JCPenney Advertising Plans Book

Page 1

executive summary


event promotions


situation analysis


public relations


research overview


tv commercials


primary research


print advertisements


unique challenges


interactive media


consumer segmentation


social media


swot analysis


direct marketing




out of home advertising






creative direction


media plan


retail design


evaluation and analysis


executive summary Campaign Timeline: February 2012- February 2013 Budget: $100 million

Digging Deeper Through interviews, online surveys, focus groups and personal interactions with JCP, we were able to gain necessary and important information about our target market and JCPenney.

Knowing the Audience Moms. Sisters. Business Women. Aunts. Wives. Girlfriends. All women ages 25-34.

Setting the Bar Increase Sales by enhancing brand awareness with our target market and instilling in their minds that we know who they are. Drive more traffic to JCP by building personal relationships with customers through interactive and social media and through our direct marketing. Maintain and strengthen lifetime value through taglines, print ads, commercials, social media, and interactive media that stresses product value. Reposition JCP to the younger generation by implementing the “In Your Life” campaign. Create awareness of designer brands through our print ads, billboards and interactive media.

Changing the Game We will position ourselves to 25-34 year old women who embrace family, career and fashion. JCP is a girl’s best friend that has your back like no other because it is trendy, young, and affordable.

Creating Brilliance We believe we have thoroughly integrated a campaign that offers our target specific and practical ways to realize how JCP can and wants to be in their lives.

Bringing it to Life Event Promotions Public Relations Television Advertisements Print Advertisements Interactive Media Social Media Direct Marketing Out of Home Advertising

Checking for Success Market and Finance Reporting Facebook and Google Analytics Consumer Behavior Observation Studies Pre-test and post-test surveys attitude change Consumer Feedback Surveys Focus Group Research Monitor Online Communities

Looking Ahead In the pages ahead we will present to you the strategies and programs that reinforce JCPenney’s positioning to 25-34 year-old women. At Creo Advertising we understand that you want fresh ideas and we not only give them to you, we execute them with ease. We developed a campaign that not only incorporates JCPenney’s founding history but also launches the bold and attractive future of JCP. Our campaign fuses the lives of women and JCP together with common interests and inspiring interactions.

executive summary


situation analysis Is this a well-known brand? Least important purchasing decision

Does this store offer me variety?


Brand Does this look Trendy? Second most important purchase influence


Variety 41.0%

Will the products last?


Makes or breaks purchase decisions.



Creo’s hierarchy of p


Hierarchy of Consumer Needs We uncovered a major obstacle. Our target feels JCPenney is outdated for their style. They associate JCP to older women who have been shopping there for years.

We wanted to know why. Young women feel like JCPenney makes them feel older. These women explained in our surveys and interviews that it is a store for their mothers and grandmothers, but not for them. Research shows that these young women do not associate JCPenney with feeling young. It is, sadly, the opposite. They don’t get you. And more importantly, they feel like you don’t get them.


situation analysis

48.6% Quality 41.0% Fashion 39.5% Variety 18.6% Brand

research overview No Stone Unturned As we embarked upon this journey, we at Creo Advertising pledged to never leave any stone unturned. Our 24-member team worked to gather relevant and insightful information from 25-34 year-old women around the country.

Research Avenues

Research Objectives

Here’s how we overturned some stones...

Specifically, we wanted to know... What is important to women when deciding where to shop? What do they want from a department store? What do they think about JCPenney in comparison to the competition? What is JCPenney doing to meet them where they are?

Ad age

We started with secondary research so we would be better informed before we interviewed our target audience. We continued to review industry and current event articles throughout the campaign.



Adweek Hoovers

Retailing Today

research overview


primary research We introduced ourselves. We interviewed 37 women in our target age range and asked about their shopping habits, preferences and desires. We videotaped the interviews and used this to drive further research.

We wanted to get to know them better. We conducted an online survey. We asked about how often they shop, where they shop and why they shop where they do? More than 257 women from 31 states took our survey giving us a cumulative view of our target.

We asked for a second date. We still had unanswered questions. We wanted to go deeper so we asked our survey respondents to answer some open-ended questions. We asked them specifically about their views of JCPenney and their experiences shopping there. Most importantly, we asked them what it would take for JCPenney to become their favorite store. The experiences and insights shared by these 13 women helped to guide our creative strategy.

We introduced them to our friends. We conducted multiple focus groups in order to pre-test our advertising concept and early versions of our print ads and TV commercials. We received feedback from 64 participants. The feedback we received led to various modifications in our campaign materials.

We met the family. It was very important for us to understand all points of contact that JCPenney has with it’s consumers. We stalked JCPenney’s Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Channel and website. We downloaded the JCP phone App. We made 79 visits to JCPenney stores and we interacted with 25 associates or managers. We also made in-store and online purchases. We wanted to better understand their relationship before we began one of our own.


primary research

unique challenges


I feel like the typical JCPenney consumer is a woman between the ages of 40 and 65. - Monique M.

My expectations are mixed… some haven’t been the best quality. - Lindsey B.

I don’t expect there to be too many things in style—just nice clothing. - Ashley A.

Grey Hair Glamour We asked our target audience to describe a JCP customer. Women ages 25-34 aren’t ready to throw in the towel just yet. They may love their grandmother but they aren’t ready to borrow her clothes. The nostalgia of spending Saturday afternoon at the mall with their grandmother doesn’t translate to finding their fashion favorites hanging on the rack today.

We want to go from old to bold.

Stale Style We asked them to explain their fashion expectations for JCP.

I am surprised. I never see them advertised. - Amy W.

