛首席冠名权 The chief business sponsor of 2010 Suzhou International Jinji Lake Half Marathon

 衍生活动冠名权 Naming right derived from activity

 各种称号(首席冠名、战略合作伙伴、高级赞助商、唯一指定产品/服务、 赞助单位)使用权、官方标识有限使用权、各类广告权、公关活动权、赛场 专卖权、媒体曝光权、礼遇权等。 Right of various titles (chief business sponsor, strategic partners, senior sponsor, the only designated product/service), limited right of official logo, right of various advertisement, right of public activities, right of race field monopoly, right of media exposure , courtesy right.

资源描述——赛事设施广告 ********——The race facilities advertisement  主会场广告 the advertisements in the main sports field 主席台大背景板、主席台小背景板、主席台两侧广告牌、主席台前 LOGO 展 示板、颁奖背景板、新闻采访背景板、主会场气柱、气拱门、高飘气球、遮阳伞、 冲刺带、隔离带、起/终点门 The big and small backdrop on the rostrum staging area, the backdrop sides of the rostrum staging area, the logo exhibiting board in front of the rostrum staging area, the background backdrop on the stage for awarding the medals, the background backdrop for the media room, the 7

2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon air filled entrance curtain, air filled pillar, air balloon, sunshade, runners number, start and finish gate.

 赛道沿线广告 barrier advertising along the route 饮料站/饮水站遮阳伞、饮水/饮料桌、饮水杯广告、赛道沿线公里牌、指示 牌广告、饮料站广告、饮水站广告、道旗 Water station/sunshade at the water station, water/drink desk, drinking cup advertisement, distance markers, sign board advertisement, drink station advertisement, water station advertisement, and road flag

 人员装备 outfits of all the participants 运动员号码布、运动员服装、运动员领奖服、运动员盛衣包、裁判员服装、 工作人员服装、遮阳帽、赛事各类证件 Athlete number bids, athletes outfits, outfits of athletes receiving awards, athletes outfit bags, referee outfits, stall outfits, sun caps, passes for marathon events.

 颁奖仪式 rewarding ceremony  赛事颁奖仪式致辞首席冠名独享 The speech on the awarding ceremony only by the chief sponsor

 赛事颁奖嘉宾 The distinguished guests of the race

 赛事用酒 The wine for celebration

资源描述——其他 other  户外广告——道旗、公交车身 outdoor advertisement——advertisement on flags and public buses

 视频媒介广告——苏州二套、电信户外大屏 Video advertisement——Suzhou television, video of Fenzhong Lou Yu

 网络广告——赛事官方网站、园区管委会网站等 wedsite advertisement——official website, SIP government website …

 平面广告——姑苏晚报、楼宇看板 printing advertisement——Suzhou Daily, broads of buildings

 赛事纪念品——户外用品、旅游纪念品等 Souvenirs——The outdoor souvenir,tourist souvenir

 衍生活动宣传——运动员欢迎会、旅游推介会、征文比赛等 publicity in derivative events——Competitors Welcome Dinner etc. The news conference for the tourist items to be promoted. Composition competition…  新闻报道——组委会要求所有媒体在制作专版、专题时必须使用带有首席冠名商名称 8

2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon 的赛事标准名称。 News reports——Organizing committee ask all the Medias to use the chief naming title in the special news edition and feature.

