11 minute read
Interviews with CAI-CV Past Presidents
Jerry Cavoretto
President in 1991 By Sharron Badham, PCAM & Gloria Kirkwood, PCAM

Jerry Cavoretto served as President of CAI-CV in 1991. He is semi-retired but continues to assist with running community associations at Associa Desert Resort Management. You may reach him at (760) 275-4285 or via email to jcavoretto@drminternet.com.
Question: What are a couple of your major memories about the industry and CAI-CV from the year you were president?
Answer: We had educational breakfast meetings, and I remember one meeting that was held at Denny’s. It started raining as we were going into the meeting room with about 20 members. About a half hour into the meeting the ceiling started leaking heavily and water poured down everywhere. Suffice it to say we adjourned the meeting in a hurry. Our meetings were typically at Denny’s or in savings and loan’s conference rooms. We didn’t have business partner sponsors, just a speaker each month, and the Chapter Board had between five and seven members. On another accasion, John Turnbull and I had gone to a Channel Islands Chapter meeting, and on the road home I got a phone call from my son letting me know that the project that I managed, Rancho Mirage Resorts, was no longer there and I could hear fire engines in the background. He said, “You might want to get here as soon as you can.” The center building of the project had blown up – it was leveled. There had been a gas explosion from an attempted suicide. Only one other injury from a flying roof tile. Cars were melted from the fire and about 100 units had major damage from windows blown out by the blast.
Question: What were some of the goals for the Chapter you might remember?
Answer: Increase membership and provide more education for all our members.
Question: What were some of the challenges you faced?
Answer: We had a difficult time gaining involvement from managers and associations. We also worked to educate the public and homeowners about what homeowners associations are and how they work.
Question: What do you think were your and/or the Chapter's greatest or most significant achievements?
Answer: We kept the Chapter moving forward, and we grew membership.
Question: What changes have you most noticed in the industry and CAI-CV, and what do you think about those changes?
Answer: I believe the focus and energy from the Chapter related to education for managers, homeowner leaders, and business partners is terrific.
Question: Has CAI-CV and the industry evolved to where you thought they would be today?
Answer: Yes, seeing more participation and seeing everyone work together is excellent.
Question: Have you stayed involved in the industry and CAI-CV?
Answer: Yes, for many years up until this last year, as I am now semi-retired.
Question: Do you have any comments or suggestions to the current Board and members, or to the industry?
Answer: The original purpose of the Chapter was to educate managers about how best to manage an association. Although CAI-CV does have more educational opportunities, managers cannot afford to be involved with the Chapter unless the management companies or the associations they work for pays the cost of education and membership. Reconsider the membership dues for a manager to encourage individual managers or managers from small companies to join on their own.
A Few More Thoughts: A bit of history - Johnny Dawson, developer of Marrakesh, hired me as their assistant controller. Marrakesh was built in phases and Johnny asked me to research how to run and deal with homeowner associations. He said to me, “Jerry - LEARN!” Dave Meinecke, owner of Irontree Management, and I contacted CAI National and submitted our application and started the CAI-CV Chapter, with the help of Wayne Guralnick, Esq., Paul Madsen and Bob Tuvell.
Sharron Badham, PCAM, and Gloria Kirkwood, PCAM, work for Associa Desert Resort Management. Sharron is the Association General Manager at The Hideaway Property Owners Association in La Quinta. Sharron serves on the 40th Anniversary and Wine Tasting Committee and has been a guest speaker for many CAI-CV classes over the years. She can be reached at (760) 393-5211 or by email to sbadham@drminternet.com.
Gloria Kirkwood, PCAM, is the Association General Manager at Palm Valley Homeowners Association in Palm Desert. Gloria was President of CAI-CV in 2010. She is the Chair of the 40th Anniversary and Wine Tasting Committee, and she serves on the Programs Committee. Gloria can be reached at (760) 772-2092 or by email to gkirkwood@drminternet.com.
Tom Albert
President in 2002 By Rob Winkle

Tom Albert is the Chief Financial Officer of Albert Management, Inc. Tom had ten years of experience in public accounting, auditing, financial statements and income tax returns prior to his entry in the homeowner's association management business in 1987 with Resort Community Management. As the Controller and later President of Resort Community Management, Tom was responsible for all accounting functions for over 65 homeowner associations. Tom is currently responsible for all financial aspects of Albert Management customers' business. He holds a Business degree from the University of Montana and is a former Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Tom can be reached at (760) 346-9000 or by email to tom.albert@albertmgt.com.
Question: What are a couple of your major memories about the industry and CAI-CV from the year you were president? Answer: We had a very experienced group of board members who were very competent. Terry O’Brien was the Executive Director. He had a ton of experience and made our job easy. Question: What were some of the goals for the Chapter you might remember? Answer: Increasing membership and revenue were our goals and making more funds available for continuing education for members.
Question: What do you think were your and/or the Chapter's greatest or most significant achievements?
Answer: We were able to increase our revenues and provide more continuing education scholarship funds by doing a second golf tournament during the year. It was a lot of work by a lot of members, but worth the effort.
Question: What changes have you most noticed in the industry and CAI-CV, and what do you think about those changes?
Answer: The local Chapter has greatly increased operational capabilities and provided greater support for the members.
Question: Has CAI-CV and the industry evolved to where you thought they would be today?
Answer: Both have zoomed right past where I thought they would be today.
Question: Have you stayed involved in the industry and CAI-CV?
Answer: Personally, I have not. However, many of the Albert Management team have stayed involved.
Question: Do you have any comments or suggestions to the current Board and members, or to the industry?
Answer: Continue to evolve with new ideas to address the rapidly changing industry environment.
Rob Winkle is the Chief Financial Officer of Roof Asset Management, Inc. Rob can be reached at (760) 813-9999 or by email to rob@ramroof.com.
Gerard Gonzales
President in 2016 By Rob Winkle

