Vitamin D Alert: Improper Usage Can Trigger Your Heart
When it is all about your heart, Vitamin D consumption can be tricky. You need to make a balance as low intake can cause cardiac failure and bit higher than average can lead to fast heart rhythms. Here’s a sneak peak to vitamin D and its effect on your heart.
The failure to consume Vitamin D regularly has led to major illnesses in the past few years. According to a well-known research of 2009 that found its appearance in the "Archives of Internal Medicine", "about 77% of Americans suffer from Vitamin D deficiency." Vitamin D is not only crucial for healthy bones, but also circulating the essential minerals in the body. As a consequence, Vitamin D insufficiency can lead to fluctuations in the mineral levels. This can even impact your heart adversely. If you are going through continuous heart palpitations, visit cardiologists to the earliest possible. Vitamin D: Fundamental Facts Vitamin D has fat-solubility elements that are much-needed for your bone's healthy life. It regulates essential body minerals like calcium and magnesium. You can take Vitamin D in the form of oil-rich fishes like salmon or Vitamin D rich milk. However, your body also secures it through skin from the exposure to the ultraviolet B rays of the sun. The usage of sunscreen creams as a measure to prohibit skin cancer has caused scarcity of Vitamin D in the human body.
Calcium Regulation for Heart Palpitation Lack of Vitamin D in the human body can trigger heart palpitations due to its significant role in calcium regulation. Calcium is an element that boosts healthy heart and bones. It banks on vitamin D for complete absorption, and low on vitamin D level means an adverse impact on your calcium level. Lower calcium level, medically termed as Hypocalcemia, leads to a lack of sensation on the finger tips, severe muscular cramps, poor nutrition intake and irregular heartbeats and palpitations. You can get rich calcium content from foods like •Dairy products (Yoghurt/cheese) •Orange Juice •Smoked Salmon •Eggs •Potatoes (Boiled) •Raisins (dried grapes) •Broccoli
Magnesium Toxicity and Your Heart Cardiologists are of the opinion that when magnesium is consumed entirely from foods, it poses no real danger to your body. But if it enters the body in the form of supplementary, minerals can even become toxic resulting in irregular heart rhythms, breathing issues, hypotension, loss of muscular strength and weight loss. Vitamin D holds the responsibility of regulating magnesium in the body and reduced Vitamin D consumption can influence magnesium level negatively. Here are foods that can make your menu magnesium-rich: •Leafy green vegetables •Pumpkin seeds/Pine nuts/Almonds •Fish - Tuna/Halibut/Mackerel •Avocado •Banana •Dark Chocolates
Danger Alert "A palpitation is a feeling that your heart is skipping a beat, fluttering in your chest or beating extremely hard or fast." - National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
You may go through these experiences and happenings in your neck and chest. Palpitations may occur due to numerous reasons such as less physical activity, repercussions of certain medicines, alcoholic overdose, more caffeine and nicotine usage and most importantly vitamin deficiencies in body. However, some palpitations have close connections with arrhythmias and heart conditions. If you feel these occurrences more often, it’s time to consult cardiologists!