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President’s Message
Clint Atherton, CMCA, AMS, PCAM, LSM General Manager Sun City Palm Desert Community Association
Congratulations on surviving another hot Coachella Valley summer. September is a month for adjusting schedules and preparing for the return of Coachella Valley part time residents. As you plan your fall and winter calendars, I hope you will join us for some fantastic networking events! The board is extending its August SALE through the first week of September. You may purchase registrations for all three networking events for $90 and save up to $30.
On Friday, October 28th, we will host our annual Oktoberfest at Sunshine Landscape. This year’s theme is Axes & Ales, and yes, there will be axe throwing, along with great beer, incredible food, fun Oktoberfest games, and first-rate networking.
On Friday, November 11th (Veteran’s Day), the Chapter will host its annual Corks for CLAC Wine Tasting & Auction, at Shields Date Garden, as a tribute to courage, honor, and patriotism. Prior to the event, the Education Committee will host a combined Ask the Attorney MOTR (Manager on the Run) and BMW (Board Member Workshop) in the Shields Theater.
On Friday, December 9th, the Golf Committee is planning the Reindeer Games at Boomers. We are taking over the entire Boomer’s Park. Attendees will have full access to three miniature golf courses, motorized go-karts, bumper boats, rock climbing, and the arcade. Sing up for all three and save! CLICK HERE On October 25th, the Chapter will hold its annual election for five open board of director seats. Please see the election information and candidates starting on page 36. Our thanks to the Education Committee for two excellent programs in August. A special thanks to guest speaker Erin A. Maloney, Esq., CCAL (Fiore Racobs & Powers, APC) who taught the Manager on the Run (MOTR) class on “New Developments in Debt Collection” on August 5th. I also want to thank David E. Bruce, Esq. (California Department of Real Estate) and Channel Jordan, CCAM, (K. Hovnanian's Four Seasons at Terra Lago) for an outstanding and informative Board Member Workshop regarding developer transition issues on August 9th. Thanks to the Programs Committee for an excellent Educational Lunch Program & Mini Trade Show on August 19th. This program was a great success due to our esteemed guest speakers, Lori Albert, CAMEx, CCAM (Albert Management Inc.) and Karen Sloat Esq. (Law Office of Karen J. Sloat, APC). Thank you both for this timely program. On Friday, September 2nd, we will have a MOTR for managers and assistant managers called “Go Ahead, Unleash Your Awesome” with guest speaker Cang N. Le, Esq. (Tinelly Law Group) who will talk about professional appearance and other tips on presenting yourself professionally. On Tuesday, September 6th guest speaker Mike Rey (Rey Insurance Services) will provide HOA board members with an annual insurance review. Our next Educational Lunch Program and Mini Trade Show will be on Friday, September 16th at Sun City Palm Desert and is titled “Signs, Flags, Decor and More!” Guest speakers include Christina Baine DeJardin, Esq. (Delphi Law Group, LLP), Bruce Latta, CMCA (Indio Properties), and Jeri Mupo, PCAM, (Indian Ridge HOA). You may sign up for the Chapter’s programs and events at www.cai-cv.org or click on the links on page 44. You may also find event information with links to registration and sponsorships in the Monday Update each week.
Clint Atherton, CMCA, AMS, PCAM, is the General Manager of Sun City Palm Desert Community Association. Clint can be reached at 760-200-2224 or by email to clint.atherton@scpdca.com.