Gerard Gonzales is the Vice President of Corporate Operations for Albert Management, Inc. Formally a member of the U.S. Army Military Intelligence and 15-year technology industry executive, Gerard is responsible for all human resource functions, operation and maintenance of IT infrastructure, supervision of key technology vendor relationships, and corporate contracts. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Washington. He can be reached via email at gerard.gonzales@albertmgt. com or by phone to (760) 346-9000.
Question: What are a couple of your major memories about the industry and CAI-CV from the year you were president?
Answer: There are far too many memories to count. It was a prosperous time for the Chapter's.
Question: What were some of the goals for the Chapter you might remember?
Answer: Our primary goals were membership growth and new educational programs. We really focused on making CAI the authority on HOA living.
Question: What were some of the challenges you faced?
Answer: We wanted to be the best chapter in Southern California, which meant growth to the status of a large chapter, and national recognition with our programs. We set our goals high, and our volunteer members and leadership accepted the challenge. We became a “large” chapter and started getting recognized by CAI National.
Question: What do you think were your and/or Chapters greatest or most significant achievements?
Answer: Establishing stability for the Chapter was an outstanding accomplishment. As mentioned, we also increased membership and gained national recognition of our programs. We also started a professional dialog with Realtors and the real estate company owners to minimize their frustrations with our industry and help them understand the regulations that govern HOAs.
Question: What changes have you most noticed in the industry and CAI-CV, and what do you think about those changes?
Answer: It becomes more and more difficult to live and reside in an HOA, especially in California. The professionalism, education and training of HOA professionals is gaining visibility. I believe the Chapter recognizes this and has made it a priority. Elevating the entire industry is critical to the ongoing success of the homeowners association model.
Question: Has CAI-CV and the industry evolved to where you thought they would be today?
Answer: It certainly has come a long way from when I started as a volunteer. I am extremely proud of the Chapter’s status with HOAs, the real estate community, in the Valley, and with CAI National.
Question: Have you stayed involved in the industry and CAI-CV?
Answer: Yes, and I hope to become a more active CAI-CV volunteer in the very near future.
Question: Do you have any comments or suggestions to the current Board and members, or to the industry?
Answer: It’s a fascinating industry, there is nothing like it. The membership is the bread and butter of the Chapter… keep them close. Lean on and support your Chapter executive director and his team.
Rob Winkle is the Chief Financial Officer of Roof Asset Management, Inc. Rob can be reached at (760) 813-9999 or by email to rob@ramroof.com.
Art Coulter
President in 2011 By Art Coulter, Esq.

As I became president of the CAI – Coachella Valley Chapter, I was also on the Board of the Palm Valley Homeowners Association. With that position I was able to see the benefits of holding a membership and participation in CAI. Our Association General Manager was very instrumental in keeping the board apprised of the many benefits and education provided by the Chapter and encouraging me, personally, to become involved with the Chapter.
The Chapter was very active in providing professional education for managers as well as providing business partners a forum to associate with managers socially as well as professionally.
Two of our goals were to increase membership and increase financial support for managers enrolled in the PCAM education courses. and both goals were met.
Another change was the creation of a publications committee to assist the contributing editors in the composition of the articles submitted for publication in Quorum.
I believe for the first time, in many years, we involved assistance from a VP of the CAI National staff to facilitate our Strategic Planning Sessions, which was very well received. Executive Director, Wendy Van Messel, at the time, worked very hard with National in preparing for the Session and bringing new ideas and cooperation with CAI National – a great success.
The Programs Committee enlisted speakers from a variety of agencies, firms and managers for our educational luncheon programs, which were the perfect arena for continuing education and guest speakers. The May 2011 luncheon program was a presentation on “HANGING ONTO YOUR ASSETS”. An excellent education on protecting your assets from cyber theft, including wiping out your bank account for the entire membership.
We had continued challenges from our State legislators. Steven Shuey, a PCAM Manager, reporting on his legislative Day at the Capitol, noting there were over 2500 bills initiated in the California Legislature that year – way too much help – thank you…
During my presidency, the subject of water conservation was addressed; A landscape manager and an arborist addressed the subject matter at our March Educational Luncheon Program – Imagine if the AQUIFER went Dry! Well, we continue to be dealing with this issue today and may for many more years to come.
Overall, it was a pleasure holding the position of office for the Chapter, it was a good year and I thank all the volunteers that keep the Chapter humming and growing – without these dedicated volunteers the Chapter would not be what it is today!
Art Coulter, Esq. retired from the Palm Valley HOA board last year after serving 18 years. You can reach Art via email at artcoulter@verizon.net.
Gloria Kirkwood, PCAM, is the Association General Manager at Palm Valley Homeowners Association in Palm DesertGloria was President of CAI-CV in 2010. She is the Chair of the 40th Anniversary and Wine Tasting Committee, and she serves on the Programs Committee. Gloria can be reached at (760) 772-2092 or by email to gkirkwood@drminternet.com.