Women who want to make a statement with their wardrobe are looking for that wow factor. They want the trends and they want them now. The quality and brand are very important to the shoppers, but a close second is whether they’re fashionable or not.

We want to go from ordinary to extraordinary. I am incredibly surprised. I like those brands but haven’t associated them with JCPenney. - Stephany T.


I realized that they sold Sephora, but I did not know about the other brands. It’s surprising to me because JCPenney just does not seem like it is geared toward trendy or younger women. - Melissa G.

Designer Dilemma We asked them if they were aware of the designer lines at JCP. Women 25-34 may be starting families but they aren’t embracing “mommy” wear just yet. They still make time for guilty pleasures like Cosmo and Project Runway. They need to see that they can get a designer piece without emptying their bank account. The designers offered at JCP are fashionable, trendy and classic.

We want to take our customers from common to couture.

unique challenges


store challenges Outdated Décor We asked our target to describe their most recent shopping experience at JCPenney.


They are sterile and dated. The dressing rooms leave much to be desired, I dread having to go in them. - Monique M.

JCPenney always seemed like the most outdated store in any mall I went in. - Sarah K.

Cramped, carpet is gross, and decor is outdated. - Amy B.


Part of the whole shopping experience is the store itself. We want women to look forward to stepping through JCPenney’s doors and not only enjoy their shopping excursion but anticipate their next visit.

We want to go from crowded to crowd-pleasing.

Supermarket Service We didn’t ask our audience about customer service but they told us anyway.



The store was not well staffed at the time we !!!!!"#$%%&'!(#&)&*!+&!#,'!,!#,)'!(-.&!/0'-01!!!! someone to help us in the shoe department. - Erica B.

I used to work at JCPenney when the associates didn’t stay in the checkout hubs but actively sought out customers to assist. The stores are lacking a friendly face to help and they made clothing shopping feel like a supermarket trip.” - Monique M.

Women want to feel like a VIP no matter who they are. Women deserve to have their needs met, their questions answered and their time valued.

We want to go from inattentive to innovative in our customer service.


store challenges

opportunities 7((),3(-01!(#&!4,)1&(! We asked our target audience if they thought JCPenney was focused on attracting them or women like them. Here’s what they had to say: I feel like they have some good commercials but the store never matches the commercials. -Sarah K. “No. I haven’t seen much advertising for them. And it seems like their clothing is made for older women (style and cuts).” -Melissa G.

The follow up interviews confirmed our earlier research. Women are concernedwith finding a store that is affordable and offers age-appropriate fashion. A new discovery in our target audience was the need for plus-size clothes that accomplish the same goals.

2&3$.-01!4#&-)!5,6$)-(& We asked our target what JCPenney could do to become their favorite store. Their answers helped us better understand the direction we should take for our campaign. Read for yourself what our target said.

Better deals, better décor, trendy clothing. - Amy B.


A lot better quality and more choices in my sizes…its too crowded in their stores…clean it up a little. -Lindsey B.


Better quality and shopping experience. Great deals and current fashions. -Sarah K.




consumer segmentation

Real Housewives of JCP


From our research Creo identified 5 target segments within our 25-34 year-old age range. We present to you the fashion aware, socially conscious, family oriented Real Housewives of JCP.


1 Carmen Age 30 I love my career and I am proud of what I have accomplished. I am addicted to coffee, bookstores and my smart-phone. I never miss an episode of The Office. I want to shop somewhere that caters to my lifestyle. My style is ambition.


2 Catherine Age:33

From basketball practice to ballet classes we are always on-the-go. We love to watch Disney, HGTV and Food Network. With three kids and a husband to worry about, I need a one-stop-shop that is stylish and affordable. My style is stability.


Play. Match. Win. Can you match up the Housewives with their Housemates? 8

consumer segmentation

Who is going dancing with us tonight?

? Who is going to drive me to basketball practice?

consumer segmentation 3 Whitney


Age 27

Between my husband, new baby and the dog, I rarely take time for myself. My guilty pleasures are a spa day, girl’s night out and reruns of Friends. I need a store that will make me feel young and stylish. My style is tranquility.


4 Kristen Age:26 I’m a nurse and I’m engaged to a handsome firefighter. I’m planning the perfect wedding and I’m obsessed with watching “Say Yes to the Dress” on TLC. We want a store that helps us save money while we’re out saving lives. My style is optimism.

5 Stephanie Age:25

When I’m not busy writing my thesis, I enjoy hanging out with my roommates, perfecting my tennis serve and catching up on the latest Gossip Girl. I need clothes that are affordable, professional and flirty. My style is opportunity.

3 ?

Who is the cat’s meow?

? Who is my damsel in distress?

? Whose turn is it to change the diaper? consumer segmentation


SWOT analysis Weaknesses 1.

Declining Sales.


Long history of success.

2. Weak brand equity.

2. Wide variety of effective brands.


Poor perception by younger target segment.


Contemporary Ad campaign in 2011.


Consumers aren’t aware of JCPenney’s recent changes.


Interactive tools.


Focusing on price as key selling feature.


Focus on superior customer service.






High unemployment rate.


Reposition JCPenny for younger generation.


Increased competition.


Utilize and exploit social media.


Box-store price cutting.


Promote current brands.


Discontinuation of many print mediums such as catalogs.


Continue to build brand partnerships.


Build equity by focusing on value/quality rather than price point.


Connect with consumers in a personal way.

