Once Upon a Tower

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Once Upon a Tower Dreaming from her tower, far The princess cried and moaned Staring at a shooting star Wishing to see more than her home

Thinking her life was being wasted away Her thoughts like this everyday Her dreams kept screaming louder My life will forever be: once upon a tower

Crying that her life was never hers The princess was filled with grief Being forced to bear an heir She never knew relief

Knowing she could never chose her love Especially if they weren't from above Her heart began to bleed and shower My life will forever be: once upon a tower

Though she know breath she breathed The princess thought she could never live

The way she existed she could not conceive Or if existed she ever did

Questioning her own reality or if she could feel Knowing forever her emotions would every time spill Not knowing if she could go any farther For her life would forever be: once upon a tower

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