Hydroponics issue (1)

Page 1

Summer 2017|Volume 1, Issue 2


HYDROPONICS What is it and how does it work?


Pigs Gone Wild?


FAMU 2017 FARM FEST Connecting The Community

FAMU CEP 2017 Summer Programs in Photos

Quarterly Outreach Magazine Your quarterly update and look into what’s going on at the FAMU Cooperative Extension Program. We remain dedicated to reaching out to serve farmers, rural and urban families, elderly, youth, entrepreneurs, small business owners, and underserved communities.

FAMU Cooperative Extension Program Main Location:

1740 S. Martin Luther King Jr, Blvd., 215 Perry-Paige Building South Tallahassee, FL 32307 Voice: 850-599-3546 / Fax: 850-561-2151/ TDD: 850-561-2704 Web: www.famu.edu/cep

Research and Extension Center :

4259 Bainbridge Highway, Quincy FL 32352 Voice: 850- 875-8555

Teleconference Center:

2010 Pinder Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32307 Voice: (850) 599-3572

Community Garden:

400 West Orange Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32301

Administrator Vonda Richardson Director, FAMU Cooperative Extension Program vonda.richardson@famu.edu

Administrative Staff Renysha Harris Hakeem Holmes Monique Hudson

Rhonda Miller Cedric Spradley

Amelia C. Davis Editor, FAMU CEP Quarterly Outreach amelia.davis@famu.edu

Agriculture and Natural Resources Alejandro Bolques, Ph.D. Jean Beaudouin, Ph.D. Charles Brasher# Gerry Bryant Lawrence Carter, Ph.D. Cassel Gardner, Ph.D. Samuel Hand Freddie Harris Glyen Holmes Trevor Hylton*# David Jones Carmen Lyttle-N’Guessan Angela McKenzie-Jakes Ray Mobley, DVM

*Contributing Writer

Community Resource Development Sandra Thompson Falan Goff Donna Salters Glyen Homes II Linda Sapp

Family Consumer Sciences Dreamal Worthen, Ph.D. Gail Browning Jevetta Stanford, Ph.D. Eunice Stevenson James Moten Fanny Ospina Robert Purvis, DVM* Gilbert Queeley*# Keawin Sarjeant, Ph.D. Norman Scarbrough Jennifer Taylor, Ph.D. ZaDarreyal Wiggins* Glen Wright, DVM* Julie-Ann Valliant* Walter Zanders

Sommer Kilpatrick Ciara Holloman Jenelle Robinson, Ph.D.

4-H Youth Development Program Tondalaya Nelson Kimberly Davis* Lester Gaskins Sabrina Hayes*

Conchita Newman*# Allen Vanerson

Follow us on the web:


#Contributing Photographer





Features 4

HYDROPONICS: What is it and how does it work?


USDA Newsroom


Marine Turns Farmer: Thanks to FAMU Extension

By: Amelia C. Davis

The latest news releases from USDA agencies


Published by Havana Herald newspaper– By Sandi Beare


Feral Swine: Pigs Gone Wild! By: Samuel Barnes

Highlights 11

4-H Day at the Capitol Highlights


2017 Farm Fest


Cooperative Extension Summer Camps


Food Production Gardens


Extension Spotlight!


Extension Kitchen


Ask The Experts!








What’s cooking in the demo kitchen at FAMU Extension!

Get A Plan!- Disaster and Emergency Preparedness

Columns 8

Herb Trend By: Trevor Hylton and Linda Sapp

10 Agri-Stem: CEP’s 4-H Agri-Stem Team By: Samuel Barnes

Cover page: Variety of lettuce, grown in the hydroponics, at the FAMU REC in Quincy, FL. (Photo credit: Amelia Davis) FAMU Cooperative Extension’s Quarterly Outreach, Summer 2017, Volume 1 issue 2. Published quarterly by FAMU Cooperative Extension Program 1740 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, South, 215 Perry Paige Building South, Tallahassee, Florida 32307. The Florida A&M University Cooperative Extension Program is an equal employment/educational opportunity access organization which provides research-based educational information and other services only to eligible individuals and institutions regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, martial or veteran status.


