Motion Analysis of Glenohumeral Joint

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Carol Hawthorne November 30, 2009 HPEZ 373

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Glenohumeral joint     

Multiaxial ball & socket joint A.K.A. – enarthrodial Moves in all planes Most movable joint in the body Stability < Mobility

The Rotator Cuff


Phase 1: Horizontal Abduction Muscles involved: Deltoid, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor

Phase 2: Abduction Muscles involved: Supraspinatus, Deltoid

Phase 3: Flexion & Adduction Muscles involved: Pectoralis Major, Deltoid, Teres Major, Latissimus Dorsi, Coracobrachialis, & Subscapularis,

Glenohumeral Injuries 

Isokinetic Peak Torque Ratios and Shoulder Injury: History in Adolescent Female Volleyball Athletes  Christopher D. Stickley, PhD, ATC; Ronald K. Hetzler, PhD, FACSM; Bret

G. Freemyer, MS, ATC; Iris F. Kimura, PhD, PT, ATC

Glenohumeral Injuries 

Isokinetic Scapular Muscle Performance in Overhead Athletes With and Without Impingement Symptoms  Ann M. Cools; Erik E. Witvrouw; Nele N. Mahieu; Lieven A. Danneels

Muscle Length Tension

The need to strengthen!!

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