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This April, grocers joined CGA in Sacramento to lend us their voices for one of the most important industry advocacy days of the year, Grocers Day at the Capitol.

Our morning began with heavy-hitting speakers from the Capitol community. Chair of the Moderate Democratic Caucus Asm. Blanca Rubio spoke with us about upcoming priorities for the businessfriendly caucus. Topping the caucus’ current priority list is a plan to strengthen its scale and presence at the Capitol by recruiting new members for the 2024 election season, Asm. Rubio shared.

Capitol Correspondent for KCRA 3 and President of the Capitol Correspondent Association Ashley Zavala, who has received praise for her forthright and thorough reporting of elected officials, sat down with us to discuss the media’s role in maintaining checks and balances with lawmakers. Ashley shared her insights on the ways grocers can work with the media strategically to tell our industry’s story and hold the legislature accountable.

The bread and butter of CGA’s advocacy day is our afternoon meetings with lawmakers. During these meetings, grocers shared their firsthand experiences operating stores in California and discussed the real-life impacts of proposed legislation. This year, our focus spanned from amending harmful retail theft legislation, to opposing store closure and worker retention bills that would create barriers for grocers of all sizes hoping to expand in California.

On behalf of the Association, thank you to all of the grocers and food industry leaders who spent the day advocating with us for California’s grocery community. We would also like to thank our sponsors for contributing to the success of our event. ■

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