HYDROPONICS What is it and how does it work?

[By: Amelia Davis]

(Photo Amelia Davis


Before working in Agriculture, I had no idea what hydroponics were. Who would have thought you could grow vegetables and fruits without soil? Probably like me, you questioned any “new age” farming operation. However, hydroponics is hardly new, it has been around and used for years. The earliest modern reference to hydroponics is documented by William Frederick Gericke, while working at the University of California, Berkeley, he began to popularize the idea that plants could be grown in a solution of nutrients and water instead of soil. (epicgardening.com) Hydroponics, or growing plants in a nutrient solution root medium, is a growing area of commercial food production and also is used for home food production by hobbyists. There are many benefits and advantages to growing your produce this way; one of the biggest advantages that hydroponics has over soil growing is water conservation. When growing plants in soil, a grower has to be very experienced to know how much water to give his plants. Too much and the plant’s roots are not able to get enough oxygen. Too little and the plant can dry out and die.

Hydroponics solves this problem in two different ways. First, the water reservoir can be constantly oxygenated, making sure that the plant’s roots obtain the optimum level of oxygen. Additionally, the problem of watering is solved by the fact that the plant’s root system no longer has soil surrounding it, blocking oxygen uptake by the roots. Second, hydroponics uses much less water than soil farming because it can be recirculated. In traditional farming, water is poured over the ground and seeps into the soil. Only a small fraction of the water actually gets used by the plant. Hydroponics allows for the unused water to be recycled back into the reservoir, ready for use in the future. In dry and arid areas, this is a massive benefit.

The last major benefit of hydroponics is the amount of control a grower has over the environment. Pests and diseases are much easier to deal with – your environment is often times portable and raised off of the ground. This makes it hard for bugs to reach your plants. Any soil-related diseases are completely written off in hydroponics as well. Lastly, you’re able to control the amount of nutrients provided to your plant precisely, saving on nutrition costs. If you would like to get more information on hydroponics and the process to start your own , feel free to contact your local County Extension office. If you are a resident of Leon or Gadsden county, your Extension Agents can be reached at the numbers below: Trevor Hylton (Leon) (850) 606-5200

DJ Wiggins (Gadsden) 850-875-7255

References: Http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/hydroponics Http://www.epicgardening.com/history-of-hydroponics

Hydroponics at the FAMU REC in Quincy, Florida. (Photos: Amelia Davis)


USDA Announces Summer EBT Grants; Includes New States, Rural Communities


WASHINGTON, June 28, 2017 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the award of $31.5 million in Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children (Summer EBT) Grants to explore ways to alleviate hunger among low-income children during the summer, including new projects in Texas and Tennessee. Rigorous evaluations of continuing projects have found that Summer EBT can significantly reduce very low food security among children, the most severe form of food insecurity, by one-third. “Summer EBT can help close the summer ‘nutrition gap’ faced by low-income households, when schools are closed and their children no longer have access to healthy school meals,” said Yvette Jackson, Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services. “This is particularly true in areas that are difficult to serve through existing summer meals programs, such as rural locations or areas where transportation options are limited.” During the academic year, free and reduced price school meals help ensure that nearly 22 million low-income children have consistent access to nutritious food through the National School Lunch Program. Only about one in six of those children currently participate in summer meals programs. “USDA has made significant efforts to reach these children through traditional summer meals programs and is testing the use of Summer EBT to help fill the gaps,” Jackson said. For summer 2017, USDA is awarding Summer EBT grants to nine states and tribal nations that operated demonstration projects in 2016: Connecticut, Delaware, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, Oregon, Virginia, and the Chickasaw and Cherokee nations. Seven of the nine grantees are expanding their projects to serve more low-income children in rural communities in 2017 by adding communities within their state or tribal nation and boosting outreach to eligible children. USDA is also awarding grants to two new applicants to operate demonstrations in 2018. Tennessee and Texas will be the first states to launch new Summer EBT demonstration projects since 2012, allowing USDA and the states to test strategies for building Summer EBT infrastructure and engaging local communities. Texas participated in Summer EBT in summers 2011-2013 and will be launching its 2018 demonstration in two new communities in central Texas: Elgin and Georgetown school districts. Tennessee will operate a Summer EBT demonstration for the first time in Greene, Hancock, and Hawkins Counties. “Studies show that additional resources provided by Summer EBT enable families to eat significantly more fruits, vegetables and whole grains – key building blocks to better health,” Jackson said. “Based on these successes, it makes sense to continue exploring ways to maximize this proven resource and the grants announced today will help do that.” Summer EBT provides low-income families with children with a monthly benefit on a debit-type card that can be used throughout the summer for food purchases at stores in their community. Summer EBT is a complement to traditional summer meals programs and has proven especially practical in areas with limited or no access to traditional summer meal programs. USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) administers 15 nutrition assistance programs that include the Summer Food Service Program, the National School Lunch and School Breakfast programs, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) that, working together, comprise America's nutrition safety net. For more information, visit www.fns.usda.gov. Release No. 0066.17

