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A football genius

A football genius

AS usual, I disagree with Transport Minister Mark Bailey, (Cairns Local News, 27/01).

School zone speed cameras won’t “protect students” from incompetent or impaired drivers.

They’ll sail through, scattering kids in all directions, regardless of the presence of a camera.

The cameras will, however, create lots of lovely fine revenue.

Nor do I agree with Education Minister Grace Grace.

Want to be heard? Send a text to the Editor 0438 195 408 or email letters@cairnslocalnews.com.au

The majority of fatal incidents occur within the speed limits. They even happen in suburban driveways at walking speed.

It is disingenuous and misleading to blame everything on speed when a lack of driver training is the real problem.

Of course, fines are easy and profitable while driver retraining would lose them the votes of everyone who barely scraped through their license test.

Peter, Tolga

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