2 minute read
Look into ways to better yourself through improving your dietary habits and daily routines. Look into intellectual and physical games that will test your abilities. Don’t give your heart too readily. Try to get away with your mate.
You will be able to get good advice if you listen to close friends or relatives you respect. Snap out of it. You can make money but not through harebrained schemes or gambling. If you keep busy you won’t feel the personal pressures you are going through.
Make plans to meet again soon. Invite friends over. Your sensitive nature will allow others to read you well. Make sure all of your travel and driver’s documents are in proper order.
Make plans to meet again soon. Invite friends over. Your sensitive nature will allow others to read you well. Make sure all of your travel and driver’s documents are in proper order.
8. a person’s social environment (6)
9. showing or expressing thanks (8)
10. to skim the surface of water on skis (5,3)
11. goods cast overboard deliberately (6)
12. to give an animal or a thin person a lot of food (6)
13. of or relating to the position of two celestial bodies when they are 60° apart (8)
23. make or become less dense or solid (6)
25. cloth or other material produced by weaving or knitting fibres (6)
26. a women’s all-in-one garment (8)
27. the art of speaking or writing effectively (8)
28. type of small mammal with sharp front teeth (6)
1. highest mountain range in the world (8)
2. divide into two parts (6)
3. relating to or flying at a speed or speeds less than that of sound (8)
4. in opposition to (7)
5. Irish slang meaning to batter or ruin (6)
6. elementary subatomic particle with no electric charge (8)
7. to change in form or nature (6)
15. a person who loves expensive things and pleasure (8)
17. litigation for the purpose of harassment or profit (8)
18. to become or act as a friend to (8)
19. a home providing care for the sick or terminally ill (7)
Things are looking up. Plan your social events carefully. You may be in an extremely passionate mood this week. You can become obsessed with detail and must be sure to divide your time appropriately.
You need to spend some time reflecting on past experiences and involvements. You must be careful not to trust just anyone. You’re not your usual self this week. You will easily capture the interest of those you talk to.
14. go through a place stealing things and causing damage (7)
16. consumes all of one’s attention or time (7)
20. a broad-brimmed felt or straw hat, typically worn in Mexico (8)
21. one of several European plants used as spinach (6)
22. a person, vehicle, or group accompanying another for protection (6)
24. have one’s permanent home in a particular place (6)