Wholesale Food Industry Insights Competition in the food selling market has grown in recent years. Traditional food Wholesalers have faced intense pressure from alternative
programs including
warehouse clubs, Supercenters, drug stores, mass suppliers and convenience stores, as well as online suppliers And grocery delivery services. As consumers distance themselves from the traditional Superstore model, grocery retailers want to stay competitive by creating more intimate and progressive shopping activities tailored to individual shoppers with an emphasis on fresh, organic and also food options. As some large restaurants have actively attacked Associations with smaller niche suppliers, other grocery chains have failed to adapt. Hard competition, evolving consumer personal preferences and a challenging Organic and natural growth environment are generating many food wholesalers to evaluate their store and brand portfolios and consider strategic Alternatives, including M&A, in order to improve capital allocation and Development opportunities. The necessity for natural and organic products has led to increased Competition within the retail space. The most significant publicly traded natural and organic supermarkets by market capitalization The Entire Foods, Sprouts and Refreshing Market - have experienced their stock prices plummet over the past year. Institutional investors have focused on declining comparable store sales and are challenging the validity of long-term growth projections.