SWOT analysis


P C J tives c e j ob

increase sales

maintain drive !"#$%&#'()*%&"% & strengthen JCPenney lifetime value reposition JCP to the younger generation

create awareness of designer brands objectives


strategy bargain shoppers


shop at least once a month shop for self


: y g e t a r t S r e Consum The JCP Woman:


shop alone


shop in store and online


Our Consumer Strategy: Bottom-line:

Women in this age range are finding out how to balance their career and family. They are starting families and taking in all that life has to offer. They want to be smart with their money and JCP creates this opportunity.

These women browse for clothes in-store and online as often as every 1-2 weeks. Our strategy is to become their browsing destination, and then offer them the irresistibly affordable items they cannot live without. Women want the best deal for their buck. We want consumers to see JCPenney as their first choice when they are shopping for the best find.

Product Concept : Selling Features: Brand Architecture:

Top Quality Most Affordable

Fashion Forward Endorsed Designer Brands

The strategy behind our “In Your Life” campaign is to raise JCP’s brand equity among our target audience. We will position JCPenney as the dominant or foundational brand within our campaign. We want our women to automatically connect JCP to all their lives needs no matter what stages of life they are going through. Our sub-brands will serve to support the store’s core image. By raising awareness of JCP’s designer collections we will assure women they are getting the hottest trends at the best prices.

Positioning Statement:



“To 25-34 year-old women who embrace family, career and fashion. JCP is a woman’s best friend that has her back like no other because it is trendy, young and affordable.”


: y g e t a r t S ssage


Our research indicated that almost half of our target has not shopped at a JCPenney store in the last five years. At least a quarter of our respondents had not been in a JCPenney store in close to a decade. This means that we’ve got our work cut out for us. We aren’t going to instantly change their minds so we must plan strategically. Building off of the success of JCPenney’s efforts to update its image in 2011, we propose a 5-step re-branding process the “In Your Life” Cycle.

Initiation Focus: A Kiss From Me To You Goal: Questioning what you know We want to be front-ofmind and challenge what they thought they knew.

Exploration Focus: Rumor Has It Goal: Testing the Waters We believe that when they go into a store they will find great styles and prices.

Core Message Strategy:




Focus: Worth Fighting For

Focus: Come and Get It

Focus: Can’t live Without It

Goal: Changing the Game

Goal: Liking your Favorite

Goal: Returning for more

We desire them to see us as providing to consistently offer affordable fashions.

We want them thinking about us even when there isn’t an intention to buy.

We hope to become their first choice rather than a store they “cut-through.”

We don’t want our target to see us as outdated or a memory from their youth. We want them to see us as relevant and in their lives.

: s e v i t a r e p Im a i Med Sample Media Calendar for “In Your Life” Cycle Direct Marketing

Out of Home Advertising

PR & Event Promotion

Traditional Advertising

Interactive & Social Media

TV Ads Print Ads Radio Ads

360 Glam InYourLife Blog Personal App

Sephora Grabber JCP Items In-Store Recycle

Billboards Videos Stairs & Bench

Share a Kiss Day Dress for Success Walk Delilah

Sample Dates : Summer

Sample Dates : Continuous

Sample Dates : Launch

Sample Dates : Spring

Sample Dates : Launch



creative direction owered by BRAND IDEA The “In Your Life” campaign will position JCP as a part of our consumers’ lives.

BIG IDEA Many of the women we interviewed had fond memories of shopping at JCPenney as children but not as adults. We wanted to change that reality. Our slogan “In Your Life” centers on the idea of branding JCP as an ever present part of their past, present and future.

CREATIVE VISION We suggest using the slogan in a multitude of ways. One technique is to use the slogan to demonstrate how JCPenney provides products to meet all your lifestyle needs. The second technique is to alter the “life” aspect of “In Your Life” to capture those special moments, joys and relationships that make life worth living. The creative samples in the plans book will reflect both techniques.

TONE We will continue to maintain JCPenney’s well-established reputation for carrying traditional, modern, trendy and conservative fashions. We also want to hold true to the core values that made JCPenney what it is today. We embrace the golden rule foundation of JCP and vow to create only what we would consume ourselves.

EXECUTIONS The “In Your Life” slogan will appear as a font handwritten in Sephora lipstick. The incorporation of a lipstick tube and a kiss imprint in our creative will enhance the appeal for 25-34 year-old women. It will also allow us to “kiss” the life of our consumers through creative ideas like our launch event, “Share a Kiss Day”. We will break with convention in order to reinforce the personal aspect of the “In Your Life” campaign. We encourage altering the font’s lipstick shade and even changing the handwriting. John Lennon from is also showcased in the plans book.

in your life 14

creative direction

retail redesign 5 Star Service

In Your Closet What woman doesn’t want her very own walk-in closet filled with the latest fashions?

What woman doesn’t want to feel valued? JCP pledges to offer not only improved, but innovative customer service. Here is our 5 Star Service pledge: 1. To greet you once you step foot in our closet 2. To provide service with a smile 3. To offer you the latest fashion tips and tricks 4. To be available when you need us 5. To keep the closet clean and organized

Who wouldn’t want to shop at JCP?

JCP is undergoing a facelift of the most fashionable kind. We’ll be changing the lights, the flooring and the overall design. The design feature we are the most proud of is giving you your dream closet. We’ll make each department feel more boutique-like by adding interior walls, plasma TVs, built-in shelves and chic furnishings. Oh, and don’t forget to check out our state of the art fitting rooms.

You’ll love the interactive experience of 360 Glam.

Styleblog Saturdays What woman doesn’t wish she had her own personal stylist? Get advice every weekend from stylists at our JCP Styleblog Saturdays. Our specially trained team of young, trendy styleblog associates will offer advice on the latest fashions. We will institute scholarship/intern opportunities to help recruit and maintain our blog associate. They will introduce consumers to the JCP styleblog and the new style associate App.

