Know Why You Feel Breathless

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Know Why You Feel Breathless A feeling of breathlessness is pretty common. But it could be an indication of a greater illness developing in the body. Breathlessness is frequently experienced by many people often after running for a bus or even a jog around the park. Obese people are the worst affected. But the situation becomes alarming when shortness of breath becomes a regular affair irrespective of what you are doing- working, resting, or speaking. The condition is called dyspnea. Many patients in Huntington Beach have felt that the chest tightens during breathlessness, breathing becomes difficult, sweating starts, and they gasp for breath like a fish out of the water. During such a sensation, contacting a health service provider is imperative.

What Causes Breathlessness? Approximately two-third of the patients suffering from dyspnea has cardiopulmonary diseases as the underlying cause. Some of the common reasons for shortness of breath include:

 Respiratory tract infection Pneumonia is a chest infection that can make you breathless and is usually associated with a cough and fever.  Pulmonary embolism A clot in the lung can make breathing difficult. It usually develops in the leg possible after remaining at rest for a long time and then travels all the way to the heart.  Heart failure When the heart fails to pump effectively you feel breathless and a pressure builds up in the blood vessels. As the tissue fluid increases, the ankles swell up and you feel extremely tired.  Asthma Patients become breathless owing to allergy and cold.  Allergic reaction

 Anxiety Fright and panic can increase heartbeat, pulse rate, and cause breathlessness.  Respiratory tract blockage Sometimes inhaling a foreign object like a peanut can also block the respiratory tract leading to difficulty in breathing. A thorough check-up has to be conducted in order to figure out the exact problem. Your doctor will advise any of the following: 1. A chest x-ray can help to determine if you are suffering from lung inflammation, pneumonia, or scarring. 2. An EKG will test the heart muscles and look for signs of a heart attack. 3. BNP is a blood test which helps to show if there is fluid build-up. 4. Whether you are suffering from asthma or not can be established by the test called spirometry which measures the amount of air in your lungs. 5. To check the amount of oxygen present in your blood, you will be asked to undergo oximetry.

How to Manage Dyspnea? The underlying reason has to be diagnosed first for shortness of breath treatment. The first step is to determine the primary organ responsible for the condition, for instance, the cardiac, pulmonary, none of these, or both. In nearly one-third patients, breathlessness is multifactorial. If the condition persists in spite of maximum care then more than one reason can be held responsible for the condition. Patients with a chronic problem need to reduce their activity, but a sedentary lifestyle can aggravate the situation. Along with proper treatment, it is essential to take care of oneself. Remember that: 1. Smoking is a strict no-no if you are suffering from shortness of breath. 2. Prevent exposure to dust and allergens if you are asthmatic. 3. Being overweight can make breathing pretty difficult. So exercise regularly to keep your body weight under control. 4. If you have had a heart attack, don’t forget to take your medicines regularly and avoid salt intake.

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