Contact: USDA Press (202) 720-4623


Purple Basil

Spanish Thyme

Is one of the important essential oils in thyme, found to have antiseptic, anti-fungal characteristics. It can also be found as the active ingredient in some all-natural, alcoholfree hand sanitizers.

Purple Sage

Nice looking plant with gray-green leaves that are slightly hairy. Sage is very attractive to bees and as such a good addition to habitat-type situations.

Sweet Basil

Popular, attractive plant with many color variations. No herb garden is complete without it. Excellent in salads and as a garnish.

Aloe Plant

Wonderfully easy plant to grow with amazing skin-soothing and healing properties right off the plant. Grows with little care and needs only infrequent watering; must be brought in when the weather turns cold.

Creeping Thyme 7


[By: Trevor Hylton and Linda Sapp]

Lemon Verbena (Aloysia citrodora)

Lemon Verbena is a perennial shrub with glossy pointed leaves that are slightly rough to the touch. It emits a powerful scent reminiscent of lemon when bruised. This herb makes a refreshing tea that may be taken as a hot or cold brew. The plant grows up to 6 feet tall by 7 feet wide. When crushed the leaves release a refreshing fragrance making it a great herb for planting near a window or a pathway where you can enjoy its lemony scent.

However, you can easily grow it in a container, so that you can carry it indoors during the winter months. You will need a well-drained soil rich in organic matter. We have used a mixture of mushroom compost and top soil and have had plants that grew rapidly with lots of vigor. These plants do not require much water, so be careful not to overwater. Because the plant grows rapidly, you should ensure that the container is big enough to allow the roots enough room to spread. Lemon verbena grows best in full sun but will still perform well in partial shade. The leaves are more flavorful when grown in full sun. Harvest leaves throughout the growing season. Each time you snip a stem, new growth will emerge beneath the cut area.


MARINE TURNS FARMER THANKS TO FAMU EXTENSION SERVICE Reprint from article originally published by the Havana Herald newspaper by Sandi Beare , May 19, 2017.

