Executive Summary
Budget/Flight Plan
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Budget: $15 Million Season: January 2012 - December 2012 Research We know Silk’s brand, the milk industry, and milk drinkers. We spoke with the audience and read way too many finance reports. Campaign Objectives We will continue to increase Silk’s recognition by promoting Pure Almond Milk. Focusing on online, direct marketing and print advertising we will raise awareness and sales Target Audience We are specifically aiming for dairy drinkers that are curious about a milk alternative. Positioning For people who want to be healthy and care about the environment, Silk Pure Almond Milk is a healthy alternative to dairy milk. Silk is all natural, pure and delicious. Creative Silk Pure Almond Milk is better than dairy milk because it is made from almonds not cows, and almonds are nicer. The natural nutrition in almonds, as well as a “too-cute” personality, make for a better milk drink. Creative Elements
Direct Mrkt.
Print Ads
Blog Sponsorship Google Adwords Web Banners
In Store Sampling Ingredient Marketing Coupons
Magazine Out of Home
$ Millions
Soy Milk Sales: 800 600 400 200 1999
Soy Milk has experienced substantial growth in the last decade due to a green revolution, a stronger focus on personal health, and greater consumption by consumers who are lactose intolerant. The government does not restrict production, but subsidies it. Soy milk technology is changing quickly since its niche is relatively new. New techniques help increase the speed of production along with availability of Soy Milk products. Industry Segments One of the segments in the fluid milk industry is almond milk. In addition, Silk has flavored milks, soy milk and soy yogurt categories. Silk Soy Milk has a 75% share of the soy milk industry. TIMELINE
Silk Soy Milk Founded in Colorado by Steve Demos. 1977 1999 Suiza and Dean Foods merged to create a dairy company that owns 1/3 of the market.
Dean Foods buys White Wave, the maker of Silk Soy products. 2002
Silk introduces Pure Almond, its first non-soy product.
Dean Foods merges 3 subsidiaries, including Silk. 2004
2003 Starbucks began offering custom Silk products. Market share reaches 85%.
2005 Steve Demos resigns as president of White Wave foods.
2010 Silk owns about 75% of the soy milk market. Great growth over previous three decades.
BRAND OVERVIEW Brand Promotion Silk created brand awareness by handing out numerous samples. This was the start of their grassroots campaign, but they continue to sample themselves. In 2007, they partnered with Kashi to hand out 250,000 samples. Silk promoted itself to the intellectual crowd by marketing itself on NPR radio instead of commercial radio stations. Silk is a huge player in the green initiative. They market themselves as, “Better for you. Better for the earth.” and have won the Green Power Leadership Award. Brand Weaknesses Continuing health concerns over soy products, especially estrogen levels in men, are a large problem for Silk. Silk’s switch from organic soy beans to more conventionally produced ones has been problematic. Because of Silk’s contribution to the soy milk category, many competitors have arisen in the industry. Brand IMPERATIVES Silk produces superior quality dairy alternatives. They are the leader in the market and create trends that new companies must follow in order to succeed. They do this while keeping both eyes on the environmental effects of their work. Brand DIFFERENTIATION/EVALUATION Silk was the first soy milk to compete with dairy milk by refrigerating soy milk. It was placed right next to dairy in grocery stores. Cartons were even designed to look like dairy cartons. Silk makes itself an exciting product by using vivid colorful packaging. Silk continues to introduce new flavors and products to its line, making it a one stop soy shop.
PROMOTION VEHICLE National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc
WEAKNESSES Yogurt focused
STRENGTH Leader in water
BRAND POSITION Worldwide leader in water and fresh dairy products
SLOGAN/THEME High Ingredients equals high quality product
College and Universities, Diversity
No soy products.
Variety of products. Popular cereals.
Among the world’s largest food companies and some of the world’s best loved brands.
Nourishing lives — making lives healthier, easier and richer.
The NASDAQ Global Select Market
Many products. No distinction.
Natural and organic.
Leading natural and organic food and personal care products company in North America and Europe.
