Bay Breeze, Fall 2009

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Issue 1 – AUGUST


Bay Breeze

The Official Newsletter of the Bay Section FBLA Chapter PRESIDENT’S CORNER

Section Calendar

By Alissa Song

♦ Officer/Adviser Training

Greetings Bay Section FBLA!

Day September 19, 2009

Welcome to the 2009-2010 school year! Your section officers have been working extremely hard to plan upcoming workshops, projects, and conferences. This year, every one of you is encouraged to participate in Bay Section’s Champions of Bay (COB) project which includes activities aimed at chapter and business development. You will earn recognition at the Bay Section Leadership Conference after completing a number of activities listed on the online form. This will be an accomplishment of a true Champion of the Bay!

♦ Leadership Development Institute—North October 23-25, 2009

♦ American Enterprise Day November 15, 2009

Inside this Issue President’s Corner


2009-2010 Bay Section Leadership Team 1 CA FBLA Forum


Membership Recruitment


State Leadership Summit


Mushroom Mardi Gras 2

In addition, the Bay Section officer team is introducing this year’s section theme: Next Stop, Success! Bay Section is comprised of some of the most innovative and competitive chapters in the nation. This year, let’s all work together to seize the opportunities that FBLA presents and achieve success! Sincerely, Alissa Song

2009-2010 BAY SECTION LEADERSHIP TEAM Alissa Song President

Eric Wong Parliamentarian

Eric Lu Vice President

Kavya Shankar State President

Angela Gu Secretary

Panos Kanellakopoulos State Secretary-Treasurer

Roger Sanchez Treasurer

Cathy Xu State Parliamentarian

Christine Kyauk Public Relations Officer


Write for the Bay Breeze!

Do you ever feel like you’re not getting as much FBLA between conferences? Have you ever tried to keep in touch with the people you met at the section or state leadership conferences, but have not been able to keep in touch? Lucky for you, this year California FBLA has created a solution. The California FBLA forum has been launched to give members more opportunities to interact with each other and bounce around ideas. It has boards for a plethora of topics, including general discussion, competitions, ideas, and media. There is also a Bay Section board, for discussion particular to our section. The board can be accessed at “,” and the link is also posted on the CA FBLA home page. Check out the page for exclusive content that will really fuel your achievements in FBLA!

Your Bay Section Officer Team: Alissa Song President Homestead High School Eric Lu Vice President Rancho Cotate High School Angela Gu Secretary Monta Vista High School Roger Sanchez Treasurer Live Oak High School Christine Kyauk Public Relations Officer Westmoor High School Eric Wong Parliamentarian Monta Vista High School Kavya Shankar State President Lynbrook High School Panos Kanellakopoulos State Secretary-Treasurer Monta Vista High School Cathy Xu State Parliamentarian Lynbrook High School Kiki Nakauchi Bay Section Director


It’s that time of year again, the school halls bustling with new faces, new classrooms, and new teachers – the start of a new school year! With new clubs forming and everyone trying to recruit members, creative membership recruitment ideas are crucial for the success of a FBLA chapter. Realizing this difficulty, the Monta Vista FBLA Officer Team has come up with a few ideas that they hope to apply for this year. The Director of Technology Richard Yu and Social Manager Ryan Chui have worked to create a promotional video that they will broadcast on morning announcements. Additionally, the officers have dedicated a portion of their summer meetings in perfecting their recruitment spiels to attract all types of students. They have also sent letters home to incoming freshmen to introduce the parents and students about what FBLA has to offer. Finally, they have found opportunities to promote FBLA at various events such as Back-to-School Night. With these new recruitment ideas, Monta Vista FBLA is ready to kick start its year on the right note with a greater membership than ever before.


Your 2009-2010 Bay Section team agrees that the 2009 California FBLA Leadership Summit was both a constructive and humbling experience. The four days spent in Williams, California, allotted time for workshops, meetings, networking, and socializing. However, Summit was not all fun and games. The wide variety of interactive workshops, which ranged from Parliamentarian Procedure to Letter Writing, provided the foundation for necessary officer duties. The Bay Section team also found time to map out goals, events, and conferences for this year. The California FBLA Leadership Summit was an opportunity for the Bay Section officers to learn the skills that will only benefit you! Summit was undoubtedly a move in the right direction. Next Stop: Success.


Memorial Day weekend was Morgan Hill’s yearly celebration of their famous Mushroom Mardi Gras. Live Oak FBLA members provided valuable manpower in the running of the festival attended by approximately 40,000 people. FBLA members checked in venders and volunteers and manned the information booth. They answered questions about the festival and gave directions to nearby highways and businesses. Other FBLA members greeted festival attendees and passed out programs. A few members helped the director of the Mushroom Mardi Gras in charge of supplies as they ran merchandise from the main headquarters to restock vendors with souvenir glasses, commemorative t-shirts, etc. while being the eyes and ears to the director as situations arose. Members also helped the Lions Club in the set up and take down of the festival. Over 50 FBLA volunteers participated over the two days at the Mardi Gras.

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