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to ban kite action from Caesuur | SGP
From the SGP [fundamental Christian party]
Open call to the college of Aldermen & Mayor to ban kite action from Caesuur.
Dear college,
The Middelburg organization Caesuur would like to fly kites on Thursday next, kites including images of a rocket and the Reichsadler, a Nazi symbol. The kite-action is described as a playful art-action and reference is made to the Gaza Strip where Palestinian children leave kites as a playful protest. But in reality, there are kites from the Gaza Strip, including Molotov cocktails and explosives, with the aim of destroying agricultural land, harvests and forests across the border in Israel and frightening Israeli citizens. The image of the Reichsadler on the kites symbolizes anti-Semitism and the rocket for violence against the state of Israel.
The SGP thinks that, under the guise of art, it is very undesirable that these kites (which according to the organization Caesuur in Gaza are used as "peaceful" protest, but in reality are fire bombers) with an anti-Semitic image and an image that Violence against Israel propagates on our Bathing Beach. This is extremely bad for the image of Vlissingen.
We therefore urge the Municipal Executive, and in particular the mayor, to refuse or withdraw the requested permit by applying Article 4h from the APV [ General Police Regulation - HO ]:
4. Without prejudice to articles 1: 6 and 1: 8, the mayor may refuse the event permit in whole or in part, withdraw or change temporarily or for an indefinite period if, in his opinion: h. The content or appearance of the event does not fit in with the event policy, the image or the interests of the Municipality of Vlissingen.
We look forward to your response immediately.
Group SGP Lilian Janse-van der Weele Cor Tromp