A Healthy Way of Life
TARGET ABOUT OUR TARGET Silk is targeted at thinkers and believers who are health and environmentally conscience. Current consumers are loyal soy milk drinkers, however others are rather reluctant to buy a milk substitute. Silk buyers are 25-45 year-old men and women (around 65% female) across the United States. They make slightly more than the average American, tend to live in cities and idealize the country. The perfect customer is health and environmentally conscious. They enjoy dairy, but can be convinced to try a milk alternative. THE NUT Active and environmentally responsible. Drives an eco-friendly car to yoga class. Loves going barefoot outdoors. Relates to cartoons and animal imagery more than photography or hard sales. In extreme circumstances, may be referred to as a “hippy.” Currently enjoys Silk. THE shell Needs to shed a few pounds. Open to dairy alternatives, but is reserved about them. More concerned with health benefits than environmental ones. Avoids anything that doesn’t say low or no fat. Shops for the whole family, but the kids have to approve the taste. THE CORE Needs an alternative to dairy because of lactose intolerance. Hated answering the same question at school lunch everyday, “Where’s your milk?”
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STRATEGY To continue to increase Silk’s recognition, we will promote Pure Almond Milk. By focusing on online, direct marketing and print advertising, we will achieve our desired objectives.
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objectives 1. Develop a more open attitude to Silk products. 2. Get 50,000 views on our YouTube video in one year. 3. Narrow the market share gap between diary milk and Silk by 3%. 4. Convince those “on the fence” that Silk products are flavorful, healthy, environmentally beneficial alternatives to dairy milk.
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online 1. Make enough of an impact that people begin to mimic and parody our ads. 2. Increase web visits by 10%. 3. Motivate health bloggers to write about milk alternatives.
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DIRECT MARKETING 1. Increase sales at Walmart with sampling. 2. Claim 4% response rate with coupons. 3. Get name recognition by 30% more milk purchasers.
PRINT ADVERTISING 1. Increase brand identity with a print campaign. 2. Begin to stick in customer’s mind while shopping.
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POSITIONING STATEMENT For people looking to be healthy and care about the environment, Silk Pure Almond Milk is a healthy alternative to dairy milk. Silk is all natural, pure and delicious.
CREATIVE DIRECTION PROBLEM Our research shows people prefer dairy milk over soy milk and other milk alternatives. Loyal dairy drinkers haven’t tried Silk, and are satisfied with what dairy provides. CONSUMER INSIGHTS Most consumers have a fairly unfavorable view of dairy alternatives — a stigma that’s difficult to break. Men tend to drink dairy milk regularly with meals while women enjoy milk with specific foods. Bovine imagery is overused in dairy related advertising. SOLUTION Silk Pure Almond Milk is better than dairy milk because it is made from almonds not cows, and almonds are nicer. The natural nutrition in almonds, as well as a “too-cute” personality, make for a better milk drink.
WEB VIDEO The Story One morning a farmer goes out to milk his cows, but the cows don’t want to be milked. They run away and evade him in a cute but frustrating way. The farmer gives up on the stubborn cows and milks an almond instead. Because, Almonds are Nicer. The Setting This video we produced is specifically for the web. It is commercial in nature, but it has a level of viral appeal and will generate discussion. The video is flexible enough to post on social media pages and be a standalone advertisements on websites. The Future Because of Silk’s huge growth in the past few years, the brand is ready for national advertising. However, national ads should focus on Silk’s best product, Silk Soy Milk. Featuring a new product like Pure Almond Milk or dividing a campaign between the two would dilute those efforts.
TONE Carrying the Almonds are Nicer idea into print ads provides a broader reach for Pure Almond Milk. The ads are fun and cute. The talking almond visually grabs attention and the engaging copy portrays personality.
AWE, HE’S HELPING OUT HIS FRIEND Those almonds are so darn nice Always tasty and healthy You should try Silk Pure Almond Milk Made from nice almonds like these Always a nicer tasting milk
PLACEMENT Magazines like Shape, Oxygen, Self, Men’s Health and InStyle provide good readership for Pure Almond Milk. They will run several issues consecutively to build recognition.
THAT’S CUTER THAN A KITTEN CALENDAR And probably better tasting too Silk Pure Almond Milk Made from the nicest almonds around Doesn’t consume electricty during production Silk farms run on wind power Those almonds, saving the planet How Nice
When driving down the road people will be presented with these Silk Pure Almond billboards. These advertisements will move people in the direction of Silk by giving them a fun, healthier alternative to dairy. Being placed along highways and around major metropolitans across America, Silk’s brand identity will steadily increase.