附件——赞助回报  首席冠名 The chief business sponsor 权利:赛事总冠名权、赛事标识使用权、赛事广告发布权、赛事商业权益; Rights of presenter, rights of using the name and logo of race, rights of advertisement and corresponding information release, rights of commercial rights and interests of race. 项目 Particular

数量 Quantity

时间 Time

运动员欢迎会背景板名称 LOGO 若干 Name and LOGO on athletes greeting activities Some background


秩序册封二广告位 Advertising position in Event Guide Book at 2nd cover



秩序册赞助商领导贺词 Congratulation from sponsor’s leader show in the Event 1P Guide Book


电视媒体报道时提及赞助商名称及 LOGO 若干次 News reporting mention the Strategy partner’s name and Several Time LOGO


平面媒体出现赞助商名称及 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO on event print

若干次 Several Time


赛事跟踪报道采访冠名企业领导 Interview of sponsor’s leader



官网出现赞助商名称及 LOGO 并链接至企业网站 1 个广告位 Sponsor’s name and LOGO on Event Website, which can 1 Position link to company’s website


开幕式及颁奖仪式背景板名称 LOGO 若干 Company Name and LOGO on Backdrop of Event Opening Some Ceremony and Awards Ceremony


开幕式主持人鸣谢 Opening Ceremony Express Thanks


宣传海报上出现赞助商名称 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO on Propaganda Poster

1个 1


现场横幅 Banner

1条 1




2010.4.10 9

2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon Balloon


选手装备印刷赞助商名称 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO print on Runner Equipment

5000 份 5000


志愿者 T 恤印刷赞助商名称 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO print on volunteers’ T-shirts

800 件 800


路障广告位 Advertising position on roadblocks

20 个 20


道旗广告位 Advertising position flat of road

50 个 50


饮水站广告位 Advertising position on water stations

2个 2


赞助商代表颁奖 Delegate of sponsor as award given guest

1 个奖项 1 Person


赞助商代表开幕式显著位置就座 The front seat of sponsor’s leader

前排 Front Seat


赛事光盘 Event DVD

10 套 10


参赛入场券 Entrances to the Race

50 张 50


赞助商赞助产品作为选手纪念品 Products sponsored by Sponsor become souvenirs for winners


同等条件下享有今后若干届赛事优先冠名权 协商确定 Precedence right of presenter under same condition in Negotiable future event

协商确定 Negotiable

赞助产品作为赛事指定使用产品 1-2 个类目 Products sponsored by Sponsor become designated 1-2 Category products during the event held


赞助商代表与获奖选手合影 5-10 张 Representatives of the sponsors take photos with the 5-10 winners


 战略合作伙伴 Strategic Business Partner 权利:组委会战略合作伙伴,享有衍生活动冠名权、赛事标识使用权、赛事 广告发布权、赛事商业权益; Rights: Strategic business partners with the organization committee, has one related sports activity preceded by business name, rights of using the name and logo of race, rights of advertisement and corresponding information release, rights of commercial rights and interests of race; 项目 Particular

数量 Quantity

时间 Time 10

2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon 运动员欢迎会背景板名称 LOGO Name and LOGO on athletes greeting activities background

若干 some


秩序册内页广告位 Advertising position in Event Guide Book



电视媒体报道时提及赞助商名称及 LOGO News reporting mention the Strategy partner’s name and LOGO

若干次 Some times


平面媒体出现赞助商名称及 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO on event print

若干次 Some times


官网出现赞助商名称及 LOGO 并链接至企业网站 Sponsor’s name and LOGO on Event Website, which can link to company’s website

1 个广告位 1 Position


开幕式及颁奖仪式背景板名称 LOGO Company Name and LOGO on Backdrop of Event Opening Ceremony and Awards Ceremony

若干 some


宣传海报上出现赞助商名称 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO on Propaganda Poster

1个 1


现场横幅 Banner

1条 1


高漂气球 Balloon

1个 1


选手装备印刷赞助商名称 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO print on Runner Equipment

若干 some


志愿者 T 恤印刷赞助商名称 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO print on volunteers’ T-shirts

若干 some


路障广告位 Advertising position on roadblocks

10 个 10


饮水站广告位 Advertising position on water stations

2个 2


赛事光盘 Event DVD

5套 5 sets


参赛入场券 Entrances to the Race

30 张 30


赞助商赞助产品作为选手纪念品 Products sponsored by Sponsor become souvenirs for winners

1 个类目 1 category


赞助产品作为赛事指定使用产品 Products sponsored by Sponsor become designated products during the event held

