About Us O u r c o m p a n y “ K OY U N C U ” established 1966, have been trading “Handmade Rugs & Kilims” from Turkey, Balkans, Pakistan, and India. Over 4000 looms are being produced for us by mentioned regions. 30 years of experience and customer profile all around the world, we provide high quality hand-knotted carpets to the market.
In Montenegro, at Monterug, we proudly serve our customers in our pleasant atmosphere as a part of the culture and the tradition of the Balkans and we are trying to revive old weaving tradition which is about to extinct at Balkans by supporting local weavers and creating new opportunities to get their attention on weaving rugs, kilims and other arts.
History of woven art in Montenegro Ottomans had influence on Balkans and left heritages behind them. One of these heritages is weaving as a part of dowry. (Every young lady before marriage) They weave carpets, kilims and costumes to bring with them as a present to their future homes. Some samples of carpets and kilims can be seen at King Nicholas Museum at Cetinje, Montenegro.
Educational gnitanicsaF A and kliS fo yenruoJ Cultural Workshop I n ou r wo r ks h o p, you w i l l experience how silk threads are achieved, all process of weaving a carpet on a loom with a weaver artist and dying process. While you are experiencing cultural and educational workshop, you will enjoy the finest local beverages of Montenegro.
A Fascinating A Fascinating Journey of Silk Journey of Silk A j ourney of silk begins from caterpillar to cocoon and ends w ith the form of silk threads. Yo u w i l l f i n d a c h a n c e t o e x tract silk from cocoons while you get information about this amaz ing journey.
gnitanicsaF A kliS fo yenruoEJx pe r i e n c i n g h ow r u gs a re be i n g m a d e o n a l oo m by
a n a r t i st, you w i l l e n j oy g ett i n g i nfo r m at i o n a bou t kn ott i n g types, d u rat i o n of weav i n g a n d , a h u g e a m ou nt of effo r t to weave a p i ece of a r t.
Dying Process A Fascinating The traditional and natural way Journey of Silk of getting colors from vegetable roots in boiling water with vegetable roots and wool together in a big boiler.
Brief Information gnitan icsaFOur A Collection About kliS foO r iye nta enl carrupetoJex pe r ts w i l l s h ow h a n d -
m a d e ca r pets a n d g i ve i nfo r m at i o n a bou t t h e i r sto r i es, d es i g ns, m ate r i a l s, q u a l i t i es a n d t h e i r reg i o n s. O u r q u a l i f i ed sa l es staff w i l l h e l p you , to f i n d s u i ta b l e r u gs wh i c h w i l l s u i t a n d g i ve wa r mt h to you r h o m e.
Services P ri vate Shuttle We provide a private shuttle for you to take you from your hotels or yachts.
Certificate gnitanicsaF kliS fo yenru Ea c h c a r p ets a n d k i l i m s i s s u e d by a C e r t i f i c a te of O r i g i n a n d S a l es C o n t r a ct w h i c h o u t l i n es ex a ct l y w h a t yo u h ave p u r c h a s e d .
Shipment The purchased rugs are shipped to your destinations by Monterug for free w ithout any further costs such as taxes related in your countries. If you w ish to take your rugs w ith you, we provide a special and a strong carry bag to transfer easil y.
Repair To keep your area rug or carpet in excellent shape, our skilled technicians offer a variety of services, including: Repairing and reweaving, mothproofing, mold removal, pet stain and odor removal, Scotchgarde, and padding. At Monterug, our goal is to conserve and protect your investment so that you and your family may continue to enjoy it for generations to come.
Contact Us!
Radanovici B.B, Kotor, Montenegro Office: +38232331609 E mail: info@monterug.com Website: www.monterug.com