Thirty-four-year old Gerhart H. Lewis, Jr. had one thing he wanted to do after he left the U.S. Marine Corps: become a farmer. The veteran of four years' service with two tours in Iraq and Japan returned home to his family compound in Havana and sought help in learning how to best take care of a proposed organic vegetable and herbal garden. After going online for research on establishments that offer agrarian assistance, Lewis reached out to the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU)'s Extension Service. He told FAMU's Vonda Richardson, Director of the Extension Service, that he would like some help getting started. Soon he was in touch with D.J. Wiggins, The extension service brought in a tractor, driven by Walter Zanders, Gadsden County's extension agent, telling him that the to help with the planting. land had been farmed by his family for several generations. His great-great-grandfather had raised hogs on the land near US 27 that runs some five-plus acres, he said. Wiggins followed Alex Bolques, PhD, who served as the county's agent for over two decades. Lewis had served in the Marine Motor Transport Service Battalion 35-33, moving large-size logistical vehicles, ammunition, Meals Ready to Eat (MREs), cargo, water and other foods. Now his charge is about 40' x 65.' He plans to plant vegetables and herbs organically without harmful chemicals. Thursday morning, May 11th, he stood with Wiggins and observed as FAMU reps brought in heavy equipment to loosen the soil and begin tilling it into rows suitable for planting. He hopes to be able to share some of his crops with his relatives who live in homes around the compound, to enable all to eat healthier, and looks forward to the day he can sell some, too. The land preparation was extensive, with machines and labor provided by FAMU through the extension service. Gerhart H. Lewis, Jr. will plant carrots and sweet potatoes in the sunshine. Tomatoes and other vegetables will be planted under plastic, he said. Lewis said he was ready to start planting. Wiggins said he'd follow up with the Marine farmer for any additional advice he could give or help that Gerhart H. Lewis, Jr. (l) and D.J. Wiggins, FAMU’s Gadsden Co. Ag FAMU can deliver. extension agent. Photos courtesy of Havana Herald newspaper.



Studies consistently show minorities are underrepresented in STEM related careers. This lack of students in STEM areas has been characterized both as a national security and economic risk to the nation. The Agri-STEM program serves to provide open avenues for interdisciplinary communication, education, and enthusiasm among students ranging from k-12 grades. Through experimental learning, students increase their understanding of information related to topics in entomology, food sciences, and natural resources. Students engage in hands on discovery and exploration activities designed to foster interest and excitement about A-STEM. Classrooms, afterschool programs, summer camps, and home school co-ops are setting for these A-STEM activities.




Agri-STEM creates a framework to develop pathways to pursue degrees in agriculture and food science disciplines.



Sabrina Hayes is in char ge of the entomology of Agr i-STEM. Entomology is the study of insects and how they interact with the environment. It is an established degree with shades of environmental science incorporated to create the broadest appeal possible. It is classified as a subsection of zoology and is a deep enough subject to require specific undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications. Entomology is most often under the branch of agriculture and biology, as many universities offer students courses in entomology and many even offer PhD programs. Most research roles in the field will require a Master’s level degree- if not a PhD. Entomologist usually work in agriculture, conservation, and land management. Ms. Hayes works with fourteen different schools to show students the benefits of entomology. The groups in the school that she works with perform hands on activities, like making insects out straws and fun puzzle questionnaires. Conchita Newman is in char ge of food science for Agr i-STEM. Food science is the study of the food and development process of food products; preserving the food is very important for safety and consumption purposes. A few farmers are responsible for feeding a large percentage of the world’s population and this is why proper safety and preservation are so important. Food scientists play a major role in all forms of the food production process, from animal and crop production till the food is ready for purchase and consumption. The food is analyzed for its nutritional value and for its safety. Researchers also look for better ways to preserve the food. Mrs. Newman works with fourteen schools and performs different experiments with the students, like making soda and students learn the benefits of food science . Kimberly Davis is in char ge of natur al r esour ces for Agr i-STEM. All living things depend on natural resources to survive; resources such as water, land, soil, rocks, and forest are all natural resources. We use natural resources to survive in our daily lives. The clothes we wear are made of some form of cotton or polyester, which is a natural resource. Using cotton to make clothes is an example of raw materials. Raw materials are natural resources that are used to make a good like clothing. Everything we use in life on a daily bases came from a natural resource in some way. Ms. Davis works with fourteen different schools and teaches students the importance of natural resources and how to better conserve them with hands on activities.

