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Our Journey to the Top in 2021 continues with this issue of Connect, as we hope to provide our chapter’s leaders with more tips and tricks for effective community management. Through this issue, you will read from esteemed professionals about everything from effective facility planning and broadscale management, to day-today operations, managing conflict and fielding solar energy system installation requests. As always, our volunteer contributors and their unique perspectives, combined with the insights of CAI-GRIE’s community leaders, continue to lead our chapter through the path of sustained success.
The outpouring of volunteerism and participation in our collective push towards normalcy truly demonstrates the resilience of our chapter. It goes without saying that I am honored to continue to serve as your Editor of Connect magazine this year. What is more, I look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming chapter events this August, September and beyond, which you will see described in this issue.
A.J. Jahanian, Esq. is an associate attorney with Beaumont Tashjian who devotes his career to serving common interest developments. He can be reached at ajahanian@HOAattorneys.com