The JCP styleblog and App will become the perfect accessories in your life.

retail redesign


event promotion Share A Kiss Day

Timeline: Starting February 1, 2012 all JCP stores will offer kiss stickers for $1. All proceeds go to the Childrens Miracle Network.

Objectives: Share A Kiss Day will officially kick off our “In Your Life” campaign where the tagline is personalized to read In Your Love.


Multiple billboards, projection ads on store fronts and skyscrapers, national TV ads, Today Show appearance, Delilah radio spots and “Sweet Tweets” on Twitter will support this event.

Today Show

Who knows love better than Delilah? That is why we will have radio spots during Delilah’s nightly radio show. It is a nationally syndicated broadcast that will hit our target to raise awareness for the Share A Kiss Day.

Social Media

On February 10, 2012 The Today Show will help celebrate Share A Kiss Day where our spokeswoman Jenna Fischer will appear every hour of the show wearing our kiss sticker, to promote the campaign and present each anchor and lucky audience members with their very own kiss sticker to wear.

Two weeks prior to Share A Kiss Day JCP’s Twitter will only produce “Sweet Tweets”. Using “Sweet Tweets” as a hashtag will create buzz by becoming a trending topic. Incentives will be offered for generating the sweetest retweets. Opportunities to donate to the Childrens Miracle Network and to purchase your own kiss will be made possible.

Billboard The Share A Kiss billboards along with Share a Kiss projection ads on buildings will be shown across the country in all major cities starting February 1, 2012. They will feature the iconic photograph of V-J Day, which is a symbol of passion, love and peace.

google images

Spokeswoman Our chosen spokeswoman is Jenna Fischer. Fischer is a star on NBC’s prime time hit the Office. The Office is our target market’s favorite television show. She represents a woman they can relate to and want to see succeed in her career and romance. Fischer will also be staring in the romantic comedy The Mechanical Man, set to be released in 2012.


event promotion

Sweet Sentiments JCP will make Dove Chocolate a little bit sweeter when we replace the wrapper quotes with creative “In Your Life” inspirations. Now our target will have an excuse to indulge.

public relations in your perfect life Product Placement


Suits to Self-sufficiency Dress For Success The mission of Dress for Success is to “promote the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire”. JCP will partner with Dress for Success to raise awareness, gather donations and make a difference in the lives of women. At every Power Walk event in May JCP and Crystal Light will partner together to give out water and flavor packets. Crystal Light will crosspromote Dress for Success donations at JCPenney stores during the months of April and May. In return for donating suits, customers will receive a 50% off coupon towards a piece from JCP’s professional line.

Objectives: To reposition the brand through shows and movies relevant to consumers. To strengthen relationships with consumers though cause marketing.

The Vow. JCP will utilize product placement in this movie, which is scheduled to be in theaters February 10, 2012. This coincides with the date of National Share A Kiss Day. The romantic drama stars Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams in a touching story that women in our target market will be drawn to see.

Timeline: Dress for success partnership will run in April, May,

& June. Product Placement will be utilized the most during Fall TV and movie season.

Budget: Event and PR $8,843,761

t n e m e c a l P Product ship for Partner 2012 l Fal I Don’t Know How She Does It. This movie, starring Sarah Jessica Parker, would also be ideal for product placement. The story line is about a woman who must balance her career and family, a character that is very relatable to JCP consumers.

Kari Lizer project (Kari Lizer). A multi-camera workplace comedy about a relationship challenged woman who, with the help of her co-workers, guides people through unexpected career transitions and downsizings (comedy, pilot)

I Hate My Teenage Daughter (Sherry Blising-Graham, Ellen Kreamer). Two women who were tormented by mean girls when they were younger, and are now appalled to realize their daughters are turning into the same type of girls they never liked. (comedy, pilot) Other People’s Kids (Stacy Traub, Peter Traugott, Hunter Covington). A 32-year-old guy with no responsibilities finds himself with an insta-family when he falls in love with an older women who has two kids, an exhusband, and ex-in-laws. (comedy, pilot) public relations


tv commercials Objective:

And Action! Through 3 TV spots we will brand JCP as the place to go to dress for success.


On February 1, 2012 we will introduce the “In Your Life” campaign. The commercials below reflect examples of ads that will run concurrently on different networks. These commercials will capture our primetime and fashionista markets. The life focus of the commercials will change every 3 months. Each of these commercials are unified by the “In Your Life” concept and the hit song by Adele, Rumor Has It. We want people to talk, speculate and even gossip about the new JCPenney.

Budget: $25,156,239

in your social life Show your glamorous side

Lindsey comes to life in a mock photo shoot, but she’s actually standing in the 360 GLAM while the pictures are being uploaded to her profile. As the flashes come to an end, she hears the chime of a notification on her smartphone. A friend has responded. Her friend has just sent a response saying, “That top is so cute on you. I’m jealous you got to try the 360 GLAM before me.” With a confident smile, Lindsey proudly replies with a response that reads “You should be. Want to have a Glam-off on Saturday. Dare you.” As the background music rises, the sound of more notifications are fading off into the back. JCP In Your Social Media.

* “In Your Social Life” (:30 sec) will air on E!, TLC, and ABC. Possible target shows include American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, The Bachelor, and Grey’s Anatomy. *based upon survey data


tv commercials

tv commercials

in your success Jill catches up with friends for lunch after her job interview. She then reveals she got the job. Caught up in her moment of excitement she notices her favorite food sitting on the table. She grabs the food and drops it on her new outfit. One of her friends is disappointed because she wanted to borrow the top. Jill confidently reveals it is from JCP. Two of the friends act surprised.

