3 minute read
Be prepared to take care of the issues at hand. Be prepared to overcome frustrations and obstacles at work. Your ability to see other people’s points of view will allow you to come to reasonable agreements. Think twice before you agree to take on any new projects.
Romantic opportunities will be plentiful if you go out with friends.
Don’t let children hold you back from doing things you enjoy. You can make money if you pursue your own business. Secret affairs will come back to haunt you.
Don’t get intimately involved with a coworker. A romantic dinner, followed by a quiet evening with the one who is enticing you, should be most satisfying. Your charm will attract members of the opposite sex. Minor health problems may lower your vitality.
Relatives may be less than easy to deal with. You may jump from the frying pan into the fire if you make a move this week. You can get your point across and make valuable connections. Look out for yourself this week.
Sudden changes regarding friendships are likely to occur if you have tried to change others. Lovers will be demanding. You are best to sign your partner up for activities that will be tiring. Friends from your past may come back into your life. You have your own family to consider as well.
Be cautious of making any residential changes this week. Dig deep to find out how costly a new venture will be before you sign on the dotted line. This will not be the best day for communication or travel. You will feel so much better about yourself if you can control your addictions.
Avoid boredom by being creative in your endeavours. You can set your goals and make a beeline for your target. You’re in a high cycle for romance. Get them to pitch in, if you need help.
If you’re looking to do something worthwhile, consider volunteer work. Talk to those in a position of power about your intentions. You should put your efforts into creative projects. Sudden changes could result in estrangements.
7. the act of damaging something deliberately so that it does not work (8)
9. widely recognized and well-established (6)
10. how large or small something or someone is (4)
11. having the expectation of immediate and complete obedience (10)
12. a type of highly seasoned sausage, originally from Italy (6)
You will have to help family members sort out unfortunate difficulties. The home environment will be unpredictable this week. You can expect opposition at work. Don’t let your competition in on incriminating information. Take care of your own responsibilities before you help others.
You’d be wise to control your spending, so your debts don’t get out of hand. Look into career choices and courses being offered. You need to enjoy the company of those who enjoy the same pastimes. People trying to entice you to join in will be less than trustworthy.
14. a device for turning a spit on which meat is roasted (8)
15. the capital city of Austria (6)
16. a geometric knitting pattern of varicolored diamonds (6)
19. to talk rapidly and somewhat incoherently (8)
21. sudden and unexpected (6)
23. a club at an American college or university (10)
24. walk or run with a long bounding stride (4)
25. lightweight cotton cloth in a plain weave (6)
26. a person sent as a diplomatic representative on a special mission (8)
1. a Mexican dish of meat and vegetables cut into strips, cooked, and wrapped inside a tortilla (6)
2. by no amount; not at all (4)
3. an organized course of action to achieve a goal (8)
4. a device for varying the brightness of an electric light (6)
5. a person supposed to be able to foresee the future (10)
6. a headache that can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation (8)
8. an error in printing or writing (6)
13. to a satisfactory or acceptable extent (10)
15. having the characteristics of vapor (8)
17. blended in advance of being sold (5-3)
18. a stoat, especially when in its white winter coat (6)
20. causing one to need rest or sleep; fatiguing (6)
22. art movement of the late 1950s and ‘60s based on commercial and popular culture (3,3)
24. a smaller amount of; not as much (4)