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Renovation projects in homeowners associations don’t just happen, they are accomplished when a team of individuals recognizes a need and makes the project a priority. Over the past 40 years working as a construction manager and consultant in the HOA industry I’ve witnessed a spectrum of outcomes, ranging from highly successful endeavors to unfortunate failures. Undoubtedly, the success or failure of any project hinges largely on the strength and commitment of the team involved. Let’s take a closer look at the essential attributes that contribute to a successful team.
Firstly, is the team committed to the needed repairs? When I say “committed” I am not just talking about the fact that they understand that something needs to be done. True commitment extends beyond mere acknowledgment of the need for action; it entails a dedication to executing the project correctly, with a focus on preserving property longevity and enhancing values. Is the team committed to this kind of focus? Will they persevere in the face of vocal opposition to the project, or will they falter? The most successful projects we have been involved with have always had one thing in common: a strong and committed team of board members.
Secondly, is your team receptive to learning about the intricacies of successful project management? Everyone has ideas about how a project should be accomplished, however, few board members possess comprehensive experience in construction project development and execution. Board members who are open to guidance from experienced experts tend to fare much better in steering projects to a successful conclusion. However, it is also crucial that the “expert” remains open to input from the board, fostering a collaborative atmosphere conducive to site-specific knowledge, history, and ultimately an understanding of what success looks like for the board and the community.
Thirdly, is your team willing to take an active role in contributing to the project’s success? Successful projects have board members who are willing to attend meetings with their experts, have an open mind, work to educate themselves on the pertinent issues, and then collaborate with fellow board members to arrive at a common-sense solution. The assimilation of that information, along with the collaboration of common thoughts, coupled with expert input, guidance and direction, generally lead to successful strategies and successful projects. When the board members are committed and convinced that the project is headed in the right direction, they will be much more likely and capable of helping the entire membership understand the needs and benefits of the project. Completing a project successfully includes having a membership within the association that is pleased and recognizes the value that the project has brought, or will bring, to the property.
Conversely, dissent or a lack of commitment among directors can spell doom for a project. A project can also fail when the board of directors knows a project needs to be accomplished and starts the process, but somewhere along the line they give up or give in. This can leave the completion of the project to new board members who may not have been involved or educated on the original issues. Many times, these half-finished projects are taken over by the same vocal opponents to the original board, and the new directors may attempt to sabotage the project. If it’s not too far along, the project may be canceled altogether. If the project is already underway, the new board may decide to reduce the project scope based solely on cost. This typically leads to a shortsighted “band-aid” approach that does not have the same life cycle or value that was originally intended.
In this edition of Connect Magazine, we are discussing the acronym TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More. However, I would propose that it also encapsulates Time, Energy, Attention, and Money. Establishing a dedicated team can help everyone achieve more, but also, can optimize the utilization of critical resources - all of which are important for the eventual success of any project.
Time – Invest time wisely to achieve a quality outcome. Make that time count by seeking valuable knowledge from experienced experts in the industry.
Energy – The board and individual members only have a certain amount of energy to put into such a project. Use the collective synergy of your team to accomplish all the necessary tasks required to move the project forward.
Attention – Assign team members to specific tasks and maintain prompt decision-making processes, which are vital to prevent project stagnation.
Money – While finances are always a major consideration, a well-informed team can weigh their options and can generally make good decisions that will benefit the financial health of the association well into the future.
When a team is committed and focused, Together Everyone will Achieve More and the project will more than likely be a great success.