Gianluca De Nardi Mindful Companies Evangelist
Summary Mindfulness My mission is to help companies create mindful business models and work environments, in which employees feel motivated and comfortable for great results. *** Experienced startupper, entrepreneur, trainer and consultant I'm an organic entrepreneur, founder of an organic food store and a training manager, founder of Accademia Naturasì and Accademia Internazionale di Agricoltura Biodinamica, the first italian corporate universities for organic retailers and new young farmers. In my spare time, I'm also an hr consultant, founder of Cambiare Cambiando, a vocational and on-the-job trainer and a guest lecturer and speaker. *** Daily inspirational quote and current research fields My daily inspirational quote is: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world" (M. Gandhi) My current research fields are: emotional and social intelligence, horizontal leadership, mindfulness, humanistic management, conscious capitalism.
Experience Founder&Ceo August 2006 - Present NaturaSì is a franchisor in the area of organic and natural products, founded in Verona in 1992 by a group of professionals. To this day, there are 200+ NaturaSì organic food stores and some organic butchery and restaurants. I'm a franchisee since 2007. Training Manager at Ecor Naturasi Spa January 2013 - Present I'm the founder of Accademia Naturasì and Accademia Internazionale di Agricoltura Biodinamica, the first italian corporate universities for organic retailers and new young farmers. Founder&Consultant at January 2011 - Present Guest Lecturer and Speaker January 2007 - Present
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Guest Lecturer: - La responsabilità sociale nel rapporto Banca-Impresa (Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti, Treviso) 2007 - Comunicarsi al Mercato (CUOA Finance, Altavilla Vicentina) 2009 - Master Gesam (Global Economics and Social Affairs Master, Ca' Foscari University, Venice) 2015 - Master Food&Wine 3.0 (Istituto Universitario Salesiano Venezia) 2015 - Experior Project (Ca' Foscari University, Venice) 2016 - Incubator RestartAlp (Fondazione Garrone, Verbania) 2016 - Master Cosp (Verona) 2016 Guest Speaker: - Treviso Campus Sostenibile (Ca' Foscari University, Venice) 2013 - Giovani in Entrata, (Comune di Caneva) 2013 - La Leadership del fare, Lezioni per i Manager (FederManager,Pieve di Cadore) 2014 - Food&Sustainability (Ca' Foscari University, Venice) 2014 - Alumni in Carriera (Ca' Foscari University, Venice) 2015 - Brandy (, Milan) 2015 - Ca Foscari Open Day (Ca' Foscari University, Venice) 2016 - Dialoghi sulla Buona Impresa (Ca' Foscari University, Venice) 2016 - Convention Dolomiti Energia (Riva Del Garda, Verona) 2016 Vocational and On-the-Job Trainer January 2002 - Present Courses on Economics, Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability Reporting, Emotional and Social Intelligence, in ITCS “Luigi Einaudi” Bassano del Grappa (VI), Unioncoop Mestre (Ve), CPV Centro Produttività Veneto Fondazione “Giacomo Rumor” (VI), Treviso Tecnologia, CCIAA (Treviso), ITCSG Sansovino, Oderzo (TV), CERTAM Rome, GIF Oderzo (TV), Chartered Accountant Association (Treviso), Ecornaturasi Spa HR Business Partner Retail at Ecornaturasi Spa January 2012 - December 2012 (1 year) Organizational Development Manager at Ecornaturasi Spa January 2011 - December 2012 (2 years) Ecor is the leading organic food wholesaler in Italy. It was incorporated in 1987 out of a small but ambitious project and today it accounts for 4000+ products, 500+ employees, 1000+ customers. In 2009, Ecor merged with Naturasì, the only organic supermarket chain at national level, starting the company EcornaturaSì Spa. Trainee Chartered Accountant September 2004 - February 2006 (1 year 6 months) Page 2
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia Career Lab: emotional and social competencies for professional success, 2014 - 2014 IMO International Masterclass Horizontal Leadership, Orizontal Leadership, 2014 - 2015 Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia Research Assistant, 2002 - 2004 Activities and Societies: Member of many Research Projects (with Cassamarca Foundation, Veneto Region, Chamber of Commerce of Venice and Treviso, Cepal UN and Ministry of Foreign Affairs) coordinated by the Professor Ferruccio Bresolin. Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia Research Fellowship, “Innovazione nella logistica della supply-chain nei distretti produttivi del Veneto”, 2002 - 2003 Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.), 1997 - 2001
Honors and Awards
Short contribution - Ca’ Foscari Sustainability Report 2011
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Gianluca De Nardi Mindful Companies Evangelist
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