These programs are very important to the environment and for use in our daily lives. Agri-STEM is looking to expand to more schools and the communities to teach people the importance of these fields and the job aspects of the programs. We, as a community need to be educated in all three because they affect us and the world around us as well . 10

4-H Youth Day At the Capitol Bond elementary school students attended the 4-H Day at the Capitol, located in Tallahassee, Florida. The students enjoyed the opportunity to tour the Capitol, as well as engage with various activities with FAMU Cooperative Extension’s 4-H team and volunteers. The 4-H Day at the Capitol Program provides youth with an opportunity to learn more about their state government and experience the political process first hand. Photos: Group picture with FAMU CEP team members and Bond Elementary students; Commissioner Adam Putnam (FDACS) addresses the crowd; attendees at the FAMU CEP booth; FL Law enforcement memorial marker; participants listening to the speakers.


Clockwise: Elementary students checking out the various bugs on display, FAMU student volunteers Nathaniel Domond (Junior PrePhysical Therapy ), Bryan Llerandi (Sophomore / Political Science), Boonie Champa (Junior /Agribusiness) and Hakeem Holmes (Senior/ Agribusiness), attendees checking out the FAMU Extension booth, United States medal of Honor plaque in the courtyard of the Capitol, kids enjoying hula hooping.

Photo credit: Amelia Davis


[By: Amelia Davis]

Photos courtesy of FAMU Office of Communications

Photos: 4-H garden; CEP Director, Vonda Richardson giving a radio interview for HBCU-FAMU Sirius XM station; Agri-Business Grad student Greg McNealy enjoying the Culinary Mixology workshop; Enchiancea in the herb garden and FAMU Interim President, Dr Larry Robinson and Mrs. Robinson take a photo op with a festival attendee. Photo credit: Amelia Davis, FAMU CEP

Quincy, FL- Despite the humidity and r ain clouds hover ing in the distance, it was a sunny 89 degr ees and over 600 people from Leon, Gadsden, and surrounding counties came to partake in the 2017 FAMU Farm Fest on Saturday, June 3, held at the FAMU Research and Extension Center, also known as the FAMU Quincy Farm. The Farm Fest is hosted every year by FAMU’s College of Agriculture and Food Sciences (CAFS) Cooperative Extension Program (CEP), under the direction of Mrs. Vonda Richardson. This year’s theme, “Connecting Farm to Community,” reflects the mission of the farm and CEP to build community connections to food and agriculture. Farm Fest reaches out to serve farmers, rural and urban families, elderly, youth, entrepreneurs, small business owners, and underserved communities and it continues to be a rich tradition of the FAMU CEP. CEP works with the community through the following program areas: Agriculture and Natural Resources; Community Gardens; Community Resource and Economic Development; Family Resource Management; and 4-H Youth Development. Farm Fest is a catalyst to demonstrate and encourage best management practices for all potential agriculture enterprises and enable underserved small farm populations and their communities toward a thriving sustainable development. This event caters to all levels of agricultural operations from home gardeners and beginner farmers to the more experienced and commercial. To read the entire article, please log onto http://blogs.tallahassee.com/community/2017/06/15/greening-our-community-famu-farm-feststrengthens-the-connection-between-farm-and-community/


[By: Samuel Barnes]

Photo courtesy of www.nps.gov

One of the biggest problems facing the state of Florida is feral swine. These animals are also known as wild hogs, wild boars, wild swine, feral swine, feral pig, feral hog, old world swine, and razor backs. They are descendants of escaped or released pigs and known as the world’s most invasive species, brought to the U.S. from Spain by early explorers and settlers as a source of food.

