2012 annual report
California Flowers: Making a Difference
“I am unwavering in my support for our flower farmers in California. These family farms not only bring value to our economy, but they provide the nation with locally grown flowers. California’s Flowers are truly America’s Flowers.” —Congresswoman Lois Capps, CA-24
erving as Chair of the California Cut Flower Commission over the past year has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my 30+ years in the cut flower industry. During this one year alone, I have gained a tremendous amount of perspective, insight and encouragement by serving in this capacity. Being involved, working with my fellow flower farmers and seeing what we can accomplish by focusing our collective attention and resources has been very inspiring.
It’s Making a Difference
During this past year, we have seen continued momentum for locally grown, California Grown and American Grown Flowers. On behalf of our farms, the CCFC not only keeps its finger on the pulse of this American Grown Movement, but also continues to work to ensure that this movement is not lost on flowers. We, as flower farmers, are fortunate to have this collective voice, providing our customers, consumers and lawmakers with a consistent drumbeat of information about the value of buying “CA Grown” flowers. In many ways, the work to address this dynamic change in our industry is just beginning. While tremendous progress has been made by the CCFC over the past several years positioning California’s Flowers as America’s Flowers, we are just beginning to see the many open doors of opportunity that the work has provided for. There are so many people, consumers and retailers, wanting to tell the “field to vase” story, that want to know a farmer, that we must continue to work together to provide people with what they really want; locally grown, California Grown, American Grown Flowers. I consider it a privilege to serve as the Chair of the CCFC and I am proud of this Commission’s work. I am also proud to be a California Flower Farmer, associated with such a fine group of fellow farmers that are working together to make a difference. Thank you.
Invested Leaders
A Sponsorship Program Investing in the Success of California’s Flower Farmers
BECOME INVESTED! The Invested Leaders program provides a unique and valuable opportunity to become involved with the Commission’s efforts. Join Today! www.ccfc.org/InvestedLeaders
Lane DeVries Chair
California Cut Flower Commission | www.ccfc.org
2012 Annual Report
“I feel extremely fortunate to be a part of the CCFC’s efforts advocating for California’s flower farmers. I have personally seen and felt the difference being made on our behalf.” —Tony Ortiz, Joseph & Sons
California’s cut flower farmers represent approximately 80% of United State’s flower production. Generating $278 million in farmgate value in 2011, California’s 225 flower farms employ over 14,000 people and create a $10.3 billion economic impact.
g ove r nmenta l a f f ai r s
Making a Difference in Advocacy
Delivering the Message: Flowers for Congress Over the past five years, the CCFC has successfully established a tradition of delivering California Grown flowers to each of the 53 offices of California’s Congressional delegation and both Senate offices.
10.3 billion dollars economic impact
• Over 400 deliveries made • Information cards explain the value of California’s flower farms • Generates industry recognition and notes of appreciation
Fly-in: Because it Matters The CCFC is actively engaged with educating lawmakers, regulators and policy makers on the specific issues facing California’s flower farms at the federal, state and local levels. Over the past four years, the CCFC has successfully coordinated an annual trip to Washington DC for our farmers to meet with members of Congress and members of the Administration to accomplish the following on behalf of all California’s flower farmers:
14,000 direct jobs
• Access to a stable workforce • Fair federal trade policy • Improved access to USDA programs and resources
225 farms
California Cut Flower Commission | www.ccfc.org
2012 Annual Report
“The CCFC has really inspired an important effort to connect people with our greenhouse. We have been in Santa Cruz for over 40 years and this event has done more to connect us with our neighbors and our community then anything we’ve ever done before.” —Stuart Kitayama, KITaYAMA BROTHERS
California’s Flowers are America’s Flowers • With imports representing approximately 80% of flowers sold in the United States, California Grown flowers provide consumers with a locally grown choice. • California’s flower farmers represent the largest group of registered licensees of the “CA Grown” brand, providing consumers with origin based information.
Making a Difference in Promotion
Inviting the Public: Know Your Flower Farmer Over the past 4 years the CCFC has worked regionally to encourage farms to open their greenhouse doors to their community annually. • Public events at flower farms are now held in each of the CCFC’s four districts • Over 5,000 people have attended the Carpinteria & Monterey Bay events over the past 4 years • Approximately $25,000 has been raised for local non-profits during these events
65,000 the california grown experience views
5506 total likes on facebook in 2012
97,157 unique website page views
8.6 million online impressions of rose parade PR
California Cut Flower Commission | www.ccfc.org
2012 Annual Report
“I feel very fortunate to have the Commission continuing to research and develop programs that improve my opportunity to succeed. I consider both F.R.A.M.E. and the California Sustainability to be perfect examples of such programs.” —Winfred Van Wingerden, Maximum Nursery
Sustaining California California’s flower farmers are committed to being America’s source for the most sustainably grown flowers in the U.S. market. • Increasingly consumers recognize that source of origin plays an important role in sustainable production.
Making a Difference in Research and Development
CA Grown: The Sustainable Choice In 2012, California’s flower farmers selected SureHarvest to develop a sustainability program exclusive to growing flowers in California. • Research shows that California’s flowers represent a unique sustainability position • The Commission is committed to help certify over 50% of California’s flower production by 2015. • The CCFC has made a $250,000 commitment towards program development
3 times to 16 times california’s transportation footprint is 3x t0 16x less than that of south america
+ south america
California Cut Flower Commission | www.ccfc.org
2012 Annual Report
2011 California-Grown Top Crops crop
amount sold x1,000
value of sales x1,000
2010 California-Grown Top Crops crop
amount sold x1,000
value of sales x1,000
% of Annual CCFC Budget Distribution
17% governmental affairs
0% administration 5 19% promotion 10% gred 2% transportation 2% cdfa grant
12% governmental affairs
52% administration 16% promotion 3% gred 12% transportation 5% cdfa grant
Numbers Report
California Cut Flower Commission | www.ccfc.org
2012 Annual Report
Lane DeVries
Jennifer Everett
Chad Nelson
The Sun Valley
Ca li fo rni a F lo ra l
Euf lo ri a F lowe rs
Gree ns
3 1 Tom Lemus Farm e rs ’ West
David Van Wingerden
June Van Wingerden
Flowe rs
West la nd F lo ral
Ocean Bree z e I nt.
Michael A. Mellano
Diana Roy
Me lla no &
Brot he rs P rot e a
2 3
4 4 Res e nd i z
Co m pany
California Cut Flower Commission | www.ccfc.org
2012 Annual Report
California Cut Flower Commission P.O. Box 90225 Santa Barbara, CA 93190-0225 www.CCFC.org | info@ccfc.org @caflowers | @ccfcnews