Symptoms of Varicose Veins The most common signs include swollen, twisted and bluish veins below the skin. However, in other patients, the following symptoms are warning signals enough to consult an experienced medical professional.
Minor Symptoms Your skin starts itching over the affected part. A light pain, heaviness and burning sensation in legs. These signs may be more pronounced in the later part of the day, after you have been standing or sitting for quite some time. Mild swelling in your feet and ankles
Severe Symptoms Acute calf pain and protuberance in your feet and ankles after standing or sitting for a long period of time. Bloated leg and accumulation of fluid Dry, itchy, scaling and swollen skin Changes in the color of your skin around the lower legs and ankles Open ulcerations Superficial thrombophlebitis; this happens when the blood starts clotting and veins get inflamed near the skin surface. When blood clots in your superficial veins, the clots hardly travel to your heart or lungs. This is serious because it could lead to severe blockages. Bruising or bleeding even after a negligible injury. Bacterial and fungal infections are developed due to fluid buildup in your leg. This is known as edema. If not treated on time, there are possibilities of tissue infection or cellulitis. So, if you are having any of the symptoms discussed above, consult an experienced specialist providing Varicose Vein treatment immediately without any delay.
/CaliforniaHeartSpecialists /DrMajedChane