One friend suggests they go to JCP to get a new top. The other suggests they go to get new work clothes. All friends agree to go shopping at JCP during the weekend. JCP, proud to dress you In Your Success. * “In Your Success” (:30 sec) will air on Food Network, HGTV, and CBS. Possible Target Shows include 30 Minute Meals, Cupcake Wars, Rachel Ray, and Undercover Boss. *based upon survey data

in your little moments Jill and another woman are in the restroom. Close up on Jill’s sparkling shoes as she realizes she doesn’t have any toilet paper and embarrassingly asks her neighbor if she can “spare a square”. The other woman laughs and appreciates the Seinfeld reference. She happily offers to “spare a square”. The woman hands her the toilet paper and asks where she got her shoes. She confindently says she got them at JCP. JCP, in the little moments In Your Life.

* “In Your Little Moments” (:30 sec) will air on ABC, NBC, FOX, and E!. Possible target shows include Modern Family, The Office, House, and Biggest Loser. *based upon survey data

tv commercials


print advertisements Objective: Budget:

To demonstrate to consumers that we understand their lives and we want to be a part of it. $9,194,854

Worth Fighting For Body Copy. Don’t you hate when she does that? Out of all the clothes in your closet she still chooses your favorites. But don’t worry; it only gives you another reason to shop JCP. With designers like Liz Claiborne, MNG By Mango and Aldo, who needs an excuse? Media Outlets. 42% of our target read People and 23.6% read Cosmopolitan. Time Frame. When the year’s newest trends hit the market the fall months is when fashion is most competitive of August-November .

Worth The Flirt

Body Copy. Do you really go to the gym to work out? Why not find Mr. Right by wearing all the right clothes from JCP. Run to our nearest JCPenny to see our new line of Active Wear with the latest fashions that make you glisten, not sweat. Besides you never know who you could meet. Media Outlets. 28.7% of our target read Real Simple and 21.7% read Shape.

Time Frame. Summer months of May-August.

Fas hio n Wo r th Th e Sw eat

Pre-testing Results Over 95% of all viewers related to the Sibling Rivalry Ad. Our audience jokingly compared the exercise ad to an online dating website. Overall both ads were very likeable, attractive and showed that JCP cares about people their age.

QR Code Customers will find a convenient QR code on every print ad and clothing tag. By taking a picture on your phone, this QR code will take the customer directly to the JCPenney website where we can recommend other items that the consumer may like.

Check it out for yourself!

JCP. In Your Daily Routi


Do you really go to the gym to work out? Why all the right clothes from not find Mr. Right while JCP. Run to your local wearing of Active Wear with the JCPenney ’s and see our latest fashion and trend new line s to make you glisten, not sweat. Besides you never know who you could meet?

W W W. I N Y O U R


print advertisements


interactive media Objective:

To relate to customers through humor, games, and innovative shopping tools once again demonstrating JCP’s desire to become their number one store.

Timeline: Budget:

Continuous use of different games that correspond with online viewing selections. $6,439,862

Interactive Hulu Games Our women will no longer dread those horrible interruptions that slow down their Hulu experience. JCP will ease their pain by offering a series of interactive ads featuring our target’s most beloved TV casts from Glee, The Office and Grey’s Anatomy. This will provide entertainment to get them through the next 30 seconds or less.


In this example people will view both images and select 12 thing that are different in the second photo during a :16 second commercial break. The hand-eye experience will increase top-of-mind awareness of JCPenney.

Style App Our quick and easy Style App will bring out the chic geek in all of our women. We’re taking the Findmore Kiosk to a more personal level. Since the majority of our women shop alone, we’re giving them the perfect shopping buddy. From their smartphone they’ll be able to scan the barcode on the hangtag then the Style App will act as their personal stylist and guide them through situations such as how to transform the uptown girl into the downtown diva.

interactive media


interactive media style blog is the next generation of JCP blogging. style blog will feature ‘A spiring Women’ and ‘One Woman’. This blog takes JCP to the next level of personalization by giving women 25-34 a relatable site that understands their life.


interactive media

Objectives: Research: Time Line: Budget:

To connect on an emotional level with our target audience. To increase brand equity by making them aware of JCP as style leader. Blog’s are the fastest growing social media of our target. Continuous with daily updates. $6,439,862

interactive media My Account

Aspiring Woman


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Real women tell their story of how JCP is in their lives. From personal stories of success to style tips and fashion finds there is something for every woman. allows women to not only connect through an online community but, also keeps your style up-to-date with a direct buy option.




33, Publicist

26, Fashion Intern

AMY 29, 1st Grade Teacher


One Woman


This section takes you deeper into the psyche and style of the ‘AJESSICA spiring Woman’AMY . It allows you to click on S aHspecific 3I W M JCP J T Oidentity . woman that you with or aspire to be like. UsersMY willJCP be provided access to her unique JCP style from head-to-toe as well as given insights into her cool hobbies and interests. Teacher 29, 1st Grade

26, Fashion Intern

33, Publicist


My Account


Sign In

Search Keywords to see # NEW ARRIVALS















These are Kiran’s favorite things (Roll over for detail--and video clips too.)

KIRAN in SKINNY JEANS ‘More comfortable than any jean as the right to be.’


Read all about her >> See what she’s wearing >>


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Viewers can click the link to find out more about how JCP is in her Life.

Research IHS iSuppli projects that the sell of iPads with reach 242 million by 2015. Display Search predicts that tablets with continue to slow the growth of personal computers. The sell of smartphones is supposed to increase by 4 times by 2012 (New York Times). With the styleblog being available on these rising stars it allows us to keep up with our fast-paced and on-the-go tech junkies.

