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Meet the Homeowner Leadership Committee
CAI-CV is made up of three primary membership groups
that include managers, business partners, and homeowner leaders (association board members and committee volunteers). With CAI’s new pricing structure that allows an entire board and other volunteers, up to 15 members, to join for $250 per year, the Chapter’s homeowner leader membership has grown rapidly. As a result, CAI-CV has formed a Homeowner Leader Committee to promote education and networking.
The Homeowner Leader Committee meets monthly to consider educational programs and other activities that would benefit the homeowner volunteers who sit on association boards or assist with association committee work. One recent idea was to start holding networking meetings, so homeowner leaders could gather to share experiences and best practices. The first meeting was held immediately after the lunch program on September 21st and they plan to meet again after the October 26th lunch program. In terms of education, the committee is working with CAI-CV’s Education Committee and together they have already scheduled 20 hours of education between now and the end of the year. The first free Board Basic Training class was held the evening of September 11th at the CAI office classroom. The education topic was Board
Fiduciary Duties and was taught by Gen Wangler, Esq., CCAL, an attorney with Fiore Racobs & Powers, and Steven Shuey, PCAM, a management consultant with Personalized Property Management. See page 52 for other educational programs.
Future plans include offering a section in Quorum Magazine that provides best practices for homeowner leaders, develop a web page with board tools, start a local blog or communication message board much like the one CAI National uses, only this one would be for our members exclusively. Additionally, the Committee wants to provide associations with tips and content for community newsletters. To assist the Committee, they are working with the Communications Committee to survey existing homeowner leader members for more ideas. They are also continuing their work to accumulate contact information for nonmember HOAs so they can invite them to educational programs.
The Homeowner Leader Committee membership is open to all CAI-CV members. If you are interested in serving on this important committee, please contact the CAI-CV office at (760) 341-0559 or fill out the volunteer form online at www.cai-cv.org.