3 minute read
Professional Education for Business Partners
Community leaders who complete the CAI Board Leader Certificate will receive a certificate of completion and recognition on the CAI website. Contact the CAI-CV office at cai-cv.org or call (760) 341-0559 for more information about local classes. For the online course, go to caionline.org, Education for Homeowners.
More Educational Programs
CAI-CV holds nine Educational Program Luncheons and Mini Trade Shows each year. At these luncheons and breakfasts, CAI-CV covers topics of interest to CAI-CV members. If you are in a certification program, these luncheons count for one unit of Continuing Education Units. For more information, go to cai-cv.org and look under Educational Lunch Programs & Mini Trade Shows.
Read HOA Living Magazine
CAI-CV’s award winning magazine is published monthly and covers topics of interest to all CAI-CV members. Past copies of HOA Living are available at cai-cv.org. HOA Living Magazine is published digitally and is available as a coffee-table quality paper magazine.
CAI Business Partners are indispensable to the community associations they support with their guidance, products, and services. CAI education helps these businesses and professionals differentiate themselves in the competitive community association marketplace.
Educated Business Partner
The Business Partner Essentials is a two-part, online course to help CAI-member service providers better understand CAI, community associations and the industry at large. Individuals who pass the course and maintain CAI membership earn the CAI Educated Business Partner distinction, gaining special recognition among thousands of companies and professionals who support common-interest communities—accountants, attorneys, bankers, insurance professionals, landscapers, painters, reserve specialists, software providers, and many others. The course includes an online webinar with exam and is approximately three hours, with additional reading materials available. The cost of the course is $99. When you take the course, watch for CAI-CV members. The new international course was filmed at CAI-CV's live EBP course in January, 2018. CAI-CV will offer the course live again in 2023.
The following is a list of CAI Coachella Valley Business Partners who have attained the Educated Business Partner (EBP) distinction.
Julie R. Balbini, Esq., Fiore Racobs & Powers, A PLC Micha Ballesteros, Cartwright Termite & Pest Control, Inc. Roxi K. Bardwell, Advanced Reserve Solutions, Inc. Rodney Bissell, Bissell Design Studios, Inc. Kimberly Burnett, DSI Security Services Gary Butler, Asphalt MD's Linda Cardoza, Alliance Association Bank Will Cartwright, Cartwright Termite & Pest Control, Inc. Todd Chism, PatioShoppers Tiffany Christian, Epsten, APC Angel Christina, Delphi Law Group, LLP Lori Fahnestock, Powerful Pest Management Dea Franck, Esq., Epsten, APC Julie Frazier, Frazier Pest Control, Inc. Elaine Gower, The Naumann Law Firm, PC Michael Graves, SCT Reserve Consultants Amanda Gray, Harvest Landscape, Inc. Jennifer James, Esq., HOA Legal Services Erin Kelly, Pacific Western Bank Megan Kirkpatrick, Kirkpatrick Landscaping Services Jared Knight, Vista Paint Corporation Katy Krupp, Fenton Grant Mayfield Kaneda & Litt, LLP Matt Lawton, CIC, CIRMS, Prendiville Insurance Agency Larry Layton, Kirkpatrick Landscaping Services Alison LeBoeuf, Sherwin-Williams Mike Mastropietro, OCBS, Inc. Chris Meyer, Asphalt MD's Greg Morrow, Eagle Roofing Products Fran Mullahy, Conserve LandCare Matt Ober, Esq., Richardson Ober DeNichilo LLP Chet Oshiro, EmpireWorks Mallory Paproth, SCT Reserve Consultants Jay Powell, Ben's Asphalt Dana Pride, Automation Pride Mike Rey, Rey Insurance Services Kelly Richardson, Esq., Richardson Ober DeNichilo LLP Brent Sherman, Animal Pest Management Services, Inc. Liz Williams, AMS Paving Taylor Winkle, Roof Asset Management Bevan Worsham, AMS Paving Jolen Zeroski, CIT
Become an Educated Business Partner
CAI-CV’s Business Partner Committee will host the Educated Business Partner Course on Friday, February 10, 2023, at the CAI-CV office and via Zoom. Call the CAI-CV office or go to www.cai-cv.org for more information.