BLOG interactive media


social media Objective: Research:

To interactively develop relationships with our targets. Facebook is the target’s preferred choice followed closely by YouTube. Although the third leading choice, Twitter, has increased 250% in usage in the last year (daily finance).

Objective & Research To form relationships through the highest ranked social media among our target. 97% use Facebook

360 Glam o

Every woman wants to feel confident in her look. 360o Glam will provide a virtual opportunity to get an instantaneous second opinion before purchase. Does this flatter my skin tone? Do these jeans make my butt look big (enough)? Does this dress match these heels? The photo booth will be a place where shoppers can pose for pictures to be loaded directly on Facebook. While in the booth scanning the barcode will allow for all items of clothing to be “tagged” onto the JCP website. Once on Facebook friends of the “model” can comment on which articles they loved, and find links to the pieces they want for themselves. No longer do you have to wonder before you buy. JCP Glam gives you the opportunity to shop with your friends even if they are 1,000 miles away.


social media

social media Music Video Contest JCP YouTube channel will hold a music video contest that will feature contemporary artists that are “In Your Life.” Such as, Bruno Mars “Just The Way You Are” Adel, “Rumor Has It” and Katy Perry “Fireworks”. Winners will appear on LCD screens inside of JCP presenting their winning music video.

Objective To create collaboration with users through the second highest ranked interactive media.

Timeline: Budget:

Twitter Event Promotion


Twitter will be utilized in partnership with other popular media outlets such as Delilah and the Today Show to create buzz for the Share A Kiss Day on February 10th. Listeners will be able to take on-line romantic dedications on-air during Delilah’s radio show using Twitter. There will also be an online auction to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network and determine who gets to share their romantic dedication on Valentine’s Day.

Continuous $22,399,111

To increase our followers through creative and innovative strategies.

Share a Kiss is coming up this Valentine’s Day! Show your support on the 14th!

RT @jillianpaul I love the photobooth in the @jcpenney stores! Just had so much fun with my friends!


RT @sarahhaney Hello fellow @jcpenney shoppers! Saying “Hi” from the Seattle Location!

social media


direct marketing Objectives:

Timeline: Continuous Budget: $9,148,967

Create awareness of designer’s brands. Increase Sales of beauty products, specifically Sephora. Build brand image through product labeling.

JCPenney Target Areas

Pittsburgh, PA Fairview Heights, IL

Menomonee Falls, WI

Colombia, MO Dublin, OH Natick, MA Seattle, WA New York, NY +,#-./)$012%34 Denver, CO

Pineville, NC N Charleston, SC Kennesaw, GA

Glendale, CA San Diego, CA

Oklahoma City, OK

Wellington, FL

Tempe, AZ Albuquerque, NM


Dallas, TX

Recycle Bag. This black 15.5” x 19” chino tote is reusable and eco-friendly which will enhance the brand image of JCP. It is stylish and made from recycled material. Perfect for carring anything our lovely ladies have in their life while getting the JCP name visible.

Seeded Gift Card Holder. The seeded paper gift card holders are eco-friendly way to strengthen relationships among our stakeholders. These gift card holders will be available next to check out registers and online for purchases. The plant that grows from this card is a unique and beautiful way to remind them JCP is in thier life.

direct marketing

direct marketing

Direct Mailer. This direct mailer will initially be sent to women in 20 different states where JCP has a Sephora in-store. The purpose of this direct mailer is to create awareness of this beauty partnership and to increase store traffic by offering three unique “JCP In Your Life” Sephora Lipstick samples.

r M i r ro

Water Bottle. These aluminum water bottles are a trendy and convenient way to carry the JCP logo wherever they go. They will be placed in the active wear department for an impulse buy.


*See map on corresponding page for specific Sephora states.

le Sh


Window Cling. These window clings will increase brand recognition for JCP’s consumers. They will also serve to stimulate interest in the campaign.

Umbrella. In unexpected rain showers an impulse buy of an umbrella is evident. JCP’s new umbrella will increase their brand image to our consumers.

direct marketing


out-of-home advertising Video Projection: Valentine’s JCP Style IMAGE


Video Projection On February 1, 2012 the campaign will launch with video projections on the sides of JCPenney storefronts as well as skyscrapers in the 20 target cities. Romantic images such as the V-J Day kiss, Casablanca, Titanic, The Notebook, Ross and Rachel from friends, etc. will create a date destination for on-lookers. Each image will transition off the building by being consumed by “In Your Life” kisses until only the JCP logo remains.

Concourse Bench JCP: In Your Community. In Your Causes. In Your Life.


out-of-home advertising

Billboards. The outdoor billboards will feature strong, feminine, stylish women empowered by their JCP style. The ads will create awareness for our campaign by pairing the JCP logo with the “In Your Life” tagline. A customized “In Your...” tagline will be written in lipstick on a white background for consistency. The base of the billboards will replicate a tube of lipstick to stand out and resonate with viewers.

Staircase Ads Staircase ads will generate brand experience in shopping malls. As people are shopping, they will recognize the JCPenney logo and experience the message that JCPenney is in their life.

Objective: To grab the target consumers attention and drive traffic to JCPenney stores. To demonstrate our desire to be a part of young women’s lives.

Timeline: Video projection in February 2012. Stairs and park benches spring summer. Billboards will be continuous, these reflect the transition from summer to fall.