In 1493, Christopher Columbus introduced eight hogs into the West Indies. In 1539, 13 hogs were introduced to Charlotte Harbor, Florida. The geographical range of the animals has rapidly expanded over the last 30 years. The animals have been found in 44 states in America, as they have free range or roam across the United Sates. Although several states are estimated to have six million of the creature living in them, the main states harboring the creatures are Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, and California. They are highly adaptive, prolific breeders, very destructive, omnivorous, and compete with native wildlife. The overall estimated damage is $1.5 billion a year in control and cost. The National Wetland Research Center estimates crop loss cost $5.9 million in Florida and $ 190 million throughout the SE U.S. Wildlife Services. (Wildlife Services) The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has developed a National Feral Swine Damage Management Plan. Universities around the country are invited to participate in a survey concerning the damage. Florida Agriculture and Photo courtesy of www.cnbc.com Mechanical University (FAMU) participates in the agricultural development plan. Over a course of workshops throughout various counties, FAMU’s results concluded 125 responses, 24% had pigs on the farms, 45% grew crops in the last years, and 50 % had/ have livestock in last three years. The program has hired multiple biologists to further dedicate research concerning the feral swine. The priority of the program is to use funding as leverage to hire more technicians. (Wildlife Services) Feral Swine Management includes lethal control, trapping, sharpshooting, and aerial gunning. The animals are very dangerous and carry different diseases; these animals should only be handled or trapped by licensed professionals. Licensed farmers from the USDA are permitted to trap and hunt the wild animals. People must be licensed to shoot or trap the animals because the animals carry different diseases, such as swine fever, leptospirosis, and broccolis. All these diseases are treatable but can be fatal, if not treated properly. The management plan for the animals is still in development but has a promising upside to combat the feral swine problem. (Wildlife Services)


Feral Swine Workshop-Brooksville, FL

Ray Mobley, DVM (FAMU CEP) presenting.

Seminar speakers, JC Griffin (USDA/APHIS) and Pam Hunt, DVM (FDACS) share vital information on feral swine.

Photo credit: Michelle Roberts 15

Cogongrass/Silvopasture Workshop-Brooksville, FL

Dr. O. Onokpise, PhD, presents at the workshop

Picture of Congongrass

Dr. Onokpise with attendees during the hands-on activities Photo credit: Faith Clarke and O. Onokpise Ph.D. 16

Cooperative Extension

EISSC Entomology Insect Science Summer Camp

Contact: Sabrina Hayes sabrina.hayes@famu.edu (850) 561-2304

FSSEP Food Science Summer Enrichment Camp

FACE Forestry and Conservation Education

Contact: Kimberly Davis kimberly.davis@famu.edu (850) 412-6515

Contact: Conchita Newman conchita.newman@famu.edu (850) 599-8110


Contact: Carmen N’Guessan, PhD. carmen.lyttlenguessan@famu.edu (850) 412-5363

Photo credit: A. Stanhope, PhD, Conchita Newman, Sabina Hayes and Carmen N’Guessan, PhD.


Food Production Gardens Miracle Hill Nursing Home

Oak Ridge Elementary School


Oak Ridge Elementary School

Both gardens were created and are currently maintained by Lester Gaskins. 19

Photo credit: Amelia Davis and Lester Gaskins


Congratulations! We would like to congratulate the following FAMU Cooperative Extension Program employees for successfully defending their dissertation and earning their Doctorate degrees :

Gilbert Queeley Carmen Lyttle-N’Guessan Sandra Thompson Leadership Gadsden Class #7 "The Magnificent 7" Graduates Demario Belford

Lonyell Black

Cindy H. Conley

Stacey Hannigon

Ricky Redding, Sr.

Cedric Russ

Donna L. Salters Arrie Battle, Director Edward Dixon, 2016 -2017 Curriculum Coordinator

Congratulations Hakeem! FAMU CEP’s student employee, Hakeem Holmes, will earn his B.S. degree in Agribusiness, with a minor in Economics, on August 4th, 2017! Photo credit: Hakeem Holmes

FAMU CEP welcomes Florida A&M School of Journalism student, Samuel Barnes to the communications team! Samuel W. Barnes, originally from La Grange, GA, was raised in Marianna, Florida. Samuel is a Public Relations major at FAMU and upon gradation, he plans to pursue a career in public relations/branding. “I decided upon this major because I have all

always been interested in building and expanding brands. Brands are all around us and many of the products we enjoy have a brand attached to it. None of these brands are able to reach the consumer’s market without someone promoting the best values of the brand amongst the public. Public Relations require good listening skills and asking questions. These two attributes, I’m very good at.” We welcome Samuel and look forward to reading his contributions to the FAMU CEP Quarterly Outreach magazine.