IN-STORE SAMPLING Through our research, we found that the public is willing and curious to taste milk alternatives. Sampling has proved successful for your brand before. By providing a safe, free sample, customers can overcome the initial purchase fear. KEY INSIGHTS ENHANCE SAMPLING: • Saturday is a large grocery shopping day. • Commissioned samplers should be women ages 25-40 to entice the highest response. • Sampling has immediate rewards and future benefits. • Follow up is important! • Set up near the milk coolers to target current milk purchasers. • Advertise the sampling through Google Adwords. • Focus on separate neighborhoods to measure sales changes effectively. • Milk sales only vary by 6% from month to month, so yearly timing is not an issue.
2/3 people try an in-store sample
Let’s Try Some
Let’s Buy Some after tasting it, 1/3 people buy an in-store sample research: http://www.arbitron.com/study/product_sampling.asp
drawing: Silky Smooth Creatives
INGREDIENT MARKETING One of the best things a company can do to promote a new food product is to promote what that product is made from. In other words, use another company’s familiar and respected brand as the “ingredient” of your product. In our case, we’ll be teaming up with the Blue Diamond brand. Silk will be using a small percentage of Blue Diamond’s Organic almonds in their almond milks. This will not require a recipe change, but will cooperatively brand the two products. We will be supporting our earth conscious and organic buyers. We will be teaming up with Blue Diamond to put small Silk advertisements on their Blue Diamond Organic almond cans. In turn, we will have their logo on Silk Almond cartons.
Why Coupons? Coupons will help inspire first purchase decisions. They also target rational shoppers who are more health conscious. Where will we put them? Grocery stores that carry silk will insert our coupon in their coupon flyers for distribution in store in by newpaper.
New Silk PureAlmond. Comes in three delicious flavors! CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH OTHER OFFERS EXPIRES 6/30/11
GOOGLE ADwordS target people who want to know more by searching Google. The customer is in the perfect position to be sold to. Ads are targeted by keywords, so only interested people see them. This is a cost effective way to drive traffic to Silk’s websites. Ads appear on the right side of the search engine, as well as on third party sites Google selects. In addition, we will make Google ads specific to each sampling location. Someone that Googles “Walmart Bloomington IL“ with in three days before our sampling will be informed that we are coming with free milk.
Scrolling to catch someone’s attention. That’s exactly what these banner advertisements will do. Linking you directly to silksoymilk.com to let customers know the health benefits of Pure Almond Milk, not to mention the great taste. Placing these on healthy eating/healthy living sites will best reach our desired target market. www.eatingwell.com www.foodnetwork.com www.fitnessmagazine.com
Blog Sponsorships are innovative and reach specific people groups. They capitalize on the hard work and marketing of similar people. Choosing a well established, but untapped, blog is essential. From our suggested blogs, sponsoring one will allow Silk to become the sole advertiser. From between $100-1000 a month Silk can place web ads without competition. Also, sponsorship will allow the blog creator to focus on content, not advertising. This helps support the health food community. Depending on contract negotiation, Silk could require articles discussing Silk products. The blogs also contribute email addresses for further marketing opportunities.
TOP TO BOTTOM http://www.katheats.com/ http://pickyeaterblog.wordpress.com/ http://cheaphealthygood.blogspot.com/ http://www.laurelonhealthfood.com/
3% 1.7%
Web Video Web Banners Print Ads Coupons
In Store Sample Google Ads Ingredient Marke<ng Blog Sponsorship Research Con<ngency
Web Video Out of Home In Store Sampling Print Google Adwords Web Banners Coupons Ingredient Marketing Blog Sponsorship Research Contingency
2,000,000 1,200,000 4,200,000 3,000,000 2,400,000 300,000 400,000 400,000 85,000 800,000 215,000
Measure sales Measure capture of market share from dairy milk.
Measure the sales increase at one week, one month and six months after sampling at specific stores.
Track visits to Silkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website that originated from our blog sponsorships.
Conduct a survey on Silkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website, evaluating our campaign.
CONCLUSION With 15 million dollars and one year, Silky Smooth Creatives will take Silk Pure Almond Milk to a new audience. We will convince curious, but reluctant, dairy drinkers to taste Silk. Reinforcing their decision stands our campaign saying Silk is better than dairy because it is made from almonds not cows, and Almonds are Nicer. Innovative and strategic media choices with strong creative messaging will prove successful.