Budget: $6,656,179 out-of-home advertising


budget Research 1.2% Out-ofHome 6.7%

Contingency 2.4% Redesign 7.6%

Public Relations 8.8%

Direct Marketing 16.1% TV Ads 25.2%

Social Media 16.4% Interactive Media 6.4%

Print Ads 9.2%

numbers game Redesign PR & Event






Interactive Media


Social Media





Direct Marketing


Out of Home






media plan


GAINED Social Media 3 Hulu interactive ads Twitter @JCPinyourlife Facebook Fan Page Moblie App Blog Out of Home Billboards Staircase Concourse Bench Projection Public Relation Share A Kiss Day Partner w/Dove Spokeswoman Sponsor Dress for Success Walk Product Placement in Movie CREATED Direct Marketing Grabber Water Bottles Umbrellas Gift Cards Window Clings LCD TVs in store JCP Bag

PURCHASED Print In Your Life ads Television Thirty Second Spots Radio Delilah Radio Spot Magazine

2011­2012 Events Valentine Launch


media plan March

April Spring Fever

May Mothers’ Day

June Memorial Day The 4th

July Back to Business

Labor Day Harvest


New Year

August September October November December January

evaluation & analysis Increase Sales

Drive Traffic to JCP 28!9;-='-01!%&)"$0,=! relationships with customer (#)$;1#!-0(&),3(-6&>"$3-,=! .&'-,!,0'!(#)$;1#!$;)! '-)&3(!.,)<&(-01*!

Maintain & Strengthen LTV 4#)$;1#!(,1=-0&"?!%)-0(! ,'"?!3$..&)3-,="?!"$3-,=! .&'-,?!,0'!-0(&),3(-6&!.&'-,! that stresses product value.

Reposition JCP to the Younger Generation 28!-.%=&.&0(-01!(#&!@A0!B$;)! C-D&E!F,.%,-10*!

Create Awareness of Designer Brands 28!&.%#,"-G-01!H;,=-(8!,0'!"(8=&! 9&D$)&!%)-3&!-0!%)-0(!,'"?!9-==9$,)'"! and interactive media.


evaluation & analysis

In Your Life

28!&0#,03-01!9),0'!,:,)&0&""! :-(#!$;)!(,)1&(!.,)<&(*!+&!:-==! instill their mind that we know who they are

Benchmarks and Touch Points 1. Gradual Increase in Sales Volume Each Quarter.

2. Sales Growth potential will be the greatest during third and fourth quarter 3. By the end of the Fourth Quarter projected sales will increase by 12%.

1. Interactive Media will be measured using Google Analytics. Specifically we will be monitoring visitor to the style blog, bounce rate, and e-commerence.

2. Social Media will be evaluated by the increase in fans, friends, and followers. We will also pay close attention to the number of retweets and profile uploads using 360 Glam. Lastly, we will closely monitor Facebook Analytics. 3. Direct Marketing will be measured by the response rate of the grabber, the effectiveness of the “Share a Kiss Day” sticker in CMN donations and the sale of our promotional materials.

1. Monitor online communities to see what people are saying about JCPeney. 2. Consumer feedback surveys through either the website or 1-800 number.

3. At the end of each quarter we will conduct focus groups with our target audience in our designated areas-specially we want to check our highest and lowest performing stores.

1. Observation studies within JCPeney Stores will reveal if there has been a change in our consumer climate.

2. Consumer behavior research technique mentioned above, such as surveys, focus groups, and online communities will also test this objective.

1. Paired samples testing involving pre-test and post-test measure of awareness will indicate if there has been an increase in awareness.

2. Previously mentioned consumer research techniques will also tell us if the impression of the endorsed brands has increased JCP brand equity.

Team & Sponsors Advisors K)*!701&=,!+-'1&$0 R=-!T6&)9&8?!MI7

Direct Marketing & Sales Promotion C&,#!2;)=-01 Ricky Deakyne Jordan Jaime Laura Massey Muriel Maze

Creo Executive Board

L,(&!O3F,8?!7)(!K-)&3($) 2)-,0,!L,;DD.,0?!M),%#-3!K&"-10&) J$)',0!J,.-&?!F)&,(-6&!I%&3-,=-"( Graphic Design O;)-&=!O,G&?!F$%8:)-(&)! David Brower C&,#!2;)=-01?!F$%8!R'-($) Mark Heinsman Q-3<8!K&,<80&?!733$;0(!P=,00&) Briana Kauffman Kate McCay T:&0!2,<&)?!U-'&$!P)$';3(-$0

Public Relations Lauren Alvey F,).&0!M),01&) William Gray Justin Merrick Sam Ostalkiewicz Social Media Courtney Kearley Maria Martin Kelly McGuire Jillian Paul

Colophon The plans book was created using Adobe InDesign CS5, Illustrator CS5, and Photoshop CS5. All operations were performed on a Macintosh computer. The Typefaces used are Helvetica Neue, Myriad Pro, Arno Pro, and John Lennon. The Printing was done by Liberty University Printing Service.

Online Resources

Industry Standards Adweek Advertising Age Advertising Principles and Practices Brandweek Brittany Schwartz, AOL’s Campaign Planner for Integrated Brand Communications Designing Brand Identity Information Week Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal Journal of Marketing Journal of Market Research Marketing: The Core Nielsen Public Relations Cases Promo Simmons Market Research The 22 Immutable Rules of Branding FaceBook Prominent Sources Business & Company google Resource Center email Daily Finance alerts Display Search Forbes Fortune Harvard Business Review Hoovers IHS iSuppli Manta Twitter New York Times People Vogue YouTube Wall Street Journal

