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Gazza’s Gossip Fortnightly foodies and smart cookies


IF last week’s Goss’ got your mouth watering with the upcoming Mossman Bollywood Nights event and subsequent talk about Indian food, then rest assured that for this week there are even more appetising delights to get you in the mood for a feast.

There is nothing better than a chat with friends and other like-minded people while enjoying a tasty bite to eat. It doesn’t have to be a five-star restaurant and indeed, in this example, the edible items are often lovingly prepared and cooked by those involved. In addition to all of the culinary delights on offer, there is also the opportunity to exercise the mind with a quiz for all of the bright sparks … potentially a little risky if cooking with gas.

This recipe for fun is the idea of Douglas Community Development worker Belinda Fischer, who has been offering the Douglas Shire community this fortnightly cooking, eating and conversation group activity which they have dubbed ‘Fortnightly Foodies’.

If this does sound like your idea of paradise in paradise, you’ll be pleased to know that Fortnightly Foodies is happening at the Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre and, as the name suggests, it is every other week.

Belinda, herself, is an avid cook who enjoys researching new and interesting recipes to test out prior to the big day. She then likes to share this experience with participants who come along on alternate Wednesdays from 11am to 12.30pm.

Participants get to watch the process and learn the recipe of the day. Should they wish, the hungry onlookers may well be enlisted to help with the food preparation.

With all sorts of delightful aromas teasing the taste buds, eager eaters are distracted, while things are cooking, with some fun trivia to keep everyone laughing and entertained.

With the grey matter tested and the food cooked and ready, the best bit is that the de- licious serving can then be enjoyed by all.

There are always so many positives to be gained from local activities such as this and Belinda says that she has watched friendships grow over the time that she has been running the sessions. She’s also noticed that participants are always keen to know what is on the menu for the coming session.

An average session attracts six to 10 participants. At the moment, the current members welcome any newcomers to join them.

If they wish, people can give an optional donation towards ingredients.

If you would like more information, you can call the Neighbourhood Centre on 4099 5518 or check out their Facebook page for details.

I’m off to test out the lemon meringue pie, so for now it’s Gazza signing out.

Send your stories to gazza@cairnslocalnews.com.au

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