Extension Kitchen

Chevon Meatloaf Ingredients 2 eggs, beaten ¾ cup milk ¼ cup onion, finely chopped ½ cup dry bread crumbs 2 tablespoons parsley, snipped 1 teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon sage ⅛ teaspoon pepper 1 ½ lb. ground chevon ¼ cup ketchup 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon dry mustard

Directions Mix together eggs, milk, crumbs, onion, parsley, salt, sage, and pepper. Add ground meat and mix well. Pat into a loaf pan and bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes at 350°F. Skim off excess fat. Mix ketchup, brown sugar, and dry mustard and spread over meatloaf. Bake for 10 more minutes.





FAQ on Entrepreneurship Donna Salters

Q: Can I get a grant to start a new business? A: It depends. If your business is a not-for-profit organization that serves a specific population or a community service, then possibly. If your business is for a money making venture to sell a new product or service then no. Q: Do I need good credit to apply for a loan under my business name? A: Yes, most business loans will review your personal credit report to determine credit worthiness for a business loan. Q: Why should I register my business? A: Primarily registering a business identifies you as a legal operating entity and protects you in personal liabilities. It also helps you look serious whereas it can become easier to get bank credit or attract investors. Q:How do I register my business in Florida? A: The Florida Department of State Division of Corporation is your first stop. Go to www.sunbiz.org and choose how you want to set up your business: Sole Proprietor - is a type of business entity that is owned and run by one natural person and in which there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business. Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a form of business entity that limits the liability of its owners while allowing flexibility in operation and management and passing through its income to its members with no tax at the entity level. Corporation is a type of company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law. They come in different types but are usually divided into two kinds --whether they can issue stock or not, or by whether they make profit or not.

Donna Salters is the Small Business Education & Training Specialist with FAMU Cooperative Extension Program, She teaches Youth Entrepreneurship, and Business Development, under the Community Resource Development (CRD) Program 22

Disaster and Emergency Preparedness FAMU CEP’s Family and Consumer Sciences Program’s Disaster & Emergency Preparedness entails programming designed to increase knowledge of individuals and communities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural and man-made disasters, as well as develop and offer emergency management education programming to youth, adults and communities. If there is an emergency in your area, be ready to: 

Activate your emergency plan.

Locate your emergency supply kit.

Follow local alerts on the radio, television, internet and other warning systems.

For some emergencies, staying at home, formerly know as “shelter in place” is an option, but for others, evacuation is your best choice. Consider the risks in your area. Do you live on or near the coast, near a river or stream that can flood, or near a nuclear power plant? How could an emergency n your area affect roads and utilities? Pay attention to your surroundings, monitor trusted sources of news and be ready to take action.

Survival Salsa 1 16oz can corn, drained 1 16oz can black beans, drained 1 can or pouch of chicken (may use only 2 for meatier dish) 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 14.5oz can of tomatoes or 10oz can diced tomatoes w/chilies (i.e. Rotel or 16 oz jar of salsa) 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon onion powder ½ teaspoon cumin ⅛ teaspoon chili powder ⅛ teaspoon ground cayenne pepper or dash of hot sauce to taste, optional 1 package Mexican blend grated cheese, (only if it’s been properly stored in a cooler) Mix in large bowl. Sprinkle with grated cheese, if available. Serve with tortilla chips or crackers. *It is best to stick with low sodium canned goods because excessive thirst can be attributed to foods high in sodium. Drinking water may be limited during a disaster. -Kimberly Davis, FAMU CEP Educator Fore more information, please log onto www.floridadisaster.org Reference http://www.floridahealth.gov/programs-and-services/emergency-preparedness-and-response/_documents/prepareguide-eng.pdf


Photos: Amelia Davis

Officially, June 1st marked the beginning of hurricane season, so it is imperative that the importance of disaster survival is shared and broken down on what to eat and how to prepare when there’s no electricity for heating and refrigeration. One of the many recipes that fit that criteria is the “Survival Salsa”, which as demonstrated at the 2017 FAMU Farm Fest by Ms. Kimberly Davis.