TV Commercial Production Owen Baker I#,:0!F,1=&! Paul Davis Jessie Gavin Donald Sanders Anderson Santos Special Thanks Ron & Jane Adema Gina Barker Joe Barry Dan Bathurst 7;9)&8!2=,0<&0"#-% Lynnda Beavers Courtney Boehmer F#-3$9,1"*3$. Jesus Christ Dianna Drane Eco Promotions J&))8!5,=:&==?!J)* Cecil Kramer K$;1!L);"& +-==-,.!M)-99-0 LU Facilities Department CN!O&'-,!C,9 CN!P)-0(-01!I&)6-3&" CN!Q&3$)'-01!I(;'-$! O$0-H;&!O,=$0&8 Ashley Meckley Faith Mullen William Mullen R=-!S!2&33,!T6&)9&8 Randy Pruitt Q-'1&:,8!4U!I(;'-$ Reva Tilley Stuart Schwartz Selah Simpkins 4#&!V&-1#9$)"!P=,3& 701&=,!S!K,6&!+-'1&$0

Company Sources Consumer Reports JCPenney Employees JCPenney Fall catalog JCPenney Stores PR Newswire Retailing Today Retailing Today Weekly Retail Fix

In your convenience In your time of need In your splurge In your adventure In your denial In your 25th birthday In your contentment In your delight In your presence In your 26th

In your sibling rivalry

In your risks

In Your Life

birthday In your history In your dreaming In your 29th birthday In your commitment In your delight In your

journal In your 30th birthday In your bank account In your shopping bag In your 31st birthday I your sleeping In your cofidence In your stride In your laughter In your awkwardness In your 33rd birthday In your clumsiness In your forgetfulness In your 34th birthday In your anxiety In your stomach butterflies In your advertisements In your designer brands In your winning campaign In your confidence In your shoes In your singleness In your marriage In your children In your future In your vows In your friendships In your studies In your media In your work out In your yoga class In your social life In your office In your date nights In your club life In your kitchen In your appetite In your decor In your run In your relaxation In your vacation In your options In your smile In your closet In your success In your moment In your opportunity In your love life In your house In your bedroom In your sweat In your flirt In your glisten In your family bonding In your college life In your makeup In your beauty In your desires In your goals In your happiness In your goofiness In your rainy days In your status updates In your social media In your mail In your email In your pictures In your dressing room In your jewelry In your

In your wildest dreams In your national title

In your mans wallet

computer In your handbag In your patio In your laundry In your “walk of shame” In your life In your style In your electronics In your boldness In your little red

In your shopping bag

In your coupons In your hammock In your spring cleaning In your play room In your swimming pool In your big & tall In your pregnancy In your baby shower In your home goods In your favorite brands In your gift cards In your catalog In your rewards In your free shipping In your time In your texting In your tweets in your 360 Glam In your colors book

In your success

In your hair style In your girl’s night outs In your blog In your maturity In your silliness In your carelessness In your sappiness In your tevelvision In your faith In your poise In your beliefs In your culture In your delight In your jounal In your Liberty Univerity In your handbag In your nailpolish In your finances In your giggles In your secrets In your accomplishments In your deteremination In your papers In your magazines In your lifetime In your favorite shows In your cabniets In your days In your stress-free moments In your abilities In your post cards In your theater production In your apple

In your registry

computers In your business meetings In your presentations In your lunch ins In your precious moments In your favorite designers In your mirror In your embarassing moments In your personal times In your comfort In your times alone In your comfy slippers In your pretty dress

In your first place finish

In your projects In your days of escape In your vacations In your workout In your sunrise In your times of need In your notifications In your budget In your events In your weekend plans In your In your family bonding In your college life In your makeup In your beauty In your desires In your goals In your happiness In your goofiness In your rainy days In your status updates In your social media In your mail In your email In your pictures In your

In your swipe

dressing room In your jewelry In your computer In your handbag In your patio In your laundry In your “walk of shame” In your life In your style In your electronics In your boldness In your little red book In your


coupons In your hammock In your spring cleaning In your play room In your swimming pool In your 33rd birthday In your forgetfulness In your 34th birthday In your anxiety In your stomach butterflies In your advertisements In your designer brands In your confidence In your shoes In your singleness In your marriage In your children In your future In your vows In your friendships In your studies In your media In your work out In your yoga class In your social life In your office In your date nights In your club life In your kitchen In your appetite In your decor In your run In your relaxation In your

your clumsiness

In your elegance

vacation In your options In your contentment In your delight In your presence In your 26th birthday In your history In your dreaming

29th birthday In your commitment In your delight In your journal In your 30th birthday In


In your

your bank

In your home goods In your favorite brands In your gift cards In your catalog In your rewards In your free shipping In your time In your texting In your tweets in your 360 Glam In your colors In your hair style In your girl’s night outs In your bedroom In your sweat In your flirt In your glisten In your family bonding In your college life In your makeup In your beauty In your desires In your goals In your happiness In your goofiness In your rainy days In your status updates In your social media In your mail In your email In your pictures In your dressing room In your jewelry In your computer In your handbag In your patio In your laundry In your“walk of shame”In your life In your style In your electronics In your boldness In your little red book In your coupons In your hammock In your spring cleaning In your play room In your confidence In your shoes In your singleness In your

In your trip to california

marriage In your children In your future In your vows In your friendships In your studies In your media In your work out In your yoga class In your social life In your office In your date nights In your club life In your kitchen In your appetite In your work out In your yoga class In your social life In your office In your date nights In your club life In your kitchen In your appetite In your decor In your run In your relaxation In your vacation In your options In your contentment In your delight In your presence In your 26th birthday In your history In your dreaming In

your 29th birthday In your commitment In your delight In your finances In your giggles In your secrets In your accomplishments In your deteremination In your papers In your magazines In your lifetime In your favorite shows In your shoes In your singleness In your marriage In your children In your fu-






















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