1-2 个类目 1 or 2 categories


赞助商代表与获奖选手合影 Representatives of the sponsors take photos with the

5-10 张 5-10

2010.4.10 11

2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon winners

 高级赞助商 Senior business sponsors 权利:享有两项唯一指定权益,或一项衍生活动冠名权,同时享有赛事标识 使用权、赛事广告发布权、赛事商业权益; Rights: two assigned rights or one related sports activity preceded by his business name, rights of using the name and logo of race, rights of advertisement and corresponding information release, rights of commercial rights and interests of race; 项目 Particular

数量 Quantity

时间 Time

运动员欢迎会背景板名称 LOGO Name and LOGO on athletes greeting activities background

若干 some


秩序册内页广告位 1 advertising position in Event Guide Book

1P 1page


平面媒体出现赞助商名称及 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO on event print

若干次 Some times


官网出现赞助商名称及 LOGO 并链接至企业网站 Sponsor’s name and LOGO on Event Website, which can link to company’s website

1 个广告位 1 position


开幕式及颁奖仪式背景板名称 LOGO Company Name and LOGO on Backdrop of Event Opening Ceremony and Awards Ceremony

若干 some


现场横幅 Banner

1条 1


高漂气球 Balloon

1个 1


选手装备印刷赞助商名称 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO print on Runner Equipment

若干 some


志愿者 T 恤印刷赞助商名称 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO print on volunteers’ T-shirts

若干 some


赛事光盘 Event DVD

3套 3 sets


参赛入场券 Entrances to the Race

20 张 20


 唯一指定产品/服务合作伙伴 The only appointed product or service business sponsor 权利:享有一项唯一指定权益; 项目 Particular

数量 Quantity

时间 Time 12

2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon 运动员欢迎会背景板名称 LOGO Name and LOGO on athletes greeting activities background

若干 some


平面媒体出现赞助商名称及 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO on event print



官网出现赞助商名称及 LOGO 并链接至企业网站 Sponsor’s name and LOGO on Event Website, which can link to company’s website

1 个广告位 1 position


开幕式及颁奖仪式背景板名称 LOGO Company Name and LOGO on Backdrop of Event Opening Ceremony and Awards Ceremony

若干 some


选手装备印刷赞助商名称 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO print on Runner Equipment

若干 some


志愿者 T 恤印刷赞助商名称 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO print on volunteers’ T-shirts

若干 some


赛事光盘 Event DVD

2套 2 sets


参赛入场券 Entrances to the Race

15 张 15


 赞助单位 Business sponsors 权利:享有一定的赛事商业权益及赛事广告权益 enjoy some 项目 Particular

数量 Quantity

时间 Time

运动员欢迎会背景板名称 LOGO name and LOGO on athletes greeting activities background

若干 some


平面媒体出现赞助商名称及 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO on event print

若干次 Some times


官网出现赞助商名称及 LOGO 并链接至企业网站 Sponsor’s name and LOGO on Event Website, which can link to company’s website

1 个广告位 1 position


开幕式及颁奖仪式背景板名称 LOGO Company Name and LOGO on Backdrop of Event Opening Ceremony and Awards Ceremony

若干 some


志愿者 T 恤印刷赞助商名称 LOGO Sponsor’s name and LOGO print on volunteers’ T-shirts

若干 some


赛事光盘 Event DVD

1套 1 sets


参赛入场券 Entrances to the Race

10 张 10



2010 年苏州首届环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon

2500 年的历史, 2500 years history,

东西文化的交融, a blend of East and West,

金鸡湖畔的起点, the Jinji Lake,

地球村民的冲刺。 the Earth villagers sprint

——2010 年首届苏州环金鸡湖国际半程马拉松赛 2010 Suzhou First International Jinji Lake Half Marathon 2010 年 1 月


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