Undergraduate Student Internship on Antimicrobial Resistance & Pre-Harvest and Post-Harvest Food Safety in Beef Cattle Production [By: Ray Mobley, DVM, MPH, DACVPM, Professor Emeritus and Erika L. Willis, FAMU Undergraduate]

Undergraduates from the University of Florida (UF) and Florida A&M University (FAMU) are participating in an internship that focuses on pre -harvest and post-harvest food safety training, as well as, introducing students to the various careers within the fields of food safety and antimicrobial resistance. The program is eight weeks long and is funded by a Coordinated Agricultural Project grant from the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). The first-phase of the program is taking place in Marianna, FL, at UF’s North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC). Its second-phase will take place in Gainesville, FL, at UF’s Department of Animal Sciences. Interns are receiving forty hours of training per week and instruction in areas, such as animal husbandry, the cattle weighing process, blood and ruminal fluid collection, antimicrobial resistance in cattle, use of field equipment and laboratory techniques, as well as, livestock handling and drug administration procedures (University of Florida, 2017).

(Figure 1.) An intern helps administer bolus gel capsules filled with Chromium (III) Oxide and Titanium Oxide, which are indigestible markers, to determine the fecal output of the cows through a marker dilution technique (B. McCracken, personal communication, July 9, 2017).

University of Florida. (2017). UF Emerging Pathogens Institute. Retrieved from: http://ufansciundergrad.blogspot.com/2017/04/ university-of-florida-pre-harvest-post.html (Figure 2.) The NFREC collects breath samples from livestock that are to be analyzed for enteric CH4 emissions and used in the research to control cattle greenhouse gas emissions through grazing practices (University of Florida, 2017).

(Figure 3.) Interns and researchers determine nutrient cycling by measuring total fecal and urinary output in cattle and their nutrient profile in each of the excreted pools (University of Florida, 2017).

(Figure 4.) Interns assess the abundance and richness of bee communities in grass monocultures and grass/ legume pasture systems by using the bowl trap method (University of Florida, 2017).


EVENTS All Year Round– Started June 2017 Open-air market, held every Wednesday, 11 a.m.– 3 p.m. Apalachicola, FL, between Avenues F and G - Vendors fee are $10 Contact: Falan Goff at falan.goff@famu.edu or at (850) 212-7873 *Days may be modified, due to weather in the fall and winter

July July 24-28th :FSSEP and FACE B-WET Summer Program (Apalachicola Residents only). Fr ee event. Contact: Conchita Newman (850) 599-8110 July 28th - Volunteer instructor for the “Project Learning Tree” Training Class at the Leon County Extension Office. Contact; Samuel Hand at samuel.hand@famu.edu

September September 9th 2017 Grape Harvest Festival, Tallahassee, FL 8: 00 a.m. - 4 p.m. FAMU Center for Viticulture and Small Fruit Research- 6505 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32317. For more info, contact (850) 599-3996 On-site registration is $6 for adults, free for children under 12, free for FAMU students with ID, and $3 for non-FAMU students with ID

October Oct. 17-19, 2017—Moultrie, GA Show Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Tuesday and Wednesday) 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Thursday) Credit/Debit/Cash Only at the Gate. No personal checks. Admission $10 per person / per day (Children 10 and under admitted free w/parent) $20 for a multi-day admission ticket Sorry! No Pets, No Golf Carts, No ATVs


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(850) 599-3546


FAMU Cooperative Extension The outreach unit of the college...the gateway to the University!

FAMU Cooperative Extension Program 1740 S. Martin Luther King Jr, Blvd. 215 Perry-Paige Building South Tallahassee, FL 32307


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